HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 07 13 Public Hearings 501 Ordinance 2009-11 Golf Carts on City RoadwaysCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 501
July 13.2009
REQUEST: The City Attorney, in cooperation with the Police Department, requests that
the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to Consider Ordinance Number 2009-11,
amending Chapter 12 of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, as it relates to
Operation of Golf Carts on Certain City Roadways.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the City Commission hold a
Public Hearing on an ordinance to amend the City's Motor Vehicles and Traffic
regulations, to make these regulations more conducive to residents and the city and
providing services to the community.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Police Department presented Regular Agenda Item 603 at
the May 26, 2009 Commission meeting regarding the use of golf carts on city streets and
roadways. The commission selected option 2 that directed the Police Department to draft
an ordinance that would allow the use of golf carts on certain city streets and roadways
with specific safety equipment, and defined usage regulations.
The Police Department also provided information to the City Commission regarding the
current use of golf carts on public roadways from a recent inquiry from Mrs. Sue Sumser
regarding her 14 year old son using a golf cart on city roadways. The growing trend of
golf cart communities in the United States over the past couple of years has increased
significantly in both golf course and none golf course communities. With the continued
rise in the price of gasoline, insurance, and environmental efforts golf carts have become
green and a convenient alternative mode of transportation for local community travel.
Most recently, the City held a community visioning workshop and the participants were
asked to imagine where Winter Springs would be in 2020 and in the transportation
element they envisioned a golf cart community.
Some communities are being designed for golf carts to be used for shopping, movies, and
general local use. The Villages are a recent example of this type of community. Cities like
North Port, Shalimar, Palmetto Bay, Sarasota County, and St. Johns County are enacting
ordinances for golf cart use in pre-existing areas as well as new design standards for
subdivisions. The Sumter County Sheriff's Office reported they have had only 14 traffic
accidents involving golf carts over the last 3 years and no injuries have been reported.
The other cities have not had any accidents on the roadways, but have had golf cart
accidents on golf course property which were alcohol related involving other golf carts or
Throughout the city we have 3 main areas and some other areas where golf carts are being
used daily and can be seen on the roadways of the city or at local businesses and City
Parks. They are the Tuscawilla PUD, Highlands, and the Ranchlands. Over the last 20
years the police department has not experienced a traffic accident involving a golf cart
and a vehicle. However in light of Mrs. Sumser's question and the application of the
statute, this practice must now follow the state statute 316.212 for golf cart use in the city.
On January 19, 2005 the City of Atlantis Florida which had allowed the usage of golf
carts for several years had started to experience several issues with children ages 14 and
younger driving golf carts on city roadways. They sought the support from cities
throughout Florida for a legislative change to Florida State Statutes 316.212 to allow
cities to enact ordinances that would be more restrictive than the state requirement.
The City of Winter Springs as well as several other cities signed a proclamation in
support of the City of Atlantis efforts. They found that other cities that had ordinances
were experiencing the same issues with the young and unlicensed operators using golf
carts. In the following legislature session F.S.S. 316.212 was changed to add that
municipalities by ordinance may be more restrictive than the state law for the operational
use and safety equipment as enacted by the local government on public roadways. The
state did however leave the minimum age of 14 in the statute for those who may operate a
golf cart.
In reviewing various ordinances we found that almost all the cities ordinances have all
operators must have a valid driver license. Equally they have increased the safety
equipment required, such as a horn, turn signals, and brake lights. Many communities
also have a permitting procedure that the police department performs a safety check once
a year to each golf cart for approved equipment, serviceable tires, and steering wheels and
then issue a sticker for use. They charge fees ranging from $5.00 to $25.00 a year for this
service. The application also includes prohibited uses, authorized uses, penalties for
violations, and verification of driver license. We found no communities that enacted an
ordinance used just the minimum state statute requirements for golf cart operations on
city roadways.
RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the City Commission hold a
Public Hearing and approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 2009-11.
IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Immediately upon approval by Commission.
ATTACHMENTS: (A) -Draft Ordinance 2009-11, (B) -Golf Cart Registration Form,
ORDL'~A_\CE :0.2009-11
«'HEREAS, the City is granted the authority, tuader 5 2(b), Art. ~r'III of the State
Constitution, to exercise any po«-er for natuaicipal ptuposes, except ~rhen expressly prohibited by
la~t~: and
«T~REAS, the City Coaauuission of the City of VG'inter Springs, Florida. recoenizes that
the use of golf carts in certain areas can be a safe, economical form of ttatasportatiota aclaich can
rediue traffic congestion and gasoluae constuiiptioaa: and
~«iEREAS, section 316.2 L, Florida Statutes, authorizes local go~•enaments to allotti• golf
carts to operate on local road«°ays if the local go~•ertatuent has deteamuaed that such operation is safe
and has posted signs: and
«T-IEREAS, the City of ~'Vinter Springs Police Deparhaient has conducted a study to
detenuiaae ~ti-hether golf carts may safely trammel on local toad~l•ays, and has identified the local
road~i-ays upon tirhich golf casts can be operated safely. taking into consideration the speed, soluxne
and character of motor selaicle ttaffic on said roach~-ays; and
~3~iEREAS, the City Coannaissioaa of the City of [Viuter Springs, Florida fnnds that the
operation of golf casts on local roads shotald be 1united to persons possessing a ~-alid dri~•et•'s license:
«'HEREAS, the City Commission of the City of «'iuter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
otduaance to be iu dte best interests of the public health. safety. and i~•elfat•e of the citizens of V~'inter
City of A'inter Springs
Ordinance No. ?OOJ-11
Page 1 of 6
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fiilly incorprnated herein by
reference as legislative finduigs of the City Conuiussiou of Winter Sptuigs.
Section 2. Code Amendment, The City of ~Yinter Springs Code, Chapter 12, Motor
Vehicles and Traffic, is hereby amended as folla~vs tuiderluied type indicates additions and strikroest
type indicates deletions, while asterisks (~` * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing
in Chapter 1?. It is intended that the text u~ Chapter 1? denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this
Ordinance shall remaui tu~clianged from the language existing prior w adoption of this ordinance}:
7L 7f •A~
71' •k X
Sec. 12-71. Definitions.
For peuposes of this division. the follotiving words and Pleases shall hate the following
ascribed ineanin€:
GolFc~rf7 means a motor vehicle that is designed and marnifacitu•ed for oPet~ation on
a golf couz^se for sporting or recreational proposes.
b~2 Desigt~aterl t•oarl~i>m~s means. those roads identified by the C'it~r as being safe for
operation of golf carts in accordance with all regtriremerrts for operation set forth in this
~ Lh•ii~er•'s license means a valid license issued to ogerate a motorvehicle issued by the
State of Florida or auv other state.
7flspectiorr shall mean a safety evahration of each registered golf cart by the V~Tinter
Spr•irrgs Police Department confu-ruirig that the golf cart meets the minirnrrm requirements
Cin* of Winter Springs
Ordurarrce No. ?009-11
Pace 7 of 6
Of thlS d1v1510I7,
Sec. 12-72. Lase of golf carts on designated. i~oadaa~•s,
Golf carts meering all requirements of this division 112a~be operated as follo~~-s:
Golf caps maay be operated on al~y,gniiilic 1•oadtvay ~-ithin the city limits of the Cit}t
of Vb'inter Springs where the posted speed limit is 30 miles per houl• or less. The City shall
provide sig~a~e on designated roadways ~~-here golf cal•ts ula~perated.
Golf caps shall not be operated on private prapel•ty, Lu>Iess authorized by the property
owner. or on sidetvalls. bicycle paths. stivales, or trails. Golf carts shall not be operated on
any 1•oad«~av ~s-hele the designated weed limit is greater than 30 miles tier hottl•. or on any
state or county raadw•ay. except to cross at designated intel^sections for the purpose of
inunediatelYreachulg the next designated roadway.
Ser. 12-73. Resh~ctions.
Golf carts operating on designated roadlvavs shall be subiect to the follo~viug restrictiolrs:
~ Horu s of ova°ntron. Golf carts maybe operated on designated roachvavs only dulirig
the ho~us bet«-een s~unise and stulset. The City Comtrussion nnay. by 1•esoltttion, ten~v
authorize the operation of golf carts on designated road~vavs behveen sunset and stuirise as
long as the golf carts operating dluin~ this time ale egiupped «-ith headlights, brake lights,
T<un sig_llals. and a ti-uidslueld.
LiCBY~SBIi' fff7l"e1'. Golf Cart4 o~eratmg on designated roadtva~ must be operated by
a uerson t~,•ho is at least 16 veal•s of age, and who possesses a valid dlivel•'s license. Persons
~vho possess a valid learner's pelYlut may operate a~aolf cart on designated road~vavs tivheli
aceornt~alued by a licensed driver of at least 18 nears of aee.
~ _Llax-inrrlrrr s~eer~. Golf carts opelEatu~g on designated roadtvavs shall not exceed ZO
miles per hour.
Ca»aplia~ICe ~~~tJr n•a~c lcrn+•s. Golf caps shall be operated in accordance with all
~~licable local and state tl•affic re, Rations. Golf caps shall stay to the far light of any
desi`nated road~a>av. and shall yield the rift of way to overtaking drivels. Golf carts shall
not obstruct or impede normal traffic flow.
~ Decu,~a»rs. Tlie nruilbel• Of occrpants ul a golf calf operated on designated road~t-avs
shall be limited to the IIIllllbel• Of seats Oll the golf calf. No occupants of a golf cart shall
Citt• of ~G'inter Springs
Ordinance ~Io- ?409-11
Page 3 of b
stand at any tone while the golf cart is in motion.
~ ~lcolrol. All state regulations~overnu7~ the use and possession of alcoholic
beverages «-hile opcrating a motor veluele shall apply to die operation of golf carts on
designated road~vavs.
Sec. 12-74. Required equipment.
All golf carts operated on designated roadtti-avs shall maintain the follo~vuis epuiprrrent in
ood ~~ orking order
~ Efficient brakes:
lei Reliable steering apparatus:
~ Safe tires:
Rean-ie~~• rnurors:
~ Red reflectorized u-arnin~ devices, both in the front and the rear:
~ Headli+hts:
Brake lights:
Sec. 12-75. Inspection and registration of golf carts required.
All golf carts operating on designated roacheavs in the City of Winter Springs shall Ue
registered and inspected as follo~~•s:
~ Golf carts shall be registered by the o~~ner of the golf cart on a form prescribed by
the police chief or the police chief's designee. The o«;-ner shall pavan annual registration
fee of 510.00, and shall be issued a registration decal ~vluch shall be affixed to the golf cart.
Decals shall be issued annually, and are valid from July 1 ~ of each year.
~ Prior to issuance of a registration decal. golf cart o~vner^s shall be required to provide
proof of oc~•nership and liability insw•ance, a valid driver's license and sign an affidavit of
Citti° of SVinter S}mngs
Ordinance No. '_Q09-i i
Page 4 of 6
~ At the time of 1•egistlation. the Police Department shall inspect the golf cart to eltstue
the Iquired equivment is installed and cvorkut~nroverly. In the event the golf calf fails
urspectiolr. each additional inspection shall be $5.00.
Lost ar stolen registration decals are the respoltsibili of the golf cart otit~ier. A
police tepor'[ shall be filed in the event of a lost or stolen decal. The police chief or the police
chief s desieltee shall have the discretion to deteruune whether a rcplacelnent decal nta~
issued. If ua existing registration infonnatiou is available. the police chief nla~direct the
golf cart oc~-ner to reapply and to I•epav aIt rLquued fees prior to a replacement decal beine
Sec. 12-76. Insnrance repuired.
All golf cart ott-nel•s are required to purchase and rtraintain liabilitX iltstuartce irlstu•ing against
personal uljtuv and propa•tu damage. Mininnun required instu~nce shall be the same as for motor
vehicles registered in the State of Florida far personal use and as desigltated by Florida Statutes.
Proof of insurance must be preserved at time of Golf cart 1•esistration. and mast be possessed at all
tinier by the eolf cart operator ca-hile oneratina the eolf cart on desienated roadtivavs.
See.12-77. Enforcement.
A ~•iolation of this divisirni shall constitute anon-crinunal iltfraction enforceable eithel• as
a code violation to be prosecuted by the Code Enforcement Board. or shall be classified as a Class
I Civil Citation Violation. L-niform Traffic Citations shall only be used for violations that are also
violations of the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Lath-.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Comnussiorl, or parts of prior ordinances
and resolutirnas in conflict 1tele~vitFt, ale heI•eby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Chdinaltce shall be incorporated alto the
~t7intel• Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, ntunber• or letter, and any headuig maybe
changed or modified as necessary to effeenrate the foregoing. Cn•amlttatical, typogl•aphical, and like
errors maybe eolz~eeted and additions. alterations, and omissions. not affectuig the construction or
meaning of this Chdiltartee and the City Code maybe fieely made.
Section 5. Sever•abilitr. If any section, subsection. sentence. clause. please. n•ord or
provision of this oldiltaltce is for ally reason held urvalld or tlricOrlStlttlhOIral by ally COtrl'L Of
competent jtuisdictiou. tvhethel• for substalvive. procedtual, or any other reasolt, such portion shall
be deemed a separate. distinct and independent provision. and stuh ltoldins shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Cit}- of a'iizter Springs
C?rdilrazrce No. ?00~-11
Page ~ of 6
Section 6. Effective Date. Tfus Ordinauee shall become effeeti~•e uiunediately upon
adoption by the City Coxxiziussion of the City of Winter Sprigs. Florida, and pursuant to the City
ADOPTED by the City Gonuxxission of the City of ~'4'inter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assexubled on the day of . 20Q9.
A\7HO~Y A. GARGA\ESE. CitS~ Attorne~•
First Reading;_
Second Reading:
Effecti~~e Date:
City of Winter Springs
Cxdutance ~To. ?409-i 1
Page G of 6
Applicant's Name:
City, State Zip
Driver's License No.
Additional Drivers
Driver's License No.
Golf Cart Permit no.:
City of Winter Springs
Insurance information provided yes (attached) no (deny application)
Permittee acknowledges the following in order to receive this permit:
All persons who operate or ride in golf carts, on city roads do so at their risk and peril,
and must be observant of, and attentive to the safety of themselves and others, including
their passengers, other motorist, bicyclist and pedestrians. The City of Winter Springs has
no liability under theory of law for permitting golf carts to be operated on city roads. Any
person, who operates a golf cart, is responsible for procuring liability insurance as
required under Chapter 12 of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances which
requirement is a condition to using a golf cart.
Section 1: Definitions
a. Designated Streets. All streets and roads within the City of Winter Springs where
the posted speed is 30 miles per hour or less. Golf carts may only cross over
streets and roads where the posted speed limit is above 30 MPH.
b. Golf Cart. A motor vehicle designed and manufactured for operation on a golf
course for sporting or recreational purpose as defined in section 316.003(68),
Florida Statutes; which is a self propelled vehicle with a minimum of four (4)
wheels capable of a maximum level ground speed of less than 20 miles per hour,
maximum rated pay load capacity of 1200 pounds, maximum gross vehicle weight
of 2,500 pounds, capable of transporting not more than four (4) persons and which
complies with the safety operations standards established in Chapter 12.
Driver License. A valid license issued to operate a motor vehicle issued by the
State of Florida or any other State.
d. Operator. Only persons over 16 years of age and holding a driver's license may
operate a golf cart.
e. Financial Responsibility. Liability insurance coverage on a golf cart in the
amount not less than that required by Florida law for vehicles operated on public
roads in the State of Florida.
f. Inspection. An inspection by the Chief of Police, or his designee, will cover the
safety inspection and requirements and every golf cart operating on the roads and
streets in the City of Winter Springs.
Section 2: Authorized Use
a. Licensed drivers may operate golf carts which have been registered, and been
issued a permit by the City on all streets and roads whose speed limit is 30 mph or
less between sunrise and sunset.
b. A permit to use a golf cart on public streets and roads does not permit entry onto
private property or semi-private property, including retail parking lots, private
roads or common areas owned by Home Owners Associations. Access to these
areas may be regulated by the property owners and/or property managers.
c. The storage of golf carts shall not occur within the front building line on any
property facing a street or road.
Section 3: Prohibited Use
The operation of any golf cart in the City of Winter Springs in the following manner
or under the following conditions is prohibited:
a. Without a valid, current driver's license.
b. Between the hours of sunset and sunrise. (Unless the commission by resolution
finds a public need) then all golf carts during this time will have head lights, brake
lights, turn signals, rear view mirror, and windshield.
c. Without a valid, current permit issued by the police department and affixed to the
golf cart on the rear fender in a conspicuous location.
d. In violation of State Uniform Traffic controls and insurance regulations.
e. Anywhere the posted speed limit is greater than 30 miles per hour, except to cross
a thoroughfare at marked intersections solely for the purpose reaching the
immediately next designated road.
f. On sidewalks, bicycle path, trail system, swales or parks of the City of Winter
g. Parking in violation of city ordinances or posted regulations.
h. Obstructing or interfering with normal traffic flow.
i. Carrying more occupants in a golf cart than the number of persons for whom
factory seating is installed and provided on the golf cart.
j. Standing and extending body parts outside the perimeter of the golf cart while the
golf cart is being operated.
Section 4: Registration
a. All golf carts operated on City all streets and roads must first be registered
through the police department and a registration sticker must be placed on the rear
fender of the golf cart.
b. Registration of golf carts must be made by the owner.
c. The owner of the golf carts shall be charged a permit application/registration fee
of $10.00 and/or a re-inspection fee of $5.00 if required.
d. Driving a golf cart without a current City registration will result in a noncriminal
class 1 civil citation of $50.00.
e. A list of all golf carts registrations will be maintained by the Police Department.
f. Funds from registration fees will support costs of Police administration of golf
carts and registration stickers.
g. At registration, and annually thereafter, the applicant, shall file a notarized,
verified affidavit stating, that the golf cart being registered complies will all the
conditions contained in this ordinance, including all safety requirements required
under 12-55(f). Failure to execute and provide the notarized, verified affidavit
shall result in the city's rejection of the permit request.
h. The Police Department shall issue a permit to a golf cart, which compiles will all
requirements identified herein. The permit shall be displayed on the rear fender in
a conspicuous location.
i. Proof of insurance shall be provided to the Police Department.
Section 5: Required equipment
a. Efficient locking brakes;
b. Reliable steering apparatus;
c. Safe tires;
d. Rear stop lamps meeting the minimum standards of 316.234(1), Florida Statutes;
e. Turn signals meeting the minimum standards of 316.234(2), Florida Statutes;
(Optional unless operated from sunset to sunrise by resolution)
f. Head lamps, reflex reflectors and tail lamps (rear position lamps as set forth in
ANSUNGCMA 2135-2004, American National Standard for personal Transport
Vehicles-Safety and Performance Specifications;
g. Reverse warning device;
h. Main power switch;
i. Horn;
j. Safety labels and Manufactures serial number plate.
k. Red Reflectorized warning devices, both front and the rear.
Section 6: Operators
a. Drivers must hold a current, valid driver's license and insurance in order to
operate a golf cart upon the City streets and roads.
Section 7: Traffic Laws
a. Operators of golf carts, using streets within the City are required to observe all
applicable state and local traffic laws as if they were operating any other motor
b. Owners and operators of golf carts shall comply with State and Local law
pertaining to insurance requirements.
Golf carts may be ticketed for traffic violation in the same manner as motor
Section 8: Penalty
A violation of any provision shall constitute a violation of Chapter 12 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs. Upon a finding that an owner, lessee or
operator of a golf cart, has violated any provision of this Chapter, such person shall be
subject to anon-criminal, class 1 civil citation for each offense relating to a violation of
Chapter 12, including but not limited to the failure to obtain apermit/registration, and as
per Florida Statutes for every other violation of state law.
Section 9: Enforcement
The City of Winter Springs Police Department with the assistance of Code Compliance
shall be responsible for enforcing Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Winter Springs.
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared
who being duly sworn by me, on oath, deposes and
1. I am the owner of a golf cart and reside in the City of Winter Springs.
2. I have read and am familiar with the provisions of Ordinance 2009-11.
3. I and operators of the golf cart hold a valid driver license and at least 16 years of
4. I am filing this Affidavit of Compliance in order for the golf cart to be permitted
for use in the City of Winter Springs. I certify that the golf cart that I own and
intend to use has the following required equipment (in working order);
a. Efficient locking brakes;
b. Reliable steering apparatus;
c. Safe tires;
d. Rear stop lamps meeting the minimum standards of 316.234(1), Florida
e. Turn signals meeting the minimum standards of 316.234(2), Florida Statutes;
(Optional unless operated from sunset to sunrise by resolution)
f. Head lamps, reflex reflectors and tail lamps (rear position lamps as set forth in
ANSUNGCMA 2135-2004, American National Standard for personal
Transport Vehicles-Safety and Performance Specifications;
g. Reverse warning device;
h. Main power switch;
i. Horn;
j. Safety labels and Manufactures serial number plate.
k. Red Reflectorized warning devices, both front and the rear.
Under penalty of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the above statements
are true and correct. I understand that the penalties for perjury may consist of a fine or
imprisonment or both.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20, Affiant is
Personally known to me or has produce , as identification.
Notary Public, State of Florida
Printed name of Notary
My Commission expires:
^ $10.00 Initial Registration Fee/Annual Renewal ^ Affidavit of compliance
^ Copy of insurance information attached ^ Permit provided, number of
^ Copy of driver's license numbers for all operators attached
^ Safety equipment inspection completed
Staff Signature and ID Number