HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 10 14 Regular
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Winter Springs City Council
Ci'cy Hall
~<]int~r Spr:Ln}s: Flo:,ida; 3270:
Dear Sirs;
The minutes as written at the last Council meeting, October 14, 1980,
are correct but not complete. It was stated that llin discussion Hr.
Innanen spoke on the matter of Section 2, Tract 3.:r Let it be a
matter of written record that I request it include that I stated that
there would be some flooding on Sheoah Blvd. caused by the Storn Water
aanagement Systen on Phase 1, and serious flooding ~'lhen phases 2 and 3
are added. Also let it be noted that ~r. Jack Cooper spoke in the dis-
cussion period and gave a cOillprehensive analysIs of the stor~ water run-off
as it pertains to different surfaces, that is, sodded area - roof
area - or pavement area. All this is confirmed in any enjineerin1 hand-
book and is thereby confirmed. Ho':,'ever, he did state he had not
figured the total run-off and the total retention capabilities of the
proposed stor:l \'!ater managei'I1ent.
I p.ave bee:1 tLl.able to this date to secure the necessary plans, contours,
surveys, etc. to present this to an ind2pendant engineering fir2 for
e1eir 211alys is. I \'lould respectrully re'_:uest that the '11atter be held in
abeyance until such ti':1e as inde'Jendcnt studies can be :nade. ;.12:'. Sta:ll-
nec;ler has hdicated jn telephone conversation that these pUbl.ic records
could possi~ly be released for a period or ti8e to allovl for re)roduction.
Yours truly~
~'?i.ll:Lam- I~:.21:::1en
10-15 I.Ioree Loop Road
':iinter Sprin]s: Florida 32702
OCT 281900
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