HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 06 22 Informational 101 July 4th Celebration of Freedom/50th AnniversaryCOMMISSION AGENDA
(Informational I X I
ITEM 101 Public Hearing
June 22, 2009 ~ -~.
Regular Meeting
gr. / Dept.
REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department wishes to inform the City Commission
regarding the July 4t" Celebration of Freedom / 50th Anniversary.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to inform the City Commission regarding current
planning discussions for July 4th Celebration of Freedom / 50th Anniversary.
• As part of the City Commission Meeting held on February 9, 2009, the City Commission
approved Agenda Item #603, for Staff to raise a minimum of $10,000 towards a budgeted
event of $61,000 for the city's upcoming 4th of July Celebration of Freedom/50tH
Anniversary. Since approval, city staff has been successfully raising funds and creating
ways to generate revenues to offset the event's cost. At this time, cash donations of
$22,100.00 have been raised to offset event expenses of $56,966.00. Additionally, in-
kind donations/expenses have been procured to enhance the event. City Staff are
continuing their fundraising efforts with adding General and Food Vendors as well as
offering various sponsorship and participating opportunities.
• City staff met and discussed the video coordination, production and coordination of the
stage events to insure no dead time. Also discussed was the location and timing of the
erection of helpful signage, tables needed and locations.
• City staff will meet again on Friday, June 26 and also on site with vendors on
Wednesday, July 1. Set up will begin on Thursday, July 2 and continue on Friday, July 3.
Final setup will be on Saturday, July 4 beginning at 8:00 am and ending at 5:00 pm when
the gates open.
City funding up to $51,000 will be reduced by sponsors, vendors, donations and staff cost
• reductions, etc. over $10,000. As previously mentioned, fundraising efforts have produced
$22,100 in cash and $13,020 of in-kind donations to date. City staff will continue those
fundraising efforts in an attempt to cover costs and enhance the event.
Agenda Item Informational 101
Jurie 22, 2009
Page 2
Parks and Recreation recommends that the City Commission review the information presented
and provide further direction as needed.
Attachment #1 Updated Expenses/Revenue Worksheet
Attachment #2 July 4 Celebration of Freedom Draft Que Schedule
Attachment #3 Winter Springs Insider Summer 2009
Description Cost Cash In-Kind
Sta e/Sound/Li htin $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Entertainment -Fins Band $700.00
Entertainment -Blues Brothers $700.00
LED Truck $750.00
Production-Switcher and Ta es $500.00
Event Emcee $1,500.00
Fireworks $22,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
Securi Fence Am hitheatre) $916.00
Li ht Towers $5,200.00
Police $10,600.00
Tents os itali and Historical) $1,000.00
Restrooms railer & 8 Portalets) $2,000.00
Si Board $1,000.00
Banner dated) $200.00
Parks $1,000.00
Public Works Generators, Su lies and er ) $3,000.00
T-Shirts $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Trans ortation $2,200.00 $2,200.00
Golf Carts $600.00
Hos itali and Em to ee Refreshments $2,500.00 $2,500.00
Rain Insurance $1,000.00
Kids Area $2,000.00 $700.00
Trifold Event Guides $2,500.00 $2,500.00
Seminole Chronicle Ads $2,000.00 $2,000.00
Amazin Brownie $120.00 $120.00
Unassi ed Revenues N/A $10,350.00
Vendor Fees N/A $2,750.00
TOTAL $69,986.00 $22,100.00 $13,020.00
~ City of Winter Springs
Celebration of Freedom -July 4th, 2009
Central Winds Park
Cue Schedule
Main Staee (located in Amphitheatre)
Filler Music/Video (Logos, sponsors and advertisements)
Video -History of Winter Springs/50 Years
MC /Event Introduction /Welcome 50yr July 4th Celeb.
Video -Advertisements/lock box promo.
LVF =Live Video Feed (Stage Cameras)
AFC =Audio Feed From CD/MP3 Source
AFS =Audio Feed From Stage (Mics)
AFV =Audio Feed From Video
5:00-5:30pm AFC
5:30-5:45pm AFV
5:45-5:47pm LVF /AFS
5:47-5:50pm AFV
MC /Intro -Star Spangled Showcase - (Video spots -AFC, if ends early) 5:50-7:05pm LVF /AFS /AFC
MC /Intro - 1770 Band (Fade video spots/logos, sponsors) 7:05-7:45pm LVF /AFS
Stage Strike (Change stage) 7:45-8:OOpm
Video -History of Winter Springs/50 Years 7:45-8:OOpm AFV
MC /Intro -Commissioners/Mayor Introductions 8:00-8:10pm LVF /AFS
MC /Intro -Headlining Band: The Jessup Band (Fade logos, sponsors) 8:10-8:50pm LVF /AFS
MC /Intro -Special Guests: The Blues Brothers 8:50-9:10pm LVF /AFS /AFC
M/C Intro -Honor Guard/National Anthem (Xio Matos) 9:10-9:15pm LVF /AFS /AFC
Fireworks (VIDEO FADE TO BLACK) 9:15-9:40pm
M/C Intro -Sock Hop: Roadhouse Blues (Fade Video -Balloon Footage) 9:40-10:OOpm LVF /AFS
Historical Tent (located in Amphitreatrel
Celebrating 50 Years as a City
5:30-8:45pm Pam Carol /
Jim Wilkins
Kid's Area: located on Field #2
Bounce Houses and Games 5:30-8:30pm Chris Caldwell
Good Ole Fashion Games 6:00-8:30pm
Hot Air Balloon Rides located on Field #1
Presented by Remax 5:30-8:30pm Record Video
Main Staoe
MC -Master of Ceremonies *** TBD
*** Arnie Nussbaum for Star Spangled Showcase
Important Info:
• Discuss filler music source with Chris Edwards What needs to be provided from sound booth?
• Video history of Winter Springs/ 50 Year -Length is IS mins
• Video -All video (Live and Prepared) to Palm Tree Mobile LED Screen. Will provide some audio.
• All audio to sound booth/stage snake.
• Video filming in Hot Air Balloon to start at 6.•30pm /then edit for 9:40 pm showing.
• Lost Children Go To Police Tent (Mobile Command -Operations)
1126 E. SR 434 (407) 327-5976 Office Urban Beautification Division
Winter Springs, FL 32708 www.winterspringsfl.org Arbor Division
1Springs~~ j
_ ~~
A d 0
Sawrday, luly 4, 2009 1
Central Winds Party ~
5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
1 Bnn! tl~e Family and Watch ~ 7
as we LI6Ni UP iNE N16NT! ~~~
More on Page 4
In an effort to increase safety at our red light controlled inter- - --
sections, the Winter Springs City Commission authorized the
installation of photo enforcement cameras at selected inter-
sections throughout Winter Springs. Photo enforcement was
established in 1987 in the state of Arizona and has increased
safety at major intersections across the country. PHOTO
At this time, the Winter Springs Police Department has one '~"~~~
operational red light camera located at SR 434 and Winding Hollow. It started receiving
and recording red light infractions on March 25th with a 30-day grace period during which
time only warnings were issued to the registered owner for violations. On April 25, 2009,
by City resolution, citations began being issued to the registered owner for violations. The
City is currently in the final stages of adding an additional camera that will be located at
SR 434 and Vistawilla. Upon installation of this camera there will also be a 30-day warn-
ing period prior to any citations being issued. For additional information on the program
or other question please contact Captain Glenn Tolleson at 407-327-1000 ext. 453 or by
e-mail at golleson@winterspringsfl.org.
FAQ's and More on Page 6...
During the period from January 2009 to May 2009, the City
Commission entered into a Local Agency Program Agreement
with the Florida Department of Transportation for construc-
tion of a Right-Turn Deceleration Lane on State Road 434
Eastbound at Hayes Road; and for construction of a Right-Turn
Deceleration Lane on State Road 434 Eastbound at Vistawilla
Drive; and for construction of Intersection Safety Improvements
on State Road 419 at Wade Street. The City Commission also
further addressed 3 Seminole Economic Enhancement Districts
(SEED) Brownfield Area Designations [Town Center/GreeneWay
Interchange/Village Walk]; the Torcaso Park Area Master Plan
was further reviewed; and the City Commission met with the
Local Planning Agency during 2 Special Meetings related to the
Comprehensive Plan and in late May considered the recom-
mendations from the Local Planning Agency on Amendments
to the Adopted Future Land Use Map and to the Text of the
Comprehensive Plan based on the City's Adopted Evaluation
and Appraisal Report. The proposed Amendments will then be
forwarded to the Florida Department of Community Affairs.
Also of special interest, Winter Springs' Bond Rating was upgraded to AA- from A+, based on continued strong debt
service coverage provided by revenues, with consideration that there are no further plans to leverage the security and
strength of the City's financial position.
The following Ordinances were approved during this period: Ordinance 2009-04 Revised the building setback re-
quirements for zero lot line developments with the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District; Ordinance 2009-05
Adopted a Referendum to Grant Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions for certain types of statutorily de-
fined new businesses and expanding businesses.
The following Resolutions wereApproved during this period: Resolution 2009-02 ExpressedAppreciation to Robert
S. Miller for his service as a Member of the City of Winter Springs City Commission; Resolution 2009-03 Expressed
Appreciation to Donald A. Gilmore for his service as a Member of the City of Winter Springs City Commission; Resolution
2009-04 Expressed Appreciation to Denise Ritchey for her service on the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District
Advisory Committee; Resolution 2009-07 Expressed Appreciation to A. Mark Sardo for his service on the Board of
Trustees; Resolution 2009-08 Expressed Appreciation to Michael S. Blake for his service on the Board of Trustees; and
Resolution 2009-09 Expressed Appreciation to David W McLeod for his service on the Board of Trustees.
The City Commission also Approved the following: Resolution 2009-16 Expressed Appreciation to Ronald W.
McLemore as City of Winter Springs City Manager; Resolution 2009-20 Expressed Appreciation to Jan Palladino for her
20 years of dedicated service as Secretary to the City Manager; Resolution 2009-21 Expressed Appreciation to Jose
Romero his 20 years of dedicated service as an employee of the City of Winter Springs; Resolution 2009-23 Expressed
Appreciation to Donald Farnum for his 27 years of service as an employee of the City of Winter Springs; and Resolution
2009-24 Expressed Appreciation to Robert Eckman for his 18 years of dedicated service as an employee of the City of
Winter Springs; and Resolution 2009-25 Expressed Appreciation to Bonnie Roberts for her 17'/2 years of dedicated ser-
vice as an employee of the City of Winter Springs.
The following Awards were presented during this period: At the City Commission Regular Meeting of January 12,
2009, City of Winter Springs Employees were recognized for their Years of Service by the Mayor and City Commission
during the semi-annual Presentation of Employee Awards.
In May of 2009, Winter Springs Resident and Veterinarian Dr. Jerry
Eans, D.V.M. was awarded a Key to the City and a Proclamation
for his kindness and exemplary generosity to the Winter Springs
Police Department and for their K-9 Program; Winter Springs Hig
School was presented with a Proclamation in honor of their Fire
Place Winning Character Key Entry in the Leadership Seminole
Character Key Video Contest 2009; Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle;
and the Entire Winter Springs Police Department were recognizeda
in honor of "Law Enforcement Appreciation Month" (May), "Police Week" 2009, and `Law Enforcement Memorial Day'';
and the City of Winter Springs' Code Enforcement Bureau was recognized in honor of Code Enforcement Officer Week.
~ _ ~~ the City of Winter Springs
Winter Springs' Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs (pictured left) and
Commissioner Sally McGinnis (pictured right) were recently honored at the
Seminole County Regional Chamber of Commerce's Salute to Seminole's
Professional Women Reception. This Event was held on Wednesday,
March 11, 2009 at the Lake Mary Events Center.
This inaugural event recognized 42 of Seminole County's most outstand-
ingwomen in the areas ofArts & Culture, Business, Education, and Public/
Community Service.
Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs and Commissioner Sally McGinnis were
chosen as nominees with Commissioner McGinnis being selected as a
winner in the category of "Public/Community Service".
The City of Winter Springs is pleased to recognize the accomplishments of these two outstanding women leaders and
public servants.
CITY MANAGER MAY 26, 2009 ; In March of this year, the City was notified by
At the May 26, 2009 ' the Government Finance Officers Association
Special Meeting of . (GFOA) that the City
s 2008-2009 budget
the Winter Springs document received the GFOA's Distinguished
City Commission, Budget Presentation Award. The GFOA com-
Kevin L. Smith was ,
piled an extensive set of criteria which would
stln IZtt
unanimously selected .
9 g p y
distin uish a bud et as a olic document, ~
Bud et
as the City Manager . financial plan, operations guide, and com-
for the City of Winter • munications device. Documents submitted to Award
Springs, Florida. ; the Budget Award Program are reviewed by
. select members of the GFOA professional staff and by outside review-
Mr. Smith's back- ; ers with experience in public-sector budgeting. To receive the award the
ground includes service to local governments . document must be rated either proficient or outstanding by at least two
in Florida for approximately 19 years. Mr. of the three reviewers for all four basic categories, as well as for 14 of
Smith's professional experience has includ- ; the 27 specific criteria identified as mandatory. The City first submitted
ed serving as a Finance and Administrative for and received this award with its 2007-2008 Budget document, so
Services Director, Deputy Finance Director, ; this year marks our second year of achievement.
Assistant Finance Director, Human Resources .
Director, General Services Director and ; The City's budget documents from fiscal year 2001-2002 to the present
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) can be found on the City's website at www.winterspringsfl.org.
Executive Director.
Previously, on January 26, 2009, Mr. Smith ~~~a~ ~~~ ~~~~~~
was appointed as City Manager with a provi-
sional six month term. Just four months into ~~~~~~~~~~~~ . o 0 00, o
this term of office, and after much praise and
many compliments related to his honest ap-
proach, his professionalism, and with consid-
eration of what he has already accomplished
since late January 2009, Mr. Smith was Voted
5-0 as the new City Manager for the City of
Winter Springs.
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Mayor Bush states, "I am pleased that theQ(I1 ° „~~ a ~ .: _~ ~ C~uiYnn [V,~~iu~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~, nt~`l~-
Commission voted 5-0 to hire Kevin Smith as Ctii,1~ ~,'~n7.~~ C ~' C~rt~~ ~~ z~ ~r~~~ ~ni r~ ~
our City Manager. He is the right person for _ ~I ~'~ ~ "" -` ~ ®~~ ~ ~°~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
the job(„ ~~(,t~~nn~ ~ f~~~ - ~ r -.~~ ~ ~~ ~> _ ~ ~~~
Winter ~ turday July 4, 2009
Springs -
Central Winds Park
5:OOpm to 10:OOpm
State Road 434 -Winter Springs
• ~ Bring the Family
and Waich as we
0 Shuttle Bus Service Will Be Available
See Below For More Info
Schedule of Events
5:00 PM Gates Open
5:30 PM
5:50 PM
7:10 PM
8:20 PM
8:50 PM
9:15 PM
9:40 PM
Winter Springs Kids Area with Games, Climbing
Wall, Bounce Houses and Much More.
Hot Air Balloon Rides Presented by Remax Town and
Celebrating 50 Years as a City in the Historical Tent.
Presented by Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association.
Be sure to stop by and visit.
The Star Spangled Showcase. A competition of local
singers performing live for GREAT prizes!
Winter Springs' own 17-70 Band
Tom Evan and The Fins Band
(Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band)
Surprise Guest!
Fireworks Spectacular Choreographed to Music
Post-Fireworks Sock Hop with the Roadhouse
Blues Band
Concession Vendors will be on hand featuring GREAT FOOD and DRINKS throughout the Grass Amphitheater.
For your safety: No fireworks, cooking devices or pets (with the exception of service animals)
will be allowed to enter the shuttle bus or the event. Coolers at a maximum size of a 6 pack are
permitted. All bags and coolers will be subject to search at the event gates.
Shuttle Bus Locations
Provided By .w. LYNX
Parking at Central Winds Park will
be limited. Extra parking is avail- ;
able at Venetian Shopping Plaza .
(W 434 across from Brusters Ice -
Cream) and Trotwood Park with
shuttle buses provided courtesy of ;
LYNX. Shuttle buses begin run- .
Wing at 5 PM. •
Special Thanks To Our Donors and Sponsors
~ `~ Progress Energy
creative ~ • • F -CREATIVE
printing publishing PYROTECHNICS
LYNX, Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A,
Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association, CDM Surveying,
CPH Engineering, Modern Plumbing, Remax Town and
Country, Herba Family Chiropractic,
Chick-fil-A, and the Seminole Chronicle
5 ~~
4 ~~
Not to scale. Subject to change.
Events Stage
Progress Energy Stage ..............1
Tents and Booths ~
Media/Radio tent ......................2
Historical tent .............................3
Dealership Models Display ....5
Hospitality tent ........................9
Food/Beverage Areas ~)
Food Vendors ............................4
Beverage Center .......................8
General Vendors ~
Fun and Games ~
Kids Games .................................7
Remax Balloon Rides ..............6
Public Safety Area Q
Field Entry Gates I I
Restrooms ~~
/ O
1~- ~ ~ ~ 'fi't
~ rn
~~ r-
iF~ p ~
A new Lynx bus *-----~ ~__. -.----
route to service ~ -+ -•
Winter Springs ~
along State Road ~~ ~_,~
434 (link 434) be- ,
gan service on
April 26 and operates between Oviedo Market Place
and Rosemont Superstop, Monday to Saturday 5:30
a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Ticket cost - $2. For more information
please visit www.golynx.com or call 407-841-LYNX.
The posted speed limit on ..4„
State Road 434 has been
reduced from 50 mph to 45 ~' "'~6
mph from approximately ~"- 45
Central Winds Park Drive to '~
Tuskawilla Road.
• The City of Winter Springs has received approval of federal
funding in the amount of $812,000 to construct three transporta-
• tion improvement projects under the 2009 American Recovery
. and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), which is more commonly re-
• ferred to as the "Economic Stimulus Plan." The three projects
include construction of a right-turn deceleration lane on S.R.
434 eastbound at Hayes Road for $125,000; construction of
. eastbound and westbound left-turn deceleration lanes from
• S.R. 419 onto Wade Street, aright-turn deceleration lane on
S.R. 419 westbound onto Wade Street, and reconstruction of
;Wade Street from S.R. 419 north to the CSX railroad crossing
. for $534,000; and construction of a right-turn deceleration lane
• on SR 434 eastbound at Vistawilla Drive for $153,000 In addi-
• tion to the federally funded work, the state has approved fund-
; ing in the amount of $120,000 for construction of a right-turn
. deceleration lane on S.R. 419 eastbound onto Sherry Avenue.
• Construction is estimated to begin in September 2009 with
completion of all projects by March 2010.
What is the City of Winter Springs Red Light
Camera Enforcement Program?
This is a traffic safety program in which the City of Winter
Springs utilizes state-of-the-art digital cameras and viola-
tion detection systems for the purpose of decreasing vio-
lations of the traffic control regulations and reducing colli-
How do Red Light Cameras work?
Each intersection is outfitted with ahigh-resolution high-
speed digital camera. The cameras are activated by sen-
sors which are located at the intersection. The cameras are
activated when a vehicle is detected by the sensors after
the light has turned red. The camera takes two digital pho-
tos which document the violation. The program operates 24
hours a day, seven days a week, in all weather conditions.
The system is only activated when a vehicle runs a red light.
All intersections with red light cameras are clearly marked.
The Winter Springs Police Department reviews every viola-
tion before the citation is issued. Citations contain an image
of a violating vehicle before it enters the intersection, while
it is in the intersection, and the license plate of the vehicle.
Why did 1 receive a Notice of Infraction?
A Notice of Infraction for a Red Zone Infraction is issued
when your vehicle fails to stop at a clearly marked stop line
or at any other stopping point described in the ordinance
when facing a steady circular red signal. In the absence of
a right turn on red restriction, a vehicle may make a right
turn on red, but only after making a complete stop, and as-
suring that it is safe to proceed.
What if the registered owner was not driving
the vehicle at the time of the violation?
The registered owner of a vehicle will be mailed the Notice
of I nfraction. If your vehicle was stolen, sold prior to the date
and time of the violation, or was otherwise not in your care,
custody or control at the time of the violation or any of the
other reasons listed on the Affidavit of Non-Responsibility,
you may submit a sworn statement to that effect to rebut
the presumption that you were driving the vehicle at the
time of the violation. The registered owner may submit in-
formation and supporting documentation to that effect by
mailing an Affidavit that is downloadable from the link at the
bottom of the notice. The Affidavit must be received by the
due date of your Notice. If an owner furnishes satisfactory
evidence pursuant to this paragraph, the Hearing Officer
may terminate the prosecution of this Notice of Infraction
issued to the owner, and if appropriate, issue a Notice of
Infraction to the person identified in the evidence as the
operator of the motor vehicle at the time of the violation.
What is the amount of the fine? Is there a late
The fine amount is $125.00. Yes, there is a $25.00 fee for
delinquent payments. An infraction detected through the
use of an automated traffic safety camera is a non criminal
offense. Like a parking ticket, an infraction detected by a
traffic camera is NOT part of the violator's driving record.
Therefore, a finding that the infraction was committed, ei-
ther by payment or after a hearing, will not be reported to
the Department of Licensing. However, failure to respond
to a Notice of Infraction, failure to appear for a requested
hearing, or failure to pay a penalty imposed after a hearing
may result in an order being entered against you for an
amount up to the maximum civil penalty, plus any adminis-
trative costs.
To better serve the residents of Winter Springs, the TROTWOOD SPLASH PAD
~,,;, Information Services Department has enhanced ; NOW OPEN
-' the City's website and launched several new online •
services. The Trotwood Splash Pad lo-
• Gated at 701 Northern Way and
~~. The website has been redesigned to celebrate the Trotwood Boulevard opened
50th anniversary of the City of Winter Springs. With on May 2, 2009. Hours of
this new look, the City has created easier access to operation for the splash pad
. are 10AM to 6PM daily and
_ the eGov services that we offer. One new service of is designed to accommodate
interest is our City Commission Meetings Podcast. approximately 30 kids. For
You can subscribe via your favorite Podcast software (e.g., iTunes) and receive the lat- ; more information, including
est City Commission meetings directly to your computer or audio device. .fee schedule, please contact
• the Winter Springs Parks and
The I nformation Services Department also teamed up with the Community Development Recreation Department at 407-
Department to create online inspection requests. Simply logon to the City website, fill 327-6597.
out the inspection request form and your inspection will be scheduled. Additionally, -~ _ - ~'•"~
several new eGov services have also been added for Police and Public Safety such ~-t,
as reports and records request, residential and business survey requests, online class ~-
sign ups and more. You can access this information from the home page of the City's '~":.'
website or by visiting www.winterspringsfl.org/egov. We encourage you to continuously ~ "~"" ``~
check the eGov section of the website as the Information Services Department works ;
to bring more online services to you. •
For more information on the City website, please visit www.winterspringsfl.org or con- ; r~i,~~,~ cou~tc~y ~r~ i~~~„ c;a~ron
tact the Information Services Department at 407-327-7571. 2009 SUMMER CAMP
• will be offered for the weeks
On February 26, 2009, the Mayorand City Commission ~ of June 8th through August
hosted a Community Visioning Workshop. More than ~ ; 14th for children entering 1st
100 residents of Winter Springs attended this event h~ through 6th grades. There will
and shared their vision for the future of the City of ' - be plenty for the campers to
do such as field trips to water
Winter Springs. Following up on the incredible ! ' ,~ ' ~'~- parks, movie theatres, bowling,
success of the Community Visioning Workshop, a roller and ice skating as well
Business Visioning Workshop was held on Tuesday, ~- 4 ; as arts and crafts, sports and
June 9, 2009. This Workshop was held to also afford i ~ a variety of social activities to
local business owners an opportunity to provide input ~ occupy the summer time. The
and help shape the future of our great City. Camps will take place at the
• Winter Springs Civic Center
•... ; (400 North Edgemon Ave).
• from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. The
Based upon an initiative from Deputy Mayor Joanne camp enrollment fee is $90 per
Krebs, the City of Winter Springs Police Department re- ; week for residents and $110
c:ently implemented a Lock Box Program to further en- per week for non residents.
r~ance the public safety services it provides to our com- For more information, please
r~lunity. contact Chris Carson at 407-
• 327-6593.
The Lock Box Program is intended to provide Police, Fire ; BABE RUTH
and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) access to your .
residence in the event of an emergency where you are unable to open the door. REGISTRATION
• August 8 & 15 at Central Winds
A key to your residence will be stored in a secure metal storage device, similar to areal- Park from gam - 2pm and
tor's lock box, near the entrance to your residence. The access code to the lock box will ; August 22 (Skills Evaluations)
only be available to Police, Fire or EMS personnel and used only during an emergency. at Central Winds Park from
• Sam - 5pm. Contact WS Babe
The program is being funded by forfeited drug seizure monies. For more information Ruth at 407-263-5829 or www.
please contact the Winter Springs Police Department's Community Services Bureau at wintersprings.baberuthonline.
407-327-7999 or visit www.winterspringsfl.org. com.
JULY 18, 2009
2009 ~`
~ ,
W As the sun sets over the harbor, feel yourself • The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa V
Z transported to the Pacific Isles for a festival ; \J
has it all. A 145,000 sq. ft. casino with over `
filled with exotic tastes and entertainment. Pacific island dancers 2,500 of the hottest Vegas-style gaming machines on the planet,
fill your unforgettable evening with live music, colorful costumes including all your favorites. Fifty tables of Live Action Poker,
and traditional dance. You'll see fantastic fire dances and enjoy with everything from Seven-Card Stud to Texas Hold'em. How
Iv memorable live music as you savor an indulgent full-course meal. ; do you wanna play? When you need a break from the action,
Who knows? You might even learn to hula! The park stays open quench your thirst at the cooler-than-cool Casino Center Bar
y late so, after the luau, enjoy the evening shows like Shamu Rocks. or grab a bite of lunch atone of the many dining options. Cost:
• Cost: $77.00 per person Includes: R!T motorcoach transportation, $29 per person Includes: R/T motorcoach transportation, $25
dinner, show, taxes, gratuity on meal, driver's gratuity. Don't miss ; in machine play, $5 meal voucher, Driver's gratuity. Bus will
Q out on this island adventure! Bus will depart the Winter Springs Sr. depart the Winter Springs Sr. Center at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast
Center @ 4:30 p.m. stop en route.
Z •
C/7 AUGUST 16, 2009 . OCTOBER 17, 2009
Slick up your duck tail and put on your saddle shoes as we go ; Your two hour lunch train experience begins in beautiful
back to the 50's. Join Danny, Sandy and the gang for some downtown Eustis. The gift shop/station is located on the shores
summer lovin' at Rydell High. This musical has it all - T-Birds, of Lake Eustis and will immediately take you back to the days
Pink Ladies and lots of Rock `N Roll. For even more fun, get in ; when rail travel was king. Sit back and relax in the restored
the spirit by dressing in 1950's attire (optional). Lunch beforehand 1948 stainless steel dining car, while the chef prepares your
at the incomparable Dixie Crossroads. Be there or be square! meal on board. Nothing could be finer than lunch in the diner!
Cost: $64 per person Includes: Lunch, show, taxes, gratuity on Relive the glorious days of rail travel as you amble along the
Meal, driver's gratuity. Bus will depart the Winter Springs Senior nine mile route. All aboard! We'll cap off the day with a visit to
Center at 10:15 a.m. ~ beautiful downtown Mt. Dora with its many antique and specialty
MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY!!! shops. Cost: $68 per person Includes: R/T motorcoach
• transportation, lunch, train ride, shopping, taxes, gratuity on
FOR MORE QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION CONTACT: SUSIE COFFMAN AT meal, driver's gratuity. Bus will depart the Winter Springs Sr.
. Center at 10:45 a.m.
City of Winter Springs
~~~~` Telephone Directory
,yTy BALL 407-327-1800:
filling (water, sewer, garbage fees) 407-327-5996:
,rborist 407-327-5982:
tspections 407-327-7596:
ermits 407-327-5969:
Tanning 407-327-5966:
oning 407-327-5963:
City Clerk 407-327-5955:
City Manager 407-327-5957:
Computer Services 407-327-5975;
Comprehensive Planning 407-327-5967:
Occupational License 407-327-5964:
MayorlCommission 407-327-5965:
ParkslRecreation 407-327-6599:
Senior Citizen Center 407-327-6554
Police Dept. (Non-emergency) 407-327.1000:
Code Enforcement 407-327-7975:
The City of Winter Springs PRSRT STD
1126 East State Road 434 U.S. POSTAGE
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
-~. PAI D
Visit us online at WWW.winterspringsfl.org PERMIT N0.126
ublic Works/Utility 407-327-2669:
~b Hotline 407-327-7595:
Garbage Complaints 407-327-7576: