HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 08 28 Regular AUCU-' 28. 191' DISaUSSIOJif OF paapoa~D .:U....08 IHeRIA!'! "17 the ..., ..ntr...rela1 portion .t tb. pN....d 1919- t 1. the rat.. ., ad valo.....& .11lac- tr_ 2.1_ te ,.,. aot ...., ....... Il.. ."1. will .t,.., ,.... I_1vI4.1 '.ok .."Ml.. 8ft ,.... ".'1. valuatlon. fllle '. pttr 1. the HOW MUCH. tl'll. .1.....1.. will dye 'Oil iatonatlon . WHY rmd ,.. WHAT 'OR. . tbe ....el1 ..kine tor thl. i.ore... ot _bo_, $118.000 PriMlpal1)" ,. 1...re the fl_1al 11 '" ., "1M 01',.. fJM aOMl 1. ,1'....... 't. SO t.". the t... Tn n_.n. f'taa4 1. "h. "'" M"'.. at 'he end par .'. 1..... "'t the .1", eaD '-r 1"* 1>111. aM.. .... ""I._e ..1.... a' tIl. .tart .f tile 1M. r eeal ,... wi. 'hM' ......1_ .. hU_ aM ~ Oft tu ""lclpatl.. ....... Littl. .... 1.'. 'h..l t,. 1ft 'the tint ,.....th. .t & 11..al .. "he tl..... tau are "'.uall,. pat. 1ft NO...ber _ ftt l' ,., Mlarl....tl11'1... buy ca. and 011. aNI ..,. .'''''rda,- ......... la u.. ~J\t bud,.t the.. 1M.. &44 lip to 5-10.000 per Ha<ill, t_u. a re..rYO flm4 01 .1)5-140,000 'be 1..ner. .....1'1.M111. tbe .oney lAthe n..ne t. able ....lac tbe year In ea.. or an e.orpn07. aft'1 thl. n.one rtancl 0... trea .0111'... othertban an ... 1ft ,..... tu..? It Oarl. It can 'be do_ b,. ...reaa1nc . tbath" .0. .., .a14. to,. road repair.. ,...lne ... 1.~....'.. o-.~e'l.J'l, park ..tate....... .te. ..I.",. ,oan ...., 1. enotly when 1 t 41d .... trft and '. .,. 70tl ... ....... ....... \u..... ana.. poOl' ball .... ........... placeter voblole repaln, to'all, 1.......ate ....... ... all tll... other tline. that. 7ft ba.e.t_. << eMIt to your oouol1. In tho ,..ar ju.t ...1.. JO- 11 ..... tried t. obaftce ~at. JlIortit aad Sou'h .....Oft are pa.e.. "OM". E..... aM. Shorr, ba.. .....urt. .&01.. .O'. h.dul... to...r ... pu'$ia.... a nl1dl.. 1. bel.... .....'"0_4 ,. ..... re,alr tuIll'l.., and .... ...... an -lee ...patred an4 · .... i.pm.. 11l ""aca.l11... AMU' .1,',000 _ )AI' III ttae 'INtIt tor 'ibo.. 1__, ... .ut ot tbe ....,. 1e bel,.. apellt. In ""..po..lnc -"p' Wltt .....11 l\aa eU'llal"ke4 a..' .168.000 tor .1-1ar 1...... an 1........ tll&1 wl11 hardly ....1' the Inore.... .0 .e to Wlatio.. In... thea. In ,..t ,e... 1ft!" .....11. baY.", up wi.. 7ft.,. eM re..ne. ......171.... b,. .1.pl, ..t ... 1., tbe ..al.. 'fl.7 _1. 'hI weft ..1. ,.. flda ..uM11 baa .pent ,... -ale. to.. tbe.. n....4 and ...... 1tne, Ii ho,.. to . the -- Mat ,...... 111 w111 de .. ne.t 7Q.I' If ,... -ppreve _0 11111.... Inona.., 1 twill n.t "able to .. .. it' ,.. .0 .ot. r I I II .~....- . .. . ! ,j I; I:' I: WilY . we M"'. . larp carry-o..r this year it tbe ..Wilol1 has MO. ..,..1"1 .....tl...4. ftd..,.ar .ur".. wi W1 . carry-oyer of . ".000, 1t 18 _.1"1 wlth . .al"J"1'.......r or $220,OOGf . .'.000 d...... aDd the 01t.1 luuI reo.l.... alMNt $92,00'0 -... 1ft.... tbu .. ..t1__4 1ft tM blade.'t. s. ..'_11y. tbe ....011 haa dl,p 4 In'. tho ..rpl"B t. the t\lfte ot aNut $100.000. "ext ;rear the "B.""O or earl"J'.......rf.n4 1. ..t1_w4 at $12S ,000, a furt r $100,000 ..ore.... dB .... tbe 01'7 aOMY .... fra? Abeut 1010 .... lr.. Federal .... .. Sl)arl. aa4 CITA. the _1aftee tr.. aouo.. "lob .onvlbut. to .a._ral F\tftd. ne.. .ou..... are. ax.. Oft you prop(ltrty $286,000 (. t ,tut ,., rate) anehl.. tee. t...."1:1111:1.. 119,400 '111'7 Servl.e Tax.. 116.200 1141_ '.1"111'. 81.'00 .te ....._ 81larin& 18,.816 1.. foo.t l.terea'. eto 89.-50 ...""0 oU'TJ' ..er . 220,000 l,lS'.-26 ., i. no' .ppro.ea, '.tal ..11 drop 'to $1.0)8."a6) a.... this .0.' r' ._ou' *,00,000 tor ..laPi... FlOA., _"""01 $1" ,00 tor "... ...tel' "pall' ... lapro......'t . $1IS.00e to Wla n..no. tbe Mlance Cor 4&111 eptratll1C .. neJil .. \It I 11 tl.., ruel and .11. Ctqui,..ft" repain. .'to. 2.."" 15.5 10.1 7.1 15.9 1.1 19.0 ..'t thls incn.... _ p..t,.".. a rear? It .... But In 1.. ,. 1.....lftC ua.cl... tho.. oJor .1'... .."tloud ear11er y 11_ 70""01' r..lne . real17 )1. al11... lMre... In fl. 'Sl. III all ,.._bill'" tne eehool ..111_ will ftot drop .. IOU will 1... ..., at"'IIft'tap ,.. .... 'Ms year. 1ft . "tloft atla'\loR will 4riv. c..,. " 8. th... t1\l_ post,..o. wl1 ...t..... - and adell tlo-.l '.'eriora'l.1l will -- . 'laer bl1 all by 1 ,..U - aa4 t\Uld. wl11 be ,,"cd tor '1M ...sone. ... .. OIl. ....1 t'.ell1' thi. 1. ....1ng.... it th. .......".. 1.c,,0... t. ., al11e a' . c.., to ,~ '\U ,.Jtlr 01 S_ Pf'J" '"000 1. ftot .. ...d. fi..al '11 l..k. 11ke at le..o' .. , ail1 .. ...10"'M or .. IM"'U. ,,"n or .'.'5 .. $1000. w1th tile ,., al11... .'P"''"., tls 1 '81 .h..14 ..t &lena wl'tl\en1, 8.J\ lntl.tlo. t...ter lMft.... S. r "Oll ...." "our c1t, to be on a tira 11..-i81 t..tlac. JOUr . ., kept 1a a .~w 01. peel ...pal.. ,.ou.. park. and. .~Il.r ,."11e are _"atal."'. "our poll.. aft4 ti" 8,"1,..at vp t. 4._, Idl4 tlrellftft Mil poll..... _11 traln.od. aftCl FM ...., want ,. ,.".tt '111 Mat p... __, oh..l. '"' .0.. '1\1. pear. .... ...~ ita, namtl,. yeN ....., ,. .. .11 .... ,.1..... .t .. 1.._' ,...Ud b1e ... . 'lo. 10U ...,,14 "'.... YES .ft s~te.lMtr 11 t1\. WILFIID ADOW JR Pl._ft.. 0.-1..10.1'