HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 04 02 Bid Opening BID OPENING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2, 1979 The bid opening for Drainage Improvements, Winter Springs Unit II and the Roadway Improvements, Winter Springs Unit IV was held at the Winter Springs City Hall, on April 2, 1979, at 2:31 p.m. Present: Wilfred Arnold, Deputy Mayor and Finance Commissioner John Bennett, Police Commissioner Mary T. Norton, City Clerk Richard Rozansky, City Manager Ray Bradshaw, Building Official J. Mike Davis, Clark, Dietz & Associates Arthur M. Barr, Winter Springs Development Corp. Mrs. Kathryn B. Arnold Jean Halstead, Assistant City Clerk One bid was received from Orange Paving and Construction for Unit II; it was opened by Finance Commissioner Arnold and was in the amount of $58,389.00 with a Total Deductive Alternate $6,553.50. One bid was received from Orange Paving and Construction for Unit IV; it was opened by Finance Commissioner Arnold and was in the amount of $49,894.30 with a Total Alternate Bid, Items 1, 2 & 3 (Alt.) $48,057.70. Respectfully submitted, '/YU~ r ~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk -~~~,--- '~'~.;.";t<-_,,,,,,,,,.....,_..,,",;<,.:,. '. INAGE IMPROVEMENTS 'TER.SPRINGS-UNIT II CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TABULATION OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT tern o. Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Furnish and install 6" PVC underdrains 1. F. 3,320 3.25 27,390.00 Filling and grading of existing swales. Fill material furnished by Own e r . L.F. 3,270 2.00 6,540.00 Sod 6' wide area along proposed 6" PVC underdrain and filling and grading of existing swales. Grass and mulch all other disturbed area. L.F. 6,590 1.20 7,908.00 Connect proposed 6" PVC underdrain to existing inlets. Ea. 4 75.QQ 300.00 Connect proposed 6" PVC underdrain to existing manhole. Ea. I 75.00 75.00 .. ~ Remove existing driveways and reconstruct to grade of proposed swale bottom (16) existing driveways. S.Y. 704 18.00 12,672.00 Remove existing driveways and reconstruct to existing grade (4) existing driveways. S.Y. 88 IS.aO 1,534.0a Open cut existing pavement for installation of proposed 6" underdrains and reconstruct as shown on standard sheet S-6. L.F. 48 15.00 720. ao Furnish and install l2"xlSIl RCP 1. F. 60 20.00 1 , ~,}). ')1) TOTAL PROJECT BID $ 58,339 .'}J A-2 II of', ,.~ MINAGE IMPROVEMENTS f~E~ SPRINGS-UNIT II ~, ,,~ ,-- L f' If . ; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TABULATION OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT fttem l'iO. Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost [DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATE lA. Furnish and install 6" PVC. r underdrain 2A. Filling and grading of p existing swales. Fill material I i furnished by Owner. ".A. I 4A. 6A. A. ,A. jA. L.F. 450 7.50 3,375.00 1. F. 390 1.25 487.50 Sod 6' wide area along proposed 6" PVC underdrain and filling and grading of existing swales. Grass and mulch all other disturbed areas. L.F. 390 1.20 468.00 Connect proposed 6" PVC underdrain to existing inlets. Ea. 1 75.00 75.08 Remove existing driveways and reconstruct to grade of proposed swale bottom (1) existing driveway 44 13.00 792.0:) S.Y. Remove existing driveways and reconstruct to existing grade. (1) existing driveway. S.Y. 22 18 . 00 396.00 Open cut existing pavement for installation of proposed 6" underdrains and reconstruct as shown on standard sheet S-6. L.F. 24 15.00 360.00 Furnish and install l2"x18" Rep. L.F. 30 2J.00 600.00 TOTAL DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATE $ G,553.5J A-3 ~OAD1\'AY RECONSTRUCTION ",HNTER SPRINGS- UNIT IV r.ITY or: WINTER SPRINr,S f I TABULATION OF ESTI~~TED QUANTITIES PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT J .m Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Remove Existing Asphaltic concrete wearing surface S.Y. 6,122 0.65 3,979.30 Reconstruct existing lime- rock base by mixing ln place with Portland Cement and compacting base ln accor- dance with Ardaman & Assocs., Inc. Report dated Oct. 17, 1978 S.Y. 6,122 4.50 27,549.00 Resurface the reconstructed r-"se with 1.5" (min.) of Type ~ L Asphaltic Concrete. S.Y. 6,122 3.00 18,366.00 ALTERNATE BID: Resurface the reconstructed base with l.o" (min.) of Type S-l Asphaltic Concrete . S.Y. 6,122 2.70 16.529.40 TOTAL BASE BID Items 1,2 & 3 $49,894.30 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID Items 1,2 & 3(A1t.) $48.057.70 A- 2 .~:;;z (iy~J D~ Y\'\~ ~ t 4- 'i-v :f1Y1 V\") aJ 2- A-f> W7 9 \ CJ 0 (l..Jl{) WI ~ G ~ 1~0 ~~~ "- -?u~".. 0Z. "r.)1. .' /}c.. ( "-- ~k ~<:.... ~~p~ ~I>- 1M ~'ri . )('-r~~~;3 ~ (~-J~A /'~) ---~~'~ '-, 7?~(j~ d~/ ~~d"~, ~~ t~~ e' D ~ ft W~ ~. w.~ ~.c. . ~~~ A. . -...L ,--~. ~. '- ~ /3P-a' ~