HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 08 21 City Council Regular Minutes
78 -7 9 -43
AUGUST 21, 1979
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor Troy Piland. The invocation was given by City Manager
Richard Rozansky. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by City Attorney
Wally Stalnaker.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Wally Stalnaker, present
William Jacobs, present
John Bennett, present
Laurent Pellerin, present
John Torcaso, present
Public Input:
Larry Pellerin, Jr., Moss Road, discussed the Binford property on Moss Road.
Richard DeFazio, Jackson Circle, discussed the Binford property on Moss Road.
Sonny William, Tuscawi11a, discussed the problem of her driveway. Councilman
Torcaso is to talk to Builder, Ray Savarese, about this problem.
Pete Wasaloski, Holiday Lane, asked if the City had any requirements for marking
G. Kaplan, Moree Loop, said he is going to present a petition asking for a three-
way traffic signal at the corner of SR 434 & Sheoah Blvd.
Mike Boyd, 632 Si1vercreek, asked if the roads are being inspected and soil samples
being taken during the construction of the improvements in N.Orl.Ranches Sec.2 & 2A.
Russell DeFazio, Buttonwood Ave., discussed the referendum.
Approval of the minutes of Aug. 7, 1979:
Motion was made by Councilman Torcaso, seconded by Councilman Bennett to approve
the minutes of Aug. 7, 1979. Discussion. In discussion of Resolution No. 265,
Councilman Pellerin's question was-could the City be reimbursed for the property
that is being vacated. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman
Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso,
aye; motion carried.
Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 199-amending Sec. 6-20 of the Code:
Mayor Piland recessed the Council Meeting and convened the public hearing for
purposes of hearing comment on proposed Ordinance No. 199. Attorney Stalnaker read
the first reading in its entirety. One change to the ordinance - should read "1975
edition" instead of 1978 edition. Chief Holzman spoke for the ordinance. No one
spoke against the ordinance. Mayor Piland closed the public hearing and reconvened
the Regular Session.
Puo1ic Hearing for Resolution No. 266-Vacating of Clark Road north of SR 434:
Mayor Piland recessed the Regular Session and opened the public hearing for purposes
of hearing comment on Resolution No. 266, vacating of Clark Road north of SR 434.
Attorney Stalnaker read the resolution in its entirety. Discussion. Councilman
Pellerin and Tom Binford spoke in discussion. Mayor Piland closed the public
hearing and reconvened the Regular Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett to adopt Resolution No. 266. Seconded by
Councilman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye;
Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, August 21, 1979
Page 2
Discussion of Budget - CounciLman Wilfred Arnold:
Councilman Arnold discussed the reasons for the request to raise the millage from
2.14 to 3.5 mills. In summary he explained if the people want their streets re-
paired, if they want the parks maintained, if they want adequate and up to date
fire and police protection, then we must vote for the millage increase on September
City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin to adopt Resolution No. 265. Seconded by
Councilman Bennett. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, absent;
Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
The manning levels are to be reviewed by Council and discussed at a future meeting.
Public Works Building:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that we accept the bid from Engineered
Concepts Corporation of Sanford, Florida, for $21,500.00 and to include the
stipulation as set forth in the letter from Clark, Dietz & Associates letter of
August 17, 1979. Seconded by Councilman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Discussion of problem of Northern Way, Tuscawil1a. Council was in favor of
determining the real problem of where the water is coming from. Mr. Dye said he
would be willing to participate in repairing Northern Way based on the same method
of participation as Unit IV. Mr. Dye suggested a temporary measure would be to
take out the small area and replace with concrete. The City Manager with the
Superintendent of Public Works are to check on this. Attorney Stalnaker is to
draw up the agreement.
The letter from H. & W. Refuse Company in reference to
their request for a three year contract was discussed.
come up with a proposal and H&W is to be asked to come
renewing their contract and
The City Manager is to
before Council with their
Council Seat I - William Jacobs:
First reading of Ordinance No. 200 - annexation of property-northeast corner of
Hwy. 17-92 and Shepard Road:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that we read the first reading of Ordinance
No. 200 by title only. Seconded by Councilman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Stalnaker read the first reading of Ordinance No. 200 by title only.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 201-annexation of property-approximately .3 miles
east of intersection SR 419 & SR 434 adjacent to SR 434:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin to have the first reading of Ordinance No. 201
by title only. Seconded by Councilman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, August 21, 1979
Page 3
~ Attorney Stalnaker read the first reading of Ordinance No. 201 by title only.
Request of Mike Hattaway to split Lot 3, Block A, North Orlando Ranches Sec. 1:
Motion was made by Councilman Arnold to table this request until the Planning &
Zoning Board has had their hearing and the conditional use matter is decided.
Seconded by Councilman Pellerin. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin,
aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Approval of final engineering and plat of Tuscawilla Unit 9A:
Motion was made by Councilman Jacobs that we approve final engineering and plat
of Tuscawilla Unit 9A in accordance with the Planning & Zoning Board recommendations
following their stipulation. Seconded by Councilman Pellerin for Discussion.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye;
Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion
Oak Forest - Unit I:
The motion to approve Oak Forest made on Aug. 7, 1979 was illegal.
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett for final approval of Oak Forest Unit I with
the stipulation that paragraph 3 of Clark, Dietz & Associates letter of August 7,
1979 be complied with within two weeks of this date. Seconded by Councilman
Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman
Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye, Councilman Torcaso,
aye; motion carried.
Council Seat II - Wilfred Arnold:
Motion was made by Councilman Bennet that Councilman Arnold and Councilman Torcaso
be placed on the Canvassing Board for the September 11, 1979 referendum. Seconded
by Councilman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye;
Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Council Seat III - John Bennett:
Councilman Bennett reported there is a resignation coming up in the Police Department
and the position will be filled from the Reserves. There will be no degradation of
Council Seat IV - Laurent Pellerin:
No Department business to report. Councilman Pellerin reported that he will not seek
re-election in the November Election.
Council Seat V - John Torcaso:
Nothing to report.
Mayor's Office:
Mr. George Shriver asked about Cablevision.
A resident asked about the status of the work in Unit II Tuscawilla.
There will be a Council Meeting on August 28th and September 4. The tax increase
Reg. Session, City Council, August 21, 1979
Page 4
Referendum is September 11, 1979. There will be a Council Meeting September 13th
and September 18th.
Mayor Piland read the Proclamation for the Municipal Election in November.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
'-- --
AUGUST 21, 1979
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor Troy Piland. The invocation was given by City Manager
Richard Rozansky. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by City Attorney
Wally Stalnaker.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Wally Stalnaker, present
William Jacobs, present
John Bennett, present
Laurent Pellerin, present
John Torcaso, present
Public Input:
Larry Pellerin, Jr., Moss Road, discussed the Binford property on Moss Road.
Richard DeFazio, Jackson Circle, discussed the Binford property on Moss Road.
Sonny William, Tuscawilla, discussed the problem of her driveway. Councilman
Torcaso is to talk to Builde'r'l) 1RaysaVatese,ab~ tl,::wu~lem.
Pete Wasaloski, Holiday Lane, asked if the City had any requirements for marking
G. Kaplan, Moree Loop, said he is going to present a petition asking for a three-
way traffic signal at the corner of SR 434 & Sheoah Blvd.
Mike Boyd, 632 Silvercreek, asked if the roads are being inspected and soil samples
being taken during the construction of the tmprovements in N.Orl.Ranches Sec.2 & 2A.
Russell DeFazio, Buttonwood Ave., discussed the referendum.
Approval of the minutes of Aug. 7, 1979:
Motion was made by Councilman Torcaso, seconded by Councilman Bennett to approve
the minutes of Aug. 7, 1979. Discussion. In discussion of Resolution No. 265,
Councilman Pellerin's question was-could the City be retmbursed for the property
that is being vacated. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman
Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso,
aye; motion carried.
Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 199-amending Sec. 6-20 of the Code:
Mayor Piland recessed the Council Meeting and convened the public hearing for
purposes of hearing comment on proposed Ordinance No. 199. Attorney Stalnaker read
the first reading in its entirety. One change to the ordinance - should read "1975
edition" instead of 1978 edition. Chief Holzman spoke for the ordinance. No one
spoke against the ordinance. Mayor Piland closed the public hearing and reconvened
the Regular Session.
Pu~lic Hearing for Resolution No. 266-Vacating of Clark Road north of SR 434:
Mayor Piland recessed the Regular Session and opened the public hearing for purposes
of hearing comment on Resolution No. 266, vacating of Clark Road north of SR 434.
Attorney Stalnaker read the resolution in its entirety. Discussion. Councilman
Pellerin and Tom Binford spoke in discussion. Mayor Piland closed the public
hearing and reconvened the Regular Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett to adopt Resolution No. 266. Seconded by
Councilman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye;
~ Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, August 21, 1979
Page 2
~ Discussion of Budget - Councilman Wilfred Arnold:
Councilman Arnold discussed the reasons for the request to raise the millage from
2.l4 to 3.5 mills. In summary he explained if the people want their streets re-
paired, if they want the parks maintained, if they want adequate and up to date
fire and police protection, then we must vote for the millage increase on September
City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin to adopt Resolution No. 265. Seconded by
Councilman Bennett. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, absent;
Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
The manning levels are to be reviewed by Council and discussed at a future meeting.
Public Works Building:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that we accept the bid from Engineered
Concepts Corporation of Sanford, Florida, for $21,500.00 and to include the
stipulation as set forth in the letter from Clark, Dietz & Associates letter of
August 17, 1979. Seconded by CounciLman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: CounciLman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Discussion of problem of Northern Way, Tuscawilla. Council was in favor of
determining the real problem of where the water is coming from. Mr. Dye said he
.r-'. would be willing to participate in repairing Northern Way based on the same method
of participation as Unit IV. Mr. Dye suggested a temporary measure would be to
take out the small area and replace with concrete. The City Manager with the
Superintendent of Public Works are to check on this. Attorney Stalnaker is to
draw up the agreement.
The letter from H. & W. Refuse Company in reference to
their request for a three year contract was discussed.
come up with a proposal and H&W is to be asked to come
renewing their contract and
The City Manager is to
before Council with their
Council Seat I - William Jacobs:
First reading of Ordinance No. 200 - annexation of property-northeast corner of
Hwy. 17-92 and Shepard Road:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that we read the first reading of Ordinance
No. 200 by title only. Seconded by Councilman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; CounciLman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Stalnaker read the first reading of Ordinance No. 200 by title only.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 20l-annexation of property-approximately .3 miles
east of intersection SR 419 & SR 434 adjacent to SR 434:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin to have the first reading of Ordinance No. 201
by title only. Seconded by CounciLman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, August 21, 1979
Page 3
Attorney Stalnaker read the first reading of Ordinance No. 20l by title only.
Request of Mike Hattaway to split Lot 3, Block A, North Orlando Ranches Sec. 1:
Motion was made by Councilman Arnold to table this request until the Planning &
Zoning Board has had their hearing and the conditional use matter is decided.
Seconded by Councilman Pellerin. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin,
aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Approval of final engineering and plat of Tuscawilla Unit 9A:
Motion was made by Councilman Jacobs that we approve final engineering and plat
of Tuscawilla Unit 9A in accordance with the Planning & Zoning Board recommendations
following their stipulation. Seconded by Councilman Pellerin for Discussion.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye;
Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion
Oak Forest - Unit I:
The motion to approve Oak Forest made on Aug. 7, 1979 was illegal.
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett for final approval of Oak Forest Unit I with
the stipulation that paragraph 3 of Clark, Dietz & Associates letter of August 7,
1979 be complied with within two weeks of this date. Seconded by Councilman
Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman
Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye, Councilman Torcaso,
aye; motion carried.
Council Seat II - Wilfred Arnold:
Motion was made by Councilman Bennet that Councilman Arnold and Councilman Torcaso
be placed on the Canvassing Board for the September 11, 1979 referendum. Seconded
by Councilman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye;
Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Council Seat III - John Bennett:
Councilman Bennett reported there is a resignation
and the position will be filled from the Reserves.
coming up in the Police Department
There will be no degradation of
Council Seat IV - Laurent Pellerin:
No Department business to report. Councilman Pellerin reported that he will not seek
re-election in the November Election.
Council Seat V - John Torcaso:
Nothing to report.
Mavor's Office:
Mr. George Shriver asked about Cablevision.
A resident asked about the status of the work in Unit II Tuscawilla.
There will be a Council Meeting on August 28th and September 4. The tax increase
Reg. Session, City Council, August 21, 1979
Page 4
Referendum is September 11, 1979. There will be a Council Meeting September 13th
and September 18th.
Mayor Piland read the Proclamation for the Municipal Election in November.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk