HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 02 15 Workshop
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IF .
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Conducted by St. Johns Presbytery to determine
opportunity for a Presbyterian Church in Winter Springs,
1861 CarroDee Lane
Winter Park, FJa, 32789
I resbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh C. Hamilton
Project Director
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. City ,.~f.~!lin,ter Spri~g~.
102 .N .:MossRoad'~:''';';8~'~:'S'~' .', "
Winter:'Lsprings;'~ Flor1ci& "--'.32707
'~."."'~.;p:.;~v~:'~E,';$;::'i.i1~,r;'i"t;'/;:.5;. .." - ..
n;;~~ ~'. 'Mayor ~...,"
, We were talki.ng about the ..
in Winter Springs the other day, and I have made a reserved th~~~.,.,
use of the Com:nunity Building for Sunday mornings! .beginning_February.26."~'~~{~lt
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Some sort of musical instrument will be needed :for. .the, church services .""~~;';{<~':':
We have located a good used piano which we can secure and would like to ask;7;'~~~~>,'~')' ,.
theperm1ssion of the Council to place this in the Community Building. Itw:i:.ll:':"
lock up, and we should be willing :for other responsible gro~ps to use it.';~':;;;'x'~
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The commercial rate for use of the building is, we ~erstand, $35.00pe~.',':<.'(
four hour segment. Since this would be definitely a use o:f and :for members.:~;;;ii.
of the Winter Springs cO!lll'llunity, we hope that a lower rate may be arranged.)::"
c,;,...:-","~::~;::::;~,:- i>.,,' ~
We should also like permission to erect one or two signs, perhaps l1ear':':'~'~
and similiar to the Bingo signs now in use, if this is agre~ab1,.!.>':,
~-: .'" ~,.-:~"tx~~J?'~~'~~~:2~:;~~~'h
Eighteen months ago St.Johns Presbytery, composed()fthe~or~y-one.
'-' 'Presbyterian Churches of Central Florida ,'asked me tc:t's'er".e'as-orgaldzing
pastor tor a new church in the Weldva Springs area~This has' been done, and
now a thriving young church exists there, with Ii permanent"resident minister
and p'~,l}~o~b~M,,,~!:,thf:! jutl()~ion .of,..SR~J!t"..~,~~~!S:.~.~r~ng~.p~ad. The
",;~".Presbj!.8ry,",!~~~es ....;tJUlt"'!!!~,:~n~.e..r,,. Springs~,e~ 'ii,:".,~ving ~ rema1;"kable growth
'. ... and that there'should.h.ia .,plice there torsucna church. I have been asked
. ..- ',. "-',,,,,',:, "~"'F'i,3..:-,~v\.""~~",-,,:,,)~,;t'4.;';",, --;",'~^""~,,._, _,_:' '.'-' ,,- _,:;r>':',~, 1,',--'C,""".-:*:.{;_" ~_- ,_
to lead theproject'andj;~eif.t~ereldlln~t'be a similia.rresponse there.
Appreciating the help that 'you and others at the City Hall have given,
and looking fOrWai-d to further association with all of you, I am,
Cordially yours,
City of Winter Spring~
City Hall
H~Ji c. ttamil ton .
FES 13 1978
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FEBRUARY 15, 1978
1. Call to order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Bid from Highlands Fire Equip. Co.
4. Proposed Life Safety Code Ordinance
5. Tuscawi1la Youth Activities
6. Nick Castellano - Tuscawilla Development
7. Horseshoe Acres
8. Engineering Report from Ca1 Conklin On North Orl. Ranches Sec.2 & 2A
9. Drainage Assessments
10. Street Numbering
11. Policy of Use of Police Vests
12. Estimate of Repairs to Sunshine Park
13. Chapter 14 of the Code
14. Utilities Commission.
15. Proposed Planning & Zoning Board Ordinance
16. Mayor's Office
Meeting Day