HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 02 08 Regular
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A F F I D A V I' T
In the year 1967 I served as Chairman of the Planning
and Zoning Board of the Village of North Orlando in
the State of Floirda.
During that term of office, the first Zoning map and
ordinance was drawn. for the Vill~se of North Orlando.
Public hearings were held and they \<lere passed by the
City Council.
Due to the fact that the Village had no money to survey
and describe all the land in the Village"the map showed
all the different zoningboundrtes outlined in different
colors-, rather than describingevery p2lrcelby legal des-
cription~ This-hung on the walL at-City Hall for years.
I have been asked what the zoning was on Lot A and E
and the east ~ of D, Block~e6, of a Subdivision of Lot
6, Block 18 and Lot 8 of Block 19, of North Orlando:
Lot 10, Block 24; Lot 11, Block 2Sand lot 13, block 26
of North Orlando 1st. addition, Seminole County, Florida
as recorded in Plat book 12, page 86 in the public records.
It was a C-l Commercial classification and to my knowledge
it had never been changed. The Owners of record purchased
the property as C-l, and have never been notified of any
rezoning by the City.
BEFORE 1~ this Twenty First Day of
1977, personally appeared CLIFFORD
that the above is TRUE and CORRECT
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Decemb r in the year)" ,
D. JORDAN who swears
to the best of his""
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1\ORTIf ORL:\:'JDO ,\ '" s 0 c i :rtil'n Presidei1t tile imj1;'O\'eillC'f1l of the
The initial 1l1;'crin~ of t~H! Ch:lrJI'S E. Rowell t'x-: communi:\',
l1e\\'ly rC.lcli\'i\led ..'\nr:h flhin,~d ,the Jlurp('~e. of ,he ~ Rowc'll ;'I;t1illed many of
Or!and'l ('\ h: :\';:,O('I:Jlltll1. ;'''.'\'('1:111<)11, Ill;.! Jt W35! l' f
'. i "lP past a; lI('vcme;~ts ()
~lIt off 10 a rcs()tlndll;~ i (';'J,~;r,:lllr fon.led to pre-, I. _ d " .
',ar!. Ei:::l:lcr.n 111",\' m<'~1' i :J;"l\~ ii:e civic bcllerrnt'IOt ; the (Jr~:lnll:ltiOn. :\t one
)('rs joined. ; of )'\');'::1 Orbndo, .1nd f.)r: time, it W3S one of th~ most
I active and vit;}1 in the
communiry. It was "-.m'
-----.-,....--.,....-....... --.'----.-. , -, p~~s;led that ~lll n:on.les
r;lIsed. by ~e as~~(':atlOn
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I DUru:-:G 'fHEbu5iness
,;u,rt of the m('('ting, Etta
! H a r v il!c was :ip;10i:lted
! treasurer until the e!ec- I
I lions in J anuary; ~lary:
i C1mpbcll will rc..l1,a;n se::'l
I rerary, and Row('.l presl-
, dC:1t, until January. I
I Committees were set up,
with William Hahn LIking I
I' ~uildin::: and h()~s(': :Ray~ I
~ond W~rc accepting p~~?_1
! he r('lat!ons;" C: L. IJd: .
, J :lmesFult and Cltfivr:tt
I JOt'dan. \\3\'5 and me:\n5~1:
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Har\,il:('. tt'.!ephone: Or~.::3
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i Ware. we!come and \\:!.',1
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Me m her s agre('d to r
ame~d the h y . I a w s t:) I
chan~e the m':'~ting nj;::1! to'l
Ithe first \\'l'dl1':'$I!:ly oi I;,e ;
! Ir.~nth at S p,m. at t:1C;
: '":!!:t.t:C' i~l:-.:'[:ng I\\OiL Th"!
; ::,'xt lI1N'ting ,,[ I'lt' as.:
i s,','ia,il'a l1('\\i'\'('r. \I',ll he:
; ar 1 P,l11. ~Jn Sept.. 6,
: i ill m (' l!;.l;ely P:'t'cl'.('dinK
! t~e Pll!1k' ht.,.rings PO t!le
i-:t"~V 7. cl n i n g (t:-dil1:inCC',
, \\ 11i,h a!1 a., "tll'i:ll i\m n1i'm-
: ~~rs n;::rl',-d to :It!l'nJ bi" i
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t:1:5 1<\ ;:1(' l"~mmllilir\',
r:()1l"\\-.!1~ t!h,~ 111~t."'rii1~,
rC'fre~h nlC'l:; of l'c.lo:,ics,
.:::\.;.::-9 ;l.d C 0 [ fee were
! s,~;,ved [() ernhlt> aU Ic
: meet on a socia! basis.
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FIrst JYublic Ile{uing
:y Mary Ann ca~PbeIl .f
First puhlic he:lrin~5 on the
new 1()nin~ ordin:1nce ::Ind
milp \'.111 b~ 11cld Sept. 6 .it
S p,m.
Te 1.on;:1;: hO:lrd will
IJ<;e lhr. Vlllagr. fbll lor
this Ilcarinf{ nnd will an.
swer qUh!lOnS prrtabing
to the cor,1prl:hcnsive ordi- r
nance, a first Ill( t\'orlh
Orlando. AilC'r the puhlic
I~(,:iring th,: ordm,tnl'c will
be presrnl...d 10 t.:ounril.
lhe nrdinanct! is for the
purpose of promotin~ thp.
lu'alrh, s:lfcty :1nJ w'neral
\\elf;.re e,f Norlh Orlando;
f'lf re~Uh!ljilg a:1d rc:;tricl-
Ill;: llSe clf lanrl, llse :lI1rJ
IOC::lI'on (Jf hUllding<; and
rc'slricrin~ h"i;~ht ..nd hulk
of hlJJ!din~s and struc.
11:((';; S:1C (If ya:ds, couns
and (,!ill'r opel! spacC's;
density of popuJ.tlion, Inca.
lin;1 and t;:;~ of buiidin;::s,
~lrunur('s and Li!ld for
fraoc, indusl ry, rco;irl~n~ial I
r.r olher purrsI'; dl\'ldlng I
th~ \'J!:";:l~ i.do di,~t riet$ lor
sl!ch purr'J~:('s; ar]'Jpl ing
n1:lpS ~,hf)... ing hnl:ndril'S (I'~",~ tl ,',\MY C..Tort
:H',d d:a~~,ifi(<Jli(,"s I.r slIch ' !\lAKJ:\'G PREPARATlO:..;S
lli~trins: ('sl:d)JI.;hin~ ad. I Clifford Joej:m shIJ\',s zOBil.:; J1l:lp
10 in j :.lr:1ti\'l' p:"Jce:llIrcs; il,. I . I
.. I. .'".. . "0 '("'lrJ"'I;n"': f.lIrh as I.lost! cl('<;';:n:lfll1~ a I Jon ail, ;;:;:;1(' r>; 11e pro
rc · .J..'on ilL.. J. ...." I I I hI' I _. .,
fl" J' d I I" C n n e :llt( C'Si:, :s ;llJg Siems r;l:1': i.,~ ,','n.i'O\'C'rSI
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... I" I t IlH1ns l'I'\'(,fJn~ pllrkln~; 0 i h,l'"C :-li: :jH~:'t"\.~t to ~IPPl'
fnrCt)mcnt aii: a:llenc mrn;. .' ~. .. .. 1;-.'" 1, . -\1:,.. :':"1..-." n ."
I' II I' '(;lI11pCr Ir.lIll1s ,llld (..~ j,lt t..C p,.L.,~ ..<illlil,. \\1
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parts r. llr. ,n;WI ('$ In COn- . 'I I I ' . '('1, "_
II' J '0' I<lr "C.l!l" C'.i :Ill( arr.C' ,11'ln!:. It ;ll~:':,.,i<' 11111
lel aile I'r.'..:.fj I'" pen- . I' , , .
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