HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 12 05 City Council Regular Minutes
DECEMBER 5, 1978
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida
was called to order by Mayor Troy Piland. The invocation was given by Mayor
Piland. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilman William Jacobs.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor Laurent Pellerin, present
Acting City Attorney Wally Stalnaker, present
William Jacobs, present
Wilfred Arnold, present
John Bennett, present
John Torcaso, present
Public Input:
Mr. Herb Munson, Tuscawilla, said he reviewed the plan for revitalizing the
Tuscawilla drainage plan. This item will be on the agenda for the next Council
Mr. William Rohde, Sterling Drive, owner and operator of the Leisure Lee's
Laundromat, said he was going to appeal the Board of Adjustment's decision to
allow a Family type Recreation Pool Hall.
Mr. Claude Ash, 510 Fisher Road, asked when the City was going to pave North and
South Edgemon Avenues.
Mary Williamson, Tradewinds Road, said the roads in the Ranchlands are almost
Mr. Steve Hall, Holiday Lane, asked about the street lighting in Section 9.
Mrs. Ellen Weiss, Winter Springs Boulevard, asked about the attorney fees that
were paid to Councilman Pellerin and ex-Councilman Daniels.
Mrs. Powell, Hacienda Village, thanked Council for getting the street lights
turned on on SR 434.
Mayor Piland presented Dr. William Denton a plaque from the East Central Regional
Planning Council in appreciation for his services. He has been serving on the
Council since 1974.
Election of Deputy Mayor:
Councilman Pellerin nominated Councilman Arnold to fill the position of Deputy Mayor.
Seconded by Councilman Bennett.
Councilman Jacobs nominated Councilman Bennett to fill the position of Deputy Mayor.
Died for lack of a second.
Motion was made by Councilman Torcaso to close nominations. Seconded by Councilman
Pellerin. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold,
aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye;
motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, Dec. 5, 1978
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Commissioner Appointments:
Mayor Piland's Commissioner Appointments:
Seat I - Planning & Zoning Commissioner: Zoning Board, Planner & Recreation
William A. Jacobs, Assistant John Torcaso
Seat II - Finance Commissioner: Elections, Insurance, Personnel, Purchasing
Wilfred Arnold, Assistant William Jacobs
Seat III - Police Commissioner: Police Department
John Bennett, Assistant Wilfred Arnold
Seat IV - Public Works Commissioner: Road & Bridges, Parks, Maintenance, Building
Laurent Pellerin, Assistant John Bennett
Seat V - Fire Commissioner: Fire Department
John Torcaso, Assistant Laurent Pellerin
Site Plan Review Board Appointments:
Mayor Piland recommended that Mrs. Carrie Weaver, Board of Adjustment; Mr. Ed
Lombardi, Planning & Zoning Board and City Planner, Richard Rozansky, be appointed
the Site Plan Review Board.
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that we accept the appointments recommended
by the Mayor to become effective today. Seconded by Councilman Arnold. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman
Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin,aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that we ratify the Commissioner appointments
made by the Mayor. Seconded by Councilman Bennett. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority:
Councilman Arnold will be the alternate representative to this Authority as the
Deputy Mayor has been designated as the alternate. A letter is to be sent to this
Authority notifying them of this change.
Designation of appointment to Council of Local Governments Meetings:
Mayor Piland recommended the Mayor be the representative and the Deputy Mayor be
the alternate.
Motion was made by Councilman Torcaso that we have the Mayor be the representative
and Deputy Mayor as alternate representative to serve on the Council of Local
Governments in Seminole County. Seconded by Councilman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Planning & Zoning Board appointments are to be on the agenda ,next week.
Approval of Minutes of November 21, 1978:
Motion was made by Councilman Arnold to approve the minutes of November 21, 1978.
Seconded by Councilman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Jacobs,
aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, Dec. 5, 1978
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Mr. Bud Raih1, Florida Power Corporation:
Mr. Raih1 said there is a possible conflict with the fees set out in Ordinance No.
119 and the franchise agreement. The City Attorney is to review the ordinance and
report back next week.
Engineering Agreement for Sec. 2 & 2A:
Attorney Stalnaker reported there were several areas of the agreement that should
be reviewed. Mayor Piland recommended that we authorize the Attorney to speak
to the City Engineer in order to modify certain sections of the agreement and report
back to Council next week.
Lighting Plans of Tuscawilla Unit 7 and Oak Forest:
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett to approve the lighting plans of Tuscawilla
Unit 7 and Oak Forest. Seconded by Councilman Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Second Reading of Ord. No. 181:
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin to have the second reading of Ordinance No.
181 by title only. Seconded by Councilman Arnold. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Stalnaker read the second reading of Ordinance No. 181 (Refuse contract
renewal) by title only.
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett to adopt Ordinance No. 181 on second reading
by title only. Seconded by Councilman Pellerin. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Discussion of Personnel Policy:
Councilman Arnold is reviewing the Policy and will report back to Council.
Motion was made by Councilman Bennett that the portion of Sec. 5.6 that reads"the
City Council shall make all appointments, etc. be amended to read: that the City
Council shall make all appointments of all City Department Heads and delegate the
appointment of all City employees to the various City departments to the heads
of such departments. Seconded by Councilman Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Jacobs, aye; Councilman Arnold, aye; Councilman Bennett, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, no; Councilman Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Mayor's Report:
Mayor Piland recommended that Councilman Arnold review the purchasing procedure.
Mrs. Carrie Weaver would like to find out if it is necessary for Councilman Pellerin
and ex-Councilman Daniels to return the money that was paid to them for attorney fees
for review of recall petitions.
Mayor Piland suggested that people call in and have their name placed on the agenda
if they wish to speak under Public Input. This would give the Councilmen some time
to look into the problem. If they did not have their name on the agenda they could
speak at the end of the meeting under the "Mayor's Office."
Reg. Session, City Council, Dec. 5, 1978
~ Meeting was adjourned.
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Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk