HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 07 25 City Council Regular Minutes
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JULY 25, 1978
t....R.g.1ar S.ssion of the City Council of the City of Wint.r Springs, Florida was
cal~.dto order by Hayor troy Piland. The invocation was giv.n by Mayor troy Piland.
the,led.. .0faUegianc. to the flag was led by Council..n Sabatini.
1.011 Call:
..,..1' Troy Piland, pr.Sent
..~~1Ha~ Laurent Pellerin, pr.s.nt
CityA'torne, 'foaLeIl., pr.sent
To. Craven, present
Burt Logall, present
John Dani.ls, pr.sellt
Johll Sabatini, present
PubliC Input: .
III'. Jacobs, S. 8dg...n Ave., asked about the plalls of the City to repair North
~~r'CIa.......n,Cottonwood Drive, had a grievance about the condition of South
1~1l A".....>... wnt" to know when the City;, was loins to do s..th:l.na about it.
It$'_."atson. P.... Road, want.d to know wh.n the hOuse nuab.rs _uld be correct.d
.aI:1"11U...on, trade Winds Road, ~.Wti.i':.1~p."''''''f owaers that
th.e!'are.ftot .toexercise th.ir hors.. in the Rallebland area. "
Jo........tt...dg.wood, ask.dabout . the contraction of aunicipal boundaries, . d it
g_s .to court.o would pay the l.gal fe..? '
.r.Jlu......"Ool:al".y, had a drainage prob1.. ,;
Hr,~"."Coral Way, had a draiuge probl..
Richard AU.n, S. Devon Av.., ask.d the status of 1ll0squito spraying
~"""""~. by 0_11... \)aaial. to .ppr..... the .bu... of. Jaly, 5l 17 ..d 18,
197$. ., fle.4l0a4edby Oouncibaaa Craven. Discusaion. Vote on th.. _tift' Oounciblan
Ora..n"yeJCouaclb1an l48an, aye, Ceuncilun Daaiela, ay.; Couacilaan Pallerin, ay.,
Co_ciUMn .S.batini, ay., _tion carri.d.'
Neuf~l.leaolutlon 221..Lot S.plit:
IIotift_s..de byO.uncU..n Logan to ace.pt Res.lution No. 221 f.r Hr. & HI'S.
.~uf~ldlot.plit (Lot 10, 110ek I, N.Orland. Ilanc.he., Se~t101l 1, '1. 12,"1.3).
S.Q~edbyc;:o_ciI.a. Daniels. Diaculssion. Vote onthellOti01l,:Co~cU."1l Crav.n,
aye'<'Co1IDc11.. Lo,..,aye, Co_cUMa Daaiels, aye, Counci~. 'eUed,)\, ay.,
Couacillllaa Sa"atini, ay., lIOtion::arried. .
Zonlns loardR.c.....dati.ns of July 19, 1978:
ApprOValofSectio. I,Bighlhds-ICUt Court:
_.Dal.Crosby waapresent to speak f.r the r.subaission .f plans for Kilt Court.
lIoti~1'1 _s _de by COUllQ:l.lun Logan to approve f.iMl devel....nt pl... for Kiahlaneis
S.ct.ion1 a.revUed subject to ..eting all e..:l.neeriag requir..at.,and the
l1Shtilnspla. was ....:l.tted. S.conded 1>Y Coacilua Daniela. Discussi.n. Vote OIl the
aotlon: CouncUun Cra"en, aye; COlIncilun Losen, aye, Co_c~l-.n D,ni.la, aye,
Councilman 'ellerin, aye. Councilman Sabatini, aye, 1llOtiOll carried.
Zoning Question: Ther. was eliseussionof the Planning & Zonina re4:OIIIHndatiOll to
aecept the z..ing map in City Hall as the official zonins ..p.
)lotion was _de by Councilman Daniels to table this .ubjeet utter until the next
h ~' ,--
.ating. S.e.nded by Co_cilun Cra"en. Discus.ion. V.te on t e..i_~on:Cou11Ci.....n
. .
Reg. Session, City Council, July 25, 1978
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77 -78-41
Crayen, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin,
aye; Councibaan Sabatini, aye; ~tion carried.
Ora..ge County l1aprOY,eaents Program Howell Branch Lateral:
Motton.smadebt Council..a Logan that we allow 111'. Rosansky to work with the
on, .nl~.eeronthis with a . If.ait on the pr.U.ainary of~r.. hours an. to report
_aell aft,-:<thisfirst ..eting with an appropriate cost 50 ..t ". know what ..
ar.,g.ttUal into. Second.d by Councilman Daniels. Discusden. Vote oa the ~tion:
C~nm.crav.., aye, Councilmaa Logan, aye, C01l1leilmaa Dani.is, aye; Councilman
Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent; BlOtion carried.
Acceptanellof Maintenance Bond on Vnit VI TuscawUla:
NOt.n::.... ..de by Councihun Losan that we accept the ..intenance bond on Vnit VI
'l'u.~n\. wttb the 5tipulatien that the fiye it_s approve. by 111'. True on July 25
be ~iber"toaad to release the letter of credit. Seconded by Councibaa. CraYen.
DlI~uS.io?,.Vot. on the motion: CouDcilaan Crayen, aye; C..cU... Loaan, aye;
Councu..... Danieb, aye; Councibun Pellerin, aye; CounctlMn Sabatini, absent;
~.,.,~1~,.~ lp -John Daniels:
III'. "tit...r,. who is to rejuvenate Wonder Lake, report.d that he needs to get a perait
frOll DI1l"eforehe can proceed wUlt hts work; he ts to COIle back to Council in about
three _eks.
The transfer of funds for the utility tax rebate will be looked into by Councilman
Daniels, and this will be on the alenda for next week.
Co""ilS~at IV-Laurent .'e11eri.:
Hoti,n.' ..de by, Councilman 'ellerin to place on the aseDda the hirins of one
fir.fiahtC!r. . Seconded by Co_cU..a Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the IIOtionl
CouneibaanCrayen, aye, Councibaan Logan, aye; Councilman Daaiels, aye; Couacibaan
PeUerin,aye, Councibaan Sabatini, absent; motion carried.
HotJon was made by Councilman Pellerin that we hire Larry G. Peterson and as an
altefnateMark A. Als_ as firefipter, pay srade first step aad that the indiYidual
..etst.t~eert1fication requirements before being broupt on board. Secon.ed by
Oo.ci__ Logan for .iscussioa. Vote on the _tionl Couacihun Craven, aye,
COUIl_U... Losaa, aye; Councibaan Daniels, aye; Councilman Pell.rin, ay.; Councilman
Sab.-Uni,absent. 1Il0tion carried.
lIoti~ was .... by Councilman P.ll.rin to place on the as.nda the emerS.ncy digginS
of aditdao.Coral Way and the problem to the east on Coral Way. Seconded by
CO\l1leibaan Logan. Discussion. Vote on the BlOtioDI Councilun Crave., aye. Councilman
Loga., aye, Councihun Daniels, aye; Councilman p.n.rin, ay.,Coacihun Sabatini, aye;
_tie. carried.
Hotion waa ma.e by Councilman Pellerin that the Public Works Department close the
ditda aut...tica1ly when the rainy season is oyer an. if it is not closed within 45
days then it is to b. r.newed by Council in 4.5 days. Seconded by CounCilman Logan.
DiSCussion.Vot. on the Illotionl CouncilmanCrayen, aye; Counc.ilman Logan, aye;
CouncilmanDaniels, aye. Councilman P.ll.rin, ay., Cov.ncilllan Sabatini, absent;
Mti" carried.
Hotlon was _de by Councilman Losan that we take the same action on Hr. HlIgh.. situation
as w.. did With Hr. DaiSl.'s lot and the same stipulation as far as tf.ae an. that the
...rgencYditch will .e thrOUSh the .as...nt. S.cond.d by Councilman Craven.Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Councilman Craven, aye;Councilman Logan,.ye;CouncilmanDaniels,
leg. Session, City Council, July 25, 1978
Page 3
ayel Councilun Pellerin, ayel CounciLman Sabatini, absent. motion carried.
Hotion was ..de by Councilman Daniels to place on the agenda the subject of
Councilman Pellerin's two absences from Council ..etings. Seconded by Councilman
. Craven. Discussion. Vote on the motion. Councilman Cra...en, aye. Councilun Logan,
ayeICo".Cilmaa Daniels, aye. Council_a Pelleria, aye. Couacilman Sabatini,
absent, 1IlOtion carried.
Motioa was made by Councilman Daniels to excuse Councilman Pelleria's absences
of forthc_ing two T.uesday kegular Heeting.s. SecORded by Councilman Logaa.
Discli..ion.. Vote oa the motion. Councilua Craven, aye. Coucilman Logaa, ayel
Councilman Daaiels, aye; Couacilman Pelleria, aye. Councilun Sabatini, abseat;
motiO'll ca~ried.
CouacilSeat V-John Saltatini:
MoU.on was madebyCouncilun Daniels to placeon the agenda approval for .the
purchase of lilaerockin the.....nt of '759.0(). Seconded by Councn...n Peller.in.
Discu..io'h Vote on the motion. Counctt.ln Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye;
COUncUman Daniels, aye; Couc1lman PeUerin, aye; CoucU..n Sabatini, absentl
motion carried.
Motion was made by CouncU_a Daniels to authorize the expenditure of approxillately
$759.00, Lia. Code 3-451 frOll the Public Works ludget fer the pWchase of lillerock
to. rejuvenateaad re,.ir South Idg8aOn beyond the ,.veaeat subject to the cORsulting
engineer' 8 concur;rence that this 18 the. right teapora;ry fix. Seccmded.byCounci1maa
Pelleriali Discussioa. Yote on the motion: C.uncU.an Craven, aye, Couacu....n Loaan,
aye;Couacilmaa Daniels, aye; CooacHun PeUerin, aye; Council1l8n Sabatini, absent;
_Cion car;ried.
Hr. lurquette's draiuge p;robl. behind C\abe;rland Paras was discussed. Council
felt that this is a probl.. of the landowne;r since this is p;rivate p;roperty.
Mot!oa was _de by Councilman Daniels to place on the agenda tie .plo,.ent of
M;r. Geo;rge Wool. Seconded by Councilun C;ravea. Discussion. Vote oa the motion:
Councilman Cra....a, aye; Councilmaa Loga., aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Couacilun
Pilllerin, aye; Ceuncll..n Sabatini, abaeat; motion car;ried.
Motion was ..de by Councilman Daniels that we offe;r M;r. Geo;rge Wool the position of
paz:ottiae_aquito sp;ray operator on the s..e teras that he ope;ratea b.efore.Seconded
by COWacU..nlteUe;rin. Discussion. Vote on the motion: CouncUman C;ravea,aye;
Councilman Logan, aye; Conncilmaa Daniels, aye; COaRcilman Pelle;rin, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, absent; _tion carried.
Tabled .otion on Tracto;r lid:
Motion vas made by COaRcUma. Logan that we autherize the purchase of' a tractor f;r_
leh;rensTracto;r Coapany ef Sanfo;rd in the amount of $8174.00, Hodel 990, '...?jj,.~IJI1.d
.~..~"'~ha;r1ng Punds Vehicles Line Code. Seconded by Councilman PeUe;rin.
D1scussion~ Vote on the motion: Councilman C;raven, aye; Coucilun Logan, aye;
CounciLman Daniels, aye; CounciLman Pelle;rin, aye; CouacibDanSabatini. absent;
Building Permit P;reblem~andy S;rofel
Hotionwas made by Councilman Daniels that the buildiug aepa;rtaent be inst;ructed to
enforce Sec. 44.85.7 as pe;rtaias to deed ;restrictions. Seconded by COURci1man C;raven.
~ ....
Reg.Sea.ton, City Counc11, July 25, 1978
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77 -78-41
Discuseion. Vote on the motion:CouncUman Craven, aye. CouncUaan Logan, aye.
Cowa.eU..1'l Daniels, aye. Councilman PeUerin, aye. Councilman Sabatini, absent.
motion. car..-ied.
MOti__. ws aade by CouncUman Daniels that the BuUding Departraent is instructed to
is.. .r.lrofe'.. building perait when it coapUes with recorded deed restrictiOJas
aSPertains to buildings and building placaents. Secondea by Council_n ~a"en.
))18a.sion. Vote on the motion: CouDcUaan Craven, aye. Counci11la. Logan, aye.
Counc:llaan Daniels, aye. Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent;
motion carried.
Repol't on Drainage probl_ at 430 Hawthorn Cil'cle:
Hr. 'radsWw reported he had talked with the Departaent of Enviromaental Regulation.
Hr. Bl'ads~ is to check that area on a daily basis.
...~~. ... . Qf~ice:
HotiOftwas..de by CO\l1lcu.aaa Logan to place on the agenda the appointraent to the
nartllerly trall~i.sion authority. Secoaded by CouncUa.n Pelleria. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Oouac:U.aaa Craven, aye. Councilutaa Loaan, aye. CouncUaan Daniels,
aye.. C01l1lc~l"n PeUerin, aye. Councilman Sabatini, absent; motion carried.
Hotioa .was ..de by Co_cil..n Daniels that the llayor be designated as pr11lary
repnsentat.ive to the19nta.lt' transmission authority with anyaeaber of Coancil
or thed.pUty ..yoI' as the altenate. Seconded by Councibaan Loga.. Discussion.
Vote on tile motion: Councilaan Craven, aye. CouncUaan LOlan, aye; Councilman
Danie1s, aye; Council... Pellerin, aye; Councilaan Sabatini, absent; motion carried.
Hotion.. ..de by Counci11lan Daniels to read Ordi1UlDCe No. 172 by title only on
.ecoadread:t.ng. Seconded by Co_cibaan Pellerin. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Couneilutan Logan, aye; Councibaan Daniels, aye; CouncUaan Pellerin, aye. Council..a
Sabatt.:l, absent'CooaQCtd~er.t..n, aye. motion carried.
Attorney Lalli read the second reading of Ordinance No. 172 by title only.
Hotion_s .-de by Councilaan Daniels to approve Ordi1Ulnce No. 172 by title only on
seconclreadlna.Secon4e. by Councibun Pellerin. Discussion. Vote On the Mtion:
Councilman craven, aye. Couacibaan Logan.ab....~ciJaan Daniels, aye. Council..a
Pellerin, aye. Councilman Sabatini, absent. motiOn carried.
Feasibility. Study on Contraction of Hunicipal Boundaries:
Planller Rozansky reported he is in the process of gathering data for the feasibility
Hotion was "de by Councibaan Daniels that Attorney Lang be directed to look at the
legal aspects of contraction and that he deteraine the correctness of the legal
descriptions.baitted in the most expedient and cost effectiv. manner. Seconded
byCo"ci~1l Craven. Discussion. Vote on the motion: CounciJaaa Craven, aye.
Couacilman I),ola., absellt. Councilaan Daaiels,aye. Co_cUaan Pellerin, aye;
COUtIc:l.I.n Sabatilli,absent. motion carried.
Councibaan Daniels asked for an interUn report at the next meeting.
The budget is to be discussed at
Mr. Charles Hort asked the Clerk
so that he can pick th_ up.
Heeting was adjourned.
the next meeting.
to bring the Recall petitions to the next meeting
Respectfully subaitted,
H'-I'; ~orton,
City Clerk