HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 07 18 City Council Regular Minutes
UGULM SlS8101l
JlJI,Y 18, 1978
Th. 1l...1al'S....ion of the. City CoacH of the City of Wiatu Spri_s, F1.ricla w..
call"to Ol'der})y llay.l' Troy Pilaad. The invocation was givn hy Dep.ty Hay.r
....rut Pellerin.
Roll CallI
"y01:' Troy Pil..d, pr..ent
De,.ty ilia.,. Latlr.nt Pelleria, pre.ent
City Attorney Ta Lna, pres.at
'loa Cr.ven, .~tt;t.
Bvt Log.., pre..nt
Jon haUls, ,res.at
Joha Sahatiai, pr...at
.JlII.'.:t.a~OI.'ah_,430 S. lIawthorn Cirel., r.ported the high vat.r in the b.ek of
hi. '~...d.. to the hroken levy in the lake. Hr. Brad.haw :f.s to cheek on this and
reportha.ck toO..cil aext ...t iag.
HI'.lta.,41.Sr.fe,. 614 If. Pint.C01U't, r.port.d a prohl.. with a buUding p.ra1t.
Att~r..,. La.. .sk" to .eea copy of the de.d r..tl'ietio.. I).fore ..leiag any
d.ci.ioa. II. will research the.it_tin and gi.. ... type ofdil'.ction ~o
C..el1 at "",'...eting. Wlatel' Spri... Deve1....at~JtW'....dS\lcc....
ask.d to be at that...ti...
.....Da.l., hr.1Way, r.,..t" a drainage probl_.
HI'S. lUlli...01l .... tf .aythl. had h.en doa. about the city paying for the
.lactr:l.city for the str..t 11tht. in the Ilanchland..
A!.l'....,. of't"'.~. of J.1f 11. 1978~
..U.........~yc....l:a..an Danl.1. to approve the ain.t.. of J.ly 11, 1978.
S.,coaded 1)".cUlI8a 'eU.rin. Disc...ioa. Yot. on. the ..tioal CouacU_a Cra..,
a"...t, cc,~(1"'."".1l, .y., Co_cU...D.niels, ~. c..cUllan P.ll.rin, .ye,
C....t_. labetlai, ay., aGtioa carried.
Co1rIlcilS_tI -Tea Cr...n.........r
_'~.~~it~ ~Lo~an:
Planai.._r.at- .. .
H.tio. was.... tlyOouneil... L...a tkat .. ...t this ..thority t.....ppUcatloa
for the ..ansloa for the Pl_iag Gr..t.S.......by 0...11..,S."atl.i.l)i.....1o.
Vote oa th...tio.uCoUllcillla. Cra..., . ..b..at.QeaeU.... ~.. .,.,c.uacU....
Da.iels, ay., COUllciIMn PeUerin.,.y.a C...11_. S.h.tlai, .yea _tlO1lcarri...
Ther. wa. dlscu..ion. of. the City jo~"i..tJahlh<<P.~~jotfofaz1l 4otetn~lfht""
aleaey.. Coac.U f.lt this Was . coop.ratl.. effort hy the c.uaty bd that the City
....uld pursu it.. Ifo ....y was to ".c...1ttecl, .rely a cooperati.. effort with
the County.
r.. Sch...lel
Pi.nael' Ilosaa.kydl.trihuted c.ple. ofth. Fee Schedul.. Item 8 was added to
iac1... LOtSpHt.-$35.00.
.otioa wa...de<by OODcilll8. Log.. to direct the Attorn.y to draw up the appropriate
r..olut.i... aeloptlag tie.e fee .ch.dules.S.coad.d hy C..cU... ~att.t.iaf... Dl,cu..lou.
Y.I::. OR the_tloal OoaacU...a Or...., ab..at. O...oU.... Log.., aye.h_ciIM.
De.l.ts, aye; eo.aeu.... P.l1el'i., ay., Couacibun S.batiai, .ye, ..ciem carried.
Rea. Session, City Council, July 18, 1978
Page 2
'there was eliscussion of tbe City At,torney draftiag an ordiaaace tbat aU fees
set by tbe City and approved by Council be set by Resolution.
lIotion wa. ..de byCowcilaa Dalliels to in.truct tbe Attoney to draft aa
ordi~ceto cover all fee. set by the City eaat are approved by COUDcil be
..,t by I.e.. luti... Bec..deel by Councibun Loan. Discu.si... Vote oa eae
_t.i". Co.cilaa Gruea, abseat; Couacilmall Lopa, aye; COpcU._a Daniels,
aye; ceucU... Peneria, aye; Couacu...n Sabatini, aye; metioa carrieel.
S....elR..eliag of Ordi_ace Jlo. l68-8ite Plan Re"iew Ordi..ace:
lI.tlft ... _cta by Couacilua Lopn to read Ordinance Jlo. 168 by title only.
Seco._d. by Co.cU.-aPeUeria. Di.cu.aioa. Vote on tbe _tion: Couacilmaa Cra"ea,
aJt;seatJ co..cu..... Loae., aye; Co.cU..an Baaiels, aye; Couacilll&n Penerin, aye;
COtaa.cU,.. 8.&batiai, aye; aGtion carried.
Attor..y Laaa read the .econd readina of Grdl_nee Jlo. 168 by title only.
lI~iO'D..wa. ..de by CoaciJaaa Peneria to approve Ordi_ace Jlo. 168 on second
.eaell.by tit.le oalya.ectitoriaUy chanaed. Secftded by Co..l_a ~.aa.
Di.c...i... Vote on the aoticnu CouaciJaaa Gruea, absnt; Couacu...a Losan, aye;
eo,.ci..... Daaie1s, aye; C01ll1cil..n Pellerin, aye. Councillllaa Sabatiai, aye;
_tift carriecl.
Lo.t SP~lt, Lot 4, Block C, )I.Orlando Ranche. Sec.l, (Gould).
lIoti"..... ._cte by Couacihaan Logan to arat the lot split and actvise the Attoney
to draft the appropriate resolution for splittiag Lot 4, Block C, JI.Orlando Rbche.
Seetin 1 for. Mr."uld and. to inc.luele a fee equl to the Attorney's cost for
clraft:U.. the Resolution to be paid to tbe City. Seeond" by C"CU...aBaaiel..
Discu..io.. Vote em the _tioa: COUllcil118n Cra....a, ab.eat; 'Coacibuaa Log.a, aye;
C..aci....n Dani.ls, ay.; C....cilaan P.llerin, aye. Council..n Sabatini, aye;
..t ion ...carr i.el.
~il.S::t 111 - John Daniels:
""'ul.' Jhs." et:
Co,iesof the 1978-79 Buqet were distributed. The total of all f_ds aao_ud to
'.9,8)0.00. This is to be di.cussed at a Workshop Session Tuesday, July 25, 1978.
lIotioReftS ..de by COUllcilaan Daniels that we place on the agenda the subject of
st~eet' aad drai_a..in Sectioa 2 and 2A Jlorth Orlaado Raaches. Seeoalled by
C..cUaan Pelled,n. Disc.ssion. Vote on tbe ..tion: COUIlcilaaa CraY_, absent;
C..-ellaan Logan, aye; Councillllaa Daniels, aye; COUllcillllan Pellerin, aye.
Cotmcilaall Sabatiai, aye; aGtion carried.
IIotio.. was ..de by COUllcU..an Daniels that we direet the City Plaaaer in conjuaction
with checonsulting engiaeer to develop an ass.s....t plat of Section 2 aad 2A to
ia~icate the a.cessary clrainag. and associated street ~rov....tsaecessary to
briag that area of drai_le ad streets .p to an acceptable stan4ard. Se.....d by
C_cilua Pellertn. Discussion. Vote oa the ..ti..: Councilman.. Cra".., abs,at;
C..ct"'a Logaa, .y.; CO_CU...8 Daiels, aye; Cou.cilaaa Pelleri., aye.
COUIlcilaan Sabatini, aye; aGtioa carried.
There was discussion of the drai_ge probl. of Mr. >>agle on Coral Way. IIr. Brad-
shawwas asked to .explore thepossibi1ity of using the lake ,.. fl:. tke Fire
Depare.ent to pump the water down; see what the cost would be to get a surveyor to
t;.-- ,,#
Iteg. Se"Ssio, City CoaeU, J.ly 18. 1978 Page 3 77 -78-40
fiael the eas..nt exactly aael see if witte. permi..ioa eo.lel be obtaineel to make
.... type of temporary cut to elrain the la.el.
"tio w. _de by Coacl1-.n Sabatini to put a lid ef net to exceed $200 te fiad
...etly where the eas....t is in the eveat the pw.p c:Ioe. not gi"e .at is factory
relief so oey can go ahead aad drain off to Oee Creek. Motion dieel due to lack of
a secoad.
.otion was_de by Councilman Daniels that Mr. Bradshaw be a.thorized to relieve
the .tar standilll probl_ 0 Coral Way... oe a.aly.i'of the land where the
......t i. a.dto elo Oe ai....... ab.olutely DHe..ary dilllaathrOlllh oe ea....t
to. alleviate the probl... 'fhi. i. a t....ary .ol.t.io to be fille. when oe
,,~..t .olutio. i. preYi..4. sec.oa4ei by O....cilma. Pelleri.. Discusien. Vote
on tile ..tiolU C01l1lC11_a or..... ab...t. Coacilma. LOlaa, ao, CODc11... Daaiels.,
aye.e._cu...a 'elleri.. a,e. c.uaei11laa Sabatini, aye. 1IlOtion c&n:'ied.
there. was di.cus.ion of the .treet lipts baing turned on i. Unit 111. Hr.
Brad'" i. to call Fl_iela Pover _~ atl1 they are tun" on, 40c...t it,
aael foil.. up with a letter.
Sp.t JY. - Laar~.t 'eU8ltial
..ti.. _. _de b, COD.11..... 'ellerin to i..truet the Attorne, to draft the afiJe
appropriate ..e.olutin to require a._I ph,.icals of a.ll firefiptars and police-
..... physiIMl ..ility tests be eond_t.d s..i.......U'. S.co..... by Oounci_.
1.01_. Discusion. Vote 011 the SOti011: C01I1lOU_. Crn.., ab...t. c.uneU.... Loaan,
aye; C...cilma. Danials, aye. C01l1lCiI-.n '.lleri., aye; COUDCilma. Sabatini, aye.
motion carried.
1I0tioa vas ..de by Councilman Pellerin that we place .. the ale.Cia the h.iriag of
a firafiahter b, the .... of Jack I.. whittaker. Sec..ed by Ceuaeilman Daniels.
Disc..ston.Vote on tIl. motioal .COuacilman Cra"en. abse.t. Councilman Logan. ay..
Council.llaaD_iets, aye. Coacl1maa 'elleria, a,e. Councibua Sabatiai, ao.
Mti01l carried.
1I0tion ws made by Co_cilma. PeUeria that we hire Jack I.obert WIlittaker as
firefipter, ia the ff.r.t pa, grade to be broupt on bearel at the ttlle tlaat
cartification llas beea clearecl anel he i. acceptable to the State. SeCORclecl by
C01InCU....LOS... Discussion. Yote on oe _tion: Council_n Cra"en, absent.
C"c1.n Logan, aye. Co1lDCilman Daniels, ay.. ao_cu.... 'eUerla., aye. e.acilman
Sabatini, aye. _tion carried.
,eat' - Job S"'atin~:
.otion was ..de by Cou.acilaaa. Sabatini to place on the ..enela th. bicl of Bur...
Tractor...C-.pany. Secenclecl by Co1IIlcilman Loaaa. Dbc...i.... Vote on. th.e moti..:
Council_a. Cra..n. ab..nt, Coaeilman Loaan, ay.. c.acU... Daniels. a,a.
Councilman Pellerin. a,e. aouncil,.n Sabatini II aye. ..tion carried.
Hotion was ..de by Council..n Sabatini tlaat the Co_cil approve the bicl a. the
lowest bid that met specification by Behr..s Tractor a_pa,n,., Hoelel 990.
Seconded by Councibasa. Daniels. Discu..10n. 1I0tion an. seconcl were withdrawn.
lI.tion was made by Co_cibasn Sabatini that tiais (Behr... Tractor Bid) be tabled
until the advertisGellt is reacl and aderstood and inspected by the Attorney.
, .
aeg. Sessi.., Oity C.UDci1, July 18. 1978
Pag. 4
S.coad. by C.uacu...n Daniels. Discussi.n. Vote OD the _tiOD: On.cihun
Or".., ab.ent. Councilman L.gan, aye. O.vncihun Daniels, aye. Oouncilman
P.11eri., aye. coacihua Sabatini, aye. _ti.. carried. (lid pric. $8174.00)
Pur... Ord.r 16355:
.oti.n was ..deDY Co.cilman Sabatiai to approve pa,....t .f P.O. 16355 for
r.,.irs toth. P11MutlaNo. 7&~ Seconded by OouacU..a Daaiel.. Di.cus.iem.
"'ote.cm tlae ..ti..: '...cibaa. Cra.eD, abseat. O..c11.... Logan, .,..
Oouactblaa Daftiels, aye, Couaciltun Pelleria, aye. eouacihBan Saba~i, aye.
1IiOd..a carried.
Hotion ...s ..de by O...c11..n Sabatiai to place oa the ag..da the repair of the
74 lIaUdorPo1ice Oar. Secoaded byOoUDcU...n Loga.. Discu..i... Vote on the
m9tin.:C...U... Loa'" aye. Co..cihua Cravea, absaat. Oouncil.... Daaials,
aya.~ihull }Jelleria, aya. Councilman Sabatini, aya, ..tin carri...
..ti..... ..da by COU'Acilaan Sabatiai that paYMnt for repair of 74 Hatader,
P...l~79,.ln the ....t of $3.50.11 be approved. Saconded by Conci..a Daai.la.
.;!ota on .t1\e _t.ift: Oouncilaaa Orayan, ab...t,Cnaci1M11 Logan, aye,
~lI.iels, aye. COuacU..n Pelleria, aye; Coacilaaa Sabattai, aye.
..,.... s Office:
aeJ..~.tion of Wond.r Lake:
_.Art.lD.r W8SiR'....t. to speak for tha rej.....tift of Wo.er Lake.
~tiftW8. ...de hyO...c11.... SaDatini t. apfr..e the project. subject t.o ,.ssa.e
of tIl.. r.solution . clranu, by the City At~y..d i."~~raI._ti" if in
fact. tIl. c.-ty ~__t of s..ir...tal Servic.s is i.fact acti.. f~ tIa.
.t.a.t. JepU't:llaIlt..; 6f .lIlYir...llt.a1 aegulati.n ..41 if .Ot, then the -tai.i....fa
ap,rovalfr. the Stat. Deparm.atof lavir.....ta1a...l.ti.. aad thea. c..itioa
that .~ projectwlll be carri. *..p to c.,leti.. at .. ..,...e to the City'
at. the.. appr.friate tiaethe Oity wUl request perai..ion t. .t.ock it. S.......by
O...ci_. Lo...... Discus.io.. Vot.e o. tile. ..tio., e...cil.... Orav.., aDsent.
OllUDeilMa Losaa, aye. .CftacU.. BaIli.la, aye; Councilaaa 'elleri., ay..
O.UJlCit.&aSabatini, aye; _tio. carried.
this is to b. on the ag_da aext week for approval .f the resolutiem.
""'lic learing f.r Orctinaace .0. 172, S.inol. cabl..isicm:
Ketioaws _cta by Oo..cU..n P.Uer1n t. read Ordi_c. .0. 172 by title oaly.
Sec.",d bye....i... Sabaeilli.Dis.s.ion. Vote on the _tion: O....i_. Or....,
a)Jse.t. Council.aa t.oga., aye. O..oU... Da.iels, aye; Coaci1M. Pelled.., .ye,
Oouncil...n Sabati.i, aye. aotift carried.
Hayor Pilaad rec.ssed the Oounci1 aeeting aad COllY_ed tlae p-'>>lie hearing. Attorney
Lang read Ordiaa.e. No. 172 by title oaly. Discussion.lIayer Pila. clos.ct the
public hearing and reconvened the Regular Ses.ion.
Hoti.n was ..d. by Couacilman Pe11.rin to p1ae. tha payment of Attorn.yLaas' s bU1
oa the ageada. Seconded by Oouacilaaa Logan. Di.e..ston. Vote oa the Meion:
Couaeilman Ol:a.en, absent. Oouaeilman Logan, ay.. 00_oi11l811 Daniels, aye. Oouae11..n
Pellerin, aye. Oouneilaan Sabatini, aya; ..tion carried.
. "
'flo___ 'f!: ",;r,.-'"
Reg. Se.ston, Ctty Couaci1, July 18, 1978
Page 5
.otion._ ..de by Coacilaan Sabatini toapproye the pa.,...t of .lttoney ~ngf8
bU.t taits entirety. Seconded by, Ceuacilllaa Daniels. Discu..ton. Yete on the
Mttona. C....cU... Craven, abs..t, CeuacllJ1a. LogaR, aye. COuactlJla.hniels,
aye' C__ilJlall Pellerin, aye, Couaci11laa Sabati.t, aye; ..ti011 carried.
.eeti.. adjourned.
Respectfully sUbaitted,
Mary T. Bort..,
City Clerk
. .-"
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