HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 07 17 City Council Workshop Minutes
JULY 17, 1978
t1' ,.78-39
The Workshop Sas.ioa of' the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Winter Spring., Florida ..
call"t. o"der by"'" Tro, Pilaad. Th. pl.dg. of allegiaace to the flag was 1.d
by Plaltner li,charel"..a.Bky.
loll Call:
.,.1' frO)' Pilaad, pr..nt
Deputy,"yorLaureat p,ll.ria, pr..ent
CltyAttoraey tea Laa., pr.s.at
Ta Orav.., ab..nt
Burt LOgan, ab..nt
Joba Daaiel., pre.eat
Joha Sa~atiai, pre..at
F...ItIJtJTl"S~Yrol(>>lJT~;tON OF HUltlC:t~+,L ~.~~S:
f..r.....clil..cuB.i.. of tIl. fea.ibility. .tu"~ T.. City Plarmer was dir.ct.d to
get iafonultioa .... a. re.,.... ttaeof the .h.riff, fir. aad re.cu. calha
ifther.ara 8.' ~i.tlaa co.tract.; eoataet all utility o-.,.aie.to ..a what
type of r.....nu. loss weulel b. born. by the ...ici,.Ut1 a. far a. franchi.. f....
.._..~ 10.. as far as buUdiaaperaitsa elleell fire in.uranc. rate., etc.
Oouncibaaa Daaiel. r.ported th.r. will be aa opea ...ting for r.sidents of Tuscawilla
on August 10 to hear the pros and eons for this contraction.
.~,~1978-79 Fi_ll".ar:
Thb was to be dUeu.seel on July 18, 1978 I.gular Session.
Df.se,.'loa. !~Dr'.~-- Probl.oa SU.ert.r,_ Driv.:
. Th.r. ..lId1..c:...tonof the drai_g. probl.. OR SiLYercr..k Drive, Tide. aad
"rlin ...a.a. COral Way. Attorney Lang is to look iato proce4ures for .ettlM
up a Special taxi. cli..trict. This wUl b. eliscussed OIl July 18, 1978..gular
Oopies of Attora.y Lang's bill are to be giv.n to all Ooaci1aen aad this will be
d'isclrssecl on July 18, 1978 Regular Session.
Heeti1ll was adjourned.
Respectfully .ubaitteel,
Hary T. Norton,
Oity Olerk