HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 03 21 City Council Regular Minutes
77 -78-22
MARCH 21, 1978
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida was
called to order by Mayor Troy Piland. The invocation was given by Attorney Gary
Massey. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Tom Craven.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor JOhn Daniels, present
City Attorney Gary Massey, present
Tom Craven, present
Burt Logan, present
Larry Pellerin, present
John Sabatini, present
Public Input:
Mrs. Carrie Weaver, North Third St., Vice Chairman of the Board of Adjustment asked
Council about the seminars being conducted at Seminole Community College and if the
City could pay the fees. Mayor Piland told her that upon completion of the seminar
the City would reimburse the members upon proof of completion.
Mrs. Weaver also recommended that procedures for the Board of Adjustment be more
clearly defined, and that the ordinance pertaining to vans needs to be changed.
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin that the minutes of Manch 7, 1978 be
accepted as written. Seconded by Councilman Craven. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Allegations made against a Public Works Department employee:
There was discussion on this matter; it was decided to send a letter of reprimand
from the department head to be filed in the employee's file.
Vacating easement in Wildwood:
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we pass Resolution No. 211 vacating the
legally described parts of the utility easement on lot 20, Wildwood as requested.
Seconded by Councilman Logan. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Cnaven,
aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Vacating portion of Stoner Road:
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Denning were present to speak for the vacation. The Councilmen
felt it was too soon to vacate this road as no one knows what the developers of
the Planned Unit Development might want to do with the land. (The PUD is the 200-
acre tiract adjoining Stoner Road.)
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to deny'permission to vacate that portion of
Stoner Road as per Resolution No. 212. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion.
Vote on the motion:Counci1man Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman
Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
VFW-Florida Land Company vacation of plat in the Highlands:
Mr. Dan White presented the plat for vacating to Council, plus the letter from
Florida Land Company dated March 21, 1978. Councilman Daniels asked if there would
Regular. Session, City Council, March 21, 1978
Page 2
r-1 be any problem in bringing in their prel~inary development plan as will affect
that area and run a re-platting at the same time with the vacating - all at one
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to set a public hearing to hear the request
for Florida Land Company for vacation of a portion of the Plat of North Orlando
Ranches, Section 11. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Craven, aye; CounciLman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
City Planner:
Mayor Piland proposed to Council to make Mr. Rozansky City Administrator/City
Planner. He also asked for a salary adjustment. Counci~en are to talk to
Mr. Rozansky, and this will be on another agenda.
The purchase of the North Orlando Water & Sewer Corporation was discussed. This is to
be placed on the next Workshop agenda for further discussion. The City Engineer is to
be asked to be present at that time for his input.
Mayor Piland read the resolution opposing the establishment of a study cOlDission.
Motion was made by Councilman Logan to adopt Resolution No. 210 with modifications.
Seconded by CounciLman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: CounciLman Craven,
aye; Councilman Logan, aye; CounciLman Daniels, aye; CounciLman Pellerin, aye;
Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
n Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini to approve the purchase order for a power
generator for the Fire Department in the amount of $358.65. Seconded by Councilman
Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the motion: CounciLman Craven, aye; CouncibDan Logan, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini to approve the street numbering system as re-
vised, see attached list for Deer Run between intersections of Antelope Trail, Swan
Street and Ermine Trail and Leopard Trail. Seconded by CounciLman Logan. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman
Daniels, aye; Councilman Pelle~in, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Mayor Piland recessed the regular session and opened the public hearing for
Ordinance No. 167, the adoption of the Life Safety Code. Attorney Massey read the
first reading of Ordinance No. 167 in its entirety. Chief Holzman spoke for the
ordinance. Mayor Piland closed the public hearing and reconvened the regular session.
Motion was made by Councilman Pellerin to adopt Ordinance No. 167 as read. Seconded
by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Craven, aye;
Councilman Logan, aye; CounciLman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
One bid was received for breathing apparatus and air bottles. The bid was from the
ABC Fire Equipment Company and was opened by Finance COIDissioner Daniels.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that this bid be provided to the Fire Chief for his
review with a recommendation back to Council. Seconded by Councilman Pellerin.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Craven, aye; CounciLman cont. Page 3
Regular Session, City Council, March 21, 1978
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Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini,
aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini to approve the purchase of the IBM electric
typewriter in the amount of $702.00, L. C. 6-201. Seconded by Councilman Craven.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
motion carried.
Mr. Emmett White appeared before Council to discuss the merger with Seminole
Cablevision withTime Inc. and the assignment of the franchise to Time Inc.
Attorney Massey said the city needs to be furnished the names of officials and
the Directors. The resolution is to be on the agenda for the next meeting.
There was discussion of the cost estimates for North and South Edgemon Avenue
paving and resurfacing. This is to be discussed at a Workshop Meeting. '
Attorney Massey reported he had received a call from Southern States in reference
to his letter about the franchmse. Attorney Massey is to be given a copy of the
There was discussion with Mr. Stanley, a~torney for Wildwood Homeowners. He
reported that thirteen residents have elected to stay in the association. Mr.
Massey is to review these agreements and Wildwood is to be on the next agenda~
r-! Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk