HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 04 25 Regular Minutes
~,'~-' "~'T':;'S
I'Jinter pr '8 Planning ( Zo;: .ng Boare'
Ipril lh, 19' '7
P&Z Bo"r members New orne, Parkhur' t, S 3.1 vagio, ~lilliams, and I,' )Qd-
fin .. .: ayor Pil:md .. City Plam ~r R JZansky
CAL: TO ORDER: I er:>:ting cal ed ) order by C: 3irm:in i'lilliE'Tls at 7:35 p.m.
MIN "ES: Minute ,)f the Ma.'ch : 1(, 1977, mee. ing 'ere approved as submit' ~d.
PUB-JIC HEARING: A ~ 7:38 Chdrm n. Williams S1. spenled the regular meetingmd
conv8ned a public hearing OJ, an 3pplication 1 y tr"! firm of Glatting, Bre 'i~y,
Sha'-,'~en & Associates to rez, me ()7 acres alO! [!, Fi:her Road from TIU to RC i to
dev'.op 60 residenJ..ial lots wit a minimum OJ 1+ a.cres anc' an average sj :>,e of
2.73.cres. Mr. Paul Brophy pre,ented the re' uest, statinr that the pre} .11i-
nar, , plat plan cal'.s for onl.y s x: lots front' ng on Fisher Read, with thE' :1e_
mai ~ ler fronting o~\ interna:' st: eets.
Sev;ral members of the audience asked C}uesti' ns, but none ex'.:>ressed sup]:)'~
for .)r opposition to the applic.. t,ion.
In r }sponse to questions frflm c" ~izens and 'Pt Z BOclrd members, Mr. Brophj .n-
diCe ,ed that his client - Carne' on Brown Co. - oms no at joining land E' d
thaJ, t,here are no plans for con>ecting roads to t:!e east of the propert~
He 'I. Itends for t>e lots to 1)e d veloped on ir1.di vi iual wellfl and septic tl1kS.
He s'3.id he will as'.;: for a v ria ce to avoid l;avir.'~ to pave t 1e access re'd.
He S lid he is considering t~'yin to us e powel eas~ments af 1 1idal paths . id
tha-l.. developed lot " probabl~;- wi 1 sell for $1 ,00C'-$10,000.
The city planner expressed no plofessional nserv1tions about> the rezonjqg.
May):", Piland said. le feels ECl ,oning is con: iste1t with f'J.rrounding zor ug.
Cha '"man Williarns:losed th pu'1ic hearing c t 8: l3 and res1.; :led the regulf.\r
MOTT)N: On a moti 111. by rarl:hur t, seconded Ly Ne'tlsome, the :30ard voted 1 18n-
imo' ',ly to recomme"d to the Cit: Council thai the rezoning r ~quest be ar "roved.
MOTI IN: On a moti in by Wil:.iam' , seconded b~' Par<<hurst, the Board also \nted
una'1.mously to recnmmend to the~ity Council that, as part of its approv:) _ of
the 'equest, it cOiJ.sider:
The inclusion of b: ida~ paths.
Prohibiting connec'ing roads to the east.
Limitingots fron'inp; )n Fisher ROi d tc a maximl 1 of six.
Exempting the applcani from paving an 8~cess roci.
RFZC'1ING REQUEST P' CITY OF HINrr?R SPR!NGS: '1ayo' Piland )resented the r ty's
reqUt~st to rezone ,nock 16, Lot 10 & 11 fror R-1, to C-1 10r the purpOSE of
con:'i'tructing a pub ic works and maintenance ( )mpomd.
MarlON: On a motim by New: orne seconded by ')ark mrst, tr~ Board voted 1nan-
imo~lsly to call a public he, rinf on the request a+. 7:30 p.l. on ~1ay 12, 1')77,
at .!...'r}e Sunshine Pa 'k Commun ty ~nter and au+ '1ori '.ed the c.ty clerk to cO)[1ply
Pag' 2
witr the requirements for proper notice.
ZONlrG ORDINANCF. REVISION: The Board discussed its appro8.~h to this mat"i;,_.r
and greed to devote its April 23 meeting tOl workshop on ordinance reV:.~ion.
NK{T MEETING: Next meeting will be Thursday, April 28, at the municipal
bui~ ding.
ADJCJRNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 9:4.9 p.m.
~John Newsome, Secretary
. "
Winter pr:: ~9 n:, ,mine Zoning Boar
\pril 5, 1G '7
Hor. Hayor & City ~ouncil
C it,' of Winter Spr ings
\'Jin:\; :~r Springs, F-'IJ
RF.: Rezon'ng Request by
Glattinp" Brophy,
Shaheen & Associates
At its meeting on Apri 11., 1977, at thi conclusion of a Public Hear-
ing, the Planning & Zoning Joard voted unanir~1ouEly to reccmn'end that thE
':Un'er Springs City Council approve tl;? above-referenced ~pplicat,ion to
res, ,1e 167 acres along Fisher Road from RU to RC1.
The Board further voter] unanimoUf.' Ly tio y'ecommend that the City Coun-,
cil, as part of d,s approval. of this e Jplic8' ion, consider:
1) The inclusion of bTidal paths.
2) Prohibif,ing connec7;ing roads ~iO the east.
3) Limiting the numbe" of lots f1"ontinr on Fisher'Read to a maximUlT
of six.
4) Exempting the apphcant from:)aving an access ro(',d.