HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 12 01 City Council Workshop Wildwood Homeowners Minutes
_ 77-78-6
Workshop on Wildwood Subdivision
Councilman Sines - Present
Councilman Hendrix - Absent
Councilman Ash - Absent
The meeting was opened by Mayor Troy Piland.
Councilman Daniels - Present
Councilman Sabatini - Present
New Deve1per gave presentation of letters and plans on the phasing of
Wildwood Subdivision. Project will be brougbtin with as many as ~ix
phases. Amenities package must be approved at each level of development.
Phase I will include 79 lots, 19 of which are already occupied. Amenities
for this phase will consist of a tot lot with two covered picnic benches.
Streets in Wildwood are privat~ly owned and will not be maintained by the
City of Winter Springs.
Councilman Daniels said that we need four things from the developers:
1. National Homes representative at the next meeting.
2. Total preliminary phasing of the amenities package.
3. Suggested changes to be made in the cul-de-sacs for easier
4. Agreement as to drainage and streets being brought up to
standards before being turned over to the homeowners association.
Suggestion was made that Chief Holzman take a look at Wildwood and the
problems that might occur for his department in that area.
Special Session of the Council - Planning Grant
Richard Rozansky brought the Council up to date on the Planning Grant
and what it can and can not be used to bUYf The Grant is in the amount
of $5727.00. The city will have to match $2864.00, which will consist
of in-kind services, equipment and staff time. The breakdown of how
the Grant is to be spent was submitted.
Council must approve the Grant before"Mayor Piland can sign for it.
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini: That we accept the Planning
Grant in the amount of $5727.00 to be matched by the City for $2864.00
by the use of in-kind services in the form of staff time and wquipment.
Second by Councilman Sines.
No discussion.
Councilman Sines - Aye
Councilman Hendrix - Absent
Councilman Ash - Absent
Councilman Daniels - Aye
Councilman Sabatini - Aye
Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.
J an A. Halstead
Asst. City Clerk
Troy J. Piland, Mayor