HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 09 12 City Council Regular Minutes
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SEPTEMBER 12, 1977
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida
was called to order by Deputy Mayor John Daniels. The invocation was given by
City Attorney Gary Massey. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by
Councilman John Sabatini.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, absent
Deputy Mayor John Daniels, present
City Attorney Gary Massey, present
Don Sines, present
Ernest Hendrix, absent
Claude Ash, present
John Sabatini, present
Motion was made by Councilman John Sabatini to approve the minutes of August 29,
1977. Seconded by Councilman Ash. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash,
aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Planning & Zoning Report, Councilman Sines:
The application for annexation from Mr. Cliff Jordan and Mr. Ambrose Zaccarello
was discussed.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines that we direct the Attorney to set up a
public hearing and ordinance for annexation on the request from Cliff Jordan and
Ambrose Zaccarello on 2.2 acres of property, 626 feet fronting on Rt. 434, and
refer the application to the Planning and Zoning Board and have their recommenda-
tion back to Council. Seconded by Councilman Ash. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Councilman Sines referred to the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Board
meeting of August 25. The Board recommended that Mr. Zabel's request to rezone
certain property be denied.
There was discussion of the cost of the ad for the Comprehensive Plan in the
Orlando Sentinel which was $722.00
Councilman Daniels relinquished the chair to Councilman Sabatini to make the
following motion:
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we change our advertising policy of
advertising in two newspapers of general circulation in Winter Springs to advertising
in one newspaper of general circulation and that the City policy, unless otherwise
changed by specific case, be to advertise in the Evening Herald only. Seconded by
Councilman Sines. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, no; Councilman
Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, no; Councilman Sabatini, no; Councilman Daniels,
aye; motion failed.
The Attorney ,.,ras asked to report back on the matter of advertising and this will
be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Reg. Session, City Council, Sept. 12, 1977
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Fire Department Report:
The monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on file. Fire Chief
Holzman reported that 42 injuries were treated during the Bike-a-thon.
Finance & Election Report, Councilman Daniels:
Motion was made by Councilman Sines to pay the $722.00 advertising bill out of
Line Code 8-365 Planning Dept., Miscellaneous. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix,
absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
motion carried.
Councilman Daniels reported that due to illness, Mrs. Louise Owens and Mrs. Ruth
Layo are not able to work on the Special Election. Mrs. Gladys Rory will replace
Ruth Layo and Mr. Charles Lang will replace Louise Owens.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines to approve the substitution of election workers.
Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines,
aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Daniels read the letter from Watsky & Company in reference to doing
the accounting for the City. There was discussion of changing the accounting firm.
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini that we table and get some other quotations.
Seconded by Councilman Ash. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye;
Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
Councilman Daniels, no; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines to instruct the Attorney to draft the
necessary ordinance to make the necessary public hearing on changing the date the
newly elected officials take office from January to December and the counselor to
come up with the correct wording and this is to be placed on the ballot for the
November Election. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Daniels read the letter from Winter Springs Development Corporation as
follows:" Winter Springs Development Corporation shall provide approximately one
acre of land to be utilized for recreational purposes. The land shall be adjacent
to the recreational facilities as indicated on the existing Tuscawilla Development
Plan. signed N.D.Castellano, Vice President."
Councilman Sines reported there was a very good voter turnout for registration
day on September 10. Approximately 110 to 120 people were registered.
Deputy Mayor John Daniels read the letter from Judge Dickey reference a good
driver incentive fund. Copy is attached.
Police Department report, Councilman Ash:
The monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on file.
Reg. Session, City Council, Sept. 12, 1977
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Motion was made by Councilman Ash to approve the purchase of three evidence
lockers to be paid out of the LEAA grant and not to exceed $495.00. Seconded
by Councilman Sines. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye;
Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Public Works report, Councilman Sabatini:
The monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on file. There was
discussion of Sailfish and Silver Creek Roads in the Ranchlands. The City
Engineer's report on this area is to be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines that we place a moratorium on the issuance
of building permits for no longer than 30 days on Sailfish and the first 100
yards on Silver Creek until such time the Council receives the report from
Clark, Dietz and considers their recommendation. Seconded by Councilman
Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman
Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, no; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels,
aye; motion carried.
Councilman Sines asked the status of Wildwood. This item is to be on the agenda
for the next meeting.
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini to read the second reading of Ordinance No.
156 by title only. Seconded by Councilman Sines. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Sines, no; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Massey read the second reading of Ordinance No. 156 by title only.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines to amend Ordinance No. 156 in the following
manner: Sec. 44.05 - the Planning and Zoning Board shall consist of seven members;
the five members having designated seats one thru five with set numbers corresponding
with Council Seats, the remaining two members to be at large, and appointed by the
Mayor and ratified by the Council. Each member shall be a citizen and registered
voter of the City of Winter Springs. Each appointment whether made by respective
Council member or Mayor shall be subject to Council ratification. Further, Sec.
44.06 be changed after "each member appointed shall serve for a term of two years,
or until his successor is appointed and qualified" insert the following: with
the passage of this ordinance the present members of the Planning & Zoning Board will
draw lots to establish to which council seat number he is to be assigned. The two
vacant seats currently existing on the Board shall be appointed in the year 1977 and
expire 1979 and that then after that members shall be subject to removal from office
by the Council for failure to perform their duties and for other misconduct in office
etc. The last paragraph of Sec. 44.06 "if a Council member fails to appoint a re-
placement to his vacancy on the seat within two regularly scheduled Council meetings
the Mayor, with approval of Council, shall fill the vacancy." Seconded by Councilman
Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix,
absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, Sept. 12, 1977
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Motion was made by Councilman Sines that all other references to a five member
board be changed to refer to a seven member board. Seconded by Councilman Ash.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent;
Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion
Motion was made by Councilman Sines that Ordinance No. 156 be approved as amended
on second reading. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Ash to read the second reading of Ordinance No. 157 by
title only. Seconded by Councilman Sines. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini,
aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Massey read the second reading of Ordinance No. 157 by title only. There
were two corrections: amend the budget in the amount of $10,00 in the general fund
account, Reserve for Construction to $15,200 and Planning & Zoning Board expenses
should be changed to $2400; total amount of the budget, General Fund $591,099 and
total budget $823,818. This change to be made by adjusting the cash carryover in the
General Fund from $36,100 to $46,700.00.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines to adopt Ordinance No. 157 on the second
reading as amended (change 10,000 in reserve for construction, making the total
15,200 and Planning & Zoning Board expenses from 600 to $2400. Change cash
carryover from $36,100 to $46,700; General Fund total 591,099 and total budget
823,818.) Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines,
aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Massey said we have complied with the Federal Revenue requirements of
Attorney Massey read Resolution #189 setting the millage for the 1977-78 fiscal year.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines to approve Resolution No. 189. Seconded by
Councilman Ash. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman
Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels,
aye; motion carried. This is a .29 reduction in millage.
A copy of the Resolution is to be forwarded to the Seminole County Tax assessor and
T ax Co llec tor.
Motion was made by Councilman Ash to instruct the Attorney to set up a public
hearing on the new utility tax ordinance lowering the utility tax to 4%. Seconded
by Councilman Sines. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman
Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels,
aye; motion carried.
Reg. Session, City Council, Sept. 12, 1977
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Two bids were received for the police car, 1974 Matador, and were opened by
Finance Commissioner Daniels. One bid from Charles Sexton in the amount of $40.00
and one bid from Miller Auto parts for $150.00.
Motion was made by Councilman Sines that we award the sale to the highest bidder.
Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines,
aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Massey read Resolution No. 188 reference the Personnel Policy.
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini to approve Resolution No. 188 and the
Personnel Policy is to be dated September 12, 1977. Seconded by Councilman Sines.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent;
Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; motion
Deputy Mayor Daniels recessed the Council Meeting and opened the public hearing for
Ordinance No. 158, adopting the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Attorney Massey
read the first reading of Ordinance No. 158 in its entirety. For the record,
Attorney Massey said we have complied with the State law in advertising the Plan.
The second public hearing will be held on September 26, 1977. There was discussion
of the plan. Mr. St. Laurent requested his total property be shown as industrial.
The changes to the plan that were discussed are as follows: to change the city maps
to show city boundaries more distinctly. 2-depicting Planned Unit Developments with
City Attorney; 3-flood prone areas-show land use whether high density, low density, etc.-
show basic use of land and super-impose flood prone areas;4-all information that is
not required by state law dealing with financial information be deleted (pages 36,
37,38,39,40 and 41); 5-delete last paragraph of page 82 and first four line on page 83,
Deputy Mayor Daniels did not agree with the conceptual placement of road connecting
the two parts of the Cities.
Deputy Mayor Daniels closed the public hearing and reconvened the REgular Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Ash to adopt Ordinance No. 158 on the first reading.
Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines,
aye; Councilman Hendrix, absent; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
:Jna-z~r?2 ~
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk