HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 05 09 City Council Regular Minutes
MAY 9, 1977
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida was called to order by Mayor Piland. The invocation was given
by Deputy Mayor John Daniels. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was
led by Councilman Don Sines.
Don Sines, present
Ernest Hendrix, present
Claude Ash, present
John Sabatini, present
Motion was made by Councilman Hendrix to approve the minutes of April 25,
1977. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
City Attorney Gary Massey,
Deputy Mayor John Daniels,
The Mayor's expense check was discussed. All Councilmen except Councilman
Daniels felt it should remain as it is.
Planning & Zoning Report, Councilman Sines:
Councilman Sines distributed copies of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
The Public Hearing to be held by the Planning Commission has been adver-
tised for May 28, 1977 at 10:00 a.m. at the Community Building.
There was a discussion of the proposal from the YMCA for the summer
recreation program. The question of whether or not we will have a summer
recreation program will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Fire Department Report, Councilman Hendrix:
The monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on file.
Motion was made by Councilman Hendrix that Council allow Fire Chief Holzman
to purchase the emergency vehicle bar, the audio warning speaker and
electronic siren and control head at a cost of $494.00 to be paid for from
Line Code 2-435. Seconded by Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman
Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Chief Holzman reportedthe spaghetti dinner was a success and there is now
enough money to purchase the rescue boat. Mayor Piland said it was a
great dinner.
Finance Report, Councilman Daniels;
The monthly report was not back from the Bookkeepers and this will be on
the agenda for the next meeting.
Police Department Report, Councilman Ash:
~he monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on fiie. Councilman
Ash reported we have received the new dodge.
Motion was made by Councilman Ash that we set one of thecdder police cars
(American Motors) up for public auction. Seconded by Councilman Hendrix.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix,
aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini,
aye; motion carried.
Councilman Sines discussed the speeding problem on Deer Run.
Reg. Session, City Council, May 9, 1977
There will be a Bike-A-thon this Saturday, May 14, 1977 for Cystic Fibrosis,
sponsored by the Youth Service Officer.
Public Works Department Report, Councilman Sabatini:
The monthly reports have been distributed and a copy is on file.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we authorize the hiring of a
temporary employee for the temporary replacement for Mr. J. Hansenaf the
Public Works Department at a salary of $2.75 per hour to be hired effective
the day Mr. Hansen's sick leave expires. Seconded by Councilman Ash.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix,
aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini,
aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Sabatini to accept the bid from Reliable
Exterminating Company to spray the City Hall and Fire Stations 1 & 2, the
Police Trailer and the Community Building and chargeable to Line Code 3-365,
through September 1977. Seconded by Councilman Hendrix. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye;
motion carried.
Councilman Daniels opened the bids for the backhoe as follows:
Sun World Tractor Co., Inc. - $17, 300.00
Bell Equipment Corporation - $15,105.22 - alternate bids $14,000 and $7,000.
Joiner Auto Parts - $16,900.00
John M. Bloodsworth - $18,000.00
Crews Equipment Inc. - $17,700.00
. Councilman Ash, Councilman Daniels and Councilman Sabatini are to review
these bids with Mr. Bradshaw and come back with a recommendation at the
next meeting.
Councilman Daniels asked for Council permission to explore some financing
arrangements as only $9,000.00 was budgeted for this item. Mayor Piland
said this would come under the responsibilities of the Finance Commissioner.
The letter from the Division of Environmental Services in reference to
Gee Creek was discussed. A copy is to be sent to the City Engineer for his
Mayor Piland read Resolution No. 183 in reference to the 201 Project.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to adopt Resolution No. 183, this
9th day of May, 1977. Seconded by Councilman Hendrix. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman
Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye, motion carried.
Mayor Piland recommended Mr. William Daucher and Mrs. Carrie Weaver be
appointed to the Board of Adjustment.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to confirm the appointment of
William Daucher to the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman Hendrix.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Hendrix,
aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini,
aye; motion carried.
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Reg. Session, City Council, May 9, 1977
Motion was made by Councilman Sines that we confirm the appointment of
Mrs. Carrie Weaver to the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman
Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Council-
man Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman
Sabatini, aye; motion carried.
Legal advertising was discussed again.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we limit our legal advertising
to the placement in the Evening Herald, a newspaper of public record in
Seminole County. Seconded by Councilman Ash. Discussion. Vote on the
motion~ Councilman Sines, no; Councilman Hendrix, no; Councilman Daniels,
aye; Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Sabatini, no; motion failed.
There was a discussion of changing Council Meeting nights. Councilman
Daniels said there are five meetings in Seminole County on Monday nights
and he felt we could get better newspaper coverage and also al~ow the
department heads and the clerk more time to get ready for the meetings if
we changed to a different night. No change was made, and it will be
discussed again in about a month.
Mayor's Office:
Mr. Ray Vance's complaint against the North Orlando Water & Sewer Corpora-
tion was discussed.
Attorney Massey has provided another Ordinance No. 150 for review, and
there are model ordinances from the Florida League of Cities available
for review.
Copies of model ordinances on recreation vehicles are also available_for
Sanford Attorney Vernon Mize will contact Mr. Massey to discuss the double
taxation suit, and Mr. Massey will advise Council if we should enter into
it with Sanford at the next meeting.
Attorney Massey reported that the restrictive covenants do not apply to
governmental bodies so there is no prohibition to the City going ahead
with their change of zoning in order to construct the public works complex.
Councilman Sines asked for permission to conduct a voter registration day;
there was no objection from Council.
Mr. Sam Musgrove complained about the 20 m.p.h. speed limit signs in the
Mr. Parkhurst asked if the fogging could be increased.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
. Approved: ~
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk