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Winter Springs Planning & Zoninf, Board
Narch 25, 1976
PRESENT: P&Z Board .members Ne\-lsome, Rossiter, and Sabatini.
ABSFNT: P&Z Board members Cottage & Sines ... Zonin~ Commissioner Hendrix ...
Asst. Zoning Commissioner Hunter
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairperson Rossiter at 7:36 p.m.
MINUTFS: Minutes of the meeting of March 11 were approved as submitted, with
the insertion of the word "pools" after the word "swimminr" in the 22nd line.
PUBLIC HEARING: The reeular meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. and the' contin-
ued Public Hearing on a request for a chan~e in the Tusc8\v.illa PUD preliminary
development plan was called to order.
MOTION: On a motion by Newsome, seconded by Sabatini, and an amendment to the
motion by Mrs. Rossiter, seconded by Newsome, the P&Z Board voted unaimously to
adopt the following:
"Move that the P&Z Board recommend to the Hin~er Sprines City Council that the
requested change in the Tusca~dl1a PUD preliminary development plan for an ap-
proximately 52-ncre parcel be approved, subject to the eventual submission of
a final development plan covering the subject parcel which shall consist of
properly identifed exhibits and supporting materials to include the following:
1. Identification of the present owners and developers of all land
included in the Final Development Plan.
2. Identification of all consultants involved in the preparation of the
F.inal Development Plan.
3. A location map indicating the relationship between the area proposed
tor final development, the remainder of the area within the approved
2reliminary Development Plan and the surrounding area..
4. Boundary survey, legal description, and gross acreage ot the area,
submitted tor final'approval.
5. A preliminary subdivision plan (preliminary plat), it the applicant
proposes to create 3 or more parcels..
6. ~ plo~ plan with scaled dimensions including but not limited to the
a. The name, location, ROW width, and width of pavement ot proposed
streets, easements, pedest+ian ways, bicycle paths, and water courses.
b. The name, location, width, and design of existing streets, including
abutting arterials within 200 ft. of the subject property.
c. The locations, dimensions, and uses of all buildings and structure.,
including proposed property lines, utility plants ~nd permanent signs.
d. Open and covered off-street parking areas, including landscaping
and external lighting systems.
e. Distance of dwelling units ~rom vehicular accessways and parking
~reas. '
.. .... t. Walls, fencing, or landscaping between private and common areas,
along streets and highways, drainage ways, railroads, and along the
periphery of the development.
g. Refuse storage areas and method of solid waste disposal.
P&Z I3o~-r.d Nir1tl.te~ .. i':Lrch 2;, 1976
Page 2
h. Areas to be conveyed or dedicated and improved for roadways, parks,
playgrounds, school sites, utiliti~s, and other similar public or semi-
public uses. /
i. The number and type of permanent and transient dwelling units; the
floor area ratio of commercial and/or industrial uses; density by
number of dwelling units per gross residential acre; minimum floor areas
for each residential building type; minimum setbacks and building
separations; maximum lot coverage; minimum floor elevation; and height
of structures. ,
7. A general landscaping ,and tree planting plan indicating areas and
vegetation to be preserved and the proposed method,of preservation, in
addition to proposed irrigation systems and landscaping materials.
8. Design elevations and/or renderings of all proposed buildings or
9. Total acreage and types of open space and recreation.
10. Specific recreational facilities and improvements.
11. Preliminary engineering plan~ for roads, water, fire protection,
sanitary Se\'/er, and storm \-Iater management systems including exi.sting
ground surfaces and proposed elevations; typical cross-sections of
proposed grading, streets and sidewalks, canals and waterways; and pro-
posed types of pavement. Said plans must be approved by the City Engineer.
12. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements, and gran~s which
govern the use,maintenance,and continued protection of bUildings, structures,
landscaping, common open space, and recreational areas and facilities
~thin the development. Said documents shall indicate to the satisfaction
f the City Attorney an acceptable method of insuring that all obliga-
tions and improve~ents designated on the Final Development Plan can and
shall be completed. Bonds or an escrow account may be required in order
to satisfy this concern.
13. All exhibits must indicate the title, name, graphic sCale, and
dat~ of submittal and any subsequent revisions.
Furtber, that the Winter Springs City Council trlk~ no :.Jetion on the request until
the applic~t lw~ provided the City Clerk t'1ith the following:
1. A complet.ed c.ppiic;,t lon form.
2. An updatf;d m~-\r or the entire Tu~ca~lillCi PUD, including maximum densities
and an accurate l~gend.
3. A letter formally reqt't~'" ;.ng the ch<Jngp. in the preliminary development
plan, including the clwngef sought pnd ,~ ~eneral description of the proposed
land use concept of the ~ub.ject pe,rc01."
The Fublic Hearing W;iS clo~ed at 8:30 p.m. [,nd the regular meeting called bac~
into ses::ion.
NEXT I'rEETING: The next r(>[~lar P&Z Bo: I'd meeting will be 7 :30 p.m. Tue~day,
April 8, 197{).
Heetin,; Wile adjourned at '8:h2 p.m.
~John Newsome, Secretary
HinC Spring::' FLmninr~ c} Zoning Bo[/.......\
, .
H<.irch 26, 197(
Hon. HRyor & City Council
City of Winter Springs
Winter Sprin1~, FL 32707
. "
Reque~ted change in Preliminary
Development Plan, Tuscawilla
Gentlem~'H :
At a Puhlic HearinG on Thursdny, March 25, 197~, the Winter Springs Planning &
Zoning Board unanimously Hpproved the following motion:
"Move that the P&Z Boerd recommend to th(~ Hinter Springs City Council that the
requested change in the Tu~cRwilla PUD preliminary development plan for an ap-
proximately 52-acre parcel be approved, subject to the eventual Eubmission of
a final development pl~n coverine the subject p;,-.rcel \'lhich r-hall consist of
properly identified exhibits and supportine materials ~o include the following:
1. Identification of the present owners and developers of all land
included in the Final Development Plan.
2. Identification of all consultants involved in the preparation of the
F.inal Development Plan.
3. A location map indicating the relationship between the area proposed
for final development, the rumainder of the area within the approved
Ereliminary Development Plan and the surrounding area..
4. Boundary survey, legal description, and gross acreage of the area
submitted- for final approval. .
'. 5. A preliminary subdivision plan (preliminary plat), if the applicant
propo~es to create 3 or more parcels~
6. A plo~ plan with scaled dimensions including but not limited to the
following: ._. '. ........ .. ......
a_,The name, location, ROW width, and width of pavement of proposed
streets, easements, pedestrian ways, bicycle paths, and water courses.
b. The name, location, width, and design of ex~sting streets, including
abutting arterials within 200 ft. of the subject property.
c. The locations, dimensions, and uses of all buildings and structures,
including proposed property lines, utility plants and permanent signs.
d. Open and covered off-street parking areas, including landscaping
and external lighting systems. .
e. Distance of dwelling units fro= vehicular accessways and parking
f. Walls, fencing, or landscaping between private and common areas;
along streets and highways, drainage ways, railroads, and along the
periphery of the development.
g. Refuse storage areas and method of solid waste disposal.
h. Areas to be conveyed or dedicated and improved for roadways, parks,
playgrounds, school sites, utilities, and other similar public or semi,.-
public uses.
i. The number and type of permanent and transient dwelling units; the
floor area ratio of commercial and/or industrial uses; density by
number of dwelling units per gross residential acre; minimum floor areas
for each residential building type; miniffit~ setbacks and building
separa tions; maximum lot coverag"e; miniIllt.im floor el eva tion; and height
of structures. .
7. A general landscaping and tree planting plan indicating areas and
vegetation to be preserved and the propo~ed method of preservation, in
addition to proposed irrigation systems and landscaping materials.
8. Design elevations and/or renderings of all proposed buildings or
- .
~- Mayor & City Council
. Harch 2G, 1976
. . .
Fc)ee -2
9. Total acreage and types of open space and recreation.
'10. Specific recreational facilities and impro~ements.
11. Preliminary engineering plane for roads, water, fire protection,
sanitary sewer, and storm water management systems including existing
ground surfaces and proposed elevations; typical cross-sections of
proposed grading, streets and sidewalks, canals and waterways; and pro-
posed types of pavement. Said plans must be approved by the City Engineer.
12. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements, and grants which
govern the use,maintenance,and continued protection of buildings, structures,
landscaping, common open space, and recreational areas and facilities
,within the development. Said documents shall indicate to the satisfaction
of the City Attorney an acceptable method.of insuring that all obliga-
tions and improve~ents designated on the Final Development Plan can and
shall be completed. Bonds or an escrow account may be required in order
to satisfy this concern.
13. A11 exhibits must indicate the title, name, graphic scale, and
date of submittal and any subsequent revisions.
Further, that the vliuLeI' Springs City Council tnke no action on the requed un-
til the applicant has provided the City Clerk with the following:
1. A completed application form.'
. {--2. An updated map of the entiI'e Tuscawilla PUD, including meximUlTi derrsi ties
rand an accurate legend.
L 3. A letter forrnrlly re'1uedin!?, the change in the preliminery development plan,
including the changes soueht and a eeneral description of the proposed land use
concept of the subject parcel." (end of motion)
Due to the length and complexity of this motion, permit me to explain briefly the
rationale of the P&Z Board in adoptinr, it.
1. By adoption of the motion the P&Z Board expresses its approval in concert
of the requested change and of the proposed use of the 52-acre parcel... based
on the limited information the Board ha~ been cble to secure.
2. The first portion of the motion (numbered 1-13) attempts to insure that,
before any construction is authorized, sufficient data will be submitted by the
developer to enable the Paz Board, the City Council, and interested citizens to
determine precisely what \-lill be built on the subject parcel.
3. The second portion of the motion (numbered 1-3) addresses the P&Z Board's
concern of the fact that nothing has been submitted by the developer in writing
requesting a change in the preliminary development plan or indicating how the
parcel will be developed. The P&Z Board has asked the developer to submit the
material. called for in #1, #2 t and .#3 t but has received nothing. Rather than
continuing the Public Hearing until the material is submitted by the developer,
the P&Z Board has gone on record as favoring in concept the requested change ...
r. . but it strongly urges the City Council not to approve the request until the re-
~uested material has been submitted.
. .
;Iio ~ , ;.
Mayor & City Council... Page 3
March 26, 1976
The Planning & Zoning Board does no~ wish to delay unduly the process of placing
the requested chang~ before the City Council for ac~ion, but the Board feels it
must express its concern over the inadequacy of the existing PUD ordinance which
permits the approval of a change in the preliminary development plan without re-
quiring the applicant to submit a single document.
Adoption by the City Council of the proposed PUD ordinance already recommended by
the P&Z Board would, of course, eliminate this shortcoming.
Any member of the P&Z Board will be delighted to discus~ this letter with you.
City Clerk
Members, P&Z Board