HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 05 26 Regular 605 City Services in Gated CommunitiesCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 605
Mav 26, 2009
REQUEST: The Police Department requests to discuss with the commission how a
community can contract for city services within a neighborhood that has chosen to erect
gates at their entrances or exits.
PURPOSE: The Police Department requests to discuss with the commission how a
community can contract for city services within a neighborhood that has chosen to~ erect
gates at their entrances or exits. This will allow the city to take decisive action on how to
best serve the residents who live in a gated community and desire city services within
their neighborhoods.
CONSIDERATIONS: The police department was faced with certain legal challenges as
it related to the enforcement of civil traffic and parking laws and ordinances within the
confines of a gated community. In 2007, the city attorney, Mr. Garganese, issued a legal
opinion on this matter as it dealt with the enforcement of laws and ordinances within
gated communities. In short, his information provided the following guidelines:
• The governing body of the neighborhood controlling those roadways (i.e. the
HOA) must enter into a written contract with the City for requested services.
• Compensation for those services must be a~`reasonable" amount as not to conflict
with the Florida Attorney General's opinion' ~ dealing with a constitutional
prohibition of using public funds for a private purpose. Ultimately, a City
Commission can determine (outside a clear abuse of discretion) whether an
activity serves a public purpose and can determine that reimbursement by the
affected community would not be required.
• Contracts of this type would need to be drafted between the respective HOA and
the city attorney's office for review.
• Activities permitted in the agreement are discretionary between the two governing
bodies. You may allow traffic law enforcement but not other types of activity, etc.
~t r
or more than one type of activity could be permitted depending on the mutual
• agreement.
• Terms and duration of the agreement need to be outlined in the contract. This will
eliminate the potential for other issues to arise in the future.
• The police department may still and does enforce violations of the law which are
deemed a "health/safety" violation or any offense of DUI that occur within gated
RECOMMENDATION: At the commission's discretion, to enter or not enter into
contractual agreements for law enforcement within gated communities.
IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: As dictated by commission direction and
applicable contracts.
• ATTACHMENTS: Copy of legal opinion by city attorney Mr. Garganese dated
December 14, 2007
~ ~~~~`~ ~~ c:T1~x.c~1l~Tr~s~,, ti~~r~s ~ v~~c:a-~r~5l~~.,1~.~~.
. ~'itto~ ~re~fJ' rat I..cr~a~
Debra S. Babb-Nutcner (.7ffice~ irr Orhtrrcio, KJsyirnrnce, (;;acrxar> Tara L. Barrett
Joseph E. 8litch I°r. l..,aradrrd:rle 8: ':Caartpsr Vivian P. Cacotas
usher L, Brown' Scott J. f~ornskeir7
Suzanne t)'Agresla` Robin Gibscin Drage
Anthony A. Garganese Mitchell B. Haller
J.V~.'. Taylor Katherine 1N. Latnrre
Jeffrey S.'!deiss Terri E. Oster
""_ Amy J. Pitsch
'F3narrt i:ert;red C>~.~I Tra" t.a~x~~,~~
Erin J~ O`ireary`
Boacd Cert3f~d Cih,. Cour~i ~, [ <,ca+t Uu t~ .,,e=u ~aev Caiherrne D. Reischmann
'Bcr~rd C;Arti(iEtl A(?~011i3te. ;="-~<i r n
1rYitrsam G. Reischmanrt, Jr.
Of Cota~tset
February 26, 2008
Lt. Chris Deisler
C?peration~ Commander
City of Winter Springs Police Department
300 North Mass f~oad
Winter Springs, FL 3270£3
• RE: Enforcement of Local Traffic Regulations on Private Roads
Dear Chris:
As we discussed yesterday, enclosed is a copy of my legal opinion that I issued on
December 14, 2007 regarding the enforcement of local traffic regulations on private roads.
It addresses the ciuestion that you raised yesterday by telephone regarding moving
r ~ _ :`• ! rr i~lc'~,i 'y'v:.. C^w ~r° ~'o~~r!~tn~ the eilf CC'P, t
rir ialr~iriivir, i`~-j';'vc nrr~c rJ (71ef? of ri?QVInC)
violations, I also wish to note that the First District Court of Appeal held that section
316.193, Florida Statutes, which prohibits a driving a motor vehicle while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs, may be enforced on all roads "within. the state," regardless
of whether said roads are public ar private. Zink v. State, 448 So. 2d 1196 (Fla. 1~` DCA
1984). The Flarir#a Attorney Genera! interpreted Zink, and opined that the holding in Zink
"applies to all public; roads within the state, including those within a private planned unit
development (PUD) 4vhere the public does not have a right to travel and the PtJD has not
entered into an agreement with the local government for traffic control jurisdiction." 0p
Att'y Gen. 2004-29. The Attorney General added: "The court's decision, however, related
only to the enforcement of section 316.193, Florida Statutes." Id. Thus, irnportantiy, na
agreement between the municipality and a private property owner is necessary for law
enforcerrier~t authorities to enter private property to enforce Florida's DUI statute, section
• 316.193, Florida Stagrtes.
225 East rlobinson Street, Suite 660 • P,O. Box 2873.Orlando, Florida 32802-2873
Orlando 1407} •t25.95?36 Fax (a(??) ~i25.9596 • Kissimmee (321) 402-0144 • Cocoa (866) 425-9566 • Ft. Lauderdale {954} 00"70-1879
~~/ebsite: ~wrv.~.arlandolaw.nei • Email rrm(a~orlandolaw.hei
• February 26, 2008
Page 2
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contacf
Very. yours,
Anthony A. Garganese
City A.tt;;rr.ey
cc: Ron McLemore, City Manager
Daniel Kerr, Police Chief
~~c~~~~ > c_l ~~.RCT~.~t,s~, ~JEISS & D'AGR.ES"r.~, P.A.
~~a~,l~s ~r~~~
Debra S. Babb-Nutchar" C)ffices in C)rtando, kissunmee, Cocoa, Tara l.. Barrett.
Joseph E. Glitch Ft. Lauderdale ~ Tampa Vivian P. Corsotas
Usher t. Brown' Scott J. Domstein
Suzanne D'Agresta' Mitch68 B. Ha4ter
Anihony A. Gargar~s~' Katherine W. Latarre
J.W. Tayiar , Terri E: t7ster
Jeffrey S. Weiss Amy 3. Pitsch
•8oard GettifiCd Civil LsB Lav;rer
"'Surd ^eni tCt1 C;r,~. . 1 ~ ~~a~~r ~.~rr
~r3oarG CerUired Appe:~e;e ~ r&s:3;~e
Deeetnher I ~, ?007
.Erin J.0`Leary'
Catherine D..Reisehmann
William. E. Reischmann, Jr.
OC Caurraet
Ronald t,~;~. ~°Icl..eni~,~-,
City I~~Iana~~~e.r
City of «'int~;r ~prin_°s
112G E~}st S'~ate Rci ~+>-l
Winter Springs, l~L 3??U8
Re: Local °t~r<~fEic he;ulations on :Private Roads
Dear R;l1:
"Phis letter rriemurializes my recent verbal opinion that I provided to the City Commission
on December 10, 3C1(~ ; , During the Commission meeting I opined on whether the City may enforce
local. traffic regulations in private subdivisions where streets are controlled by homeowners'
associations. F semi ll~ . I stated that the answer hinges an whether the roads are open to-the general
public fo: *ra.-el, E>I.4=.°ir~~t?rer the general public does net have access to such roads, for. instance, in
a gate:l ~~,,;7r,~titir.~ ,
l u tine extent the rr.;ads ~vithr~ %~ private development. are apes ta'the general public for travel,
the Cite can enE'~~rcr' ?e>~:al traffic regulations. 90-6$ Fla. Qp. Att'y Gen. (I990). However, where
the ra~~c!:; ~tre. clt}:~•<;c1(~..;. gated), the Cit}t may exercise jurisdiction if the City-and the homeowners'
associ att:>iz, oi• tl:e re~rirctive party controlling the read, provide far City traffic: control by written
agreer=lent ar~nro~°ed i~~' file City Commission. See § 3I ~i.006(2~(b}, Fla. Stet. (2007}. In rele~°ant
part, s:~tio:~ w t E~.OQ6('')(b), Florida Statutes, provides:
:~ mrtnicipalit~° may exercise jurisdiction over any private road ar
ro:~cis. or o~~cr env limited access road or roads otivned ar controlled
~~s a special district. located ~*~ithin its boundaries if the municipality
aid l~a•}~ or parties awning or controlling such road or roads provide,
_~~~ ~'~ricten agreement approved by the governing body of the
nntnicipality, for municipal traffic control jurisdiction over the road
or roads ~ncampassed by such agreement. Pursuant thereto:
2G5 iasi Robinson Street: Suite 660 • P:a. Box 2873. Orlando, Florida 328022873
arlandc ;qr;7~ 425_g ~, Fax {»07, 425.9596 • Kissimmee (321) 402-0144 • Cocoa {866) 425.9566 • Ft. t.auderdaia (954} 670.1979
'1~lebs"ste =rn+.~E.orlandolaw.net • Email: firm@oriandolaw.net
December 1 ~. "?~?+.)>
Page 2
l . Pray ision far reimbursement for actual casts of trafftc control. and
et~ff~r~em~nt and for liability insurance and indernnifieation by the
party or parties, and such other tei.tns as are mutually agreeable, may
be included. in such an agreement.
§ 316.~O1~(?}(bbl, 1•'la. Stat. (2QQ7}.
~t~hile sectiart ~ 1 G.006(2)(b)I, Florida Statutes, provides that the agreement may contain a
reimburserl~er~t pre~,•i:~ion to the Giry, the I~lorida Attorney General has apinecl otherwise. On several
occasion>, the l~'ic~ri~~ :-lttorney General has opines{ that the as cement .must provide for 'the
reimbursement of ~E~~a actual cost of traffic control services. $8-OS Fla. Op. Att'y Gen. (19$8); 9Q-68
Fla, Cep ~.:tt`~~ Cs~n. ( ~)~?'t j. The rationale offered by the Florida Attorney General een€ers around the
cansticut~c~:aa i~+9iii~ ititi~n aga~i~7st using public funds for a private purpose, and whether the
enforcerr~?{~t of Ic~cGrl tr%~1xic: regulations in a private gated community can be considered a valid
munic~ipa.l purpose. .S<~G 1?la.~ Coast. ~1rt. VIT, ~ l0. As such, there appears to be a conflict between
section : •`?.•'.1~1ta~ ~', ,•~ ~ i ~1.1d tl~e opinion of the Florida Attorney General regarding whether the City
must regi~irG reir~;l?.~~•=>ement for expenditures incurred by the City in enforcing local traffic
regulation,., .~~it.~~.iA; ~x z~ i~.=~~te gate community by ~~ritten agreement.
ti~'hile I dt~ ::~ t ~=~es~tian the applicability of~rticle VII, Section TA ofthe Florida Constitution
relative toy determining whether the City should be reimbursed, I question, given both the
nanmandatc?:~ lanr,~ua`~t; adapted by the Florida Legislature and the City Commission's broad
authority to de-c:iar~;: <: public purpose, whether payment should be required in all instances. See Giry
of Bout l'ctrr~rt 3. t•lr'lr~~rr:r~, ~~Q So.2d l?77,1280 (F[a. 1983) (A city corrrmission has the authority
to determine «~hether am activity serves a public purpose, and a court will not interfere with. such
determi,7atian absent ~:r clear abuse. of discretion.j. Therefore;. in Borne extraordinar}= instances, the.
City Cc~n~nlissio~~. rrra~• be able to declare that the enforcement of local traffic regulations within a
privaF ~,;~t.c:~ ~ ;:,~,° ,,,~~cnt, ~~~itixc~ut reimbursement, does indeed sezve a public purpose, and
reimbtrserrr~ nt is nt~t re~uirzd. "T'he l;olding in Gictmcrn seems to support That thepubIic purpose and
reimix~r~~r~r~ra r~let~.r~nina.tion rests with the City Commission on a case-by-case basis absent aelear
abuse t7'~i:li54i"`.'.ti0i:.
i,~ s~rrn. tale ~ ,t~ c~i7 enforce local traffic regulations on private ro~ids that are open Co the
ge.ner~:i l:,t:blic. Ho;ti'e~er, enforcement of local traffic regulations on private roads v~=ithin gated
corrtt.uirtitiefi regz~irea c, 'iv!°itten agreement ~.vith the entity that controls the :roads: Whip there
appears t~ he ~:c~r,1=: i~cti~rav on the reimbursement issue, it appears that the City should follow the
Florida ,=~ ttc~i-nc:y CJenvral's advice aztd require reimbursement for expenditures incurred by the City
in enii~~ e~~ local t:•rrftc regulations within a private gated community., unless a court of competent
jtuisclictiv,i clerlar-vs o#herwise.
__ ,
December 1 ~. '?{J07
Page 3 .
if ~~ou Dave any' questions, please dcS rlat l"iesitate to contact my office.
Sin er
Anthony A. Ciar~anese
c~~y ,attorney
CC: a~l <~ ~~~ t'k. ~ :;1"ill ;::iiOl ~L'lIl I:12zall}
Pc~Eic°°~ ~.'tliei i~~: <1 email)
C'~t Ci~;'Ic i, °. i ~r,lail for archives}