HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 07 12 City Council Regular Minutes
7 5 - 76 -3 9
JULY 12, 1976
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Deputy Mayor Donald Browning. The invocation was given by
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by
Attorney Newman Brock.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, absent
Deputy Nayor Donald Bro~ming, present
Asst. City Attorney Newman Brock, present
John Booth, absent
Ernest Hendrix, present
John Daniels, present
Claude Ash, present
Notion was made by Councilman Ash to approve the minutes of June 28th with one
addition on the last paragraph, last page: add - and that Councilman Daniels
suggested that Winter Springs Development Corporation be contacted regarding this
before 1ilork is done since they own the area and the trailer. Seconded by
Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Booth, absent;
Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; motion
Planning & Zoning Report, Asst. Commissioner Hendrix reporting:
Copies of the monthly Building Department report have been distributed and a copy
is on file. City Planner, Allen Bush, reported that the Planning Commission
wishes to make a presentation to the City Council of the preliminary Land Use
Plan. This is to be on the agenda for July 26, 1976.
Police Department report, Commissioner Hendrix reporting:
The monthly Police Department report has been distributed and a copy is on file.
Public Works Department Report, Commissioner Ash reporting:
Copy of the monthly report has been distributed to all Councilmen and a copy is on
file. Councilman Ash reported that there are 80 children registered for the
Recreation Program at Sunshine Park and there are between 35 and 40 daily attendance.
At Tuscawilla there are 47 children registered and between 7 and 10 daily attendance.
Fire Department Report, Deputy Mayor Donald Browning reporting:
The monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on file. Fire Chief Holzman
has been working on a plan to bring the fire hydrants up to standard. This will be
on the agenda at a later date.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we approve the purchase of five sets of
bunker gear which consists of pants and coats in the amount of $399.25; five fire
helmets at a total cost of $209.50 and five pairs of firemens boots at a cost of
$190.00, total cost of this purchase $798.75. Seconded by Councilman Ash.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Booth, absent; Councilman Hendrix, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning thanked the Tuscawilla Homeo,mers Association for
their contribution of $100.00 to the Fire Station No.2.
Regular Session, City Council, July 12, 1976
Page 2
Mrs. Helen Green who lives across the street from Donna \~hite, the little girl
that drowned, said that she was collecting money to purchase a boat for the
Rescue Service. She said she checked with Attorney Brock and it was legal to
do so.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning recessed the Regular Session and opened the Public
hearing for Ordinance No. 138, annexation of Winter Springs Develooment Corporation
property. (Due to an error in the publication, this had to be red~ne.)
Attorney Brock read proposed Ordinance No. 138 in its entirety for the first
reading. No one spoke against the ordinance. Deputy Mayor Donald Bro~vning closed
the public hearing and reconvened the Regular Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Ash to accept Ordinance No. 138 on the first
reading. Seconded by Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Booth, absent; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Ash, aye motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning recessed the Regular Session and opened the public
hearing for the change of zoning from RiA to Rl requested by Jon Zabel. Mr. Zabel
spoke for the change. Attorney Brock read the location of the requested zoning
change. Councilman Ash spoke for the change. Councilman Hendrix said the request
was not unreasonable. Mr. Sullivan, Thistle Place, voiced an objection to the
rezoning. Mr. Walt Parkhurst, Tradewinds Road, read the recommendation of the
Planning Commission that it be denied; Don Sines, P&Z Board Chairman, said that
at the hearing held by the P&Z Board, about ten people spoke against the rezoning;
Mr. Van Eepoel, Tradewinds Road, asked Councilman Hendrix if there might be a
possible conflict of interest, that he should refrain from voting on this issue;
Mr. Sam Musgrove, Panama Road, spoke against the rezoning; ~lr. Furlow, Marlin
Road, voiced an objection; Mr. Wantz spoke against the rezoning. Mr. Klingbeil's
letter asking that it be denied is attached to the minutes.
Mr. Van Eepoel asked if it would be legal to have septic tanks and if this is a
subdivision, would it be required to have paved streets and city sewerage. Deputy
~layor Donald Browning said it will have to be determined if this is a subdivision
and if it will have to come under subdivision laws. Mr. Furlow requested the laws
on spot zoning. Mr. Hattaway, 162 Sanlando Springs Drive, Longwood, said it was
not spot zoning they were requesting, just a variance in the dwelling size.
Councilman Daniels read a definition of spot zoning from a study from the East
Central Regional Planning Council. "The designation of an isolated parcel of land
or use classification harmful to or d.nconstant vlith the use classification of the
surrounding area so as to favor a particular owner. The courts have held such
zoning to be unreasonable and capricious. To avoid judicial invalidation zoning
of small areas can be enacted only when it is in furtherance of a general plan
properly adapted by and designated to serve the best interests of a community as a
whole. This does not mean that an entire city or county must be zoned at one time .
There must be uniformity in the type or class of building in which the zoning
applies." A Court in making a decision on this very thing says, "the finest
processes of spot zoning, of singling out a small parcel of l~nd for the use
classification 'totally different from that of the surround~ng areas
Regular Session, City Council, July 121 1976
Page 3
for the benefit of the owners of such property and to the detriment of other
owners. Spot zoning is the very antithesis of planned zon;{ing.. "Arbitrary or
spot zoning to accommodate the desires of a particular land owner is not only
contrary to good zoning practice but violates the rights of neighboring
lando~mers and is contrary to the intent of the neighboring legislature which con-
templates planned zoning based on the welfare of an entire neighborhood".
Deputy Mayor Donald Bro~~ing said that this City does need development- but due to
the public sentiment voiced by the people that live close to the lots, he was not
in favor of this rezoning.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning said he would get a legal op~n~on on the legality
of the request from a spot zoning standpoint and continue the public hearing until
July 26. Deputy Mayor Donald Browning closed the public hearing and reconvened
the Regular Session.
Attorney Brock read the second reading of Ordinance No. 137 by title only.
Motion Has made by Councilman Daniels to approve Ordinance No. 137 on the second
reading by title only. SEconded by Councilman Hendrix. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Booth, absent; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels,
aye; Councilman Ash, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Brock read the letter from Southern States stating they Hould be willing
to refund the customers, dated June 18, 1976. Attorney Brock reported on Friday,
July 9th, Mr. Eagan, attorney for Southern States Utilities, Inc., called Mr.
Brock and said that the Attorney for the Public Service Commission advised
Southern States that if they Here to reach a settlement regarding a refund of
the rates, that in essence, they would be agreeing to the rates, and to change
the rates would require a public hearing; therefore, they were going to with-
draw their previous letter of June 18, 1976. Shortly after that Mr. Kravitz
called Mr. Brock and informed him that he was not going to appear before City
Council and that he was not going to agree to any refund of rates pursuant to
the letter of June 18th.
Attorney Brock said there is a case of Cohee vs. Crestridge Utilities Corporation
which Mr. Massey feels will give us (City) a standing to contest Southern States.
Mr. Hassey feels we could get a temporary injunction and eventually a rate refund.
But Mr. Brock emphasized that if there is a public hearing and if they lost, the
consumers would have to bear the cost of the public hearing which would be unfair
to those 100 people.
Councilman Daniels asked Mr. Brock if they had contacted the Public Service
Commission and asked them do they feel that those people are bound by those
rates they are being charged nOw - do they support the extension of that County
approved rate ~V'ithin the City prior to the time they took it over. Attorney
Brock said they had not contacted the Public Service Commission. Attorney
Brock said the case he mentioned earlier, Cohee vs. Crestridge Utilities, implies
that we would be on sound footing because jurisdiction of the Public Service
Commission had not come into effect at that time. lir. Brock said he feels sure
that he could get the rates rolled back, but the question, "if ~.je do that then
those people ~<V'ould have to bear the cost".
Regular Session, City Council, July 12, 1976
Page 4
Councilman Daniels asked ,lhat would be the feasibility of us asking the Public
Service Commission if they would agree to order them to roll those rates back
until the time they todcover. Councilman Daniels said if we could work it out
on an amicable basis ,lith the Public Service Commission, perhaps the PSC
would order Southern States to roll those rates back. Attorney Brock said
they would pursue that.
There was a discussion of the Florida Power Hi-Line problem in the area starting
at Bahama and south on Edgemon Avenue. Mayor Piland had questioned the legality
due to our underground requirements in the ordinance. Mr. Dyer of Florida
Power said it is Florida Power's procedure to build a perimeter line overhead.
The main problem of running this line underground is the high cost. We are
to get an opinion from Cal Conklin and t..i:r. Hassey and reschedule this on the
Councilman Daniels said that we need to pass some legislation dealing with
borrow pits and open bodies of water throughout the City. He said there are
three points to be considered: 1. There should be a slope in any pond, lake
or body of water; 2. The o,~ers of these bodies of water should be required
to post them, keep out, no swimming, etc.; 3. 1;'le as a governing body should
make sure that no further bodies of water of this nature are dedicated to this
Councilmen are to consider this and it will be rescheduled on the agenda July 26.
Councilman Daniels passed out his projected income for FY 1976-77; and asked all
Councilmen to have their budgets in to him by July 26, 1976.
Deputy 11ayor Donald Browning continued the tabled motion on the Planned Unit
Ordinance No. 134 until July 26, 1976.
The Attorney's report on the City's recourse regarding electrical problems at
Hacienda Village \-lil1 be on the agenda for July 26, 1976. lis. Hichele Eckert
has a plumbing problem and this is to be included in the Attorney's report.
Mr. Jim Ray, 424 Cedarwood Court requested some information on \-,hat had been done
to correct the drainage at the corner of Cedar,.ood Court and Alderwood Street
South. rlr. Bro"ming said he was waiting for a report from the City Engineer.
11otion was made by Councilman Daniels to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Ash.
Notion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
?n~'1 ;-:. ~2:
Hary T. Norton,
City Clerk
JULY 12, 1976
The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Deputy Mayor Donald Browning. The invocation was given by
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by
Attorney Newman Brock.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, absent
Deputy Mayor Donald Bro~~ing, present
Asst. City Attorney Newman Brock, present
John Booth, absent
Ernest Hendrix, present
John Daniels, present
Claude Ash, present
Motion was made by Councilman Ash to approve the minutes of June 28th with one
addition on the last paragraph, last page: add - and that Councilman Daniels
suggested that Winter Springs Development Corporation be contacted regarding this
before work is done since they own the area and the trailer. Seconded by
Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Booth, absent;
Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; motion
Planning & Zoning Report, Asst. Commissioner Hendrix reporting:
Copies of the monthly Building Department report have been distributed and a copy
is on file. City Planner, Allen Bush, reported that the Planning Commission
wishes to make a presentation to the City Council of the preliminary Land Use
Plan. This is to be on the agenda for July 26, 1976.
Police Department report, Commissioner Hendrix reporting:
The monthly Police Department report has been distributed and a copy is on file.
Public Works Department Report, Commissioner Ash reporting:
Copy of the monthly report has been distributed to all Councilmen and a copy is on
file. Councilman Ash reported that there are 80 children registered for the
Recreation Program at Sunshine Park and there are between 35 and 40 daily attendance.
At Tuscawi1la there are 47 children registered and between 7 and 10 daily attendance.
Fire Department Report, Deputy Mayor Donald Browning reporting:
The monthly report has been distributed and a copy is on file. Fire Chief Holzman
has been working on a plan to bring the fire hydrants up to standard. This will be
on the agenda at a later date.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we approve the purchase of five sets of
bunker gear which consists of pants and coats in the amount of $399.25; five fire
helmets at a total cost of $209.50 and five pairs of firemens boots at a cost of
$190.00, total cost of this purchase $798.75. Seconded by Councilman Ash.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Booth, absent; Councilman Hendrix, aye;
Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash, aye; motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning thanked the Tuscawilla Homeo,~ers Association for
their contribution of $100.00 to the Fire Station No.2.
Regular Session, City Council, July 12, 1976
Page 2
Mrs. Helen Green who lives across the street from Donna White, the little girl
that drowned, said that she was collecting money to purchase a boat for the
Rescue Service. She said she checked with Attorney Brock and it was legal to
do so.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning recessed the Regular Session and opened the Public
hearing for Ordinance No. 138, annexation of Winter Springs Development Corporation
property. (Due to an error in the publication, this had to be redone.)
Attorney Brock read proposed Ordinance No. 138 in its entirety for the first
reading. No one spoke against the ordinance. Deputy Mayor Donald Brot~ing closed
the public hearing and reconvened the Regular Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Ash to accept Ordinance No. 138 on the first
reading. Seconded by Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Booth, absent; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Ash, aye motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning recessed the Regular Session and opened the public
hearing for the change of zoning from R1A to Rl requested by Jon Zabel. Mr. Zabel
spoke for the change. Attorney Brock read the location of the requested zoning
change. Councilman Ash spoke for the change. Councilman Hendrix said the request
was not unreasonable. Mr. Sullivan, Thistle Place, voiced an objection to the
rezoning. Mr. Walt Parkhurst, Tradewinds Road, read the recommendation of the
Planning Commission that it be denied; Don Sines, P&Z Board Chairman, said that
at the hearing held by the P&Z Board, about ten people spoke against the rezoning;
Mr. Van Eepoel, Tradewinds Road, asked Councilman Hendrix if there might be a
possible conflict of interest, that he should refrain from voting on this issue;
Mr. Sam Musgrove, Panama Road, spoke against the rezoning; ~lr. Furlow, Marlin
Road, voiced an objection; Mr. Wantz spoke against the rezoning. Mr. Klingbeil's
letter asking that it be denied is attached to the minutes.
Mr. Van Eepoe1 asked if it would be legal to have septic tanks and if this is a
subdivision, would it be required to have paved streets and city sewerage. Deputy
}layor Donald Browning said it will have to be determined if this is a subdivision
and if it will have to come under subdivision laws. Mr. Furlow requested the laws
on spot zoning. Mr. Hattaway, 162 San1ando Springs Drive, Longwood, said it was
not spot zoning they were requesting, just a variance in the dwelling size.
Councilman Daniels read a definition of spot zoning from a study from the East
Central Regional Planning Council. "The designation of an isolated parcel of land
or use classification harmful to or ~nconstant with the use classification of the
surrounding area so as to favor a particular owner. The courts have held such
zoning to be unreasonable and capricious. To avoid judicial invalidation zoning
of small areas can be enacted only when it is in furtherance of a general plan
properly adapted by and designated to serve the best interests of a community as a
whole. This does not mean that an entire city or county must be zoned at one time ·
There must be uniformity in the type or class of building in which the zoning
applies." A Court in making a decision on this very thing says, lithe finest
processes of spot zoning, of singling out a small parcel of l~nd for the use
classification 'totally different from that of the surround1ng areas
Regular Session, City Council, July 121 1976
Page 3
for the benefit of the owners of such property and to the detriment of other
owners. Spot zoning is the very antithesis of planned zon.ing.. "Arbitrary or
spot zoning to accommodate the desires of a particular land owner is not only
contrary to good zoning practice but violates the rights of neighboring
landowners and is contrary to the intent of the neighboring legislature which con-
templates planned zoning based on the welfare of an entire neighborhood".
Deputy Mayor Donald Bro~~ing said that this City does need development- but due to
the public sentiment voiced by the people that live close to the lots, he was not
in favor of this rezoning.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning said he would get a legal opinion on the legality
of the request from a spot zoning standpoint and continue the public hearing until
July 26. Deputy Mayor Donald Browning closed the public hearing and reconvened
the Regular Session.
Attorney Brock read the second reading of Ordinance No. 137 by title only.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to approve Ordinance No. 137 on the second
reading by title only. SEconded by Councilman Hendrix. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Booth, absent; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels,
aye; Councilman Ash, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Brock read the letter from Southern States stating they Hould be willing
to refund the customers, dated June 18, 1976. Attorney Brock reported on Friday,
July 9th, 11r. Eagan, attorney for Southern States Utilities, Inc., called Mr.
Brock and said that the Attorney for the Public Service Commission advised
Southern States that if they were to reach a settlement regarding a refund of
the rates, that in essence, they would be agreeing to the rates, and to change
the rates would require a public hearing; therefore, they were going to with-
draw their previous letter of June 18, 1976. Shortly after that Hr. Kravitz
called Mr. Brock and informed him that he was not going to appear before City
Council and that he was not going to agree to any refund of rates pursuant to
the letter of June 18th.
Attorney Brock said there is a case of Cohee vs. Crestridge Utilities Corporation
which Mr. Massey feels will give us (City) a standing to contest Southern States.
Mr. ~1assey feels we could get a temporary injunction and eventually a rate refund.
But Mr. Brock emphasized that if there is a public hearing and if they lost, the
consumers would have to bear the cost of the public hearing which would be unfair
to those 100 people.
Councilman Daniels asked Mr. Brock if they had contacted the Public Service
Commission and asked them do they feel that those people are bound by those
rates they are being charged now - do they support the extension of that County
approved rate within the City prior to the time they took it over. Attorney
Brock said they had not contacted the Public Service Commission. Attorney
Brock said the case he mentioned earlier, Cohee vs. Crestridge Utilities, implies
that we would be on sound footing because jurisdiction of the Public Service
Commission had not come into effect at that time. Mr. Brock said he feels sure
that he could get the rates rolled back, but the question, "if we do that then
those people ~1ould have to bear the cost".
Regular Session, City Council, July 12, 1976
Page 4
Councilman Daniels asked what would be the feasibility of us asking the Public
Service Commission if they vlould agree to order them to roll those rates back
until the time they toOkover. Councilman Daniels said if we could work it out
on an amicable basis ~.;rith the Public Service Commission, perhaps the PSC
would order Southern States to roll those rates back. Attorney Brock said
they would pursue that.
There was a discussion of the Florida Power Hi-Line problem in the area starting
at Bahama and south on Edgemon Avenue. Mayor Piland had questioned the legality
due to our underground requirements in the ordinance. Mr. Dyer of Florida
Power said it is Florida Power's procedure to build a perimeter line overhead.
The main problem of running this line underground is the high cost. We are
to get an opinion from Cal Conklin and Mr. Massey and reschedule this on the
Councilman Daniels said that we need to pass some legislation dealing with
borrow pits and open bodies of water throughout the City. He said there are
three points to be considered: 1. There should be a slope in any pond, lake
or body of water; 2. The owners of these bodies of water should be required
to post them, keep out, no swimming, etc.; 3. vle as a governing body should
make sure that no further bodies of water of this nature are dedicated to this
Councilmen are to consider this and it will be rescheduled on the agenda July 26.
Councilman Daniels passed out his projected income for FY 1976-77; and asked all
Councilmen to have their budgets in to him by July 26, 1976.
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning continued the tabled motion on the Planned Unit
Ordinance No. 134 until July 26, 1976.
The Attorney's report on the City's recourse regarding electrical problems at
Hacienda Village will be on the agenda for July 26, 1976. Ms. l:1ichele Eckert
has a plumbing problem and this is to be included in the Attorney's report.
Mr. Jim Ray, 424 Cedarwood Court requested some information on what had been done
to correct the drainage at the corner of Cedarwood Court and Alderwood Street
South. Mr. Bro~~ing said he was waiting for a report from the City Engineer.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Ash.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
?n~5! ;-: ~
Hary T. Norton,
City Clerk