HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 03 29 City Council Workshop Minutes
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MARCH 29,1976
The Workshop Session was called to order by Mayor Troy Piland at 7:30 p. m. The
purpose of the Workshop Session was to discuss the personnel policy. Councilman
Daniels said he had re-worked the Melbourne personnel policy and would leave the
marked up copy here at the City Hall for all CounciUnen to review and to make
any comments. This will be on the agenda next week for another Workshop Session
and two weeks on the agenda for action.
The Workshop Session was closed at 7:45 p. m. and Mayor Piland called the Regular
Session to order. The invocation was given by Mayor Piland. The pledge of allegiance
to the flag was led by Councilman Ernest Hendrix.
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor Donald Browning, present
City Attorney Gary Massey, present
Irwin Hunter, present
Ernest Hendrix, present
John Daniels, present
Claude Ash, present
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to approve the minutes of March 22, 1976.
Seconded by Councilman Browning. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Hunter, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash,
aye; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to approve the minutes of March 25, 1976.
Seconded by Councilman Browning. DiscusSion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Hunter, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Ash,
aye; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
There were three recommendations to the Planning Commission: Mr. Robert A. Goll,
Mr. Sam Musgrove and Mrs. Irene Van Eepoel.
Motion was made by Councilman Hunter that Mr. Robert A. Goll be appointed to the
Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that we continue our Health Insurance
Program with the SUnpson Insurance Agency but switch the carrier to Provident
Mutual Company's major medical plan (Plan No.1) elUninating the disability
indemnity section. Seconded by Councilman Ash. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Hunter, no; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Ash, aye; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
There was a discussion of the telephone problems when there are emergencies.
Mayor Piland suggested talking to Southern Bell and other companies to review our
problems and see if they can offer some suggestions for solutions.
There was a discussion of the possible purchase of an additional car for the
rolice Department. Mayor Piland asked the Chief for a report on the Nova II, as
the City of Maitland is using them. Council agreed this purchase could be
deferred until the next budget year.
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Regular Session, City Council, March 29, 1976
Page 2
Mr. Freeman Crews was present to request permission to install two gas pumps at
the Shop & Go Convenience Store. No decision was made as Councilmen want more time
to talk to the citizenry to see whether or not they would like gas pumps there.
The Attorney is to report back next week if this should go before Councilor the
Board of Adjustment.
There were several changes to be made to the proposed election ordinance and this
will be on the agenda next week.
aa1Oti~and brought up and discussed the provisions in the Charter where should a
Mayor leave office during his term, the Deputy Mayor will ascend and complete the
reuuUning amount of the term. He explained that he felt that since the Councilman
when appointed to fill the vacancy of an out-going Councilman must run at the
next scheduled regular election, that the Deputy Mayor should also and he suggested
that we should hold a referendum for this at the next regularly scheduled election
since this would require a modification to the Charter.
All Council were given copies of the LEAA grant request information. Next week the
Resolution will be on the agenda. The City's portion of the grant amounts to
$4,287.93 of which $3,556.80 would be for the investigator and $731.13 is for the
Youth Services officer.Th,~ere was no consensus and this was scheduled to be
discussed at a later date. Councilman Daniels asked "where does the burden on the
taxpayer end? It is time for us to draw the line and this is where we stop. Until
the City grows and until we get some businesses in this city that can carry some
of the tax burden, I feel we are to the point that taxpayers can afford to pay'.
~. The Attorney is to set up a public hearing on the mechanical code.
Mr. A. Juergenson's bill will be on the agenda next week for action.
Councilman Browning is to shop around for furnishings for Fire Station No.2.
Attorney Massey reported there is a hearing on April 7th at 1:30 p.m. with Judge
Leffler on the question of jurisdiction of the rate increase for the North Orlando
Water. Sewer Corporation.
Motion was made by Councilman Browning to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Hunter.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk