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1975 04 07 Regular
.... ,',' ." ~ o r-. ~ I"" Beginniag Balance 3/1/75 Check Voided Receipts for March Disbursements for March Geaeral Fund Balance, 3/31/75 ieceipts: Cigarette Tax Utility Tax Occupatioaal Licen.es B.ilcli.... Perait. Electrical Peraits P1__ing Permits Hech. Permits State ReY.Sharing Fiaes 4& Forfeitures Interest on Saving. Hiscellaneous Copyblg Hobi1e Ho.e Licease. M Valor.. Taxes ietabur....at of Cadet Salaries Disb.r.....tsl Police Dept. Fire Dept. Public Works Zoning Dept. "iaance Dept. Office 4& GeIlera1 Petty Cash Court Dept. Withho lcliag-Dr. Social Security -Cr. Withho1ding-cr. Insurance -cr. 1,432.20 4,528.73 41.23 272.00 46.75 30.00 52.00 7,179.00 1,087.00 145.84 286.45 39.40 293.04 3,313.29 1,333.90 9,537.37 5,244.88 2,941.42 1,418.44 1,796.03 3,240.08 19.74 901.84 3,685.90 817 .29 2,032.20 ll6.04 f'\ 19,165.74 ll.28 19,154.46 20.080.83 39,235.29 25.890.17 13,345.12