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1975 01 13 Regular
. .. ~ (""\ (j SPECInCl'1'IONS FOR VII' HIGH aAMD BASE STAtXCIf RADIO AND WI>>; LtNE RDI01't C()lffftOL IQUIPl'ILlT FOR em or \'lIJfI'El .,RIBOS. PI4U:Dl n ~ o () ~ R~~E STATlQii ~er.la, rrcquency IWlBO - "'equcncie_ - Opera1;1ng T_pera1;ure - DU1iJ Cycle - SuPPl1 Vol'age - 1C Power OOD..pt.1on - Cablae1i Type - ~. n. ~ Paul,. o.pu.1i - Spari... Ellis.i_s - ......ency $t,a~W1;J - JIodulat;101'l - rnquacy Spread - ..10 rreqaeDCJ ne8pon.e - lud.1o D1....i_ - ,.ct;lou1 Device Coap1l11~ - (""\ 136 11Hz 1;0 174 11Hz Four (4) - 30C 1;0 +600 Receiver 100~, Tran8l1t1;or 2o.p 110 1;0 121 Vol1;8 G 60 I1z S1;andbya Hot; 1;0 exceed 60 \1at1;. Tran_1;, Not; 1;0 exceed 500 \'Ia"a Indoor, teak Side type not; exceod,ing 1;he deCnaiOllsl 40H 2'W I'D (!Achee) 100 Watts A1; least; -8SdB t .0005% 1M :t 5 kHz 1.' IIUZ Within +1 dd, to -, dB of 6 daper oct,a... pre-_pbaa1a CWft. rr. '00 1;03000 Hz. (per f~1'2B Para. 1.2) Less than 2~ at .~ de'f1at,I.OD All 80l1d &tiet. clrcld.&. ,. rs.l _ which .., be 1;ube 'rpe ...... OQ't,put 1a,peneDce - 50.. Aud10 Input - In1iertace wl'll Reaot,e 1'......'1_ Panel C08\iDUOU8 'lODe Squelch - 103.5 Hz (j (PAOB 1) , ~ (\, () ...... (O_'t.) ...... r.ct1OMl Drdce - 0.,\"'- IeUI..ln" - Squlob ......'1nt1 - n '!l~ 8e1ec1ilYia; - Spurl.. ""'Ja1 - :r.eNld .....oeSa - J'ntI-. StatdJ.l1;y - MdI4t ....., ne.,... - A841. o.JR& - ..... D~ - "'....er 11*1.. - 0.-........ 8cpa1. - t1 1~ .Solid ~.te ., JI1Cl'OYOlt;. tor 20 c1B quletlng .'5 JI1crovo1'. tor 12 dB sIIAD .2' II1C1'O't'o1"s aoJ.88 squelcb 6 dB SIIWl 'tOIle equ.elch En SIlfAD -90 dB _1\1-... A1; lout -100 dB A' 1__ -So 41 .OOOJ~ )00 .. )OQO Hz , .". ,.,~~ lot 1;0 exceec1 '" a'i 5 .". 1.' lIRa 10).' Ila ",*~hOL qu.ft CAPIIILIft' SPECUlCAfICIII ... RI.".~l - ~ ~11r1s.- o 1. ...pt. t.. (It), tn.... -"'iDe "" ~'t . f.~ _lTd. i"- De R_eII. lid'. 2. "ept .._..It, _wit>> "- DO a.... 1Dl'. ). Raate rocel.. audi. .. DC nl.I'. UII1". 4. BGDe ......" bell._ .. DC a__. 1Ild_ ,. a.a. _.... aua.e --. ..., ... bet.__ I)C nt.a. .... ( P&eII 2) ~ '" t1 ~AGL IQUIPJIIt! CAP.lBILI't!' SPECIrICATIONS (con't) DC It.... Ualt. - 1. OI1.g1Date, ..1ectivlJ', IOU' (4) frequency .electing tran..s.t 0"....n4. 2. OI1.g1Date tran..!'t audio 3. Prov1d.e aapUt1ed and YUi.able sp..Jcor level auc1io aareceived rrc. either the ReceiYwor Int.-c. (In 1;be ca.. of the bUdeet lWlOtee the earpiece au.clio level i8 to be internally ac1jQRable 0Dl1 ) 4. Orig1Date 1ntercOID audio ~ ~~J l' ~~ ~I .....l....Dmce - ~-- ~ sr--- Audlo OD", Speebr .. Speaker - fna..s.' taa._i- - PanUel Openta. - P.... Recpal:r.... .. c.trol ~. TT"tad. - CMNle - Ix.t.~ - 1DMmal- l' () '-_. Ii/ I .... (PAGB ,) BLIC'lRONIC SPECIPICATIONS ~ Solid S1;ate \'W WlI'e DC 1 watt -1.,18. 3" by 5" in'emal, -S,,1,... lJ.&h' vlllUal Up to 5 unite ..1'1t... ll1rAC. G 60Hz Pour, eelectablc, to ~. .... trequeacy (Ratlon) Pre....,. select (4), S,..I' YO~, ~.roaa Std.tch Hand8Gt earpiece vol__, Lbe aut;,. Audio Level, Lme QltpQt DC current; I"", ~ CCIft'ROL EQUIPMEft ELECTRONIC SPECIPlCA'l'IOtiS (Con 't) () Intercom CapabUlty - Prequ.enG)" Response .- M:Lcro~one Input - Input aen8:1.tlvlty - S1gna1.-to-Role. l1a:l;lo - Aud:l.o QltpUt - (DC Line) - A1Ix(111l.,.,. IaP'lt - IapIIt c.prea81Oll - DC L1I1e Iapec10nce SmDI cmLDE 1. Housing receiver, tranamltter, power eupP17, and reIiOte tend.- natlon panel in a e1aglo ca'b1net 2. AC power to be connected by a s:l.ngle supply cord v1th parallol blade grOU1lding type plug 3. AnteDna coanector.. dDe;le, to acoept P1.259 4. DC R.ote Input; Te~i".ls aoces,lOle by rellOTal of ca'biaet door panel ;. Remote Tend.Datlon Paul to be acoesalOle by reaIOV&l of troD1; cabinet door panel 1. Desk top style with handaft (T'wo each) 2. Conaolette style with 24 hour d:l.gltal clock, Aqdl~" Me1;or, and desk lI1oropb~. (.e oaoh~ ~- (_e each) o ~- (!'bree total) () d_" (PAGE 4) .... ..' I""'.. ("") nlS'J.'ALLmOH (l R.aponaibiUty of the purchaaer. DELIVERY '1'0& \11nter Spring. Fire Station /)1, 1.108. Road, t'l1nter Springe, Fl. o o (PAGE ;) ) ....., . , - '. I"", .1") " em Oil VIftIR. SPRDGS BID FOnM Pm VIP 111GB BARD BASE StMCIJ 1WJIO AID WID LDE BIIIJOJ:~ COIftnoL ~ .. ..... ...1.... Radio (OM MOIl) ~ a. . -... Couol_te I" ..) J. Ie BI _Me, DMk fop (fW ....) o tcrlAL PRICE &IWIII' _. ,.... ... *' 1 t 'f .., .t~f~8). II'" .~.. .. r lI&L.......- T . .. .. n.. 1ft .. ... .... .. . ... ... II III (..r~.. o~ otftela1 ftpN....t.w ... 'UJ..) ^: ~,",'..,,);~ I -...