HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12 15 City Council Regular Minutes
~75-76 - II
_ClOD. 15, 1975
The I.epl.r S..8io. of the City Co1lllcil of the City of Wiat.r SpriD&., Florida
wa. called to order by llayor 'troy Pilan.. The iavocatioa was sivea by CouacUaan
Ira. Van B.,.el. 'th. pl.dS. of all.siaBca to the flas was led by Councilaaa
1.011 CallI
Hayor Troy Pilaad, pre.ent
Attorney Cary Ha...y, pr...at
Deputy Hayor Ikmal. Browning, pre..nt
Irwin Sunt.r, pre..at
Ime.t Bendrix, pr...nt
Jolm DaAl.ts, pr....t
11'''' V.n I.,.el, pr..eat
Motioa wa. .... by COUllcilaaa Daai.la to approve the aiaut.. of Dee....r 8, 1975.
S.C01I4ed by Couacu.aaa Van B....l. Discussio.. Vote on the aotioal Co1lllCilaan
HURter, aye; Co1lllCilaan Beadrix, .ye; Coacilaaa Daniela, aye, Councilman
Va. lepoel, y.., Co1IIlcilaaa Browning, aye, ..tion carri.d.
lIayor Pila.el r.c...eel the l.ep1&r Sessioa a.d COIlVea" the coati...d public
heari.. for S.-1..1. Cabl..i.i.... rat. incr.... reque.t. Hr. o.rch.ster,
General ....s.r of S.naol. Cabl..i8ion proviel.d additional data to the Co1lllCil.
Ther. was ao c.....t fr_ the auclieace. After discus.ion lIayor Pila.d clo.eel
the Public Searing and reconvened the I..sul.r S.ssion.
Botion was ..de by COUllcilaaa Browni1l8 to approve the rat. increa.e requ..t.d by
S.inol. Cabl..isioa a. sUa1tt.d with four axC.ptiOllSI #1 - the in.t.llation
daarse of $25.00 read that it is at no cherse for thirty clays aft.r notice i. siven
tbat .ervice 18 .v.il.bl.; 12- incorpor.t. the additional installatioa chars. b.
$10.00 anel the IIIhthly ..rvic. chars. at $1.75; #3- the convert.r chars. b.
delet.d; 14- tIl. delinquent penalty chars. b. d.l.ted, this 18 to b. .ff.etive
F.),)ruary 1, 1976 .... a c.rtifi.el fiaa1lC1al atat_nt b. provicled prior to the
rate iacr.... .0111& into .ff.ct. S.eoacled by eouaeilaa.. Bunter. Di.cussioa. Vote
oa the _tioal Counci1aa.. BUIlter, aY.J Co1IIlcilaaa Bedris, aY.J eo_cilaan Dani.ls,
ao; eouncilman Van B.,..l, no, eouncU...n Brownina, ay., Mtion carried. eouneilaaa
De..i.ls vot.el ..o-atU th.y caD provide. r.alistic C01lStruetiOll .ch.dul. to provide
s.rvic. citywi".
Attorney Hass.y pr..ented a r...rt on Chapter 14 of the City Code anel .USI..tins
for iJlprOYina the orel1nance.. This is to b. tura.d over to the ZORina Board as
they will ),). r8Yi_ill8 the Zoning aad SubeliYi.ioa Ordinanc.s as 80011 .. they are
fini.laacl with the IVD Orelinane..
Motion was .... by Couneilaan Dani.ls that the Attorney b. instruct.d to taka the
......ary .t.p8 to c..,l.tely r....rch .t.t. .l.ction 1.. and to i..itiat. the
proper acti... for this city to aelopt either or .11 of uose ..etiOll8 of the .tat.
.l.ction laws wlaic1:l will provide this city with an adecpaate basis for the coaduct
of public .l.cti.... S.eoncled)')y Councilaan Sunter. Discus.ion. Vote on the
.otionl Co1lllCilaaa Bunt.r,aye; C.acilaaa Hendrix, ay., Coacilaaa Daniels, aye;
Councilman Vaa Eepo.l, ao; COUllei1aan Brownins. ay., 1IOtion earri.d.
Hayor Piland r.c.ss.d the COUlleil H..tins and conv.aed the public hearins for
Ordinanea 110. l29, the Civil S.rvice Orelianea. Atton.y Cary Hass.y reael the notice
of publie hearins. As there were .... amen"'nt. an. two Co1IIlcU..n diel not haye
l.eau1ar Session, City Council, Dec. 15, 1975
Pal. 2
75-76 - 11
copies of this ortlinance, the public b.earing is to b. contiDued to January 12,
1976. Hayer Piland recessed the public heariaa and reconvened the Coacil Me.tina.
Ketin was made by Co_cilman Browninl to transf.r $517 ..00 frOlll Line Code 101,
Police DepartaeRt luq.t to Line Cocl. 433 1D the Police DepartlleDt Buqet to cOYer
the difference. Seeouded by Councilman Hunter. Discussion. Vote on the motion.
CouncilmaD Hunter, aye; Co_cilman Hendrix, ay.. Councilman Daniels, aye;
CouacU..n V.. Bepoel, yes; COunCU"D Browning, aye; motion carried.
MotioD was made by Councilman Browuina that car 1110 kaowu as the "Old Ford" be
sold to Hr. Bdgar Smart for th. sum of $1.00 and the title be transferred.
S.concleel by Councilaan Vaa Bepoel. Discussion. Vote on tb.e motion: eoacilman
Hunter, ay.; Councu...n HeRetrix, aye. Councilman Daniels, aye, Coucu...n
Van B.,..l, yes; Councilman Irownina, ay.; motion earri.4.
Motion was ..de by Couacilman Hunter that Br. Bdgar S..rt rec.ive a letter suitably
etrafted the_i. him for all his efforts. S.conded by Coacil8aa Browaiq_
DiscussioD. Vote on the motion. Councillla. Hunter, aye; Council.1l&n H.Detrix, ay.;
CouacilllaR Daniels, aye; Councu.... V.. ..poel, y..; Councilman Irowntua, aye.
DIOti01l carrieel.
CouncU.an IrOWlliaa report.d that the police cars are t9 be painted white and
black. Car 1115 is not to be paillted, but is to J"e rotated to the Buildina Dept.
v. aow have authorizatiou to participat. in the WDlps. state program to hire
twO dispatchers.
r Motion was Mete by Council,man BaBi.h that we authorize the aclverti....nt for 1200'
of 2\" fire hose to meet ainm. uatioaal fire .qui.....t stanclards aad 200ft. of
1%" fire hose at a total cost not to axeaact $2,500.00_ Seconded by Councilaan
Hater. Discus.in. Vote on the aotion. Councilllan Huter, aye; Councilmall Heaclrix,
ay.; Councilman Daaie1s, aye; Councilman Van Bepoel, y.s; Councilllan Browning, aye;
_tioa carried.
BotioD wa. made by Coacil8aD Dani.ls that the aclv.~tis_nt specify that the
Itids will be opa11eel at 7:30 p. a. oa the 5th of January 1976 and that we reserve
the ript to refuse any a.d all bids. S.coRdect by Coaci1maD Bunter. Discussion.
Vote OD the motion: Councilman Hunter, aye. Councilmall Henclrix, aye; Couneilaan
BaBiels, ay.; CouncU..n V.. Eepoe1, yes; Councilman Irowutua, ay.; motion carried.
aot1ou was ..cI. by Co_cilman Daniels that we advertise 1n both Dewspapers and
by l.tter to any known aaaufacturer of this type .quipmellt for a medical
ea8r1..cy vehicle aeetina the aforereael specificatioas. lids will be openetl
at 7.30 p. m. on the 19th of JaDuary 1976. Second.d by Councilaan Van Bep.el.
Discussion. Vote 01l the moti01l' Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilman Henetrix, aye;
CouncilmaD Danials, aye; co_cilman Van B.po.l, yes; Councilman Brownina, ay.;
motion carried.
Hr. RiehardDeFazio spoke to Council relardiua Hr. Bradshaw's 1eaa1 fees. a.
asked that we all try to settle our disputes peacefully and. start workiua together
for the good and betterment of the cOIDUDity.
Motion was _de by Councilman Van B.,..l to advertise for bids for a tractor for
the Public Works DepartaeDt. Bids to be opeDed. January 12, 1976. S.coDded by
CounCU."D Beadrix. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councu.aan Hunter, aye;
Couacilman Henclrix, aye. CouacU1I8a Daniels, aye; CouncUaaa Van .epoel, yes;
Councilman Browntua, aya; motion carried.
Regular Session, City Councll, Dec. 15, 1975
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75-76 - 11
Motioa was made by Coaellaan Daniels to plaee the refuse contraet OIl the ag_cla.
Secoudecl by Councilman Hater. Discussion. Vote on the motionl Couneilman Hunter,
aye; COuneilman Hendrix, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Couneilaan Van lepee1, yes;
Couacilaan Browaing, aye. motion carriec1.
Hotion was made by Councilman Daniels that Attorney Hassey eontact the attorney for
BMJ Ref..e eo.pany to aake sure that this eoatraet is aceeptab1e to th., and
ass.s.ng that it will be, the Mayor be instructecl to sip this contraet for the
C.ity to be in effeetJanuary 1, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Hater. Discussion.
Vote on the ..tion: CouUilman Hater, aye; Councilman Hendrix, aye; Couacilaan
Daiels, aye; Couac1laan Van lepoe1, yes; Councilman Browning, no; motion carried.
The next aeeting was scheduled for January 5, 1976. The public heariDg that was
scheduled for Dee_er 29 for the Aaendaaent to the SwiDming Pool Ordinanee is to
be rescheduled for January 12, 1976.
Hotiou was made by Councilaan Hencb:ix to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Hunter.
Hotion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
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