HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12 08 City Council Regular Minutes
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75-~- 10
DlCBHBD 8, 1975
Tlae )lesular S...ioa of the City Council of the City of Willter S,r1lla., Ploricla wa.
call" to order by llayor Troy Pilanct. Th. iavocation was sive. Ity Coaci1aa. Balliela.
Th. ,l.ctse of allesiance to the flaS wa. 1.ct by CouncibBa. Va. Eepoel.
1.011 Call:
Hayor Troy Pil_ct, pr..e.t
Deputy llayor Doaald Browniag, pr..e.t
Atton.y Qary 1Ia...y, pr....t
Irwi. Bater, pre.ellt
Bn..t U..clrix, pre.eat
Job Da.iel., pr...t
Iran. Van E.poel, pr...nt
IIotion was ..cte by Councilma. Browning to approve the minute. of Dec.-ber 1, 1975.
S.condect by CouacU... Va. Eepoel. Di.c..iOll. Vote OIl the motiOD' CouacU_. Bunter,
ay.; CotlRcilaaa Be.drix, ayeJ CotlRci1aaa DaDi.la, aye; COURcilaa. Va. le,o.l, y.s;
CouncibBa. Browning, ay.; aGtion carri.d.
The discu.sioa of the Wildwood Subdivi.ion was po.tpoa.ct due to the City Eaataeer'.
requ..t to ...t with CouncU... on a. taforul basi.. A Workshop Se..ion wa.
.chedulect two week. fro. tonight to talk with Hr. Conklin.
Th. City Planner is to b. asked to draw up a map pinpointing all the propo..ct
street liglat location. as r.co.Mndect by the Police Departaant. CouneU..a Daniela
r.ce..ended tJaat we S.t tOlether with Florida Power CorporatiOll to s.e what the
co.t woulct b. of th.se additional lights.
The Attor.ey'. report on Section 14-3 of the Code of Ordinances was ...tponed
for OD. we.k to liv. the Atton.y mor. t1ae to review the Code.
In discu..101l of the payment of 111'. Bradshaw'. lesal fees Councilman Browning
withdrew hia motioa to taltl. and Councilman B1I1lter withclrew his ..cond.
Kotion was ..de by CouncibBan Brewniaa that the lelal fee. of Hr. by Bradshaw
i. the ameuat of $1,770.60 w.r. in the requi.ite public interest of the City of
Wiater Springs. leC01Uled by CouncU.an BtlRter. Discus.ioa. Vote oa the motion:
CotlRcilmaa Bunter,aye, CouncU..a B_4Irix, aye; Councilaall Daaiel., no;
Councilman Van lepoel, .0; Councilman BrCNaiDa, aye; motion carried.
Counci1aaa V.. Eepoel a.kect that Hr. Hasaey'. c....nt. .e notect in the alnut...
Attoney 1Ia..e,. said you bave to find that there i. a requi.ite public inter..t
to be .ened by payi.. the.e fee.. In the Dent there were certain fe.. tUt
were not paid for repr...ating 1!Ir. Bradshaw in a public capacity tho.e coulel
aot be paid. There would have to be a detera1utiOll of the breakclCNa of that
bUl a. to ....ther .... of the time wa. spent on other matter.. Yo. caal t ju.t
pay for ....thi.. of a private tatere.t. It would all bave to be in the public
intere.t. 1 said 1 only heard that po..ibly ... of the charse. w1'e more of a private
uture tUa a public ..ture, but tUt waa only here.a,. Iteea..e 1 a.r nothing of
what the daarS" were. If that were the ca.a, thea th... parti~1ar chars.. could
aot ba paid by the City.
Hotion was made by CouncU...nBrowa1n& that the lesal fea. of Hr. Bradshaw incurr.d
in tha imra.tisation were "'ling in p.rformance of official duty as Buileliaa
Iaspector. Seconded by COtlRcu..an Bater. Di.cussioa. Vote OIl the _tion: Councilman
.."'...... .&
Jles.lar Session, City Council, Dec. 8, 1975
Pase 2
1975-76 - 10
B_ter, aye. COUDcilma. Be.drix, aye; Couuclllllln Daniels, no; Councllman Van lepoel,
no. Coacll... BrowaiDa, aye; aetion carriecl.
IIotiOR vas made by CoUllcUaan Brovaias that the lesal fe.. of Hr. lay Bradshaw
incurred durilll the tavestisation as subaitted in the detailed listiua datect
R.,,_er 24, 1975 were reasonable for the tiae a.d the involved nature of lesa1
services rendered. Seconded l)y Council1Dan Hendrix. Discussion. Vote on the aotion.
CouncibBaa Bunter, aye. Councilman Ben4lrix, aye; Couaci1llan Daniela, no qualified
tbat the invoice is not suficieat upon which to make such a judpent; Council.an
Va. Xepoel, no. Councilman Browaias, aye; motion carried.
IIotiOll was ..de by Counc.i1man Brovaing to approve the payaent of the lesal fee.
of Hr. Bradshaw incurred durias the imrestisatioa in the amount of $1,770.60 to
be paid by the City of Winter Sprtaas January 2, 1976. Secoacted by C01ll1Cilman
KotiOR was made by Councilaaa Daniels to ....d the 1IlOtion on the floor to hold
a public. heari. prior to the approval to pay this particular bill. Secanded
b,. Couacil1lan Van lepeel. Diacussin. Vote OIl the 1IOtion: Ceuncilmaa Hunter, no.
Councilman B_drix, D.O, Councilmaa Daniela, aye; Couac.il1laa Van Xepoel, yes;
Councilman 11'...1.., no; aotion faUed. CouaCilmaR Buater qualified his vote
a. this it. has been nothing but a series of hearings which the whole it.
has been before the public. Aa additional public hearing would cto D.Othtaa but
to 8low, - to 4Iraw out the probl_ as it i. here. We areall_ing ia this 1IOtiOR,
actditioul t1ae so that an,. party that has additional interest in 8tOppins this
it. to take ,lace to take lesal actiOR. 1 think this satisfies any lesalize
i. the hanctlias of this probl_.
eoacilman Daniela stated fer the record that the Council is about to approve an
unbudseted ezpeneliture without a public laearina.
Vote OIl the ..iD aotion: COURcil1lan Hunter, aye. CouncU..n Bendrix, aye. CouncUaan
Daaiels, no qualified OR the basis that the expenditure is il1esal and UDethical in
.,. opiaioD; Council.all Van le,..l, no because it is a aisappropriation of tax funds.
Councilman Brcnmias, aye; motion carried.
Hayer Pila.d asked Co_cihlaD Ben4lrix to review the bucisets to cletenaine what
Liae Code this appropriation would COIB8 from.
Motion ..s ..de by COunCibBaD BaDiels that the City purchase three mobile four
cha8.el radios for the Fire Department ,urchased fro. the state Did list in the
total amouat of $2,850.00 to be paid from L.C. 435. Seconded by Councilman
Hater. Discussion. Vote oa the aotion' Councilman Uuater, a,.e; Councilma.
Benclrix, aye; Coaci1maD Daniels, aye; Councilman Van lepoel, yes. Councilman
Browning, aye; aotion carried.
A ..etiRS was schedule. to df.acuss the refu.e contract at 7P.II. Tuesclay and at
7 :30 another ..eting was scheduled to discuss the ..dical emersancy vehicle.
Hayor Piland asked that the CoaIIdttee on renovation of the Jlecreation Building
set soins and to ask Hr. Ash to sit in on the meetings as thf.a is in his li.e of
r busia..s.
" - f,~. a..
Regular Session, City Couacil, Dec. 8, 1975
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1975-76 - 10
COU1lCihun aater reported tJaat C.-berlaad FaJ:'IU have aet all the requir....t.
per tae letter .eat by the Mayor. They have raked over and seeded the property
ancl have takea out their electrical penlite Hr. Iradshaw is to continue to look
iuto the flooding probl_ and the City Engineer is to give us a re~ndation.
Co1il11Ci1aen were given copies of the bid specificatiOlls for a aew tractor for
the Public Works Departaeat. This will be OIl the agenda next week.
The RoadlfainteDaace Agreement has been signed and is to be in the office of the
County CoIaissioaer. tOlllOrrow.
Hr. Pellerin a,keel the City Attoraey if the City has aclopted the State Ilectioll
Laws and the answer was we have not.
Ilections are to be on the agencla for next week.
!lotion was aacte by Counciblan Browni1lg to adjourn. Seconcled by Councilaan Hater.
DiacussioD. Motion carried.
Re.pectfully .uheitted,
lfary T. .orton,
City Clerk
Approvecl .
.~ ...'
/ ,
- J L.