HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12 01 City Council Regular Minutes
DBCDmBR l, 1915
Th. a.a1llar S...iOll. of the City Co_eil of the City of Wiutar SpriDa., Flori"
as call.d to order by ",..r Trey Pilall.. The iDvecuiou was li..n 'by 8naei1aaa
Erne.t Beaclrix. Thepl.cig. of allegiance to the flag va. leel by Co_eibiaa IRiIl
...ter. {
Ko11 Calli
",..r Troy Pila.d. p.e...t
Attoraay G4ary .....Y, preaeat
"p1Ity ..,or ....1. BrowaiDS, pr.se.t
IJ:Wia Bater, pre...t
Bra..t Baclriz. ,re..at
Jolm Daai.1., pres..t
lreae Va. Be,..1, pr....t
Hoti.. wa. ..de by Co_aU.a. VaR I.peel to ap,r... the lU.ut.. of lov_er 24,
1915. S.cOll.cle. 8Y Coac11... Br_i... 8i.....io.. Vot.... the -*1ChU
eo...11... .ater, ay.. Co_ei1aan BaUiz, .y., Ceuaeihu. BaIli.1., aye.
e_cu..... 'Va. Be,..l, ye.; Couae11aan Br_iDa, aye; _tin oarriecl.
.1."1aa. Z-11I& a.pert, C"'11aaa Bater r.porting.
eoac1lM. Bater r.port" tIa.r. hael b... . tfae .as. for the .tart11l& of tIl.
Clari.... Para... It will .urt at 2.00 .... tutu. of 3.00 ..... ... th. lille
up will be at 1100 '.11. at lay.. aoael. Coa.ilMa Hater rea. the Buil.ias Depart-
...t r.port. a cop,. i. .. fil..
1lJ:.. Die... baaer, City Pluaer, laye a hri.f .1a_iIla Depart:ae.t a_port. Her
writtea r.port i. OIl file. .
r Tur. vas a eli.....io. of the l.tter ..at to Bill Selig. c.1terlaacl Fama. lIr.
Bater report" it lIael b...r.tunad ".u... of aa iacEreot aelclr.... 1Ir. ......y
i. to r..t.r the coft.apencleace bew... the City _. Hr. S.lig to detaftlia. tIl.
proper l..al prOC...iIlgI.
Tke City...iIle.r ha. reviewed. the draiul. proltl_ aa. h. is to .end ia Ilis
Fi_c. a.port, Co..U.... .eaclriz reportilll'
Ceaci1aaB Ileaclrix read the _th1y fiU1lC8 r.port ... a copy iI attach.el to tIa.
Fir. Depar..... aepert. CoacilMa _i.la r.porti..
eoaci1ua Daai.la report.d that it _. a routin. _tIl .ith three fir.. au fiy.
re...... A copy of tlae _th1y r.port iI .. fil..
PUlic Works hpartaeat I.eport, CoUllci1Mll Va. B.peal reporti..
Puhli..Wora Direcbor, Mr. ao})erts, gave tIl. IDOBthly report a.d a copy i. .. fil..
Mr. H. Wat.on of P..- Road wa.t" it aot.. ill tIl. ai.'lt.. that at OIl. tiJle, ...-
I...d It.t..... ..,... ..d.. .... It.... va. 8 lack toppe.. 811t It.ca... of ...l.ct tIa. roael
has b.ea ton up aa. the paYiaa DO leaser ailt.. Tiler. va. a .1.....io. of the
roa" i. the ...ul...., aa. eo-cU.... .aai.ls .....eate. that thi. it_ be r.-
searcheda.. a report be given to eoUBcil in a week or two.
Police Depart:aent a.port, COUBcilun Browning r.portillg.
.\ copy ~f the Polic. Depart1l.81lt report i. OIl fil.. eoUBCU..... Browatna .isc..... the
pos.i1tility of briagias the an..l coatrol Itack iato the City. He alao elisc.....
th...... of,th. Bu.i1eliag Dept. to the Fire CIli.f'. office; the Fir. Ghi.f to. the
'olice Chief' 8 office and the Police Chief out to the Trailer.
K.g1l1ar Ses'iOB, Cit, Couacil, D.c. 1. 1975
'ale 2
75-76 - 9
1Ir. Al La.d, Laad baine.riDS, ,aid that Nati,..1H... would Uk. to 1IPsra" the
ezisti.. .tre.ts 1a Wl1clvoocl .0 tlaat the City will accept tIl. .treet.. A .etf.aa
ft. .,chad"l" for aezt week with the City --,l.eer to hear hl. recOlllAmdations.
1I0tioa we. ..cle by CouacU,,,. Irown.iq to select tile biel for the 1975 Cheftolet
1apala fo1ll'-c100l' fr.l.oaer Holler Chevrolet to be purcUse" 'by the LU.l graat
....1 for the iav.sttaator's car. SeeOBcJed by Coaci1aa. Daniel,. Di.e..lon.
Vote '.. the ..ti.' toacU..a IluDt.r, ay.; OouacU... Be'uix. aye; CouIicU...
".iela, a,e; Couacilaa. V.. lepoel, ,ea; Counci1Ma Browaing, a,e; aotin. carri.d.
"ti. was .... D, CouncU.... Br_l. to select tile 'bid of Clark Chrysler ttlymouth
Gracl r1ll'Y to D. purcUseel a. the police roael vehicle at the price of $4717.00.
Secoadecl ., Couacllaa. Hater. Di.eusion. 'lot. . the aotlon. Ooacilu. H1IIlter,
aye; COuacl1aaa .nctriz, aye; Couacilma1l ".iela, ay.; Coacilaaa Va. le,..l, yes;
Coaci1Ma IrowaUa, ay.; aoti01'l carrled.
Th. ,.,i. of attoraey fee' for Hr. Bradshaw was di,c1l.sed. Hr. Hassey distributed
a typed report for Couacil.
Kotio. waa ..ele D, CouncU.... He.drix to table for one w.ek. S....eled. by Couaci1man
Va. le,..l. Disc.sion. Vote on the aotioal Co8cU.... Bater, aye; Co1Iacil.1lan
He.drix, aye; Coaci1u. Da.iels, ao. Co1l1lCU.au Van .apoel, ye,; Councilaa
Ir_i.~h ao; motion carried.
I"'" Hotloa was ..cle by CouncU... Bendriz to acljo1l1'1'l. Secoaeled b, COUllcu...a Vaa .epoel.
XotiOll carried.
aas,.ctf1ll1, subaitted,
Har, or. lorton,
City Clerk