HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03 24 City Council Regular Minutes
KARCH 24, 1975
r Th. R.gular S.ssion of the City CouncU of the City of Wiater Spriags, rloricla was
call.. to order by Hayor Troy Piland. The invoeati.. was Siv.. by Co.cU..a Ir...
Vall I.po.l. Th. pl..se of allesieaee to the flaS was led by Attorney B....a Brock.
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Roll Call:
HJyor Troy Pilaad, pr.s.at
Attorn.y B_a Brock, present
Deputy lIayor haald Br_iag, present
Irw1a lIater, present
Fraak Durance, pr.seat
Joha Daniel., pr.seat
Irene Van E.poel, pr....t
!toti.. was ..d. by Co_ci_. Vau E.,..l to approye the a1atat.s with the follthriag
correctio..: .. Page 1, paragraph 4, c1aaag. "It.rchaer" to K.rcher. page 2 paragraph
4, between the word. to a.. assure, iasert "req1l.st that the swal.. be corrected
a_ to OYer.ee the work .... \>>y the d..eloper. the next s.nt.ace betweeu the ..rel.
acce.pU..eel anel within, adel a c_ a.. i..ert "report back to Co_cil".
Seen.. \>>y Couacil1la. Rat.r. Discussi... Vote OIl the ..tion: C01IIlCilaaa Runter,
aye. CeacU.... Durace, ay.; CoacU... Daniell, ay.. CouncU..n Vaa .epoel, Y..;
Coaci_n Br_ins, aye. ..ti.. carrieel.
k. Jack Cooper was pr.s.at to answer q1I8sti..s regareli. Crooked Cr.ek. Attorney
Brock passed out a ehrenological seq1leace of ev.nts relating to Crooked Creek
!totion was ..de by Coacil1lan Durrance to request W.stern Lalld c..pa.y to furnish
a scheelule of co.stnction withi. reasonable paraaeters for Crooked Creek to be
suppli.. to the City COUDcil witki. sixty clays for approval. S.co.ct.d by C01lRcU".
Browniag. Discu.sion. 111 eliscussi.. of the _tien, Couacilmaa Daaiels want.d it
1I0t.el in the aiautes as follows: "Would the passage of this particular _tion
not iaplicitly lap1y that the P.U.D. Zoning does in effect exist although I
.. of the opinion that it ceas.. te exist as th.y were notified .. Harch 9tht".
Vote.. the _tion: CO\1Rciblan ll\U1ter, aye; Cooncil1lan Durrance, aye. CounCilman
Daniels, aye; C..cU..a Vaa Eepoel, yes; Couacilaan BrOW'lling, ay.; 18Otion'carried.
Motion was aade by CouncUaaa Durrallc. to direct Western Lauel Planai. CompallY to
furnish tile City of Winter Sprillg. with a developMlltal Reginal Iapact to be
accoaplisla.el by the East Ceatral Florida Regional P1aRaiag COUllcil aael to requ.st
I.C.F.R.P.C. te ..ke a specie1 exception in this case to tile ainia\a unit figure
of 1000 because of its peculiarities. S.coadeel by Councilman Van Eepoe1.
Discussion. Vote on the _tion: Councihun IIUIlter, no qualifi.el; Councilman Durrance,
aye; Couacilman Daniels, aye; Cou..U..n Van Eepoel, yes; Counci1aa1l Brewaing, aye;
18Ot1n carried. Councilaa. lIater qualified his no vote en tIl. basis that it was
thorouahly discus.ed in tIl. past ill alaost identical ..aer.
!totion was ucla by C01l1lcilaaa Rater tlaat the City CouncU direct the P1aaiag
. Zoning Board to review the P.V.D. ordinance aad Subdi"isioa orelinance to deteraine
tile iat.r-eetion of tIl. two orctinanc.s a.el to detarai.e _ans by which the P.U.D.
ordinaaee can d..e10p an orelerly __er a.d control cIev.10....t. S.coade. by
CO\1Rcilaaa Browaing. Discussion. Vete on the ..ti..: Councilaaa KUIlter, aye.
CeUDeU... Durrance, aye; COUIlCi1aaa Daaieb, aye; CO\1Rcilaaa Van Eepoel, yes;
Councilman BrOWlling, aye; aotion carried.
Regular Session, March 24rt975
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Hayor.Piland recessed the Council Heeting and opened the public hearing for orelinance
No. 115, ....eling Ordinance No. 112. Attorney Brock read the first reading of Ordinance
115. Councilman Burrauce s,.ke for the ordinance. Bo oae spoke against the orelinance.
Hayor Pilanel closed the public hearing aad reconvened the Regular Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to accept Ordinance No. 115 on the first reading.
Seconded by COUDcilman lIunt"." Diseussion. Vote on the 18Otion: Coacil1lau lI_ter, aye.
eoUDcilmaa Durrance, aye; Councilmaa Daaiels, aye; Couacil1lan Van Eepoel, yes,
Couacilaan Browni.., aye; motion carried.
Attoraey Brock read the !lesolution No. 150 for Stevea Kline.
Hotion was made by Councilman Vaa lepoel to approve Resolution No. 150 h01lOring
Steve Kline. Seconded by Councilaan Browning. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman II_tar, aye, Counci11lan Durrance, aye; Couacil1lan Daaiels, aye;
Councilman Van le,.el, yes; Councilaaa BrOWDi.., aye; ..tion carried.
Hayor Piland preseated the Resolution to Ste"e Kline aad congratulatiollS and best
wishes were gi".. to hfa.
Councilman Daniels re,.rted that we have to file a fomal application for the Bi-
Ceatennial c-dttee. We do Dot ha"e to fill this out before we eaa be acknowledged
as a Bicente_ial C.....ity and be awarded our Bicentennial flag- There is to be
a _11 cer....y on April 10th as the primary elate and April 15th as the secondary
elate. CouncU..aa Daniels will coatact the Oviedo baad to be here.
The Mayor reCOlllll8nded the following as the Bieeatenalal C...ittee: Richard Allen,
!trs. Janny Bosgraff, Lt. Col. llary Brunner, Mrs. Alice Claussen, Mrs. Virsinla
DelVillaggio, lIrs. Joan Gebhardt, Walter J. Klages, J. C. Lawson, Burt Logan,
Mrs. Kay Haize, Mrs. Jloberta !titdaell, Mrs. Barbara B....., !lev. Floyd P. Peterson,
Dr. George Sehrader, Doaalel. Sheila Si..s, Mrs. Hilda S....rs, Hrs. Carrie Weaver,
Mr.. J..a Willi..., Mrs. Harge Willi..., Mrs. Bary Williamson, Miss Cathy lIolzman,
Tfa Lallathin, Joe Locklear and His. Lin Vadepoel.
Hotion was made by Co_cil1lan Daiels to ratify the Hayor's appoiatments to the
Biceat8ll1l1al COaIaittee. Seconded by CoUDcilaan IIUDter. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: eoUDcilman lIunter, aye; Councilaan Durrance, aye; Councilaaa Daniels, aye;
Councilaan Van Be,.el, yes, eouncilmaa Browaill8, aye; motion earried.
The Bicentennial Committee will have their organizational meeting at the City lIall
on Tuesday, Karch 26, 7:30 p. a.
!totion was made by Councilman Daniels to instruct the City Attorney to set up a
public heari.. and draft the revisions to Ordinance No. 109, the Fence Orelinanee.
Seconcled by Councilman Buuter. Discussion. Vote oa tlae motion: Couucilman Hunter, aye.
Councilman Durrance, aye, Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Vaa Bepoel, yes;
Couucil1lan Browni.., aye. 18Otion carried.
Hotion was made by Council.aan Daniels that this Coaci1 approve the purchase of two
10 channel scanners to be purchased by the Fire Department but to becosted at a cost
of $300.00 to the Fire Department and $100.00 to the Police Dept. as a part of the
CoIEunieation System. Seconded by CO\U1cilman Hunter. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Co_ctlllan lIunter, aye; Couuclll18n Durrance, aye. COUIlci1maa Daaiels, aye;
Councilman Van Eepoel, yes. Councilman Browning, aye. motion carried.
'.. .. t: .
Resular aellion, Karch 24, 1975
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Pase 3
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In discussion of final acceptance of the building on Monday night, this was to be
left to the descretion of Council.
Hotion was ..de by Councilaan Hunter that the settl.-ent of the retention 1DD1'l8y be
as the Kayor indicated and next Ilo11day niglt.t be specifieel for fi..l acce~ance of
the building under the proviao lett.er of aceepeauce as the Hayor bas inclicated.
Secoadecl by Councilman Durrance. DiscusslOll. Vote n tlle _tin: COuncilaan Hunter,
aye; Coacilaan Durrance, aye; Councilman Daniela, 110; Council.1lan Van Bepoel, no;
Councilman Browaiaa, aye; _tin carried.
)lotion was made by Coacilman Deaiela that we advise the appropriate departaellt of the
Federal Govenaent that the flood map. provideel for the city of Winter Spri1l8s are
inaeeurate and that we have directed our City Bngineer to present the corrections
thereto; and that we clirect the City Bngineer to pl'oceed with the necessary corrections
to the flood maps. Seconded by Councilaan Hunter. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilman D1Irrance, aye; Councilaan Daniela, aye;
Councilman Van Bepoe1, yes; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carriecl.
Councilman Hunter reported that Friday would be the last day for Mrs. Elsie Smith.
Council.aan H\U1ter and Hr. Bradshaw will be In charge of bi1:'i1l8 the new ..,loyee.
In discussion of parking spaces for visito1:'S to the buildias department, there
were no changes made; but it was .,hasized that ..,loyees should be encouraged to
park in the front if they will be working an eight hour shift.
Councilman Van Eepoel reported that the Plarming Coanission has been m..tins on
Tuesdays. Mr. Chute is the Chairman; Hr. Parlchurst is Vice Chairman and Hr. Rewsome
r is Secretary.
Motion was made by Councilman Durrance to adjourn. Seconded by CO\U1cilman Van Eepoel.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Horton,