HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03 17 City Council Regular Minutes
74-75 - 16
ern oolllC1L
1fAIl. 17, 1975
ne a_lar S.ssi.. of tit. City Co_cil of the City of Wiater Sprias., Plod."
_s call" to oriar by h,.ty Mayor Donalc:l Irowai... Th. itlwcat10a was ,i...
by ....t, Kayor ....1. kowniD&. Th. pl.ctae of a1.1..iaa.. to the fl. vu 1.cI
by c....f.1Ma Job Daaie1s.
Irwi. H_t.r, pr.s.at
haRk Den-aac., ,r...t
Jolul Dani.ls, ,r..eat
11'_ Vtn ..,..1, ~es..t
"ti.. _s _.. by Co_ci.. Baai.l. to a,prove tIl. ai.utt.. of lIar_ 10, 1975.
S....... b, Cnaeit-a Van ..,.el. Disc..i... Votte OIl the _ttiOR' GouacU...
B_ter, a,., eo.clt-a Dunaace, aye. Co_eu.... >>ani.l., ay.. Goael1aaa Va .....1,
Y08' _tift carried.
aol1 c.l1:
Kayor '11'0)' Pit..., abseat
..,.., Mayor ....1. Brewaba,pre..at
Attftll.y B.-. Brock, ,r.sut
CeacU... Dni.1ss'Daitt.. r~"'''ti... f.r ........ts to tile 1'__
Or.i....., Bo.1". Coaci1 i. to stuclJ tl&ese r.c_.utioas aM this will
b. .. the as..- lIezt week for action.
c..eu.... Du.1e1s r.peR.. OR the CALIIO lleeti.. of Marcil 12, 1915. GAUIO
adopt" . _tin &0 ,laee the st"y of ..lid ..ate clis,..al OIl it. priority
list .f .t'" it.. for 197 S. A ca.ittta. had b... f.... to leek iato
.....li..taa ,..... tIar......lIt the Co_ty. AttadaM is . ce.Uttee r.port
dtat vu p". tto CAUIG. <W.I1O a40,t.' a Mtloa .. jo1at purohaailla _erner
..s.ibl. .. a ..latuJ lta.is. TIl. City Clerk is to ...tact AltallOat. S,rlD8s
City Ball to r.....t i1lfoDl&tioa on th.ir ,vclilaaiBa pr"'_".
1Ir. ~ercJa. or fr_ the eouaty Pla_i1ll hpar...t bri.f.. the poup oa the cUfteat
status of the Ln.d Us. Plan. A group of tackaical aul.taae. peo,le fr_ the State
will It. her. this ... to Met with iIlterutac:l c...ty ... city ....1. OR lIarck 20,
the Stat. us already sai. they can DOt ,rovi_ any f_.i. but th.y will s...
s_ ,..,1. to h.lp. 1. this ,roup there will be at 1ea.t one pars.. fr_ the
DapartMBt of CJ tree, Dept. of Tra.sportatioa, Dept. of Pol1utioa Coatrol au
th. Dept. of co.auaity Affairs.
Coacilllaa Va lepee1 has to Met .. We......' with the Stat. Abiaors bat aut
pres..t a list _ the Cllaina. .. 'I.....y .. will ....il. the lists iBto a
eeaptalt. l.tter. 'Be lists iael...s .tpt .l__ts as foll.... Bceaoatc
AaS.,tiOM' PiBaBCial Peui1tilit.,. eoueJ:ftt1oa. TrauportatiOD' S_I" Water.
Dr.t.... a' ..ti. Wast..
n. Stat. us loaislatf.oa to ...ct the IUIS Act, the x..d Pla-ias Act for the
..tir. .ute ... the proj.ct.. elate is 1982. If this act sIaou1. ,..., the
SeaiaOle Count, I'l--taa Act ....1. be iBCOrpOl'at" ther.ia. CAI80 ..t" to
support the 1'.,..1 of th.-.......yBi11. It was s....t.. tlaat Coacil st1Mly
~ ....., Bill ... the .. .ta.. leaislatioa OIl ...-..U... It_u. CAJ.MIO will
b. fOl'V&S'.t.aa a r..o1utiOR to ..".t tile 1'.,..1 of the .....y Bill.
Regalar &ession, March lrl975
Page 2
Councilmaa Van lepoel asked Attorney Brock to research if cities within COURties
having Borae Rule were not under this new state annexatlon law.
Senator Lori Wilson is proposlng to place publicly owned utilitles under the public
servlce c_lssiOll. It was a rather unan_us vote by CALlIO to support 1l000-passage
of this bill iu8IRUch as lt would place the Public Service COIIIB1ss10a ln the
buslaess of regulating gover....t owned uti11ties. Ia'dlscussion of the CErA
Program, A Departmellt of Labor bulletin is out which advises that the Government
will pay the UIleap1o,..at insura..o that CErA -.p10y..a My be _tit1.. to after
the expiratlO1l of the CErA eaployiUllt. A ..eting is to De set up with the County
to discuss the _IlY prob 1...
'the 911 COIBUIlleatioas Program was also discussed. Approval has Doea received
for . separate S_ino1e Syst. anel they hope to set up a CoUllty..,i.. - Clty..,ide
Council..n Daaiels reporteel In the Winter Sprillls Unit II area there are no
curbs, gutters, sicteva1ka. OIlly swales which are not prnlelilll proper uaiaage.
Because of the nature of tho aoil, the water ..ly lays there anel it is a breeeling
place for ..squitoes, ..c. The prob1... aro the greatest _ Oscelot aael Gator Lane.
Hotioa was ..de by Ceuacllmaa Daalels that the Building mspector be directed to
critically namlae the swales ill Unit II, Willter Spri8ls Dev.1o,....t, to get wlth
the Clty Ins1.oer for assistaace, to ..ke 11lttial coatact with the Developer
to request that the swales be correeteel, and to oversoe the work done by the
Developer to assure aelequaey and to represellt the City on slte at the t1ae the
work ls accoaplisheel,alld report back to COUDeil withia the uxt 60 clays. Secoa ded
by Couacil..a V.. lepoe1. Diseussioa. Vote oa the aotlO1lI COUllcilman BUIlter, aye;
COUlleilaaa Durrance, aye; Councilmaa Daaiels, aye; Couaci18lan Vaa lopoel, yes; aotloa
carr led.
COUIleilaa. Daaiels requestecl that the aotlO1l that was tabled at the _etiag of
March 10, 1975 be brought back oa the floor. The aotlon was "HotiOll was ..de by
COUllci1man Daniels that the City resolve to beautify Suashiae Park aad to ROVe
toward fixiag up the aew1y acquired recreatioa buil.iq as one of the bi-
eenteanial projects. Secoaded by COUllei1maa Bunter." COUllci18lan D..ie1s sald
he has received a formal app1Atioa to ask the Pederal Gover....t to designate
our Clty as a Bi-Centena1a1 City. We must have a Bl-Ceatell1lial COIBlttee and
COUIlcUmaa Daniels asked if aayoae has aay names of people willing to serve oa
this eOllllll1ttee to sublait them to him.
CounciLman Daaiels stated he would like to not designate a project at this t1ae,
but let the Committee designate the project or projects.
Councll.11aa Daaiels withdrew his motioa aad Couaeil..a BUIlter withdrew his seeoad
to the motio..
Ia discussion of the H. & W. Refuse Service, Councllaaa Dalliels asked alld recelved
a eoasensus that he was proper ia the illatruction that he gave 1Ir. Zaecarrello
that we expect h1a to service the entire city.
Hotioa vas made by Couaeilman Van lepoel that Council authorize an increase in
the salary for Roger Petersoa UIlder the ClTA Progr_ froa $6,000 to $7,800,
effective this pay period. Seeoaded by Couacl1maa Daniels. Dlscussioa. Vote on
iJ .
· Re'..i~r ,Session, llarch 17, 1975
Page 3
74-75 - 16
. r-'
the 1IOti01lu COUl'lcU". Bater, "'., Couacilllaa Durrance, ayeJ C01IIlciblaa Baai.ls,
ay.. Co_cihlan Van le,.el. y.., 1IOtioa carri...
.otift was _cIe by CouacU.1Iaa Vaa 1.,0.1 to r.gularly .ch.el.1. ..eti.s eYery
HoBday .ight elessspecifically caacellecl at the e_ of a previou. ...ttaa.
S.cona. by C.ecu.... _i.la. D18eusion. Vote.. the .ott.onl CoUIleilMn
Hater, ao. eo.cu.1IAa Burraace, aOJ Couaeibaaa Daatela, aY.J Couaeibaan
Van "peel, yea. Dep1lty Mayor Jr_taa, 110' Mtion failed.
Deputy Mayor r.porteel that a part time city ..,loy.., Stev.n &line, has be..
appointed aB. accept.. to the V.S. Itaval AM"'" at ....,.118.
Hoti.. was ..a by Co1IIlcU..aa Daniela to iutruct the City Attorney to Raft a
reao111tion to St...... I.:li... S........ by CoUIlcilllaa V.. ..po.l. Diseusi01l.
Vote on the _ti01lI Couacibaa.lI_ter, .y., Coacil8an Durraae,. aye.
Couacilllaa Dani.ls. ay.J C01IIlci1aa. Va l.po.1, y... _ti_ carried.
This Jlesolutioa is to be preseat.. to Hr. &line at next .eek's Council lieetina.
COuacu...n Dani.la askeel C01IIlci1, wh.a the "signat.. r.preaentati.e is not
pre.eat at _ettaas, aad when la. is dl. oaly r.pr....t.tiv. fr. the City, caa
her.pr....t dl. City or is lae just a ...er of the a_ience?
COUIlCu'_n Van Kepoel mac1e _tin of the .rror in our charter waich .ays if ..
have a atlitary crisis the lIayor will be Govenaor. -rlais errft will be correct..
t""', Attora.y Brock presented the Caac.ellation anel Surrender of Lease for the
Recreatioa Buil.i.. The neces.ary sig1latures are needed, and this will be _
the aaencla next week.
!lotion was .... by Couacillla. Van lepoel to adjoua. Seconc1e. by Couacu._n
BUI'lter. IIotion carriecl.
a..,.ctf1l11y .~tted,
Hery T. Bortoa,
City Clerk