HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01 13 City Council Regular Minutes
f"'. ~
74-75 - 9' ,
JANUARY 13, 1975
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Tltaaep1.ar S...101l of the City Council of the City of Winter Spri..., Florida was
cal~_to orm b, Mayor Piland at 7 :30 p. m. The in"catlO1l was aiv4ln by CoacU..n
...t..la. TIta pl"ge of allegiance to the flag was led by Co_cit... Durranc..
&011 Call:
"yor Tro, Piland, 'r....t
At.or.y B""cl ...lfolk, pres.nt
..,.t, kyor Dona14 Browof.Da, pr..eat
Irwin B_ter, ,re.ent
Fraak Durraace, 'r....t
John Daai.l..pr...at
Iren. Van Bepoel. pr..ellt
Jifotioa was macle by Co_ci_n Irowniaa to approve the ainut.s of J.aury 6, 1975
with c:,orrecti!a8 0Il'Pag. 1 of the &eor.aaizatiOlla1 .eeti.. to *... tke word
"..-iaated" to "el.ct.dlt aa4 to include the discus.ion of the fraadd." r.fu.
coll.ctl_. S8C98Cled by eo_cilun "ai.ls. Discu..ion. Vote .. tIl. aoticm:
OouaciJ,alla B_C8I:'. aye. Go_cilman Durraac., ay.. eo_cilaaa ...i.l.. aye.
eoacU.. "....poel. ,..; eouncilllan Browning, a,e. aotton carri".
The ~.~ioner Appoiataeats of Mayor Piland reutn.d tAL ..... with tha As.istaat.
.. fol1...:
Police t.c..t...t....r. DoBa1d Browatq
Fire o.t.si.ller"John Dai.1.
Fi".c. CGIIIiil1..i.-. Fr.- Durranc.
'la_1.. If Z.~..C'll....t....r Irwi. B_t.r
"lie Work. ~.......... Iren. Van B....l
As.t.tant eo.u.aicmer rraak Durraace
Asaiata.t c-isaioner lrria a_tar
Ae.istallt eo.taaiOllIC .,101m. ...iala
Ae.istaat co.ta a ioaer 1,... Va. ...,..1
...istant eo.iaaio.er ....bllr....i..
Hoti_ waa __ ., eoUllCU... ...iel. tbat we ratify the ao.taaioaer appoi.....t.
aa .....S~..,Couaci1M...r....i.. Disc...ion. Vote OIl the moti.- C...cU....
II_tel'. a,e; ~i1... Burr..ca, aye; Coacil... "ni.1.' ay.; c.uacU... Vaa..,..l.
110; eo_ci11la. ......i.., aye; motion carri_.
Mayer Pilaael r_cttlu,...el John Booth be appoi.t.. to the ZoRi.. Boarel.
Hoti.. was .... by Co.-i_a Irowniaa wt we ratify tha "yor'. appoiatMDt of
Jolm lootlt to tW .ZOaUa "'rd. Seconded by CouacU..a a.ter. Dl....f....,,-,_
.tl4t ..tin, c..cU...a.t.er, aye; Ceaci1.llaa "raac., ..; Co_c~!""'.1...
...; eo_ci_. "aa "poel. ao, Couac.illlaa BrOVlli.., ay.; aoti.. IIIt1.H.
Notion wa. _....,. Coaci_. Van B.,..l to ia.truct the AttorQJ to draft a.
ol"cltaanca J:'....~" ~y'......l. C,,'y eo.pr....i". Land Va. Plan for tl4tAl-.' to
be ..,ri... .oJ;]).._r. thaa twO __er_.. 01 tae .laaa_ . ZODi. "'rcl. b~at. 1...' ....
.... ....1'., Ilty C4MaOU ..d the r...tacl.r of tl4t .."... "".1' "...ey'o ... .f.tt".'~
ofehaCity, .."'811 __.r. aut be approveel ~y Ciey Gouacl1. S.~hy C..cf.....
a.tar. .bO........ Voto _ tlte aotion: eo.ci1M. auater, aye, c-.ef.1lIIta. .........
a,e. COdaci... Dalal., yes. Co_cil..a Va. .....1. y.., CchaDCi__lr..,.iD&, ay..
Motion was .... by Co.ci.. Van .e,..l to authorize tJlaat Couacilun ,.Job. Baaiol..
Councilun Fra~ lharraaco, aad City Clerk Mary .rtoa to draw up tll..pecilicatiod
for tha bt..... f. tIl. city tasuraace coy_.. to go in at tIl. earl1e.I:,.lication
date. aecon.... by CouacU...a haiel.. Diac...i... Vote on the aotiOll' CouacUaan
a_tar,.yo. eo.cU... Durrance, a,., ~cU.aa Baaio18, ay.; CouBci1Ma
Va. ..,..1. ye., CouIacilllan Browning. ay.. 1IiIKioa carri.d.
I} .../
Regular Session, City Council, January 13. 1975
74-75 - 9 Page 2
Hr. Scott K.nn.th discuss.d the spectficatiol1s for the eOlBul1icatton syst_.
!Iotioa was ude by Councilman lI_t.r that the City go out for bids fer its Central
c.-ua1cation SJ8t- on the specificatiens. that have b.en diseus.eel and saapl.s liv.n
here tonipt. S.eol1d.d by Couacilllan Daai.ls. Discussioa. Vote on the aot:l.OIU
Couaci1llan Hunt.r, aye. Co_ci1aan Durranc.. aye. Co_cf.Wan Daniels, aye;
CouaeU..n Vall Be,.el, yes; Gouaeilman Browaing, ay.. _fiol1 carrieel.
CO\lDCU_a lIunt.r, Council.1llal1 Daniels and Councilu. Browning are to review the bids
anti ..ke r.c-.adations to the City COU1lCU.
HotiOll was ucla by Co1lllcilun Dani.ls tlaat we tncreas. the clollar Uait of the petty
cash fuad that is ..i.taia.el by the City Clerk to $UtO.OO aact taat we place a
uxf.1Ma iacti"i4lual expenditure U.it to $10.00. Seconcleel by Couaet1.1la. Vaa 1.,..1.
Di.cuesion. Vote on the aotin: Co1lllcilaan Bunter, ay.; Couaci11lan Durranc., aye;
Co\IDeilaaaDani.l.. ay.. Co\1Dci1maa Van a.po.1, ,.s; COUllcihua BrowniDa, ay..
aotiOll carried.
Hayor Pilaad r.eess.ct the a.gu1ar Ses.ion aad open.d the public .earing for Orelinaace
10. 113. Attorney Woolfolk reael the notice of public ..uina that was published ia
the a_paper, and the first reacliq of Ordinaac. Ho. 113. COUlleil.1llan Va. 1.,..1,
eo_ci*" BrOW'lli. aatl Mr. Couch of .os. &..4 spoke for the ordi_c..Hr. hrriaatOll
of Alclerwoocl Street spoke a.awst the ord:l.nal1ce and Hr.. Da.i.ls of ....t.l.,. TraU
spOk. i. discu8iOllofthe or4i..nee. Hayor Pilanel elose. the public hearing aad
reeoaven. the lleplar Session. .
Hotien was ud. b,. COUDcihlaa Van Be,..l to adopt OrdiDaae. Ho. 113 011 the fir.t
readiag. Seeoaded b, Couac:l.blaa l)urraace. DiscussiOll. Vote 011 tlle aotion: CoueU...n
lI_ter. a,.; eouacU_a Durraace. ay.; eoucilua De.i.la, ay.; Couneilaaa "aa le,..l,
o y.s. Co_cU.a. Browaiag, ay.; ..tien carried.
Coaacilmaa Daai.ls r.ported that we were allocat.el thr.. positions under the HIre
the Un..,10yed hear-. The positions are 1 fir.ftpt.r. 1 dispatell.r and 1 Public
Works Departmeat ..iateM.ce ..n. 1abor.r type 1..e1. Th.flr.figkters salary .,.ult1
be $$200; elispatcller ..45 per hour; ..iat.Danc. ..a .2.25 perhou. a tHa1 annual
allocatien of $17.976 - adel 201 for fringe bea.fits for a total of $21.571...
Hotioll was ..de by Couacilua Daai.la that the building i..pector aad public work.
d.partaeat "..el and the ..il1t_ac. d.part1leat fuactiou to b. ...".ed iato the
traUer \StUizi. that part of space that is n..de4 for the funetion. S.conclecl by
Co_ciblan Van Be,..l.
Hotion was ..de by CouncU..n IrOWl'liag to table this it_ utU next week, Jaauary
20, 1975. 'lot. 011 the aotin: Couacilaaa Jl_t.r. no, CoUlleilua Burraace. yes.
CoUIlcU... Daaiela, no; eo_ciblan Vaa I.,.el. y..; eo_cilun Ir--ia&. ,.es;
aotion carried.
There was a diseus.ion of City Attorney Tb.... G. Fr....n bei11l appoint. Count,
attorn.y and a possible conflict of int.r.st.
)lotion was _de by Councilmal1 Daai.is that the ThOlDas G. Fr...n Law Pi1'lll b. requ.st.d
to ask the State Legal Bthic. c-1tt.e ancl tile Stat. Attorn.y General (uneler tae
,r.visioas of Cha,ter 112, Part 3, Stat. Statut.s) for opinio.. as to the ,...1bl.
conflict of inter.st :1avol..d ia the Law Fi1'lll s.rYi. as 1.181 council for bOth
the Couaty of a.1D01. aadth.Cit, of Wiat.r Spri1l8s governiDl bodi.., and to
, ~
aeau1ar Sessioa, City CouneU, Jaauary 13, 1975
74-75 -9 Page 3
request that a copy of both opiaions be furnished. to this Couaeil. . Se~ded by
Couaciblaa Huater. Ia discussion of the ..He, eo.ol1Mtt Vall 1..1 <stat.d three
,.ssible areas of conflict between the coetyand the city. First. "tar 190,
if you wish to aaDex property in a City you cannot oIumg. the zoning f*' ~- .years,
_d if you do you aust petitioa the Ceuaty. We would have Hr. Pr..... ,"itio.:i.ag
Hr. preeman_. S.coad1y, the Lalld PlaaaillS Act - wh..",,"'u have to coaault to draw
up a LaD4 Use Plaa for the City that requires an ..'l.Maee! Hr. !.'r.".e Dnble
taxation, ay can't we have sOll8body pick up tha.,"s, double tax.tioa; who 40 we
have to sue the County! ThCDaS G. Pr....a. ... oa the _ti.out Coaci_n
Hater, aye; COUncilaaa Durranc., aye; Counci.. Daaie1s, aye; CouacU.1II8n Van lepoel,
y.s; Couacilaan Browniag, ay.; ..tion carried.
aouaeilmaa Durrance alld CouacilmanBrowniag are to review the salaries of the
DispatCh.rs and coae back aut week with a ree....ndation.
lIotion was made by Couneilaan Browaing to r.eonsider the DlOtion of Jaauary 6
iastruetiag tJae Attora.y to draw up an ordineae. reseiading GtclilUlae. 110. 102 a.d
to further iutruet the Attoraey to stop aU work ia this area. Seconded by
Couacilaan Durr8llCe. Discus.ioa. Vote on the aetion: Couaeilmaa Huatar, aye;
CoUncilaaa Durraaee, aye; eouaci1.1laa Dani.ls, uo;Couacilman Van B.po.1, ao;
Covacilaan Browning, aye; DlOtion carried.
Weekly court sessioas will be on the ageada for next week.
Hayor Pila.d eliscussed the letter frOB Viaee Feeatel r.questiag a d.onatioa from
the City for the Central Florida Zoo - no action was taken.
Mayor Piland discussed the extra cost it.. for the fire Itatioa. Th. ....a's
re.trOOlll. needs airrors, she1viDl aad a ctivicler; a bulletin board is needed to post
aotices; a walkway in the ftoat of the buildiag is ..ecled and the Hse in the
garaae is aeecle4l. Th. cost for airrors and shelving is $70.00; bulletin bMr4, 4X4
$245.00, walkway ia the freat $275.00; base in the garage $70.00, the price for
the divider is not yet deteraine4.
)lotioa was ....d. by Couacihlan ......iag that we contract to have th.se it_ inclucletl
1n the construction of the fire statioa and that these facls CC*e fr_ the actual
cout1"uction f\1ft4. iae1ucling a suitable toppiag for the aucl in tlae parking area.
Secoaded by CouaeU.1Ma BUrraaee. Discussion. Vote OIl the aetiea: COUllcllman Hater,
aye; Couaei1llaa Durraace, aye; Couaeu.man Daai.1s, aye; Couneihlaa Browning, aye;
aetioa carried.
Kotioa was ..de by Couneilaaa Danie1s that we autJ10rize th_ to proceed on the
ladieS bathrooa ,.titioa providing that the aaount d.oes aet exceed $200.00. Secoacled
by eo1laeU..a Bater. D:l.seussioa. Vote on the .tion: Coaeilaan Hater, ay.;
Coaeilmaa Durraae., aye; Couaeibtan Daniels, ay.; Couaei1ll8.n BrcNllillS, aye;
motion carried.
..tion was mad. by Couaeilmaa Hater to s.'." a public hearing to _ad the city
Dudg.t as SGOa as possible. S.conded by Couacj.1maa Durrance. D:l.seuss1oa. Vote on
the motioa: Couneilaan Hunt.r, ay.; Couaeilmaa Durrance, aye, Councu...a Banie1s,
aye, Councllmaa Browniag, ay.; motion carried.
Mayor P11aad repOrted that he had b.en in eoataet with S~aole Couaty Disposal eo.pany
ia reference to the letter that had b.en sent regard:lAa the rates.
. , ~
( :;
Regular Session, City Council, January 13, 1975
74-75-9 Page 4
Hr. Bradshaw had obtained several bids for the bike paths that were discuss.d
last week.
Motion was ..de t.y CouncilJun Browning to accept the bid of 9 f.et (@.60 sq. ft.)
using C01lcrete matarial and to include ana_quate fence alongside in the ..at
of $230.00, and to mov. .ead with the u....t .... a_ not wait for the actual
buqet laearmas and to wai.,. tJae cost of tAe t.uildina perait but ..ve the Buildina
Inspectoreaforc. the ordiaaaces. 81Id to charge it to tit. Offic. Bucla.t atil the
buclg.t ieui.. caalt. ......ed. SeconcIed by Couacil_. H.ter. Discussion. Vote
on the aotioa: CoGMil.... H_tar, aye. COUllCilMn Durrance. aye, Councilmaa Daniels,
aye; Co_cU... BrOWll.l.aa, ay.. _tiou carried.
lIotiOll was ..de t.y Counci1.ma1l B.unter that we d.sianat. Sunday, January 26 as the
day on which Council will hold an open house, aad tJae officials will be pr.s.nt
froa 4100. to {nGO p. a. Seconded by CoacU..n Durranc.. Discussion. VO.te OIl
the ..tift: Couaci.n Hunt.r, ay.. Co~11man lun"ance, ay.; Councilman Dani.ls,
aye; Co.cilan Browning, ay.. 1IIOtion ca~ri.d.
CeuncU,1Ian Hatar report.d that at the C~ttee Meetiag of the County's _mal
Cont~.1 Ordinaac. a s....ti.n was to hire a patrolman to be the an1aal cont~.l
offic.r. 4fte~a sbort diSCUSSion, it was decided that this would b. on the
aa_da apin .en w.ek.
Mayor Piland reported that the S~nol. Countylxpresaway Authority met o. J..uary
8th for th.purpose of orguiziaa. C-.aissioner lIik. Hattaway was ..de Chaiman,
Secl'etary-Treasurer is Betty S:I:aco. arad Attorney, Thomas G. Fr...a. Next meeting
is set for Pebruary 19th at the COunty Courthouse.
C.aci1man Dani.ls suaaested that we do whatever is nec.ssary to g.t gas ia the tank;
the Chief of Police is getting prices and as soon as he gets th_, he will pres.nt
th_ to Ceuncil.
CoU1lcllman Dani.ls re..sted that the naae of the law fil'lll b. left off lepl
llOtic.s in the future.
Motion was made t.y Councilaan Dani.ls that we add to the t.ui1diaa cost the purchase
of four ..ttresses for these bunks at the ..st econaaical prices not to exceed
$40.00 each. Secon4ed by Council..an Durrance. Discus.ion. Vote on the 1IIOtion:
CoacHman Hater, 8J8' Couaci&tan Durraace, aye, eouacilman Daniels, aye;
COUllcilman Brownbta, aye~ion carried.
Motion was _el. by Couaci__ Browning to adjourn. S.conded by Coacilman
Durrance. Motion carr1_.
Respectfully subaitt.d,
Hary T. Norton,
City Clerk
Approv.ecl ~-
" .--""
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