HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01 06 City Council Regular Minutes
74-75 - 8
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JANtWlY 6, 1975
™ !taplar Sea_iOll of the City CouaeU of the City of Wlater. S,r1a$_, F1ori4a
.s. _11...> to..... "y Hayor Troy PUand at 7:30 p. a. Th. i.....t.ioa ._ .iv..
"y c.-eu...a ....ldBrowataa. . The p1eelge of aUegtaace to -=- flag was led "y
co.cu.... Booth.
&011 Call:
"101' troy Pilaa4, pr.a.at
Vice "JOr Irwi. a.ter, pr....t
Att.OrlleY ....cl WooUelk"rea..t
John ...i.ls, 'r....t
Jo1m B..ta, pr....t
Irene Va. ..,..1, pr...at
Doaald Browni., pre'e.t
_tiOJ!..- ..de "y Councilman Booth to approve the abut._ of Bec"er 11, 1974.
Secndecl "y O..cu.... Bater. Dbc..ioa. Vote oa the ..ti.., c:o.ci.. "'ter,
a,..COtaol1.......te,la, a7a, Couacl1Ma Booth, ay., Co-.ci1Mu Vall B....l, y..,
~11llla. Ir~, ay....ti... carri...
Fire. IleCr"ti.. "aport, Couaci-.Buatar reporti..:
O.-et"..ter. reported .. the acc_latioa of true at the a....t.toa Area,. aa.
aRed .'or. ... ..ltatioU to tau pro..l.. Co_cu.... HURter reael the _thly Fira
.....~t. rtpftt.
r1Mnce . .. Bl~ti.. a.port, Co8ncil1laa De.i.la reportlng:
Copy' of the: f..ce r.,.t ia attached to the ainutea.
hlice. ...l.....rt. Coacilmaa Booth report1.:
c..ci-._ ........ ....ed. out . co,i.. of Ilia -.athly report to all Couaci1aea aad
City lal1. Cevaci...1OOthupr....elll1a appreciation for ha.tag ..n.el.. the
COuncil .... ....heel tile h..t of luck aad .ooel wia.es to all.
Plaaataa & z_Uaa.,.rt, Oo_cU... Va. lepoel reporti..:
The. B.ilel~l",..tor" r.port tacl.... a total of 34 _pacti.... perait f..a
totalled .366...9" Idle., .... aoaellla. heen atahiUseci ... ...... tIIa tractor
.a 1'.,.:1....... th. police trailer haa ..... ..... to th.. Firelt.'ti_ _ita OIl. ...
a..cl. Tber.".. aplauiD8. ZOai. ".rel Meet1. a.el llarJ.eae ....iter ts tbe...,
"ar. COUDcU._ V.. ;.it&eJhl diacussad the Qompreheu1.. Lanel U.e Plea.
Roael . :lri.. a.port., c._ci_. Browni.raporting:
Ill. aeco.d .. 1a BOW werkina in the Haint.naace Departaaat. Ie was a.ailable for
tile .... to tht .. Fire Station.
Att.oney WOOlfolk. reael the MCOnel read1. of Crdtnance .0. U2 "y t-itle only.
Motion ..."-" ~i1llea Bootll to accept the a.coM rea'iaa of Ordt_ce .0. 112
oytit.la 081,. S.......b7 CO_cU.... Vaa Iepoe1. Dlacu..ioa. Vote .. the aotioa:
eo.cU... _.t.er, .,..,. Oo-.cU... ...tala, aye, eo_ci... Bootlt, aya, CouacU..n
V_ ..poel, yea, Co_c1_. BrowUag, aye, aotiOll carried.
"PI". Offic., Hayor P:Uand reporting:
'rafte _a auch eliscus_101l of bike paths to the _ school and a aolutlon to thts
a..ulatSeaaloa, City Council, January 6,1975
Page 2
74-75 - 8
Motion was _de by COUllcilaan BrowniD& to iutruct the Hayor to work in cooperation
withth. Co.ty eel Sellool boarel to build a bik.. path on the buffer zone behinel the
c....rcial propert, between r.sid.ntial property borderina. SR 434 froa Cortez ....t
to the school property and east frOlll that point a. funds are a.,.ailable. and adequate
paths o. the north .ide of Si. 434 from the cro.swalk to couect with a buffer zone
on the .orth side. S.condeel by Co&cilman HlDlt.r. Discus. ion.
.oti._ ...-de by Councilman Deaiels to aaead tIl. aotioa on the floor to instruct
the City Clerk to draft a resolution to the Seatno1. Oounty eo.u.ssioner. aDd the
8c1aOol Board potating out the saf.ty hazards enrout. to a.d from the new Winter
S,rtaas Il__tary Scaoo1 for the chilclr6. that are nOt b..s.d to sellool. Also
to r....t that they takepr-.pt aad ...iti.. actioa to :Iap..."e the route al..
State Roael 434 that childr.. .ut ftUIOW' to school to prOVide bicycl. paths
and/or Sidewalks, aael to fapro.. tIl. off-road conditions at the croa. walk ~iat.ly
in front of the .ellool. Secondeel by CouncilaanVan ....e1. Discu.aio.. Vote on the
aaea....nt to the aotion: Co_cil... Hunt.r, no qualified, CouncU... Daai.ls, a,..
OouacUaan Booth, no. Councilaan Van lepoel. y.s; CouncilaanBrowaiaa, no,
_tion failed.
Vote on the...ia aOtion: Coacilaan aatar, aye; Councilaan Daniels, ay.;
CouacUaanBootlt, ay.; CoacUaan Van 1.,..1, y.s, Councilaaa Browniaa. aye.
_tiOll carried.
"tift waa -de by Couacilaan Booth to bring Hr. Daniell. .otio_ back on the floor.
Seconclecl by Councilman Brown1aa. 81scu.a1on. Vote on the .otion: Couac:t.1aa. a.t.r,
ay.; CO..i... kaieta, ay., eouncUaan lootlf,-a,., c'UIlcUaan Vaa .e,.e1, yea.
Co_cU.-an Browning, ay.; motioa carried.
"tioa was ..de by Coaci_a Dani.ls that the City C1.rk b. iastructed to draft a
re.olution to the S-.1.01e ~ CoIaia.1oaara aacl tJae Sekool Joer.poiatina out
th..afet, hazaru e.route to and frOlll the ..... Wi.ter I'ri... Bl....tary Sc.ltool
for tile. childr.. .thst are not bu..ed to .choo1. Also to request that tJaey take
....,. aad poaitive acti.. to iapr..e the route al... State !toad 434 t1Iat c&ilclr.n
aut follow to .ellool to pr..ide bic,c1. path. od/or .t.....11G.. od to 1aprOV'e
the off""l'oad coHitift.at the cr.......lk ~iat.1y ta freat of the .ellool.
. Seconded by eo.cilaan Booth. Diacu.ion. Vote oath. .otiOllI eoacU.. _tar,
.y.. ...cU......i.ls. aye. Oo_cilaa. Booth, aye; Couacilaan Ven le,.el, y..;
......ilaaa Ironi.., ay., motiOn carri...
MaJOr Piland haa r.....t.. of the Couaty Roael DepartMat that the school zone be
......d froa tJae b..ianiaa of the school property to the ead of the .elloo1
property on sa 434.
Motion was ::...de by Councilman Booth to adjourn. Seconded by Co_cilaaa Ven ..poel.
Motion carried.
"I.eorgaaizational MeetiDg, City COUllCU,. Jaaury 6, 1975
r, Mayor Pilaud called theaeorganizatioaal Meeting to or.er
Page 3 74-75 - 8
Roll Call:
Weyor 'Iroy Pllaacl"r.seat
Attorney E_..d woolfolk, ,rese.t
lrwi. a-.ter, pr.se.t
Frank Durrance, pr....t
Jolm leal.lst present
11.'.. Vaa BepOel, pres eat
Doald. Brown1na, preae.t
lfayor Pilau4- expressed his thanks to out-goiag Councu...a John Booth for the time
he us served.
Motioawas 118c1e by COuncil... Danials to sead a resolutioa of thanks to Co1mcU....
Bootia.S8C01lde. by eo_cU..a.Rwater. Diacusioa. Votaoa tha aoticnu eowacilaa.
.ua~e".yeJ' ~uaci__ Dunaace..y., <<.;owaoU.._ hai.ls, ay., \iOUDc:U..a Vaa &epoel,
yes,eo.acU:mall Br....taa, ayeJ IIOtion carr1".
GOuaeilua lI_ter. ~:I.laan. Durrance, \iouDcU...n Daniels aacl Couacilaaa Browni.
were SWOrn in by Attol.'D.y B__cl Woolfolk.
El.ction of Deputy ....yor: cowacu...a Daaiels nOlll1aated CODCilaaa Irene V.. B.,..l
for Deputy .)'Or, Ceuacilaaa. Durrance llOIIliaated GoUDci_a Donald Br_i..
Motioa _a ..de by Council... DaDiels to close the nOllliaatioas. Secoaded by
CounciblumJhn:ra.ce. Discussioa. Vote on the motion: Couac:t.laan Hat.r ,.yeJ
CouIlcU..a D:ur'ra_ce, ayeJ CoUacll.8Il Daaiels, ay., CouDeil..a Vaa &.,..1, yes,
CoaIlci*- J.rW&liag,.yeJ ..tion carri.d.
COUllcilllaa BUIlter VOted for Councilman Browning
CouacUI_DUrrance VOted for eoaacilaaa Browning
Couacillla. "i.ls yoted for C..eU.... Vaa lepoel
Co~1"a ".. Ie,..l voted for CoacU...a Vanl.po.l
Couaei.la. lrewra.i-. voted for CounclJaaa Browning
C...ci.lmaa Browning was.tect-eel. Deputy Mayor.
Moti01l was made by Council.-a Daniels that we ..ka the vote uaaa1aou. S.conded
by eo\1ilCilllanVall. le,.el. DiscusatOll. Vote oa the motion:. eo.ciJaa.B.ter,ayeJ
CoacUtIlIa-.rraaee, aye, CouDcU...n Daniels, aye, CouacilRaa. Va. lepo.l. yes,
COUacibla. Browa1aa, aye, aotion carried.
Motion....s .tIlIcIe by Co_cU... Daniels that the Couacil coafirm the actl_ of
Hr. Daa:l.als sad authorize the seDcling of the let.ter to Mrs. Loi. JIa1:'e (re. hiring
listeclpoaitioas ader thaPreside.tls aew "Hire the Ua..,loyed4et") which is
reaclyto ..... Secoaded by Co_cU_n Broning. 8isCtlla1... Vote on the motion:
COuaci1laa. Runtar, ay.. CounciblaaDurraace, aye, CoUDCi.......i.1s. ayeJ
Counci]juu Van le,.a1, yes; CouncU..a Browning, ay., aot1oacarriecl.
Mayor 'Uaael, Council..n Dauiels, Coacilaaa Durrance aad Clerk Norton were
a,poi.tad . c....ittee to lUke rec~aclatiolls to the Council for ....ding the
^ aeorganizational Dina, City Council, January 6, Q5 Page 4 _ 74-75 _ 8
· iI
COuncilman Brownina is to C08e back next week with a list of furnishinssand
prices that are needed for the new fire station.
Councllman Danlels reported he has been workins with a developer and last week
obtained a fir. c...ibaent to build a fire station and a police sub-station in
the ..stern part of town as a part of a coaplex of services type functions that
they are aoiDl to build. The estiJlate on the value of this contribution to the
City is approxUutely $100,000.
Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that the city upelate our specifications for
and ac:lvert1se for bids for a new fire truck. Further that a CGlaittee consisti..
of the Fire Chief, Councilman IIU1lter, Durrance, aad COuncil_n Daniels be appoiated
to update the specifications anel to review and select the best bid after their Openil
and to 1IIIke necessary rec.....nclatiOlls to CouncU as to which fire equipaent builder
to award the contract to. Further to have the Finance C...is.ioner survey the local
fina.cial institutions for the beat interest rate and to .ate proviaiona1 arrange-
..nts (subject to Council approval) for financing this fire vehicle.Secoaded by
CO_cUllan H1IIlter. Discussion. Vote on the aotioa: Councu.... Hunter, aye,
Councilman Durraace, aye, Councilman Daaiels, aye, Couacilllan Van lepoel , yes,
Councilman Brownina, aye, .otion carried.
Hotion was made by Councilman Daaiels that we make :l.aaediate arranaaents to rut
a Xerox Model 3100 fro. the Xerox Corporation to be placed in servlce here at the
earliest possible date they can deliver. $135 per .oath pl.s expenelable supplies,
and have a re"iew of the proal''' in ninety clays. Seconded by Couac11..n Browning.
Discussion. Vote on the aotion: Councilman Hunter, aye, CouncU1IIan Durrance, aye,
COuncilman Daniels, aye, Coacilman Van lepoel, yes. Councilman Brownlna, aye.
_tion carried.
c.unclLmaa Daniels asked if Mr. Zaccarrelo had been contacted in reference to hls
ability to picking up the entire City. Mayor Piland stated a letter would go out
tOlllOrrow to the Coapany that 1s pr.sently worki. out thw'e, notifyins th_ tkat
the CouacU lets the'rates and the present rate is $4.00 for curb side and $5.50
for side or backyard.
In disctlss10n of CouncU Heetinss, Mayor PUand stated the Mayor's office would
Schedule meetings, however, if allY CouacU H_er feels there is lufficieat
bUliness, they should call the City Clerk by Thursday.
The iasurance lpecifications are to be reviewed by a c-.tttee ofCo_cilaan
Durrance, CouacU_n Brownlna and Councl1man Daniels aad this will be on the aaencla
aaain next week.
Tile Resolution fl'. the Plannina and Z01Iing Board wal read by Attorney Woolfolk.
Motion was ..de by Council... Van lepoe1 to achpt aesolution Ro. 141, "itll a
change in It. 3 to read, "sull be authorilled to repre.e.t the City of Winter
Springs". Seconded by Couaoibaaa Daniels. Discuasion. Vote on the ..tion:
COacu...n BunteI', aye, CoacU"ll hrrance, aye, Couacilaan Daniels, ay.,
eo.ncU...n Van lepoel, yes, C01lllci_u Browni.., aye, ..ti01l carried.
The C-.tssioner appointments of Mayor Piland were as follows:
Police C..-l.sloner, Doaald Browaing Assistant John Daniels
Police Deparbaent
Fire C...issioner, John Daniels
Fire Department
Assistant Donald Browning
,. ~ ~
. Re.rganizatj,ona1 Meetina, City Council, January 6, 1975
Page 5
74-75 - 8
Finance COI81saioaer, Fra. Durrallce
11ectioas, IRsuraace, Personnel
Assistant Irwin Hunter
'laMing & Zoaing COIIIIissioner, Irwin Hunter Assistaat Irene Van Eepoel
ZoaiD&. Board, 'la_iag eo.atSSi01l
Builfoli.. Departllent
Public Works ec-tssioner. Ireae Van lepoel Assistaat Frank Durrance
ioads & Brid.es, 'arkS, Maintenance,
Recreation, Health
Council1lan Van lepeel stated she would n.t acc.pt COI8issioner of Public Works
and eo_ci1ll8a Haterrequeste. of eouacil tllat 1l. either be asalped to 'olice
orPir. Departments. After discussion, 18Otioa was ..de.
Hot ion was 1I8ele by Couaci1ll8n Daniels to table this issue atil next week au
it be the first order of business next week. Vote oathe aGtion: COuaciIMn
Uuater, aye. Councilaan Durrance, no, Cou:acU.... Dani.ls, aye,CeancilMn Van
EepOel, yes, Councilman Browaiag, aye; .otion carriecl.
Hotion was ..de by COURcU..n Daniels tlIat aa ereli_ce be clrafted which will
rescind the previous ordinanc. n"'er 102 which set .'PP.e reMur...at fees
for the Co_cil and ...yor ,at $SO.OO and $125.00 ancl tllat tllisb8COM effective
January 1, 1915. S.coMecl by Co.cu.... Vaa le,..l. aiscu8ion. Vote ontll.
_tion: Council.... II_tar' no. eo.cil.-aa DuJrr..c., yes, COUIlctlMa hai.ls,
yea, COuncilaan .a. le,..l, yes. CouncU.a. Browning, no, .-tift carried.
~ Hotion was ..cie by Couaci_n Daniels t. cle1ly the re....t .f W.st.rn La.d for
a six ..nths' eateasiOll on the '1..... Unit Dev.l....t. Grookecl Creek.
S.eoneled by C.aci1ll8a Barrance. Discussion. Vote on tit. _tift: Couacil1lan
Hater, aye. Couacilmaldtunance, aye, C.uncUaan Daniels, aye. eouaci1ll8n
Brewina. aye. aoti.n carrieel.
lIotion was ..de by CounciJaan Daniels to adjourn. Seconded b,. CouncibDan Hul'.r.
Hotion carried.
Respectfully suDaitted,
Mary T. Rorton,
City Clerk
- -'
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