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August 26, 1974
vl1n"ter Springs VolWlteer Fire Departmen't
III North Fairfax Avenue
wtnter Springs, Florida )2707
Honorable Troy Piland. )1ayor
City. of Wint$X-, ,Spring.
W1Itt$J:'Spr1nga;J'lorida )2707
,. r
Pear Mayor Piland"
'rbi.is to advise you._ that 'the member, of the Winter Springs
Vo1.1:&a'tee.. P'U"e De~n't, at a meeting 'he14 on Augut. 14,
1974, una~.11votedto be~ow upon you, HonoraryMe1uber-
ab.lp !nth. W1n.tv ,Springe Volunteer ,Fire. De~nt..
An Honorary )Ietaber, a8 defined in the lq-uwe of t,he Winter
Spr~. Volunteer, Fire Dtpal"tment, is an 1ndivlduaJ..,not.
nece$8&t"iIY' an active_her, who hall pertonaed an ~_and""
ing act, 01'"tin. aOD:le way. has contribut.ed toward the betterm.eu:t
or, or improvement; otthe image of, the tire depan_nt. '
We feel that you, as Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, have
contX'ibut" toward the' b$tterment of the fire, departltler1'tthrough
your .nco~g_ent and backingII' tou have providea-: ua'With the
o _ ," " . _ _ ' ,,_ -, ?,/ _", "
outlook that the tire ,department will be able t~ij'lWov Sll'to an
effiolent oX"garUzatton. fully capable of provid11ig' the jroper
~ .. . ..
p:rotectldnof life and pX"opeX"ty t.o all t.he c:U:;i~eJ18 or:" ';tinter ..
spXi.nga. "li, "\..
Pl....~.S*. thi. Hononary membersh.l1ip into ()\lX" ~gani_t.~~
as a token., or apprec1atlon rroa aU theorrieera and men of tlt.,
~.. ....
, wtnt.-Spr;!.ng. Volunteer '. Pin Depa.rtDaent.. : _
. t
Charles L. Hol....
Fire Chief'
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