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I ./
~yor and City Council of Winter Springs
Volunteers of the Winter Springs Fire Department
Vehicle Insignia
August 12, 1974
This letter is, in reference to the recent discussion by council
to adopt one standard1nsignia for all city, owned and operated
Although this idea is based on unity and economy, the officers
and m~n of the Winter Springs Volunteer Fire Department feel
that a general symbol, such as the one recently proposed, does
not in any way relate to the fire department. \ve agree that a
police car looks like a police car and that a fire truck looks
like a ,fire truck. We further feel, however , that the accom-
panying identifying markings on such vehicles should relate
somewhat to the profession they represent.
The Maltese Cross is the universal symbol of fire fighters
throughout the world - much like wings are to flying.
The members of the volunteer fire department hereby petition
the council to reconsider its original proposal of .008 symbol
and permit the fire department to utilize the symbol for the
fire trucks as originally requested. The members of the de-
partment are anxious to complete dressing up the trucks since
the painting project is nearing completion.
Thank you for your consideration.
~a.;les L. H01.zman
City of Winter Springs
1 North Fairfax Avenue
Winter Springs" Florida )2707
Notice FOr Bids.
Sealed bids will be reoeived by the City of Winter Springs for the furnishing
of all neoessaryla'bor, equipment and material for a Suburban Class "AIt
Triple COIIlbination 750 GPM PUIIlping Engine.
Bids must be filled with the City Clerk" Mary Norton" prior to
at 'Whiohtime the)" will be submitted, sealed, to the oity
Bidding forms and speeifioations may be obtained from the City Fire Chiefts
Office between the ,hours of
. Bids
1!lUst be filed in aooordanoe with thespecifioations of the city.
The City is not subjeot to State or Federal Taxes.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Bids for Fire Apparatus".
The City reserves the right to alter or ohange specifioations and to rejeot
any or aU bids received or to waiver an; informality in the bidding.
TN'tENT OF SPECIFICATIONS: !t is the intent of these specifications to cove~
.' r'! /~
the furnishing and de...J. very to the purchaser of a comp.J..ete apparatus
equipped as hereinafter specitied. \-lith a view to obtaining the best results
and the'most acceptable apparatus for service in the fire department, these
specifications cover only the general requirements as to the type of con-
struotion and tests to which the apparatus must conform, together with
certain details as to finish, equipment, and appliances with whioh the
successful bidder must conform. Minor details of construotion and materials
where not otherwise specitiedare lettto the discretion of the contractor,
who shall be soley responsible for the design and construotionof aU features.
The apparatus shall conform. to the requirements of the latest National Fire
Protection Association Pamphlet 19 for Motor Fire Apparatus unless otherwise
specified in these specifications.
Each bidder shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his ability to construct
the apparatus specified, and shall state the location of the factory where
the apparatus is to be built. He shall also show that he is in a position to
render prompt se~ce and to furnish replacement parts tor said apparatus.
Bach bid shall be accompanied by a set of "Contractors Specifications" con-
sisting of a detailed description of the apparatus and eq~pment proposed
and to which the apparatus furnished \mder cont~act must conf01"lll. These
apecUieations shall indicate "size, type, model, and make of all c011lponen1#
parts and equipment.
SJ1AI;tTY AND WORIQWfSHIP: The design of the apparatus must embody the latest
approwd .automotive engineering practices. The workmarlship blUSt be of the
highest quality in its respective field. Special consideration 1dll be Ii"".
to the following points: Accessibility of thevarioU$ units which require
periodic maintenance operations, ease of operation (including both pumping
aftd driving) and symmetrical propo~tions. Construction must be rugged and
ample safety factors must be provided to carry loads as specified and to
meet both on and off road requirements and speed conditions as set forth
under "Performance Tests, and Requirements". Welding shall not be employed'
in the assembly of' the apparatus in a manner that will prevent the ready re-
moval of any component part for service and for repair. Bolted body sub-
assemblies are required.
PERFORMANCE rESTS .um REQUIREMENTS: A road test ,. will be conducted with the
apparatus fully loaded and a continuous run of ten miles or more will be
made under all dri ring conditions, during which timl!t the apparatuS shall
show no loss of power or overheating. The transmission drive sba.f't or
shafts, and rear axles shall run quietly and be free 1"romabnormalvibra-
tion or noise throughout the operating range of the apparatus. The apparatus,
when loaded, shall have not less that 25% nor more than 45% of' the weight on
'- thef'ront axle, and not less than 55% nor more than 75% on the rear axle. The
:0 auecessf'ulbiddershall furnish a weight certificate showing weight on front
axle, rear axle, and total weight for the completed apparatus at time of'
dell very.
A. The apparatus must be capable of accelerating to 30 mph froM a
standing start within 25 seconds on a level concrete highway without
exceeding the maximum governed rpa ot the engine.
B The ser-nce brakes shall be capable of stopping fully loaded
vehicle in JOfeat at 20 aphon level concrete highway.
O. The apparatus, tully loaded, shall be eapable of' obtaining a speed.
of' SO miles, per hour on a level concrete highway w1ththe engine not exceed-
1ng 95% of its governed rpn (rullload).
D. The apparatus shall be tested and approved by the Underwriters
Laboratories Incorporated in accordance with 'their standard pt"actices for
pumping engines.
E. The contractor shall furnish copies of the Pump Manufacturer 's Cert-
ifieationof Hydrostatic Test, the Engine l-1anufacturer's current Certified
Brake Horsepower Curve, and the Manufacturer's Record of Pumper Construction
Details when delivered.
The vendor, at his expense, shall have the Underwriters Laboratories Incor-
poratedconduct the tests required by the Underwriters Laboratories Incorpor-
ated (Guide for Certification ,of Fire Department Pumper Subject 822 dated
May, 1966, or latest). A copy of all tests shall accompany the apparatus.
FAILURE TO l<IEET TESTS: In the event the apparatus fails to meet the test
requirements of these specifications on. the first trials, secondtr1als may
be made at the option of the bidder within thirty days of the date of the
first trials. Sucht.rials shall be final and conclusive and faUure to
comply with these requirements may be cause for rejection. Failure tocomp17
(') with changes as the p\11"chaser may consider necessary to conform to any clause
of the specifications within thirty days after notice is given to the bidder
of such changes .shall also be cause for rejection of the apparatus. Permis-
sion to keep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the
purchaser or its use by the Fire Department dUring the above specified period
with the permission of the bidder shall not constitute, acceptance of same.
LIABILITY: The bidder, it his bid is accepted" shall defend any and aU suits
and assume ~'1iabUity for the use of any patented process" device or
article forming a part of the apparatus or any appliance furnished under the
\VARRANTY: A warrant,. will be furnished "Wi th each bidder's proposal and
printed on company form. The warranty will warrant the new apparatus to
be ,free from defects in material' and workmanship under normal' use and service.
It will include the limits of repairing or replacement, as the company may
elect, any part or parts thereof with time limits imposed as the policy of
the manufacturer.
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: Shall conform to all provisions as set down in the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Pamphlet Number 19. The general
construction of the apparatus shall give due consideration to the nature and
distribution or the load to be sustained and the general character ot the
service to which the apparatus is to be subjected to when placed in service.
The general design and construction shall be of the latest modern type, and
be in accord with the best tire apparatus engineering and practices. ..
fY!!: The rated capacl ty ot the fire pump shall be 750gpn.'l'he pump
provided shall deliver the percentage of rated capacity shown below at the
pressures indicated:
100% of rated capacity at 1$0 psi net pump pressure.
70% of rated capacity at 200 psi net pump pressure.
$0% of ratedcapac1ty at 250 psi net pump pressure.
Pump, when dry, shall be capable of taking suction and discharging water
with a 11ft of 10 feet in not more than 30 seconds through 20 feet of'"
suction hose of the ~ppropriate size. Pump shall be a two stage midsh1p
mounted centrifugal type, carefully designed in accordance ldth good modem
practice. The suitability' ot the materials "used, the, proportions ot parts
and waterwa.1S.c1earances, absence ot air pockets and flat surfaces under
pressure, and treedaa trom vibration and pulsation ot water pressure ,'When
running at all speeds wi11be considered in judging the acceptabUity of
the design.
SUCTICN INLETS: Two 4ttsuction inlets, one on each side shall be . provided
with removable bronze strainers and long handled, air-tight chrome plated
suctioneaps. One 2'" gated inlet providedoneaeh side of vehicle with
temale swivel connection and chrome plated cap with retaining chain. Bleeder
dra.in, valve provided on gated inlet. All inlets have removable $trainers.
r",' .,
, ..IJ
,. ff
D:rsCHARGE OUTlETS: Three 21" outlets will be provided, two on the left side
of the vehicle and one on the right side. All 2ltt outlets to be controlled
from. pump panel on left side and lockable in any position. All outlets
shall be male and capped with 2i" chrome plated femala cap with retaining
chain. Two l~outlets will be provided for pre-connected lines, one on
eaeh side of the hose bed.
PUMP PIPING: All suction and discharge lines of l~ or ~ger to be heavy
duty galvanized threaded pipe ,s'Weat s.olderedcoppertubingis not accept-
able. Where vibration or chassis n~ may damage or loosen piping the
pipe shall be equipped with victaulic couplings. All lines to' drain through
either ma~terdrain valve or to be equipped With individual drain valves.
All individual drain lines are to be extended to drain below chassis frame.
All suction inlets and discharge outlets to be equipped with National Stand-
ard Treads (NST).
WATER TANK: 750 u.s. Gallon capacity. Tank. construction wUl meet require-
ments of NFPA Pamphlet 19 in all materials and configuration. 'A. convenient
capped fUl opening of not less than 5 inches in diameter and designed so as
to prevent spillage shali be provided. 'An easily removable, readUy cleamid
screen shall be installed.
HCGECOMPARTMENT: Must have a capacity ofa minimum of 1500 feet of2~
and 4m teet ot It' 'double jacket hose. Two hose bed partitions provided
for"separating lfttand 2t" hose. Removable, varnished" slatted nooring to
be fumished in eaeh bed - individually removable in sections. Flooring
slats to be a minimum of 3/4" x ~, spacing between for host!tventilation.
Top edges of all boards to have a 5/16" radius to prevent damage to hose.
r BOOSTER REEL: An electric rewind hose reel shall be installed over pump
in recessed open cOl'Rpartment.Capacity shall be for 250 feet of In booster
hose. Reel to be preconnected to pump With 1" hose and discharge control
located on pwap panel. Reel rewind switch to be finger fuarded button type
located on pump panel. Reel to be equipped with provision for manual
rewind. Polished stainless steel roller and guide assembly to be mounted
on each side.
. '\ j
BOOSTER HOSE: 200 feet of booster hose to be provided. Hose to be I"
diameter with chrome plated bar-way couplings on each end. Working
pressure of hose to bl minimum ,of 800 psi.
AUXILIARY COOLING SYSTEM: A supplementary heat exchange cooling system
shall be installed to permit use of water from the discharge side of the
fire pump for cooling of water circulating through the engine cooling system.
Heat exchanger to be of brass construction and shall bea separate unit
installed in pump compartment with valve control on operator's panel. An
emergency radiator refUl line shall also be provided with control on
operator's panel.
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: All electrical e(tuipment shall be installed to
conform to modem automati ve practices. Wiring installed by body builder
to run in loom where exposed and protected by automatic reset, circuit
breakers. The following equ1pnent to be installed:
a. Siren to be fumished. Siren actua~dby bom button or floor
b.Two 71t diameter rear flush mounted red flashing lights.
c. Visabar (or equivalent) with two rotating beacon red lights
mounted on cab roof. Chrome speaker to be mounted on bar.
, I,
d. Two inside controlled chrome spotlights installed - one one each
side, through windshield posts.
e. Two chrome deck lights installed, one on ea~h side, at rear.
t. Light in each enclosed compartment with ~utomatic switch on door
framing. Indicator light on cab dash to warn of open compartment door.
g. Pump panel light.
h. Engine compartment work light.
i. Pump compartment work light.
j. Arrow type combination tail, stop and directional lights.
k. Clearance, marker, and back-up lights, refiectors and license
plat.ebracket and light to meet Federal Government Sa.fety Standards. Rear
cluster JrUU'ker lights to be recess mounted in a cl1annel under rear step tor
protection or lights.
1. Two red warning lights shall be provided at rear. These to be
mounted on stainless steel brackets and wil"f!d to tlash alternately. Wiring
to be completely enclosed. This bracket to also support the two deck lights
and the red bullet In light.
I .
A. General: Chassis to be furnished by the fire apparatus manufacturer.
It shall be designed and manufactured for heavy duty service, with adequate
strength and capacity of all components for the intended load to be sustained
and the type of service required. Manufacturers gross vehicle weight (GVW)
shall not, be less than 27,500 pounds.
Chassis to be a late model:-, hea.vy duty commercial:-. Minimum acceptable
quality to be specifications or C-900 tilt cab Ford or its equal.
B. ~ine: Engine to be an ,eight cyl~der gasoline type having not less than
222 maximum Gross SAE horsepower and not less than 534'cubic inch piston
. '
displacement. It shall be equipped with dual fan belts and four barrel
oarburetor. Complete date on engine proposed must be furnished with the
bid and shall include a brake horsepower curve, certified by the engine
manufacturer and techidoal infomation, covering crankshaft, bear1ngs#
valves, sleeves, compression ratio and design. Eng1neexhaust to be routed
to a point of right rear wheels and deflected downward.
C. Transmission: Transmission to be Automatic, 4 speed direct.
D. Frame,: Frame to be heavy duty double channel 36,~ PSI with 21.75 section
modulus. Two front tow hooks to be provided attached to underside ,of front
frame members.
E. El'lgine Starting System: An electrical starting system shall bepro'ri.dec:l
consisting of two 70amp 12 volt batte~ies in parallel for 140 amp capacity
per system. Charging receptacle provided for each system at pump panel.
Cole-Hersee master disconnect (and battery selector) switch provided.
A. General: Chassis ~o be furnished by the fire apparatus manufacturer.
It shall' be designed and manufactured for heavy duty service, with adequate
strength and capacity of all components for the intended load to be sustained
and the type ,of service required. Manuafacturers gross vehicle 'Weight (OW)
shall not be less than 27,500 pounds.
Chassis to be a late model, heavy duty eommercia1. Minimum acceptable
quality to be speeifications of a F-750 conventional cab Ford or its equal.
B. Engine: Engine shall be an eight cylinder gas type hav1ngnot less than
192 'maximum Gross SAE horsepower and not less than 391 cubieineh piston
displacement. Complete data on the engine' proposed must be furnished with
the, bid andsha.ll include a brake horsepower curve, certified by the engine
manufacturer and technical information, covering erankshaft,bearings, valves,
sleeves, compression ratio and design. Engine exhaust to be routed toa
point ahead of right rear wheels and deflected downward.
C. 1'ransmiseion: TransmissiOn to be manual 5 speed direct.
D. Frame: Frame to be heavy duty doubleehanne1 36,000 PSI with 19.20
section modulus. Two front tow hooks to he providedattaehed to underside ot
front frame members.
E. Engine Starting System: An electrical starting system shall be provided
consisting of two 70 amp 12 volt batteries in parallel for'140 amp capacity
per system. Charging receptacle provided tor each, system at ,pump panel.
Cole-hersee master diseonnect (and battery seleetor) switeh provided.
. ~,.l:
. /
F. Fuel S~rsteI!l: Chassis to be provided with a 40gallori fuel tank
located at rear of rear axle with left side fuel fill.
G. Wheels and Tires~ Wheels to be caSt spoke type with 7~ rims. Tires to
be 10.00 x 20/12 ply .front and dual rear. Highway tread .front, mud and snow
H. Drive Line and Universal Joints: Heavy duty drive line and universal
joints otthe needle bearing type to be provided.
I. Front Axle: Front axle to be equipped with heavy duty power steering,
heavy duty aircraft type double acting shock absorbers and to have a
manufacturersra.ted capacity of not less than 9,000 pounds.
J.RearAxle: Rear axle shall have a single speed single reduction axle.
:rtshall have a manufacturers rated capacity of not less than 18,500 pounds.
~, II
K. ~: The cab is to provide seating for minimum of two men. Custom tilt
cab equipment to be furnished. Seats to be upholstered in heavy duty black
vinyl over foam rubber 'cushion. Split, two piece, curved safety glass wind-
shield, equipped with heavy duty air variable speed windshield wipers with
separate switches to beprovid.ed. \'iipers to be parallel action type. Cab
doors of ample size for easy access to driving compartment with adjustable
wind vents and roll down window each side. Stainless steel backed West
Coast type rear view min"ors,6" x 161t minimum size, to be furnished each
side. Instrument panel on cab dash directly ahead of driver,arranged for
good visibility, With the following instruments properly grouped: Air
pressure, engine oil pressure, water temperature, ammeter, tachometer,
speedometer, and ruel gauges, ignition and light switches. High temperature
and low oil pressure warning lights to be also furnished. Heavy duty .fresh
air heater and defroster to be furnished. Heavy duty cab tilt springs to be
L. Springs: Front springs to have rated capacity of 5400 lb/spring at pad.
Rear spJ:'ings with auxiliaries rated at 10,~OO lb/spring at pad. Both front
and rear springs are to be alloy steel semi-elliptic type.
M.Brakes - Full Air: Service brakes to be air operated, Bendix-westing-
house or equal, with 12 cubic foot per minute compressor, rapid build kit, and
low air pressure warning buzzer and air pressure gauge on dash. Service
brake system shall be capable of readily bringing the loaded apparatus to a
full stop ona 30% grade. Front brake drums shall be not less than l~" x
31" cam or 15" x 3i" wedge type and rear drums shall be not less than 16!"x
7" cam or lS" x 7" wedge type. Relay and quick release val Yes shall be
mounted in a protected, easily serviceable location. Parking and service
brake shall meet, or exceed, ICe vehicle code requirements. Parking brake
shall be provided 8..'1dshall be capable of holding the loaded apparatus on a
o 30% gra.de. .Maxi spring set parking brake and emergency failsafe system
to be provided. Emergency release reservoir tor spring set brakes to be
N. Wheelbase: Wheelbase to be 153".
112 .'
('r) K.2!2: The cab is to provide seating for three men. Custom conventional
eab equipment to be furnished. Seat to be full width of cab upholstered in
best grade heavy duty black vinyl over foam rubber cushion. Single piece,
curved safety glass windshield, equipped with heavy duty electric two (2)
speed windshield wipers to be provided.
Cab doors of ample size for easy access to driving compartment with
adjustable wind vents and roll down window each side.
Stainless steel backed West Coast type rear view mirrors, 6" x 16" miniMum
siee to be furnished each side.
Instrument panel on cab dash directly ahead of driver, arranged tor good
visibility, with the following instruments properly grouped: ,Vacu.um guage,
engine oU pressure, wawr temperature, ammeter, tachometer, speedOll8ter, and
;Cuel guages, ignition and light awi tches.
Heavy duty fresh air heater and defroster to be furnished.
L. S:prlngs: Front springs to have rated capacity of 4500 Ib/spr1ng at ground.
Rear springs rated at 10590 Ib/spring ,at ground. Both front and rear springs
are to be alloy steel semi-elliptic type.
M. Brakes: Service brakes to be vacuum hydraulic operated. Vacuum reserve
tank to be provided. Service brake system shall be capable ot readily
bringing the loaded apparatus to a full stop on a 30% grade. 'Front brake
drums shall be not less than 15" x 3" and rear drums shall be not less than
15" x 7" . Master cylinder and vacuum reserve tank shall be Mounted in a
protected, easily serviceable location. Parking and service brakes shall
meet, or exceed, ICe vehicle code requireMen~.Parldng brake shall be
provided and shall be capable of holding the loaded apparatus on a 30% grade.
Drive line parldng bt-ake to be mounted behind pump.
It. Wheelbase: Wheelbase to be 176".
o. Cooling System: Heavy duty radiator to be furnished and equipped with
a pressure cap and overfiowof ample size. No part of the engine or cool-
ingsystem coming into contact wi. th water shall be made ot aluminum or
similar metals. Cooling system shall be equipped with a bypass type
tbermostat,ic temperature control to maintain operating temperatures of the
engine between 160 degree and 210 degree r. Heavy duty fan to be provided.
P. Electrical System: Electrical system will be 12 volt. Wiring shall be
waterproof type,ful.1y protected against heat, oil and mechanical injury
and shall be enclosed in metal conduit or loom where necessary. Protected
by circuit breakers and/or fuses. A 105 ampere ,leece Neville 12 volt
alternator shall be furnished on engine.
Q. Bumper: Front bumper to be of substantial size, channel type, attached
to chassis frame, front bumper and grille to be chrome plated.
~ PantING DEVICE: Priming ,pump shall be electrically driven, positive dis-
placement, rotary type, with single quick action control on pump panel.
.. \,' ::0/
Primer shall be automatically lubricated fronl large oU reservoir. Prim-
ing pump shall be bull t by the manufacturer, of the fire pump.
OPERATORS CONTROL PANEL: All pump controls and gauges to be located at
left sideofapparatWJ and properly marked. Pump panel controls and' gauges
to be illuminated by non-glare light. Pump panels on both sides are to be
easily removable. Gauge and control panel to be two separate panels for
ease of maintenance. Polished stainless steel trim collars to be installed
around all suction inlets and discharge outlets. All push-pull discharge
controls ~o have chrome plated rods - minl.m.WI1 of i" diameter. Push-pull' dis-
charge controls to pull straight out of panel. Controls and gauges grouped
for convenient operation, shall be as follows:
All discharge controls
Vernier engine throttle
Relief valve control with indicator lights
Primer control
Auxiliary cooler and radiator refill controls
Manual pump shift override control
Pressure' gauge 30" -0-600#
VacuUll1 gauge 3fJ'f-o-600f/
Engine oU pressure gauge
Engine water temperature gauge
Water tank gauge
Kaster pump drain control
Individual drain valves
Individual pressure gauges for all 2i" discharges - 301.-0-600#
. \, j}
BODY: Running Boards, Rear Step and Fenders: Running boards to be
fabricated of 1/81t aluminum tread plate and supported by-structural steel
angle assemblies bolted to chassis frame. Running boards to be approximately
13f. deep to provide ample space for carrying accessory equipment. Rear step
to also be constructed of aluminum tread plate and supported by a channel
and angle assembly bolted to chassis frame. Step to be full width of
apparatus and 20" ,deep. Rear tow eye to be installed direct to chassis
fJ.-ame inside rearcornpartment for ease and safety in hooking up. Both
running board and rear step edges to be .flanged down and in to provide
8dded strength and rigidity and' to prevent cutting of hands while wahing
apparatus. Running boards to be fianged up 4" at pump panels to form kick-
plates. A full width aluminum tread plate step, above rear step compart-
ments, to be furnished' for ease of loading hose. Step to be 10" deep.
Fenders to be integral with side body compartments. Fender wells to be
equipped with full circularinnerliners to prevent rust pockets and for
, ease of maintenance. Rear face of body, including compartment doors and
inside of, beavertails, to be covered with aluminum tread plate
HANDRAIIS: HandraUsto be l-ilt diameter polished'steel tubing withehrome
plated end stanchions and located as follows:
One vertical handrail mounted on each rear step beavertail.
One horizontal handrail above hose bed between end stanchions. Rail
to have reinforcing rod inside .
COMPARTMl!.''l{'lS: Compartments are to be fabricated of steel and bolted, to
body support angles from chassis frame. Side compartments to be an
integral assembly with rear fender - easily removable from body without
cutting, burning or sawing. Extended side and rear compartment noors to
be integral with compartment and of smooth steel -"sweep-out" type.
C~partments will be so constructed so as to provide weather-proof interior
including door construction and assembly. Drip mouldings to be installed
above all compartment door openings. Aluminum tread plate walkway over
fender side compartments and rear intermediate step to be formed out to
provide drip protection. NUl!lber and sizes of compartments will be ad&quate
to provide storage of equipnentand assessories and will be subject to
approval. and acceptance by the purchaser.
'.. Iii
FINISH: 'All exposed metal surfaces not chrome plated or polished shall
be thoroughly cleaned and prepared. To prevent corrosion and to insure
bonding of primer, body shall be washed under pressure by a phosphatizing
system. All irregularities in painted surfaces shall be rubbed down before
the application of the finishing coats. Finish coat shall be Dupont Deluxe
117744D, AU YD Enamel (Lime green) to match existing Fire Department
Apparatus. Finish coats to be sprayed on hot to eliminate more than the
req~d amount of thinning agents. Both cab and body shall be painted
and all removable items, i.e., wheels, brackets, compartment doors, ete.,
shall be removed and painted separately to insure finish paint behind
mounted items. Body assemblies that cannot be finish painted upon
assembly are to be finish painted before assembly. All seams are to be
caulked. Gold leat striping and gold leaf lettering per fire department
specifications will be furnished to successful bidder.
untmRS: Ladders' to be Duo-Safety series, three section, 35ft extension
ladder. Roof ladder to be Duo-Safety 14 ft ladder with folding hooks, foot
banked outside of regular extension ladder. In addition, a 12 ft folding or
attic ladder and provisions to mount 'on side of apparatus. All ladders to be
of, aluminum construction. Ladders to be installed on right side of hose body"
in leather-lined brackets and held in place by chrome plated quarter turn
spr ing loaded clamps.
SUctION RooE: Two ten foot lengths of 4i" smooth bore hard suction hose
with chrome long handle female couplinga one end and pin lug male coupling
other -end. Hose to be installed on left side of hose body and held in
place by chrome plated quarter turn spring loaded cltullps. Aluminum tread
plate scuff'plates to be furnished where long handle couplings h1tbody when
I ' , ,
loading or unloading hose.
BRASS 00000:
One booster nozzle" Elkhart 5-200 1", chrome plated, with mounting bracket.
One 4i-"x 2i" double female hydrant adapter - chrome plated. NST with
mountirig bracket.
One swivel connection with pump suction thread on one end and large hydrant
thread on the other end. NST nth mounting bracket.
lfiS~T.JrANEOUS EQUIatENT: (Mounted)
Two 6 pound fire department axes
One 10 foot pike pole.
TwO' 6 volt electric hand lights
One 2'iGallon water extinguisher
One 10 pound Carbon Dioxide extinguisher
One- 4ftt chrome plated barrel strainer
One qUart 0 ftouch-up paint
..... / .
\ '{1
, '
, iX'
One 2l" double female connection
One 2l't double male connection
Two hydrant wrenches
Two Playpipes,threads 2i't standard at hose end and Ii" standard :for
nozzle tips with shuto:ff nozzles and not less than 111 smooth-bore t.ips
on each.
1\10 2fl shutoff nozzles capable of discharging at least 250 gpm in both
spray and straight stream.
1 claw tool
One crowbar , 36 It
J One wye reducer (2!" female connection and two li" gated male connections).
One 2l" single gate valve (1 male, 1 female connection)
One first aid kit (24 unit fire department assortment)
. . .,. ,
SiX combination spanner wrenches for ,21" and 'l~tt couplings.
1,200 feet 2i" double jacketed, rubber lined fire hose, coupled.
600' It' double 'jacketed, rubber lined fire hose, coupled.
Two salvage covers, 12 t x 18'.
Six hose ' straps.
'two self-contained breathing apparatus (Bureau of lUnes approved, one...hal:f
hour rating minimum) with masks.
Two spartt tanks for breathing apparatus.
One Hose Clamp
One 'Hose Jacket for 2i't hose