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1974 06 17 Regular
..t . (4\ i~ I' I I,; I 1 , I ' ~.. . {'\. /~ 1" " 'I.i,. ~ .~:. ~ 0lI, ~~1I11 6 OODBO:o.x_'1A'1 EDOm. a AIJA1m~ CI':O~EJJt TO.~ pe~. 'IRE.,..; AO:. ..JmD..J. POll DB JtI.I.....~ 10 JmB!DGj 10 WAS. _."'_.'. . ...... " ...'1Qmls "AI . . - .' . . '. .. ,'. ~..' . . ..' . ... " ...... '. "" . "J. 1.1GB .BlDJ.". COVllCILIU1I VAll ElPOBL QQtJEa!llDDAt mq,CLDlt '~i'fDDYOa POll 4 ~naiJlBft OJ' UMI JIlUIDU ~. If W. DB 8.AD I'X.OJ'BE1 D86B.!'ia,'S UGH SOHOOL GB.A1)'t1.l'fI8..AP1'D ~. ,OLDl RI~~- 5. fO ..a:ell 'Ha RJIII'UQD U4'r DQUI8'.r' OOviOILJI.' V. ""IL OV.T.1m DB.. ~oa. limE AID BB .ASSlJ'RBD BIll ft'" ~MW.u ':':,""1;' '-, "~' . . , ; ': . . ,: ",:' . : '. .', '.. "UttfII'G BI& 011 m _BlDJ.". PAILDG I1I.tudS1itaJD70Bfa 'OP.'1'- ".i' . . , ~ . - ;.Jt"fHJIJmlI!I1fG OOlJ'BOI~ V.qpO~WAS PO.'OKI$~D ~I'" '" t.YJ!-4Y'DfG ,.. DJJ'~oa At HIS WO. .APDR ~ .t01III)J.D'_;ID. ., IUlD fa UPo& IS UGIlnRDIG 4 OCID'L1.18 ,'.&BO'ft'.tD mmBl- B~.. lJ1tCe.SCI.~ ACIfIOI' '1'.AKEB BI'l'Q, HAY. .AD lI'Omt GOWOIL- ",011 DB ...n ep!RO'PEIl!YTADS DUlll_ !HI' .J'UB10 MElfJ!DG. Itt ",:,_,- ' . '" -. .. .. . " ,", . :' ,': ,," ,', ", I :t8. OfI1lI., StllS'!mI.lDD BYeLtsB 'B8..atel AD. $_ ASaOCJ.fr. 'fI" wmt Uti. ()lI'ftCXAL8; ."TIm 'fa AlI'I. c_ AftD. PU-lIBftat J)~~I. WIU SOllB 911 AZ+ or '1'BB OJ'lPIOIAljII. ',' ....\.~.. _:.. ,,' '~'.'" .... .. ,,' ,."" .. .. .. .. .. .' ..," ........: '~.:' ...'.. .. .. .. _.. :".. ..:- .. '_ ".. .. ..:' - ....... .. ,_ -' -,' "" .. ;i ~". CO"OI.. v.u EllORL.S~.O.GLY .VIS. !H.Ilr I1!D .PU7:u.X' .AmId ..,..Q. ,.tx~. .1Ifta..., .. A JmJI1'DG um:~; '1' IS.' 'Bo~lIlry.L JtL.a8P" .. AlD1).t so 9AT fiDI"O,U Oil ~lllftII.S CAlI DB .,.O~.. ADnOBS OPfiDlIB BLlIftDoPI'ICIAU. 8B1.". ~ .. IIAYoa .AD OOUOIUIEB SA! ftBY'.AD D offl- l'O. _PIlI. ~'_Yt !rG pft 1ft!) .wnOI' DB WlSHlII OJ' till. 'lIOns ... W.!IM InDlGS I ~:i':;t II ~ ~ ,I ~ ~~.t . r'i ^ 1027 lDtelope TraU Winter Spr1Dgs, i'lor1da June 12. 1914 !he .Ma7er and Clt1 CCMU1Cllaen Clt1 of Wlater Spr1Dg8 Clt1 Hall Wl.nterSpr1Dga, l'lor1cla As eacb ot10\l.bow I baYe beea an av1d supporicot jq 01tys1nce .....Ye4to .WiIlt..S~.. H..... I.. c:auot stud 1dl1b1 ... ...-.J notld.Dc 1ll ytewoftbe wuteful ......errl;of cS.t7fUda..~ caprlcious cOJlrl_t 0'1 . cit1 'bua1aesa as exhiblted d.11X'1Dg the CouncU...t1Dg. on Jwae 10', 1914. TheQ01IIlCtldeDied, d'lZ'u, work.eaaloa, tee lncl.'.. of au u;l:fent11'.attedeti reac.. veh1clelD .the.. 11rel>epa;rtaent'ttudlet, &Dil b..... ~tbe 01t,...,....ao ;poQrM 8..1011811 q...U..eti .the'rel'l.u-eaent for ....0.._1&14. f1reJlaa1. '1eta1mttea later ....'tIed.to ...~ the co.tract for1;nlUcWac .~'Jl" fire atat~n to tbe..~-l8.IIfib,,_. .~ d_lalon _.....U .,1teof ~t1on bttbi~a ~bltect.tbat all. of.....tbe.. ~ ..10.. b1d4e8 w.....qUl1tledUld.. c&pableot.peri~ ~e c.oatract ;......aalat ..waste .of... Clt1 tax>>a;rer' a _a.,. of De&'t'ly $3,000.0'0. . ~ed1d~ S.9S-.perc..t iIl....t forrd.Dotee. .7eat"S tho.co.t of tb1a ._tlon 1>yCOW1Cll to the taxpayers of Wuter Spr1Dga wUJ. approx1a&te$ 5,467.80. "- Shortl;r there&t'te:r , with the st1Dg of t.h1s wasteful &ad needl..s s~1. aWl 'bt:Irn1Dg, the CouncUaen. p:eaeat (duly note tfr$. . 'an !epoel 1[as'080nt) un"t~l;r ~ted a.''tbree. (,) aUla ad valor.. ~~ ~.tb&t 1d.ll.1ncreue .81P1tlcutl1 the tax c08t to tax-patug cl.t1seu. tlbUe ill. aotloa C:arr1ed arecl;..ct1oa 1n utl1lt1 taxes, 8uctl1dllllOt take effectlUltl1 tbe f1rst rtll4t1Nea ~ .tbe , a1lle tax..a:re. recelved, thus effect1ng dOllbl. __tlon for so.. uupec1tled period of u.e. As a C()JlCerAed clt1sen, I .caIlDot ..ppoZ't actlou 8uch ... ~.e. Tl1eofflc1ala shoulclJuat1f1to tbo a,.t1$tacUon ot tn. cltiseDebOtb of1;}1" actlou .atpubllc h~... The t~t as COIlO" nOn-selectlon .oftbe.low ..b144e:r:, .&D4.... the... sec()nI.,..lMe.....1J~l.flseal..~. ~et haIIl Dot. been "l'Pre~ed. (and the aonet&1:;y reqU1remel'lts not ;rot bon) and the actlon orders double taxatlon. The. laJ1ng....n .of. taxea.&D4l. the spe~ of.~ dollars.. elected ():ttlc1ala of theQlty -~ be40Jlewltb -t.aost cue, and c.,..Merat1on of .__r_)lGtUl'bU1tl'.toW$:N. tM tax...~ clt1s_ of 1I1e C1tl are a aust d1u:'1Bga1lCh d8OU1o_. Beq_.t tb:1s letter be readpubllcal11 at the. next C01UlCU aeet1Ds. and turther request 1 t be '..1Dserted1a the CounoU m1nutea for theraeord. "":' Sincerely lours, IA~ ORI w. D.Ol:ILS