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40 I am not sure to what this woman is referring when she says "poor city govern-
ment;1I but if she is r~ferring to the City Council meetings, I must again
emphasize that the Mayor, according to our City Charter is supposed to chair
the meetingso Using the guidelines of Parliamentary Procedure in conducting
formal meetings, it is his duty and responsibility to see that the meetings
are conducted properly and in an orderly fashion; and to allow tiffie after
,each issue on the Agenda is brought before the Council for questions and views
from the citizens as long as they pertain to the issue being discussed. Before
. the close of each meeting. he should ask if there are any other ~~tters to be
brought before the city that pertain to City Business. He should also see to
"i t that Council Members are not harrassed from the floor on a personal basis
which has nothing to do vTith City Businesso Furthermore, he should see to it
_ that before anyone says anything from the audience, he or she should stand,
state his or her name and adress, and be recognized (which is proper procedure
for any formal meeting) before speakingo If the individual does not do this,
'he or she should be told that they are out of order and asked to be quieto
'This should be done also when any statements are made which are not pursuent
to the issue under discussiono
50 Had this woman attended all the meetings I have attended, she would realize
. that some matters decided and voted on during a meeting had been thoroughly
discussed at a previous meeting or meetings, some matters were held over for
future meetings, and some matters are stated simply and directly enough that
, they do not need a great deal of discussiono Also, if a decision is reached
.that the majority of citizens truly disagree with, we have full recourse
through our City Charter to petition the Council to put the matter on a referen-
dmn to be voted on by the registered voters of the cityo Also, any matters that
J would consider to be "critic.'lP must be voted on by the registered voters of
the cityo I seriously doubt that the Council is afraid to let the public be
heard; but if the Mayor does not see fit to ask the people in the audience if
they have any questions or vie~~s on an issue under discussion, the Council must
move on the issue for the sake of getting on to other City Businesso
6. As for the resignation of our City Attorney, V~o Freeman, being the desire of ~
majority of the people, I heartily disagree, unless Y~so Gillum and a few others
constitute a "majorityo" I have inauired into Mro Freeman's background and find
him to be a credit to his professiono He has served ~y city well for seven
years, and as far as I can see has done nothing to deserve being asked to resigno
I have observed him at Council Heetings and can state from my observations that
he is a learned man and is doing a good job for my cityo He has been an integral
-part of every meeting I have attended, has contributed sound legal advise as far
,as I can tell, not being an attorney myself; and I think that I c~~ state there
are quite a few others, if a petition circulated in sup~ort of him is any indi-
cation, who want him to remain as our attorneyo
In closing I would like to make this statement:
If any of the citizens of Winter Springs are in doubt about any of the elected
officials of this city, I suggest they exercise their rights and check into the
records kept at our City Hallo This can tell them all they need to know about how
each of them has voted ~I'/'ith regard to pertinent matters of the city, and .,hat each
has done for the cityo Do not take my word or anyone else's on these rnatterso Go
to the Council Meetings and make your own observationso Get all the facts before
you make a decision for or against any of the elected officials of the cityo Other-
,..;ise, our city won't be just a "poli tical wastelend. II it won't be even a city 0
Betty Lo Eastham, Winter Springs