HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 10 21 City Council Regular Minutes
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OCTOBER 21, 1974
Th. Re.ular Se..ioa of the City Council of the City of Wiater Spr1Daa, Florida
was call.clto orcler ~ Hayor Troy PUand at 7:30 P. M. Th. i....catioa ...
.i... by Co_ci1Ma Irwia Hunter. The ple.ge of aU..18.ace to the fla. wal
1_ by Couacilaan Booth.
1.011 Call:
Hayor Troy PUaad, pre..at
Atton.y thOllA. Fre..-n, pr...at
Vice Hayor Irwia BUDter, pr...nt
Joha Daaiel., pre.eat
Joha Booth, pr...nt
Irene Van Be,..l, pr....t
Donald Brownilll, pr..eat
Motion was .... by CouacU...a Vaa Bepoel to accept the ainute. of October 11, 1974.
Sec_ded by Coaci_a "aiel~a d18cu..ion. Vote oa the _tion: Couaci1M_ H_ter,
ay.. eo.cU..a Danie18, ayet/Couaci_n Booth, aye. COUl'lcibtaa Van ..,.el, y...
Co_ci~n Browni.., aye; "ion carri.ed.
Th. .aca,tioa policy 18 a. foUow.:
2 w..ks after the fir.t year. 2 weet. after .ecoa. year. and 3 weeks after fifth
Sick Lea.. Policy:
6 days - 1st year (l/i day ..ath). 12 clays - 2ael year th.re aft.r (1 day aonth)
aad 30 days -.axia1a to be carri_. A eloctor'. c.rtificate will be r.quired
aft.r the third clay you are off work .tetina you are able to return to work.
......ncy l.ave will be takea iato c.li.erati011 if aad when aeeeled.
Holidays: -..orial Day, 4th July, Labor Day, Thaaksgi.ina, Christ1laa~ and Hew
Year. Day.
Two weeks aotice ...t be givea prior to takina .acation.
Moti_ was .... by Couacilmaa ,Vaa Be,.el to acc.pt the 1:I.at of .acation and sick
l.."e ,.licy. Secoaeled by Co_ci1M. Booth. Discussion. Vote on the ..tin:
Council_a auatar, ay.. CoUllci1M. Daniels, aye. Counci1Ma Booth, ay.,COUllcU..a
Van B.,..1, yea, eoUllc11Mn Browaina, aye; 18Otion carried.
Attorney 1'1'..... advis.d that Da.id MUlar had withdrawn his petition for aanea-
tion of lots 52, 53, 54 anel 55 of Bat_ina.r Paras.
1. the Il..sol.tion 110. 136, the worels "City Hall" are to b. chaa..eI to Pir. Station.
TheSeate.ce on Pag. U as follows: "Th. auditor. ..1ected allaU b. daa... at aay
tm. by a writt.. r.....t .igD.d by the It.olurl of the ob1:l.gatioD or its duly
authorized r.,r....tati..s" is to be d.leted.
Moti01l was ..de by Councilman Browning to aclopt R.solution 110. 136 a. ...nud.
s.eouded by Councilman BunteI'. Discus.ion. Vote 0. the 18OtiOR: Counctbtan Bater,
ayel Couacilman Dani.ls, ay.; Councilan Booth, aye; Councilman Van B.poel, .0;
Councilaan Browning, ay.; motion carried.
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R~ular ~ession, October 41, 1974
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Attorney Thomas Freeman read the second reading of Ordinance No. 110 by title only.
Motion was ude by Councilman Booth to adopt Ordinance No. 110 on the second
reading by title only. Seconded by Councilman Van Eepoel. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Booth, aye;
CouDcil1l8n Van Eepoel, yes; Councilman BrowniDg, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Hunter that we promote Hr. Chuck HolzmaD to Fire
Chief at a salary of $9,300.00. Seconded by Councilman Booth.
Councilman Booth wanted it noted in the minutes as follows:"I would like to concur
with Mr. Hunter in his praise of this gentleman (Chuck Holzman). I for one praise
two people in this City for their outstanding devotion to duty. The uninhibited
ttme that they put in on their own; that ,they never request reimbursement for
anyttit.efdonated or use of their vehicles; it's been spent unquestionabl~ for the
good of the people and the City and they are Chief Govoruhk and Chuck Holzman."
Motion was made by Councilman Van Eepoel to amend the motion to delete any mention
of salary and appointing him adm.inistrative head of the Fire Department. Seconded
by Councilman Browning. Discuslion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Councilman
Hunter, no; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Booth, no; Councilman Van Eepoel,
yes; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
Vote on the main motion as amended: Councilun Hunter, aye; Councilman Daniels,
aye; Councilman Booth, aye; Councilman Van Eepoel, yes; Councilman Browning, aye;
motion carried.
Motion was ude by Councilman Booth to transfer the Dodge police car to the Fire
o Department. Seconded by COUllcilun Hunter. Discussion.
Motion was ude by Counci1lllAn Daniels to amend the motion to assign the Dodge to
the Buildi" Department and a$Sign, the Chevy Pick Up Truck to the Fire Depart_nt
to be fixed up for the emergeDcy use that they want it used for, and in the interim
Mr. Holzman use the Dodge until the truck is coaapleted and we continue to pay
Mr. Bradshaw his mileage on a temporary basis until we can get the truck fixed.
Seconded by Councilman Van Eepoel. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion:
Councilman Hunter, no; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Booth, no; COUllcilun
Van Eepoel, yes; Counci1lllAn Browning, aye; motion carried.
Vote On the motion as amended: Councilman Hunter, no qualified; Councilman Daniels, aye;
Councilman Booth, no; Councilman Van Eepoel, yes; Councilman Browning, aye;
motiOn carried.
Motion was ude by Councilman Booth that we authorize the Police Department to
purchase four sets of standard die cut decals with the name Winter Springs Police Depart-
ment and to include reflective police markings for the front and rear of each vehicle.
Seconded by Councilman Daniels. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Hunter,. aye; CounciLman Daniels, aye; Councilman Booth, aye; Councilman Van Eepoel,
yes; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
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!fotion was made by Co_cU_n Hunter that we purchase the/die cut decals for the
Pire Department. Sec:onded by COU1lcUman Booth. Discussion. Vote on the aotion:
CouncUman BU1lter, ayeJ Councilman Daniela, ayeJ COU1lcilman Booth, ayeJ
Councilman Van Eepoe1, yes; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
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Reaular Session, October 21, 1974
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Councilman Browning requested that the Haintenance Department be consistent with
their vehicle ..rkings with the other departments, and the funding be reflected
in last year's budget.
Motion was ..de by Councilaan Booth to leave the 1970 For. as it stands at
this ttme to be utilized prt.arily by the Reserve Police, and leave the title
with the City. Secoucled by Couac:ilmall Hunter. 118cussion. Vote on the aotion:
Co_cilman H_ter, ayeJ Co_cilman Daniels, aye; CoUllCU..1l Booth, aye;
Councilman Van lepoel, yesJ Councilaall Browning, aye; 1IlOtion carried.
Hayor PUalld read Hr. Bradshaw's let.ter of rec.Glae1ldations for the Pire Station.
The first four it... were agreed on by CouncU; Item 5 regarding the placement of the
police trailer is still to be decided.
Mayor Piland reported that the Pire Station will be utilized to its utmost, it
will be utilized for City purposes and not for any part.icular department.
Cb.ief GovoruAk atteRded the meeting Honday evening for the District VI Cr1ainal
Justice Tech.ieal AclY180ry CouncU for consideration of preapplication for
fun4ing foJ," 1975-76 for two pregraas, Investigators/Burglary and Youth
Service Unit. Both progr... together would cost approx~tely $29,000 to $30,000.
If and when approved, the cost to the City Would be a"rox~tely $I,500.
Speed U.its Oil Hoss Road & Sheoah Boulevard were discussed. Hayor PUalld asked
Coun.cU to take soae actioll on revising the speed limits throuahout the City at
the next COU1lCU Heetiq.
CoU1lcilman Van lepoel reported on the UCI depot on North Idg-.on. CouncUaan
Booth will instruct the Police Cb.ief to look into that ..tter.
Councilman Browning reported that the following it... were purchased at Georle
St.uart's: 1 L-6haped desk for the City Hall office; 1 blue de_k, full si.e and
one larae blue filing cabinet, legal size; 1 gold desk. Por the Fire Dept..:
1 brown regular fU. cabinet, 1 large table and 1 swivel chair. Por the Police
Dept. 1 gray regular filing cabinet, 1 brown legal size filina cabinet and two
black chairs.
Hotion was made by Councilman H_ter to instruct the Hayor to write a letter to
the Division of Porestry returnina the International Chassis. Seconded by
COU1lcUJlan Booth. Discussion. Vote on the 1IlOt.ion: CoU1lcilun Hunt.er, aye;
Counci1aan Daniels, aye; Counci1aan Booth, aye; Councilman Van lepoel, yes;
Councilman Broning, aye; motion carried.
Hotion was made by Councilman Hunter for peraission to purchase 9 tone alert
units not to exceed $1,000. Seconded by COU1lCUlIIall Booth. Discussion. Vote
on the motion:
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'aegular Sessioa, .ctober 21, 1974
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COuncilmau Booth, aye; C01lD cil1uli V1IDter, aye; eo1lDci1aa Dauiels, aye;
eoacilman Van Xepoel, no; C01lDcilrua Irovning, aye; motion carried.
Motiou was made by Councilman Vau Bepoel to adjourn. SecOllded by COU1lcUman
Browning., Motion carried.
Respectfully subaitted,
Mary T. Nor tOll,
City Clerk
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