HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 10 07 City Council Regular Minutes
tl.75 - 1
OCTOBER 7, 1974
Theaegular Seaaion of the City CouncU of the City of Winter, Spri.a, Florida waa
calle. to order at 7.30 p. a. The invocation waa gi... by Councilman 11'''' Va
lepoel. The ple... of all.giance to the flag waa le. ~y Couaeibaan Dani.la.
RoU CeU.
Mayor Trey Pilaa., preaent
Vice Mayor Irwia Hunt.r, preaent
Attoruy IcJaua. Woolfolk, pr.aent
Joh. Deniela, preae.t
John Booth, preaent
Ire.. Van lepoel, prea.nt
Donal. Browai.., late
)lotion waa .... by Couacilllan Booth to approve th. ai.ut.a of Septeaber 30, 1974
as ....ded. Seconded by CounciL..n Van B.poel. Diacuaaion.
Hotion waa ...e by Councilllan Daniela to ..... the ainutea to ahow th. K.tro bid
.s $32,000 the .lterut. bbl, .ad ... the paragr.pl1l "Co.eilllan De.iela requeat.d
.n opiaion fr_ lh'. Fre_n OIl the le..th of t1lle we can finance. new fire tr",
aiace the pr.aa ha. r.porte. that J..oaawoiIII waa in .iffieulty fiuneing theirs '
becaua. atate law requir.a it be paid for in 0" year." Seonel.d by Co_cu..n
Booth. Diacusaion. 'lot. on the _tiOll. Couacilllan H_ter, .y., C._ciL..n Daaiela,
.ye. Councu."n Booth, .y.; Councilaan v.. I.poel, yea. aotion carri...
Vote on th. oriainal aotion: Couacibaan Bat.r, .ye. CovacUaan Deai.la, ay.;
Councillla...oth, .ye; CouneU..n Vaa I.,.el, yea; _tioa carrieel.
Fire" Recreation a.port, O...cilllan Hunter reporti...
Koti.. wea _de ~y C..eil... Hater that the City .Uow the tr.ctor to be ua.'
for the Halloween Party on October 31, 1974 to b. apollS.reel by the C_ity
Asaoclati.. if it is ..k. with th. I...aaee C.,..y. S.c..ded by CouaciL..n
Daniela. Discuaaio.. Vote.. the ..tt... Coacilllaa B_t.r, .y.. Couacu....
Dani.la, .y.. Co1IDciL... Booth, ay.; C...cilun Van I.poel, yea. eoacil_.
Br_ias, .y.. ..tin carried.
Councibaan a_ter rea. the ...thly Fire Department Report. Th.r. waa . diac..aioD
of fixias th. Chevrolet Truck, .n' thia will be again .iacuaa.. ...day at a
Workshop Se'sioa.
Kotion waa made ~y Council..n Bater that the Fire DepartaeDt b. .U..... to '0
into det.U aa' 11....ti.at. th. beat prtce to ha.. the 1..0 Taker brake ayat_
r.,.ireel. Seon.ed by C..oi_a B..th. Discusaion. Vote on the _tiOIa1
c..oUmaa B_ter, .y.. C"'Cilllan Deniela, .ye. CouacUaan Booth, .ye.
Couaci1u.Vaa lepoel, yea. COU1icUaaa Brownina, .ye. ao&i.on carried.
The Fire Departmeat participate' in lield Day October 6, 1974.
'i...ce & Election R.port, CouncU..n D.ni.la reportina:
Tot.lreoeipta $21,206.30. Certificate of Depoait ia the aaoat of $17 ,422.41
waa casheel. total receipts $38,628.7l.tot.l pa,aenta $41,235.70. . deficit of
$2,607.00. Outata..ias billa $2,335.73. n.t S.pt....r '.ficit $4,942.73.
$12,570 ia owe' for the next fir. atation pa,..at. $5,825.22 i. .... to the
architect. ApproxiMt. total for the year for .xpenditurea $268,000.
aeau1ar Session, October 7, 1974
Page 2
74-75 - 1
11ectiem aepert - next Ilectiem will b, Dec.-.r 3, 1974 for tlae purpoae of
e1.ct.i.. Coacit.aa, Group 1, two year tem. CounciJ..aa Group 2, 0.. year t.ra.
.Co~il1laa Group 3. two year tem aael CouncU.Ma Group 5, two year tera.
'tla. QaalifYiaa ,.ioel ia October l5...tbrovP Boy"er 1, 1974.lIary !fortoa will
b. clerk of dta alectioa ... lIel..'G""'a, !forma Laag, Louisa Oweas aaelautla Mewas
will be tlaa iD8pectora. "
.otioa ..s _ela by Councilman Danials tbat ve\.ppoiat tIa. C1.rk anel the laspectora
IlIIM4 to sarva oa daa El.cti.. of Dec...r 3, 1974, aad to pay daa laspactora $2,.00
per h..- for tIa.tfae put 111. and tIa. Clerk to ia paid $2.10 per hour OVar her aight
hours. Seconcladby Co_cit.aa Booth. Discusaioa. Vote em tIl. _ti..1 c._cilMa
lI_toer. a,.. Coaci_a Outlaw, ay.. Coacu.aan Booth, aye. c.1I1I.cilM. Van la,..l,
y... Co_cUaan BrOW'lli.., aye. ..tioa carri.d.
1I0t1.oa was Mde by Co_cu...a Daaie1s to i_truet the Attorney to clraw up the
oCcliMnce for part.icipati01l ia tha Social S.c_ity Progr&lll to bee_ .ffective
Jaauary 4, 1975. a.concled by Couacu.... Vaa l.poe1. Diacuasioa. Vot. .. the ..tioal
Co~il..a HUI1ter, aye. Co_cillla. hni.ls, aye. Co1l1l.ciJ..a- Bootla, aye. Co1lllcilman
Vaa l.poel. yes. Oouacu.aan Browai.., aye. ..tin carriecl.
W. are required to participate in Un.p10,...t C_peasatioa per Floricla Statute 443.03.
1I0tioa ..s _de by Couacilaan Danials that theae pay aca1es for the pe.ple liated ba
approvedeffectiv. October 5, 1974. (eopy is attached.) Second.d by Couacilllan
Van .e,.el. Discuaaion. )1;'" ,)~ l';)L.
Couaci1Mn Daniela wanted it noted ia tlae recordl "I l.ft Council laat week vith
the iastructioa that 1 would. review. dte tota 1 budget aacl 1 would work with eau
co.iasioaer ccme....d for, tlaeir hpartaeatancl c-. up .itll a~~);}l' .ound pay
tacreas. aael 1 be1iev. that is "t 1 hava dOH. 1 fe.l OD that basis the _ti_
has to stay unlesa the Council as a whele ..nds it."
lIotion was _de by Couacilllan Browning to ....d the IIOtion to iaclude a raise for
lIr. Bradahaw to $',673.". S....ded by Couaci1Mn H_tar. Discusaiem. Vote 01'l tile
_tinl C01I1lCUaan a_t.. aye. Couacilwaa Daaie1s, ay.. eo_cilllan Bootll, aye.
COuncU....D Van lepoel, no. COUllcit.a. Brown.iD&. aye. IIOtin carriecl.
Vota on tlae originalllOtiOD: Co_cillla. H_ter, aye. C01l1l.CilllaD h.ie1s, aya.
COUDcit.a. Booth, aye. Oounci_n Va. lapoe1, DO' Councillla. Browaing, aya. IIOtion
aesults of tlae ~tt.. to aelect the best bid o. tha fire truck - sev.ral varu.eaa
were' found, and Couaci1aan Daaials haa askeel tha biclclera to clarify their variallcas
and therawill be aDother ..eti_ October 9, at 7100 p.a.
1I0tioa was _da by Councilllaa Daaiala that eo.cil direct hta to sign the Puruue
Orc1ar to Bagall s i. the 8IIOunt of $224.78. Sec0a4ad by c._ci~ Rater.
DisC\l88ion. Vote on the IIOtion& Co_cil...II_ter, ayeJ CeancilaanDaaie1a, aya.
Coaci1aan Booth. aye; CoUllcibiua. Van Dpoe1, Y.s, Co_C11I1&D Browailla, aye.
1IIOtioD carried.
Hotion was made by Councilman Daniels that Co_cil direat hia to appreva this
purchase order No. 400 to S.inole Fire Equipaent in the ....... of $12.58.
Seeonclecl by COUlleilaall Van Be,..l. Discussioa. Yota on tha lIOtionl Co_c11.... H_ter,
:aegular Sesaion., October 7, 1974
Paae 3
74-75 - 1
,ye. CouIlcilMa Daaiels, aye. Couu.cilaaa Booth, ay.. eo_cU... Va. ..po..1, yes.
eouaci11l&a Brovalag, aye. ..tlon. carrleel.
There was a el18cussloa of the Mcals for clty vehicl.s.
IIotlon ..... 1I8e1. by CoacilM. Da.i.ls that the eo_cu elisapprov. the purclua..
of three ..parat. _eals for city vehicle. all4l that the MaJOr b. iascruet.eI to
vole1 the check to pay for this purclua... S.conclecl by Coaci._ Van S.,..l.
Di.e..i01l., vote on the _tions CouacU... Hunt.r, DOJ Co_ilmaa Daniels, y..
Coacl.... .ootb, DO' COUacilM. Vaa ..,.el, y... eouaeilaa. Ir"'iag, y...
..tion carri.eI.
Motio. ....s _de by Couu.cilman Da.i.ls that we adapt a ..,le mariti. for all
city ...uicl.., ..... a.th..e (baaout), ancl .clcl only aec.....,... approved
peculiar .arkiag., .uch a. I8L1CB in bolel lett.r. on froat fenclu. aael truak
lid of ,.lice car.. S.condeel by Co_cu...a Vaa 1.,..1. Di.....ioa. Vote QI1
f't ,,\ t ,;. :-:ftrr:
. Ifotioa was _ele by Co_ci11l&a Hunt.r to table (th. abov.> untU Octob.r 21.
S.condeel by Couacilaa.. Browaiag. D18cu..ion. Vote oa the _tio.s Co_cU...
..tu, ay.. Counei_....i.ls, ay.. Cnacl_.looth, aye. eotUlcl1aa.
Van ..,.el, y..; CouacU... Irownlag, aye; IIOtion carried.
Police II H.altl:a :aeport. Councilaa. Booth r.porti.s
CouaciIM. Bootl:a pr....t.eI copi.. of the Polic. Departaent :a.port for the month
of S.ptember t. all Coaaci~ a.el Clty Ball.
P1.Qaiag II ZOII:taa aeport, CouncilM. Vaa ..,..1, report lag.
I.pl...lag anel .0111. boarel rec_.datloas were a1..... to CouacU_a Van Ie,..l
b.ce..e of 111.... of the Secretary. .etty Sa.tluIa. 'fh. buU4liag t.napector t .
r.port....s ai...e. for the ...th of S.ptember.
aoael II Iricla. aeport. Councilaaa Brown1na r.porting:
V_iela lfaiatenance 13\ hour.; fosat.na 94 bour., _r..ncy r.qua.t. 43 hour..
V.catiod .ael holi.,. 32 bour.J incllvidual. appointed by court 24 laour.J
'r.,.lred .igns 41 h....' 1'0." .ml elltch.. 12 h.... oa Sherry, Da...id coal
patell .. .pplied to pothole., ..eI the coutr-.ci01l ~.J i. Incl1&.ai..
upoa r.....t ..t out a.d r...-ed .... of the ...... they eliel on Sh..ry Ave.
Mr,. Wayne Simp... eli.cus.eel the Health Insurance proar- of the Pruelaat:l.al
Insur..ce c..paay.
"YOI' Pl1a.d reces.eel the eouncU H.eti. anel opeaed the public hear1na for the
......tion of lot. 52, 53 ancl 54 reque.t.eI by DavielH1U.r. Attoruy Voolfolk
rea. the notic. of public heariaa that vas pub 1 is"" i. the ......per. Mr. 'r"'U.n
.....ur. 429 :aob:la Court. Loapoocl' .poUfor the ....tion. 1Ir. Arthur .Sha_ a"
wif. anel CouncU.a Van B.poe1 .,.ke ap:last the ...eatio.. Hayer Pil.mlelo.ed
the public he.ring and r.convened the 1l...1ar S.s.ion.
Kotion was _de by CoacUmen Van Kepo.l to conti.ue the puDlic hearlng for the
aDD.utio. of lots 52. 53 anel 54 untU October 21, 1974. S.eo.ael byc:o.ci,1aaa
Booth. Blscus.ion. Vote on the IIOtioas Couaci_n Hunter, .Y.' CeuacU...Daai.l.,
.ye. CouncU... Booth. aye. COU1lci11lan Va. Be,..l, y.s. CouncU.an Brewal., ay.,
_tion carrl.d.
. .
legalar Seasien, October 7, 1974
Page 4
74-75 - 1
r Mayor 'ilaml reMssed the Reaular SeasiGn ancl Gpened the hblic lIeari81 for the
I " Fire DepartMDt Ordina.ce 'G. 110. AttGr..y Woolfolk read the netice of Mlie
lIead,aga_the ordina..... in its e.tirety. TJaere was a short discussiem. No
oae spoke against the _di_ce. ..yor ,Ua.d closed the ....Uc Hearing and
rec.....ed the Reaular Sessten.
1I0t.ien was _de by CJoaneU..n Hunter that we approve Ordia_c. No. 110 en the
first. r..ch.aa. S.Cft4.d by Counei1llan Van a....l. Disc.sien. Vote G. th. aotiolU
Couacu-" a_t.r, .ye. ..cU..n Daniels, aye. CoUllCiblaa Booth, ay.. CouncU.-.
Va.t.,..1, ,es; c..cU.....Br...i.., aye. aotion eanied.
Att~y Woolfolk read th., s.eoad reading of Ordi.aee Ifo. 109, the fence Ordi..aee
ill its .atirety beeause of the ____nts that had beD _de.
lIotiOll was ..de by CouaeU..n Booth to acc.pt Ordinance Ito. 109 on the aecond
reading as ....cled. SecOIlcled by CODcU..a Vaa Bepoel. Discussion.
Motion was ..de by CouncU..n Daniels to ehana. the ordinance as follons Section 1,
add the vorl "value" after 100 dollars. ancl ,.raaraph 7, del.te the words 1a the
laat seateac. ua4er Paraaraph 7 after the word "liaes". S.c....d by CctUllaeil1lan
Va...,o.l. 8iscussi... Vote on th.lIOtioas CO_CUII&II I.ter, DO' CoUllCilaaa
..ai.ls, aye. Coacilaaa Booth, 110; CO\IIICi1maa Vaa a.peel, y.s; Co_ci1lllln
BrCNlling, ay.; _tion earri.d.
Vote oa the original IROtion as ...aeled. CouncU_a Hunter, aye; CouaeU..an Baaie1s,
aye; Co\illlCilaan Booth, ay.. CouncUma. Van B....I, yes. Co1lllCilmaa Browaiag, ay..
IIOtioa earried.
Th. resolutioa for the aeqV1sition and construction of a aew City B.ll ,1a the
City of Wiater Spr,tnaa, F1Grtda has been received. aad. this will be oa the ageada
next week for approval.
Next... will be a Workshop at 7 :30 p. m. for the purpose of discussilll the
utilization of city vehicles.
Hoti01l was macle by CouncU.an Bunter to adjourn. Secnded by Councilman Brownillg.
Hoti01l carried..
aespectfully subaitted,
Hary T. Norton,
City Clerk
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