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1974 09 30 City Council Regular Minutes
n~,,, I I i I I ! I I I I I I (-{ i' ' I I , I I i I I , , I I "" {)4 - 48 .. . " .h',~;~. IlBGULAJl SESSION CITY COUHCIL CITY OF wtNTIIl sauQS sEPrlliflll 30, 1974 .. aepla1' '."fJ"of the Oity CoacH of. the City .f.i.aterlpl'U,.,.,1....1.. wa. .11.. .t. .............. .1t1..yor ptla.. at 7130P. lI. ttae........4_.. ,t.. ., coactl1la......l. .~1II. The pl.... of anasta.. to the fl.I.. 1...", Attone,. Th....rr....1a. aoll CallI ..,or Troy Pila... '1'ue.t Atto1'1ley T~. .,1'...., P1'....t Vic.MaY.1' II'Wi1l _at81', pre. eat C.aci..... DaYii ..la1r.'pr.... Joha ...tIt..,.. ....... 11''''''u .....1. pc....t ....l..~..,'pr:.._t . . IIotin was ...... '"Cftacil1la. Yaa 1e,..1 .to ,.'t"" ,tM . __~of 1.,..._ 23,. 1974. S.~.""'il..a Booth. Dt....... ..ta ..1".. ..i_'........... .at.1'.a".,. ~l... Outlaw, .Y.' ....1Ji_....taa, .'..0Maac11....". ..,..1, ,.... Co_il1la.........., a,e. ..ti.. ....W. . ..ti.. .. .... by Coacil1laa Boo... ....pt 1Ir. ..law'......tt.. .-.Ilis r..ipati..... .,1>>aclarar" so *.;...i.1......... u.b~ for tUtu. ...i....t...... Dl Coactbaaa .......1.. .......i...: ................. co.cU...a a.tetIJ a18' C....i_a "tkw, I"" ,........1M....tJt.., a,.... GotIMt.... V. 1....1, ,.., CftacU... Browaiaa, .'...tlO1l.card.... 1Ir. JoIaa Deal.b .... ....n in by Attorn.y T...... rr.... .. ~U,_1a to ....,~ DaYid htl... c....cilaaa ..ai.l..,.... tl1e bi.. f.1.' ..fil.'....i_ ..f.l1..., .la_ Qeck. ... 011....'. 1>>...1>>i. P'.'13 _. ,.1t...t. bid tle,.,s. etat.:.l 1"1ort...i.... Tneks, lac. $49.179. S......l. l"ir......,._t. lac. $32,427. ....ricaa La "...$48,471 Da.. 1>>1., .1t.l.'..t.1>>i. $39.281'" alt......t. bii C $.,804. ..t.... l"ir....i..... $32,000J .lternate bid Pt.ICC. Waaaf.ct_tIIIl.c. $39,805 ba.. Di. aM altenet. $32,644. c..c~ ...ieb... COaacilMa H.t.1" w111r..i....tIit.. bl.....l.'e,ort,... JaUt' ........ C.-ct.1Ma .....t....tf.;fl..... of ..,1_1_ fer ..2....... ....__.t < ..... f~~l. J.w:Col1..., h 'Iefti7 ......' J. G. ........,Jo. '-'1..1.', P.t81' 1.-r.l1 ... :a.l GaterlacNt.. . . .t.~.,. I"r.....r...rt.. oa tM certaiJaeat of ,.'iaa.tJaa ...It.... . ...... lttllldz.. .t.t....t ta1'.c.i." fl:. lIE. r.0Gh, .tIt.. _ caaraYt.elt~t .......If .e ... it. AttOraa, Woolfolk _d. a 1'.port of tDa.Wl1co fal.'k. WA:Lta.., ""'HI O'l1'III.,.:l.a pl.'e...tly clearlaa the laad.thea Jlo 1"..1t T_is Court e....., witlata. _tl..... the co....t.. ""'1' Pil... r.eu...lI.d that John N...... b. a".iatai to the PU-1Ra . loa" '..rd. -" ., ~ .. I" · '~,~ "'---4 {' '1 'ase 2, R.sular Se..io., S.pt.-b.r 30, 1974 73-74 - 48 ,n Hotin was ..de BY CODCU.... Booth to ratify the ..,.~" appoi.meat of Joha ......to the PlaDlli. & Zoai. ..ard. S.oncle4 BY 00..11... V.. I.poel. Disc...ion. Vote nthe ...tinl CouacU... aater, aye, Oouac11..a Daniela, a,., C...oU..a Boota, aye; C_oU..a Van le,..l, y.., Couacitaa Br...iaa, a,.., _tio. carri.d. .otion was .... BY C.....ilu. Bootla that w. iutit.t. aU new pay .._ul.. .. the 74/75 Fl.cal Year BUda.t .ff.ctiv. Octob.r 1, 1974. S.e....d by C...cilu.. a_t4lr. Diseus.lft. Vote OIl the ..ti..: Ooacilu. aater, ayeJCouaci1.u. Da.i.la' n.J ~.cilu. Booth, ayeJ Coacilu. Vaal.po.l, .0J CoDcU... BrOWlliaa, .0J aoti01lfail.d. Keti.. wa. .... by CouaeU... Booth that we BlIY the Chi.f a portable radio ..t of tIl. .i.e.lla.....'u.d .ot to exce" $600. S.co.ad by eouacilua 1IVa..... Dis...sift. Vote OIl the _tinl C..01lu. aunter, aY.J C_cilu. Da.1ela. ey., C...U... Booth. aye. Couacilaa. Va. le,..l, ye.; C01IRcibu. Broni... ay., ..tion carri.d. Coa.ctlun Van lepoel r.quested a street light be install.d at the ..tra.c. to WUclwe04. Cotmeilua Dani.ls re.....t.d an .piaift fr_ Mr. Fr..... OIl th.l.DlU of tiae .. ca. fiuDe. a new fir. truck, sine. the pr.s. had report.. that Loapood. _. ia difficulty fi_aeias th.irs becau.. stat. law r.quires it b. pai4 for ia ... year. ,0., .otift was made BY C._cilun aater to adjoura. S.conclecl BY Co_c1lu. Brown1.. Hoti.. carried. Respectfully submitt.d, ...,~:; .....,~ .. Appr..~t>-- ">'.'~<'.~y~ ~.~'"'" '" " .~:;'...'" w~ ,;.-....../ ..... ~,r:~ Hary 1:. lCortoa, City Clerk . H.A.YOR 'V-