HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 09 23 City Council Regular Minutes
'" '''---' ' ."
73.(l - 47
SEPrBQU 23, 1974
The a...lar S...ln of the City Council of the City of Wfater Sp1:'lD&s, Florlda
was ca.l1e4 to or_r by 1fayor Piland at 7.00 p. a. The a".~"'..t.r.01llav. the
1.011 0.111
..,.r '!roy Piland, 'r....t
yt.c....yor Irwin .a_ter, pres.nt
Att...y B__d .oolfolk, pr.s..t
"vi. Outlaw, ,~....t
Job I"th, pr....t
Ir.D. Va. .,..1, pr....t
....141 Ir...l.,....
....yorpu.... reces.. the a..ular ,.,.lon ... opea.d the Wo~k.be, S...lo.. Hr.
J. c. .LaY....~ 'w&' ,r...t to 41...... the cost of the eo_ty ha' ..ut.....
h._.G~I"U... the roa48 ... a ..th woul. eo.t $203 .40, total per ,...r
$2'440*"._ra crew ..1. co.t $114.00 per clay.
G"i.liM. <fer ..cati... an' .f..ck....... were disc...... OIl .1.etion "ys, all
~ city. offic* viii Aactin ritll the ...,ti.. of the City Cl.rk -- City ..11 i.
utili'" fer . polU... ,lac..
After.. .,loy.. u. ~l.t" ... year, h. i. ..titl.d t. tw.... :vacati-.
....ter4~.1.tt... offift ,..r., ... 18 utit1.. to tar.. __ ...C.l... ..,1.,.-
...t Ii..... ... ..ice "..i_ co takiaa ....lr ...c.in.
.l.....~..~.1eM..f.s ......ry .fue tkree days of u..... Six u,...... ...1.....1
1.~11... the first year. OM da" per ....n after the fir.t -"..~, wUh tld.~y"_
o .ax.... .....t .f days to he aceatal.t". . ,
IoU.,.. for. ..lo~... as follon. Itev Years Day, ....ri.l De", r..th of J1tt",
l.aher Day, Cllri..... aad Tlaank..ivlR1.
HayorPiland clo..d the Work.hop Ses.loa andcall.d the _...l.r ....i.. b.ck to
.oti.. wa. .... hI 00.-:11.... aaUl' to approv. the. __tea of S.pt__ 16,
1974. .......... .~. ....~.~... V.. ..,..1. ti.e...i_.Vote ".the _t1... ~i",
a_t., .,.........I)1;111J....l....".. c..eU.... Bo4Jth, .ye, Go.cU... Va .....1.,
y... COuacU.... Ir...., .".. _ti.. carri.d.
..".r.'il... r...... .. ....l.r S.... ... 0..... the ,.lic It..rUaa~or tile
.....Cb.i_.e" ... 109. .lttorney Woolfolk r... u. ..cice of ,.lic __,,__t
v.. ...U..... iD the...,.,... adt_ ,r.,..eeI .r..... i. it. ..tir....,.. .11l'..
.._lton. 3.2.... aoed, .peke a..*t the _diaaace. _.. "'le1s, ...tel.,.
Trail, 1I1r. Dick ~fi", P.rt.ri.. Cil'ele, *,+,1... Butler, Gator J.aaa..... 1&.
Jeb ......18 .1'" ...._ dl.Qi88i.. of the or.i.ace. ...,.~ Piland cl.... the
,.lic ....ri.._<<;r.......d tit. Co_eil- ...tl..
}lott_ ... .... by" C01mci1llan Jooth to .pprov. Oreliaane. No.1" on tIl. flrat.
1'"."" a. .....d. s.c.oacled by CouacU... V.. Bepeel. Dl.e...loa. Vote oa tile
_ti... CouIlcU... ..t_, ay.; Coaelb1aa Gut1...., ay.. CouncU.. ...th, a,...
C_.el-. Va. ..,..1, y... CODellman Jrowaiaa, .y.. _tioa carried.
CotIncU was askeel to aive s_ tlt"lht to the 4108 probl. a.el try to c:oae hack
......k with a recu.t.Dclatlon.
"<~,,.i ,;":'~<;';
. -":.
aeplar S.aaion, S.pt.-.r 23, 1974
Page 2
73-74 - 47
n IIotioa waa .... by Councilman Booth to instruct the Kayor t. eater iato a c..tract
c i with the Co_ty for the Iloa. lfaiat.uance Proar- OIl a ..c. .. __th ....i.. Secoacl.d
byCouaci1maa Va B.p..1. 81ac..ioa. Vote 08 the moti... eo.cU.... IlUat.r, .y.,
C...ci~ Cihat1.., .y., ,COuncilman Booth, ay.. eo_cU... Va I.po.l, ,..a;
Coaci1aan Irowni.., a,... motioa carri.d.
"y.r Pi1a.d r.ad.l.eao1utioa Bo. 135 proc1a1aina the week of S.ptemb.r 24 tlaroup
Oct."er 24 aa hited Caapaip lI.ath.
lIotion was ucl. ..,. Co_cUMa Va. B.,..l to clel.t. the r..tof the s..tence aftar
the werd. .....th.... S.c..... by Counci1aaa Ironiaa. Di.cu.i... V.t. oa th.. _t.i..,
~ci1aaa a_ter, ay.. Coaci... Outlaw, ayaJ co.ci1aan .ooth., aya; CouBcU..aa
Van aapoel, ye.; CouacU..lr....illl, ayaJ moti.. carri".
)lotion waa _d.a "y Co_ciblan Batar tbat we i_truct th.a ACtora.y todefad. th.. police
officer. i...1vecl ill the lawsuit. S.coa", by c.u.cU.... lo.ta. 8i.cu.in. Vote ..
the _tiCKU C.uncil... Bater, ay.; Oo.-oi_a Outlaw, ay., Co1l1lCilaaa )o6th, ay..
ee.cllma. Yaa ..,..1, y..; Couacilaaa Irownilll, ay.. motioD. carri".
Mayor PUaacl ask" Council to provide r___clati01l8 to the Pla_i.. &YZoaiaa "'1'4
to fill the vacaacy of 1Ir. John Dani.ls.
lIotioa ftS macl. by Cotlllcilraaa Ir...i.. to instruct the ""01' to work with la.iaa
Ili.a aad, to a1...e peDi..ion to fill the .itchalna SIl 419. S.....d ,1ty CouIacU-.
Hater. Di.cu..in. ~ota 08 the _tionl COUIlCU... I.ter, .y.;00..1....1...,
aye. Couacilmaa IeOth, ay.; CouaeU..~.a Va. "poel, ye.; eouacilaaa Browa1aa, ay.J
..tion earri.d.
,. ./
Hotioa was ud.. by Couacilmaa Outlaw that... incr.a.. the t.as....e. b...fit. to
the ....ul. pr....t.d by 1Ir. ....... ..1udlaa th.. ....kly ~1t,. beaef:l.t..
S.co.cle" "" Couaeilu.looth. Di.c...ioa. V.ta oa the _ti.., Gouacilaaa a_ter,
ay.; Co1Iaeilaaa Gutlaw, ay.. Coaci1aa. looth, ay.. Coaei1aaa VaaB.,..l, ye.;
Ceuactlaaa Ir..i11l, a,..; motioa eaui.d..
Hotioa wa. _de by Couacilaaa V.. B.,..l to a40pt Iles.lution 10. 135 as ......41.
S.coMed by Co_cilaaa Ir...i... Dlscu.ioa. Vot... the _ti... Ceuaci1... a.t.r,
aye, _.cUu. Outlaw, aye; CeUllciblan Booth, ay., C...il..n Van B.,..l, yes.
Couacilaaa Ironl", aye, ..ti.. carried.
"ti011 was ..de by Couacilaaa Van B.,.e1 to dispo.. of the 1948 Fir. truck (ror4).
Seehcle4 by Couacilaan I..th. 8i.e.'ll.a. Vote on the ~1_1 CMaC:l.maaauater, .y.;
c.oaeilaan Outlaw, ay., Ceuacit.aaa Booth, aye, ~t'.. ........1, y.., eo.cU....
I~OWIllaa, aye; motion caui".
Keti011 va. ..de by COUDciman looth to adjoua. See..ud by Couacilaa_ Bren:l..,
..tioa c.aH'k4"
~ '"< ':Y.t:~,,/;~>,
aespeetfully .ubaittecl,
""-- _" ~ I' ".
.:;..::.,:: _",,~....:' v /.....:..;r '.
Apfj:~,* ",~
... ;; _ ..c:;,
Mary T. Nortoa,
" C:l.ty Clerk