HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 08 26 City Council Regular Minutes
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73,...74 - ~
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C I'l'Y eOUlleI:&:
AUGUST Z6 ~ :Jl-974;
~ll.R.Iu.1aJr S'e:..m.on of" tnaCt ty Councei], of' the: City ot Yater ~lngSl...
IPlOrll_._diUett 'toer4er'byMlll1or Troy'Piland.t 7':3S" p.... The;'
aTo..Jtlon_sH' gIven' by CciJuncllman OutJrJis. The pledge of' 8lllegiemc,e
'to the flac 118'1' led by CouncilIlUl1Il Booth.
No:J:.ICaUlJ:,t " "
MSj'Ol!' Troy Piland, pile.nt' .' >;' .
Vlci~*'Yor lrii:tn RUrit:ir,' la,'t'e;;7rSo p:....
&.~~orBey BeI.uncl W"ool.1:olk.. present
Councilmen: .
DETId Out]8.~ 'preaent
J"obifBo'oth, pre I.n t
IreneVan"Eepoel; pre'a.lit:
Do~~ B rowning, ~r!Slent
Metion. 8. _ae by Councilman BrownIng to ~;roTe the minute. ot.........-
Ji', 197!1i. Second.a 'by'CoiULolI11i8iii"V.-lIe,oel';' Vote on 'the _tio~"
Oouncil.JDililOutlav,' eye;;CounciImeii'Booth; 'ate; 'Councilma,n Vem Eitpoel..
ye~;; eounei~n Brc~rwn~~,.. ~e.. Motion, c~riea.
Jf:It-..JailOkCooper gave aireportthlJlt 'he haJji not received 'im.y'rs'oom-
_ilciartlons;'f'rom ]41"; Hai<lla-us'regirdU:i.g 'Crooked Creek. Mr. Coopr
olaplayed his plans .~~ln to ,Co~cil~
:Motion waj D,de byCounciImai'i Booth. to Distrtict'tlie Ma7or"''tieon'buv;
Mr.. Jofsdatiato torwilrcll to tlil'a office 'a,' rec'6mmendittlon reCti-alng 'Orooked
Creek WitKin ae.ek.. Sieonaedby-CouneiImail HUii'ter':Discusslon;':"
Vote- on the motI6nf-"'CounelImari lItinter;-arye';- CounelIma,jf'Vu: lUijoel, yes;
,Ooune.i1mja 'OutIurr" tf!1fJ, Councilman Booth, arJ8', CounclllDa'n Browning.. E'f..
(Botion carried. '; "
_",' _, _, _.... .1
Mi11orPil.ancrreceslIea-theCouncil Meeting ma. Opened the PucI1c Heariilg
for 'J!u Incre8\j:e~ .&~t6rneylf()olf'oIkread the notic:if"of' PubHc -HeRing
for' '1'_ Ina-eiii.': .nHeyor P1!.8lncif closed the Public Heaaaing and :reopened
the: Council Meeting.
MEyor :PllMid1 ree..od the Council ~Ke:etlng-'lIlnd opened the :Pub1ieHearlng
fOr r..nd' Engineering.' ~tt6rnej W'o'oI:foli:'rea\ci"' the Publ1'c 'Rear1nlffor'
J.aib.d Engineering. 'Mayor PilalOd c]o.ed the Puetic H earlng amd reopened
tlie Council Meeting.
MOtion_sude bj-CoUll.clIm&'il-VaifTepoel to' contiIiue-'thifPublic'Hearing
on S.pt..9th~ "':r-econa.d bjCoiiiicfiImari:Sooth;""Vote'on'th'e- 'motiont .
Co'Wiol1J11t1Ui H1iliter~ &lYe ;'CoUnclImi:h'trutlaw; "ijTel' C"i:)'tmcilDUih Booth,lil1e;
Oounel?nan !~ E.1'oel, "'~,s.! ,~o'tlO~ilman _ ~rownin~, ~..~, Motion carried.
Attorney Yoolfolk re~d ,~esol?-tio-?_,13):L on ~utU81l Police .Lss:ill'banee.
Motion 8S udei--bi Councilman Booth"to'adollt"Rjj6Iiition 131 on the 1st
Rea:ding,. SecoIiEfeo btCotincilman HWiter'. 'Di:fseuss:ioh.. 'Vote'oil'the
mO ti on t' Co Unc lIi:JiUi 'Htiii ter~ alye fa oune Ilmari.- Ou traiw,' arye; 'C bunc-iIman
Booth, 1ll.,.8; OOUncilman Van EepoeI.., yes; Councilman Browning, ~ye.
Motion carried.
&ttorney W"ooli'olk read reanrllution 1.J2' on annexation of property of
David Miller..
~ }""
Regula!' Session
Auf" 26, 1974 (cont.)
Motion W8lfS made by Councilman Booth to inst.ruct City A:lttorney to set up ~
public hearing for the annexation req[Uest of D. Miller per Resolution No.
])2, on October 7th. S'econded by CouncilIl18lil Van EepoelL. Discussion..
Vote on the motion: Councilman Hunter, aye; councilman Out.law, aye;
COUIlcilmanBooth, aye; Councilman Van Eepoel,. yes; CouncilIrUlln Browming,
~e; motion carried.
Mayor Troy Piland read the letter from the Engineer' regarding WildW'Ood.
Motion was made by Councilman Hunter to.lIlccept the paving of the
Wildwood Section IllS per letter from Clark, Dietz, and ~,ssociates dated
~ugust 6, ]974. Seconded by Councilman Booth. Discussion. Vote on
the motion:: Councilman Hunter, 8lYe; Councilman Outlaw, 8l1e; Counci]IrJa1Il
Booth, aye;; Councilms'n Vs\n Eepoel, yes; Councilma.n Browning, aye.
Motion carried.
~ttorney Woolfolk read Ordinance No. 109 regarding fences.
Motion was II18lde byCouncilmn BOoth to aldopt Ordinance No. 109 8lS
smended md to harve a Public Hearing on Ora. No. 109 onS'ep'tember2,3rd.
Seconded by C0uI1clIIli.$ln'V81n. EepoeJ:. DiscussIon. Vote on'the motion::
Councilman Hunter, arye;COuncilmanOutlaw, 8'yEi~ 'Councilman Booth, arret
Councilma,n Van Eepoel, yes; Councilma:n Browning, aye. Motion cs!rried..
Report vms given by Councilman Irwin Hunter on the Fire Dept.
Motion W8lsmade by CounciJ:mainHunter to instruct the ~\ttornEiy to make
up an Or'dina,nce creating 8' City Fire Dept. with the position of 81
FireChiera,s Sldmihistr81tivehead with authori tyto enforce all
Ordinances and 'lawspertain.frig to" and' regula,ted' by . the' Fire Department.
Seconded by Councllmah'Booth~ Dlscuss!'cjria;, 'Vote on" the Motion:
Councilman Hunter, aye; C6uncilmanOiitlaw,a11e; COuIlcilman Booth,aiie;
Councilman Vain Ee,poel, yes; Councilma,n Bro~ning, alye. Motion carried..
Mayor PilSl!!ld read the letter W!ri tten b! Mr. Bradshawr to Mr. Auston ~idler.
Councilman Outlaw reported that the insu.ran.ce does cover persons 16 end
over who must use the C~~-l.~.r.~ck a,nd tractor.
Councilman Van Eepoel ""~tu.4.~lio!i in road on South Edgemon.
Councilman Browning discultsed the smell from the ltewage plant.. Maayor
Pilalnd instructed the Police Chief and Mr. Bradsh_ to stop there' and
see about it. Mll"'. Mitchall discussed the Lake near the park on N.
Edgemon st.
Motion was made by Councilman Van. Eepoel to ajourn. Seconded by
Councilma,n Browning. Motion carried.
v'-:'.~,~ l' /.1.1:,;-
Respectfully submitted by
'~.A-~ '
E!SieSmith, Asst. Clerk
Jt,pproved t
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