HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 08 19 City Council Regular Minutes
73-74 -('1
. ..
../ AUGUST 19, 1974
Thea...uiar Session of 'the City Counc:U of the City of Winter Spr11l,$s, Florida
was ,callectto orcler by IfaJ'Or Troy P:Uand at 7 :30 p. m. The ilWOCation was a1"..
byCo_ci-"nB_ter. the ,leelae of aUegiance to the flaa vas led by Attorney
Bdlnaacl Woolfolk.
Itoll Call:
Hayen: 'troy Pilanel, present
YiC4J....,.r Irwin B_ter, pr...t
Attorney Bdtaund Woolfolk, present
David Outlaw, present
John Booth, present
Irene Van Be,..l, late
Donald Brownina, present
Hotion _s _de by CoURCilmaa Brownina to approve the ainutea of .......t 12, 1974.
S60eQCJedby O...i1.-_ Booth. DiscussiOll. Vote on the 1IOtioa. CouncilaanB_ter,
aye. Coun,cis.an Outlaw, a,.., Co_cilman Booth, aye, Couaci1..n Brownina, ayet
1IOtion, carrieel.
lIr., '1'_ Banaick of the Saiaole County Drua Ac.tion C...uttee _CJe an appeal to the
City Co_cil for a donation of $1,803.69. Council... Yaa BBf"l entered the ...tills
at 7.:40 p. m. After a discussion of the work of the Dr., Action eo..tttee. it.s
decided that Council would decide if they would d_te...y and how... ....y at
the .Publ1c aeari. for the Buqet on Se,t_er 9, 1914.
COtInCiblan Van Bepoel discuss" the probla of lIr. .Adl.r's hcMiae on HossBoad.
lJo~ion .s -_de by Counci1ll8n Vu Bepoel to instruct '-C1&7..i141. I_peetOI' to
~. With Hr. Adler, Hr. ..Ueville, ancI any other r..idents --taa, ...1..a.4
coat.ct, the Wilcopao,leto ... the rec....d.. repairs, ana __ a l'dP..sreport.
8."'" by C...i1Un BJlOWIlina.Di8cussion. Vote on the,.-ttea.coeci~ Bat.r,
a,.., CogQcf,],_.OUtlaw,ay., Councilman Booth, aye, COuncilman Vaa ""'1, y.as
COUaci1man BI'Oft1na, ay.s 1IOtion carried.
Ther. was a eli8,cussion of the trash on Jackson Circle, ancI COuncil_n Browntna
sUSS_t.d that possibly $60 or $70.00 wGUlel be n....d to solve this pl:obl_ by
workina with Ik. Koontz.
Hayor Pilanel reported that the County informed him that, tltere is the po.sibility of
setting s.. fill froa the ..stbrook area, if we can find some method of transpol'tina
the flU to our City.
Kotion was _de by Councilman Booth to aelGpt the a.solution fer Hotual Police
.lSsi$tance with Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Longwood, Haitland and Winter Park.
Seconded by Councilman Van .epoel. Discussion.
Hotionwas _de by Councilman Booth to table the aeloption of the aesolution for one
weetc. S~ded by Councilman Ou,tlaw. Discussion. Vote on the 1IOtionl Coa.c1111an
B.Cu, aye, CcNncil1lan Outlaw, ayes Councilman Booth, ayes Councilman Van .epoel,
yesJ Councilman BrOwning, ayes ..tion carried.
Councilman Booth askedCouncilt s approval to buy the additional warranty on the
three new police cars fer $95.00 each; 12,000 miles er 12 month extended wananty.
Council was in agreement to buy it.
CouncU_n Outlaw discus..d the sainer pertaining to collecti"e barsaining.
B.B. 2028 is here for Council to read, and it there are any questions, he w111
answer them.
. to, .-
Page 2
Regular Session August 19, 1974
73-74 - 43
Bayor Piland requested Councilman Outlaw to check on the insurance coverage of
o other ,eople using the city truck and tractor.
.-.etorney Woolfolk read Resolution #1300,posing the busing of Winter Springs school
chil"en to Oviedo High School and Jackson Heights Kiddie School.
lIot~en we,' made by Councilman Booth to ado,t Resolution No. 130 as amended.
aeCOlt..d by Councilman Van lepoel. Discussion. Vote on the IIIOtion: Councilman
lIuaUctt. aye, Councilman Outlaw, aye, Councilman Booth, aye, Councilman Van aepoel,
yee ,Couael1man Browning, aye, motion carried.
"t~wes made by Councilman Browning that we allow construction and land clearing
08a;iIt& UDder the direction and approval of the fire chief for a period of two weeks.
sec.~~ by Councilman Booth. Discussion. Vote on the IIIOtion: Councilman Iun.ter, aye,
qo."tl-n Outlaw, aye, Councilman Booth, aye, Coun.cilman Van I.,.el, no" CouncUaan
~., aye, motion carried.
Hr. John Daniels of Antelop. Trail wanted it noted in the record that any fire that
travels throught the woodlands to his property, h. would holct""'c!l.~~.r.~spo1l81ble.
~ .~' ",\..~i .... .- .~. '"
Hotion was made by Councilman Van lepoel to adjourn. S.co~li1-'CounCi~n":Browning.
HotiOtl carried. ' ~C': - , . ::: :'-"~~2:.
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Hary T. Mort_ ".;p -~"'"
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City Clerk
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