HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 04 01 City Council Regular Minutes
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APRIL I, 1974
The.e,ular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida
was called to or_r by Hayor Piland. The invocatiOll was given by Hr. Dan Streib.
lpledseof allegiaace to the flag was led by Council1l(ln Van Bepoel.
David Outlaw, present
John Booth, present
Irene Van Bepoel, present
Donald Browning, present
lI&yor Piland rec.essed the aegular Session and opened the Workshop Session to
diseuss.the budget.. After much discussiOll, Mayor Piland asked Council to COIIle
back next week prepared to make a decision as to which way they wa1lt to go.
Roll Call:
.yOr Troy Piland, present
Yic.......yorIrw1n Hunter, present
.A.ttomey Thomas Freeman, present
Hayor Piland closed the Workshop Session and called the aegular Session back
to or4er.
Hotion was __ by Councilman Booth to approve the minutes of March 25. 1974.
Seconcledby Councilman H1I1'lter. Discussion. Vote On the motion: Councilman
Bater, aye. eoacilman Outlaw, aye. Councilman _Booth, aye. Councilman Van Bepoel,
ye.. Councilman Browning, aye. motion carried.
Fire & aecreatiOll Report, Councilman Hunter reporting:
CO\l11ci1.man H_ter gave the monthly Fire Department report and reported on the
cleanup of the Recreation area.
No Finance & Blection aeport.
:hUCe & Health Report, Councilman Booth reporting:
Of,i.. of the Police, Court and .A.n11llal Control report have been distributed to
all COU1lcibaen. The new patrolman, Ronald T\DIlinia, was hired today.
Planning & Zoning Report, COU1lci1.man Van lepoel reporting:
No &oni'lll report, other than the ZoniDS. Board is going along quite well. The
Board of .A.djust:ment has granted two hardship variances, one for an addition,
and one for parking of a school bus.
Road & Bridge Report, Councilman Browning reporting:
COUDci1ma. Brownins said he is trying to familiarize h1maelf with the many
Fob1... of the aoad & Bridge Department.
Hr~ Freeman presented the topos and the proposed alternative plan of the Wilco
Group for developing the park in the Terraces.
Hayor's Report, Hayor Piland reporting:
Hayor piland read the Proclamation for Hr. Winton Hurt. Part I of the Orange
Sem.1nole Osceola Hetropolitan Water Quality Hanag..ent Study was received toclay
and is in the City Hall.
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April 1, Regular Sess,ion
Page 2,
73-74 - 24
)lotion was made by Councilman Booth that we direct the Hayor to begin
negotiations Vith Hodes Company in the covering of the aitch. Secon.cled
by. Couracilman Hunter. Discussion. Vote o~ the motion: Councilman Hunter,
aye; Couaeilman Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth, aye; councilman Van Bepoel,
yes; councilman Browning, aye; aotion carried.
Hr. Foxworth, representing Shop & Go Convenience Store, came to the meeting
to ask Council what sort of screening they should install. Council asked
for some t.ype of fence thatwoula confine the trash; Hr. Foxworth will cheek
with the Company ana report back to the Mayor.
)lotiOD was made by Councilman Booth to authorize the finanCing purchase of
the GHC pick up truck. Seconded by Councilman Hunter. Discussioa. Vote on the
aotioD: Councilman Hunter, aye; COuncilman Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth, aye;
Councilman Van Bepoel, yes; Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
Hayor Piland recessed the Regular Session and opened the Public Hearing for
Ordina1ices No. 98, No. 99 and No. 100.
Hr. Freeman .read the notice that was published in the newspaper. No one present
objected to the ordinances.
Hr. Preeman read Ordinance No. 98, 99 and 100 in their entirety. Hayor Piland
closed the public hearing at 9:45 p. m.
Motioa was made by COuncilman Booth that we adopt Ordinance No. 98 on the first
readina. Seconded by Councilman Van Bepoel. Discussioa. Vote on the motion:
CouncUman Hunter, aye; Councilman Outlaw, aye. Councilman Booth, aye;
Councilman Van Bepoel, yes; Councilman Browning, aye; aotion carried.
Kotion was made by Councilman Hunter to accept Ordinance No. 99 on the first
reading. Seconded by Councilman Booth. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman
Hunter, aye; Councilman Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth, aye. Councilman Van Bepoel,
yes; Counci1man Browning, aye; aotion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Booth to approve Ordinance No. 100 on the first
reading. Seconded by Councilman Hunter. Discussion. Vote on the motion: councilman
Hunter, aye; Councilman Outlaw, aye. Councilman Booth, aye. Councilman Van lepoel,
yes; Councilman Browning, aye; aotion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Booth to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Hunter.
)lotion carried.
REspectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
. ....'...,.:.:.....~ ~YVJ Kayo.
~ Troy l1ancl