HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 03 11 City Council Regular Minutes
(1 73-74 - 21
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MARCH 11, 1974
The Re.u1ar Se.sion of the City Council of the City of Winter Sprinas,
Floria _. calted. to order by Hayor Piland at 7.30 pea. It. pl.... of
allegf.a1lCe to the flag was l.d by Councilman Hater.
Roll call:
Mayor 'ilaad, pr.seat
AttOrney Thellas Fre_n, pr.sent
Irwin Hunter, present
David Outlaw, pres eat
John Booth, ,resent
Ireae Van Bepoel, pr...nt
Kotion was ma.. by Coacilman Booth to. approve the minutes of March 4, 1974.
Seconded 'by Couacilman Hunter. Discus.ion.
lIotion was __ by Councilun Van B.po.l to amend the aiaute. toincl". an
i.ertioa of1llldch she has a verbatia trauc:r1tt:t.. Seco_eel by CouDcU_n
htln.8:r.e.-S:tO'lh Vote on the mot:toa: Co-.:tlMn Bater, no.. Couae11ma1l "tlaw.
aye; CouncU.an Booth, no; Couae:tlman Van Bepoel, ye.; Hayor .:tlaad, no.;
aot:ton fail...
Vote on the orili_l_tione Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilmaa Outlaw, aye.
CoWiCi1taaa Booth. ay.; Councilman Van B.poel, no; motion carrieel.
_.inations for Group V Council Seat were Hr. Don Browning, Hrs. Vie1dBAk.r,
anel Hr. Victor lIiller.
Couaeilaaa vaa Bepoel pre.ent.d a stflt__t in refer.nee to the un....ered
or.1nan_pr.sente. by Hrs. Vicki Baker on February 4 ~r.d with Or41nanee
No. '7 which was pr.,.r'" by Hr. Fr....n.. office. as follows. To.Wh_lt
Hay Concern: It. copy of hcUaaaee 197, of the City of 'Winter Iprinss, Floriela,
anda copy of .. propose. orcii.nce (....er.d). .pere.:taina to .__1.... . the
Charter of the City of Wtilter Spr:1aas to 1nelude a reeallprvvision, have
both 'been s_itt..to _ th:ts elate. I laave ....ine. th_ clo..ly and it is
WI opinion that both it_ ..... typed OIl the .... _chine. Siped Harle D.
. It." Service lIanager, G8.GISTUAltt, DlC.
Kotioa .. _ci. by CouneUJII.. Hunt.r thatnoainat1oo be clo.... Secorad_ by
council_nBooth. Discussioa. Vote on the 1IOtion: Councilman Hunter , .ye;
Co:t,IncU...n Gutlaw. aye; Couaeilman Booth, aye. CouncUman Van Bepoel, ye.;
motion carrieel.
Councilllan Hunt.r voted for Donalel BrOWllina. .Qouncilman Outlaw voted for Donalel
Browa:1aa' Co1mcilman Booth voted for Hr. Killer. Councilman V.. .....1 voteel
for Hr. Killer. Mayor 'iland voteel for Doulel Brownina.
Motioa wa. ..ele by Councilman Hunter to appoint Hr. Donald. Browning as
eoacilman Seat 5. Seeondeel by Councilman Outlaw. Discussioa. Vote oa the
motiou. Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilman Chltlaw, ay.; Councilman Booth,
ay..Councilman Van Bepo.l, y... motion earrieel.
Hr. Donald Brown.:1aa was sworn in by Hr. Fr._n.
or \
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o NCIIIlinations for Deputy MaY.9r were John Booth and Irwin Hunter.
Notion was 1I8de by Councilman Yan Bepoe1 to close the nClllliaations for
Deputy HayHS' Seconded by Oouncilman Booth. Discussiem. Vote on the
mott.cnu Council1l8n Hunter, aye; CouncilMn Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth,
aye; Councilman Yan Bepoe1, yes; Councilman Browning, yes; motion carried.
Councilman Hunter voted for Bouncilman Hunter; Counci1man Outlaw, voted for
Councilman Hunter; Counctlaan Booth voted for CouncU.an Booth, . Councillllan
Van .e,oe1 voted for Councilman Booth and Councilaan Browning voted for
COuncilman Hunter.
Hotion was _de by Counci1.1lan Hunter to have the Hayor, the new Vice.....yor
and City Clerk sign the bank resolutions. Secemded by Counci1.-n Outlaw.
Discussion. Vote on the motionl Councilman Hunter, aye, Councilman O11tlaw,
aye. Councilaall Booth, aye; Councilaan Van B.,.e1, yes. Coacilllat'l Browning,
aye; motioll carried.
A Workshop Session was set for 'tee.clay, March 19th for COU1lCil to ..et with
Hr. Robert Koch, architect of the proposed City Ball COIIflex.
Hayor Piland recessed the Regular Session and opened the public hearing for
Ordiaance No. 96. Hr. Fre..n read the notice that was published in the
newspaper. No ,one spoke against the Ordinance.
Hr. Fre_n read the first reading of Ordinance No. 96.
Hotioa ",s _de by Councillllan Van Bepoe1 to approve Ordiunce No. 96 on the
first reaeling. Seconded by CouncU.an Booth. DisCUSSion. Vote OIl the motion:
Co-.ci1.1lan Hunter, aye; Council8a Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth, aye;
CounCilman Van Eepoe1, yes; Comci1.-n Browning, aye; motion carried.
Hr. Jack Cooper representing Western Lanel Planning Company presellteel a site
plan of Crooked Creek for Council's approval.
Counci1.1lan Hunter requesteel that these itau be noted in the minutes:
Buildings of three stories will be all block construction under 35' if
cles~eel; Mr. Cooper is offering to pay in effect salaries at about $8,000
for two fir... for two years cOBDeaCing at $8,000 the first year after the
beginning of cemstruetion, end $16,000 the seconel year, $8,000 the third year;
and or financi1\g for the city to purchase equipDent which shou1el be i. the
neighborhooel of about $40,000 and Hr. Cooper is asking for review of the
Fire :Department of the detaileel building design and has already approached
the Fire Chief for hydrant locations, and we have discussed the cu1-de.sac em
Bah~ and re-itereated the paving and box culvert,and Hayor Piland brousht. up
the ielaa the land near the sewerage plant be donated to the City for use as
public land.
'Hotion was made by Councilman Hunter that these plans be accepted and added
to the plans previously approved and be forwarded to the Planaing & Zoaing
Board for their seal. Seconded by Councillllan Booth. Discussion. Vote em the
1IlOtion: Counci1man Hunter, aye; Councilmaa Outlaw, aye. Councilmall Booth,
aye; Councillllan Van Eepoel, yes; Councilaan Browning, aye. 1IlOtion carried.
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The preliminary plats of Sections 11. 12 anci 13 of North Orla_o Terrace are
here in the office for Council's review.
Kotion was made by Councilman Booth to accept the paving .Del clraiuge of
Section. 1 of the H1Plaatls pursuant to the rea4illl. of t1wit bon4. Secon.ed
byCOacilman Hunter. Discussion. Vote... the ao.ti": eou.cibMn Hunt_I',
aye. Councilman Outlaw. aye. Councilman Booth, aye; COuncibaan Van lepOel, yes;
Councilman Browning, aye; motion carried.
Hayor Piland recOlDended that Mr. Charles Kelley be the representative for
the City to the Project Review COIIIIDittee of the last Central Florida Regioaal
llotionwas made by Councilman Hunter to ratify the Hayor's appointmeat of
1Ir. Kelley to the Project !leview C~ttee of the Bast CeatralFlorida
aegioal Plaaina Coacil. SecODUd by CouncibMa Vaale,...l. Discussion.
Vote oa the motion: Counci11lan I_tel', aye; Council1Dau Outlaw. aye;
Councilman Booth, aye.Couacilman Van lepoel, yes; CouncibDan Browning,
aye; _tion carried.
Hayor Piland rec~ded the re-appointaent of Richard Allen to the Plaaning
& ZOning Board; the new appointment of James Gaviass and tile newappointllent
Betty Ia.~. these terms to expire the first Council Heetilll ia July 1976.
IIOtion was made by Councilman Booth to ratify the Hayor' s appointaeats to
the PlaaniDg & Zoning Board. Seconded by Co.eUaan'lal1 l.,.e1. Discussion.
Vote on the ..tion: Councilman Hunter, aye; CouncibDan Outlaw. aye;
Councibaan Booth. aye; Councilman Vall lepoel, yes; Councilman Br08iDg,
aye; _tion carried.
The Board of Adjustment will be meeting on the third Friday of the month
at 8 P. H.
Motion was made by Councilman Booth to instruct the Attorney to set up a
public hearing for Ordinance 110. 102. Seconded by CouncibDan Hunter.
Discussion. Vot. on the aotion' Co..U.8Il Hunter, ay.. CouneilmaR Outlaw,
aye; Councibaan Booth. aye; Councilman 'an lepoel. nO; Councilman Browniag"
aye; aotion carried.
Copies of the Mutual Aid Agre8llent are to be given to all Councihaan, and
Mayor Piland asked for an answer in reference to the insuraace to go back
to CALNO at the next meeting.
ilotift vas made by Councilman Van lepoel to repair tile old truck not to
exceed .150~JO. Seco.... by Counci1ii8ta Hunter. Discussion. Vote on the
aotion: Concilman Hunter, aye; COuncilaan Outlaw, ay.; COuncilun Booth.
aye. Councilman Van lepoel, yes; Councilman Browaing, aye; motion carried.
Bids received for trucks were as follows:
Indicott 2,683; Creamons 2,530.81, for 2-5,061.62. Jack Prosser Ford.
2180; Dick Baird Datsun 3,000 - for 2, each 2,960; J1IEly Bria. Toyota
3,188 - for two 6,377.14; these bids are to be given to Mr. Cissel for
his recammeaclations.
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Regular Session, Karch 11, 1974
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!lotion was made by Councilman Booth that we ask Hr. Herring I. office to give
us a ..itten report pertaining to the investigation concluctecl by his office
inx-eference to the violation of the Sunshine Law. Seccmclecl by Councilman
Ibl1lter. Discussion. Vote on the moti01l: Councilman Hunt.., aye; Coacilman
Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth, aye; Councilman Van Bepoel, yes; Councilman
Browning, aye; motion carried.
CouncibDan Van Bepoel gave a report of the Planning & Zoning Board
RecODDeDclations of February 28.
!lotion was made by Councilman Outlaw that the Council accept the verbal
resignation of Charles Kelley frOlR the Planning & Zoning Board. Second"
by Councilman Huater. DiscussiOll. Vote on the motiOlu Councilman Hunt..,
aye; Councilman Outlaw, aye'; Councilma1'l Booth, aye; C01l11cilma. Van Be,.el,
yes; Councilman Browning, aye; motion c&x-ried.
Hoti01l was made by Councilman Huater to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Booth.
Vote on the _tion: Councilman Hunter, aye; Councilmaa Outlaw, ~ye; COact1un
Booth, aye; Councilman Van Bepoel, yea; Councilman Bx-...i't!i;w~.._t::I.on carried.
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Mary T. N~ton,~ _,:. ff~ E
City C1erlC';' ..;., ~. ./ii.'