HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 03 04 City Council Regular Minutes
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MAaCH 4, 1974
The Iteaular S...ion of the City Council of the City of Wint.r S,d...., Flor.icla
w.. _ll.dto orel. Vic....yor Troy Pila1ld at 7:31 p... A pl.... of aUegiance
to t1\e f1.&1 ... 1eel by Co""ci1aaa David Outlaw.
'f~.....yor Troy Pilaacl, pr..ent
Attomey th.... Fr._a, pre.ent
IJ:Vin Hat.r, pr..ent
-Davicl Out law, Faa.nt
John Booth, present
Ir.ne Van B.poel, pr.sent
Hoti_..s made by CoacUaan Booth to ace.pt the r.silnation of Itoy B. )!eClain
.as"yor.f the City' of Wiat.1; Sprtaa.. Seconcle4 by Co.ei*ft. Van 1.,..1.
Dile..toa. .Vot. .. the _tie1l: CouneU_a Hat.r, aY.JCOUaeilmaA (!Jutlaw, ay.;
Oo..lI....looth, ay.. Coaci*. Va. ..,..1, yes; 1I8tioa caui.d.
Troy Pilau was sworn ia as Hayer of the City by Attorn.y Thomas Fr._a.
llayoJ.' Pilaad reeuMdthe Cou.eil He.ti.. aad opened the public hea"1nI for Calbat
....10..... eot,....ti... 1Ir. Fr......r..eI the aotie. of public heariaa that .was
,.li~ Sath. .......per. Mr. .l1b.rt Clark wa.pr..ent and lav.. a pr.sentation
ofbis.,l.uf1Jrthatar... Mr. Charle. KeU.y, ChaiDaa of the zoataaBou"
r....t.... zoatoe Board It.cne1ulatioa b. .pread upon the m.a.tes a. follows,
'1'fhe.I~c1rec....4s Council ...... the zonilla to It-LUA in li.u of PlJD, a. the
.08'___\t81yalr...thilis the oaly aoni.. suitable for the area'1 Aft.r
1IUC1I'~.s.ioa, ... pllblichearilla was eoailuded at 81H p... Council rec....d
until "OGp.., aacl Mayor PUnd caUed the Itegular S.s.ion back to order.
Hoti_ was ..de 1.1 eo_eU.an Hunter to continu. the public heariq on March 25
wi..... .laaaina.... Zoo.... Board, Council and a repres.ntative f.. the Ilanch-
1aJUls . tilaaiution. S.e...... by Ocnu1eilmaa Vaa lepo.l. Biseu..i... Vote on the
aoti..., c.-Ci1anHunt.t! *fe; COWlci*nOutlaw, no; CouncU_n Booth,llOJ
COJIRCU..an Van B.po.l, Y.J.yor 'Pilaad, ay.; motion carri.d.
HotiOn~._cl.by Couacilman Booth to approve the .iautes of February 25.
SeconW' by CouacilMn Bunt.r. Diseus.ion. Vote on th . motion:. CouneU....n. BUIlta,
aye; CoacUmaaOutlaw, ay.; Councibua Booth, aye; Councilman Vaa ..po.l, ye.;
1Il0tion earriad.
Fire" B.ecteatiOD Ileport, Coacilman Hunter r.portiq:
Couacil1l8n ]banter read. the aonthly Fu. Departmeat r.port. Coacibua Hunter
r.questeel COlmcil to consider SOM alt.rnate ...as to handle _ra_cy situations
for the Fire Depas'taent. Tile C_.ity Association has opaneel it. buildinl.
Fiunc. " Blection It.port, eoacilman. Outlaw reportinl: . .
CoUIlcilman Outlaw reported our Certificate. of Deposit total approxiat.ly$36.GGO.OO.
aa oreli_ne. is need.d to pl."'. specific taxes for the new City Ball CoIIpl... and
Couacllman Outlaw asked the Attora.y to draw one up.
Police" Health B.eport, Coacllman Booth r.potting:
Ooaci1an Booth distrib"tad copies of the Police Departlllent, Court aael An11l81
Control r.port to all CouncibDen.
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. kea. Sessi.n, Harch 4, 1974
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Plauina & Z011iaa a.,.~t, Co.UIlcilmaa Van ..,..1 re,.rtiDlI
Th. last Z011iDl B.ard H.eting was held Thursclay, Feb. 28, but no. rec:<*aenclati.ns
had been turad in yet.
Hotin was macle by Counci_n Van. E.,..l to rescind the motin .n January 16th
calU.DI fo~ the public h"~ina. Seencled byC.unci_n Gutlaw, Discussiea.V.te
on the aotien:Co\Ulci_n HUIlter, aye. Couac:ilmaa Outlaw, ay.. Councd.11Iaa looth,
aye. eoU1leilman Van lepoel, yea. motio.a carried.
H.ti.n was made by Couacilaan Van lepo.l a.kina the City Attorney to. cb:av up the
lepl notice f.r both aewspapers for a hearina befote eoU1leil a. per our z.aina
_ ordiunc:e for a public heariDl for the up-araclina from a-Wto Il-]..UA.
Secnde4 by CoUlloilman looth. Di.eu.sion. Vote 011 the motion: eo_oi_a Hunter,
ay.. C.uacilaaa Outlaw, aye; Council.an Booth, aye; Couacilmaa Vaa "poel, yes.
mot i011 carri.d.
K.ti.n was ..de by Councilaaa Huater to. instruct the Att.rney to. draft aa ....d-
..at to. Ordi_aceNo.. 44 .0. the Pla_iaa & ZbiDl I"~. shall be ~e"ire. to. It.ld
a public hearirl,g U8ir1,g the .... pr.cedure fer Ilo.tificatio.a that Co1lDOil does so.
that we caa achieve a two publio heulaa sytt. for .11 cUsp ef...i.s ami
aane.ati.u. Secoaclecl by Couacilmaa teeth. Disousioa. Vete oatlle ...i011:
Co.-1hun HUIlter, aye.CeUIlcUajll Oft.14w. aye. eo.oU.._ looth, aye;
Co.UIlCU._. Va. 1.,..1, yes. BIOtion carried.
a.ad & Iri.. a.port, May.r Pilaacl rep.rtina:
Hr. Baasen i. in the ho.pital at the pr....t time. Two applicati.as haYe be.
.uba1ttecl f.~ ..sistant ..intaunce man, one ftom Hr. David Cissel ancl one frOll
Charl.s H.lIman, Jr.
Hotion was _cIe by Counoilman Van Ee,..l to. have Hr. Cis.el fill in fer Hr.
Ban.en and Hr. Claarle. Helraaaat the part U.e rate, .whn aeU4, until Hr.
llansen return.. Seo01lcled by Couaci11lan Boo.th. Dise.nin. Yot. on the aotionl
Counoil_n Hunter, aye; Council,_n Outl_, .ye; Co_oilmaa Booth, .ye.
Co_oilman Van E.,.el, ye.. BlOtio.n carried.
Mayor's aeport, May.r Piland reporti.:
There will be a ClLNO .etina Wecine.clay niaht. Hay.r Piland thanked Hr. Kelley for
the paintinghdoaate. to. the City Ball.
Kotion was ..de by Councilman Outlaw to. instruct the Att.rneY to. take the ste,.
.s eutlinecl in his letter reaardina the Oity's recourse with Wiloe . Gr..,.
Sec.adecl by Counoilman Bo.th. Discussion. V.te oathe aotionlCouaoU.man Iluater,
aye. C.uncilman Outlaw, aye; Couacilman I..tlt, aye. C.uncilman Van .ep.el, yes J
motion carried.
Hr. Fre_n read IlEsoluti.n No.. 119 which pr.hibits a 1IlO1l.poly from advertising
in the City, etc.
H.ti.n was ..de by Counoilmaa B..th to adopt Ile..lution No. 119 as read. Seconcled
by C.uneilman Van Bepoel. Discussion. Vote 011 the aot.Ma: CouaCU._D Hunter, aye;
CoUllcilaan Outlaw, aye; C.uncil..n Bo.th, aye; Counoilman VaD lepoel, yea;
aotio.D carried.
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Replar Session, March 4, 1974
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1973-74- 20
Hr.. Fre...n read proposed OrdinalUle No. 98.
Hotion was ..de by COU'DCi11lan Booth to iastruct the Attorney to set up a puU.c
heari. for Ordiaaace No. 98. Seecmded by Couacilaan R1IIlt..Discussloa. Yote oa the
aot;ioa:Couacl111anHater, aye; Coaci_n O.tlaw, aye, Couaci11lan Booth, aye,
Councilman Yan Eepoel, yes; aotion carried.
Hr.rr..... read proposed Ordinance No. 99.
Hotloawas made by CouncUaan Outlaw to iaatruct the Attoraey to set up a ,ublic
h~ina for Ordinaace No. 99. Secondecl by Oouncilman YanE.,.e1. Disc....ioa.
Yote oa the 1i.otion: COacilaanBater, aye; Coacilaaa Outl_, aye; Counci1aan
Booth, aye; CoacUmaa Yan Bepoel, yes; _tioa carried.
Hr.. Fr....n read proposed Ordinaace No. 100.
lIotiion was ..de by coacU_n Bater to iastruct the attorn.y to set up a
public hear illS for OrdiaalUle No. 100. S.c01lded by Coacilaan Booth. Discus a ion.
Vote OR the aotion: couacilaaa Hater, aye; COUBCilma. Outlaw, ay.; COacilaa.
Booth, aye; Co_cilaaa Yan Bepoel, yes; ..tion carried.
Hotion was _de by Councilaaa Booth to table It. 16, aha""es to Dog Ordinaaces
until uxt week. Seconclecl by co\l1lcilaan Va. Eepoel. Discusion. Vote em the.tion:
CO.cilaan Huter,. aye; CO\l1lcilaan Outlaw, aye; CO\l1lcilaaa Booth, aye; Councilaaa
Va. le,..l, yes; ..tion carried.
Councilaan Yan Eepoel outlined the areas of where street liahts .are needed, and
Couacilaan Outlaw is to give a financial report if the City caa afforcl the adcliU.01I81
Hotioa was ..de by Co1mcilaan Booth to ask Hr. Jack Fulenwider of the State Attoraeyts
Office to give a c.,lete and thoroup report before COaCilas to the recent
fincU..s of his invesU.gatiem involvina the officials of our City aad the.e. facts
be_deo,.n to .the residents of this City. Secoadecl by Coaci_a Outlaw. Disc..sion.
Vote 0. the 1IOtiem: Coacilman BU_., aye; Couac:.ilaan Outlaw, aye; COUBCiJaan Booth,
ay.. Co_ci1aaa Vaa Bepoel, yes; aotion carried.
Co...ilaan Vaa lepoe1 wished it noted 1n the mnutes that she hoped Hr. Jack Fulemlider
woa1d be aore objective in presenting the ..tter than he has be.. recently.
Mayor Piland reco.aended Hr. John Daniels, 1027 Antelope Trail to theBoard of
lIotion was aade by eoacilman Van lepoel to a,poiat Hr. John Daaiels to the Board
of Acljustaeat. Seconded by Council..n Booth. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
O~ilman a_ter, aye; COU'Dcilaan Outlaw, aye. CO\l1lcilma. Booth, aye; C$)uncilaan
Va. Eepoel, yes; aotion carried.
Mayor Piland a,pointed Hr. Thomas Fre...n as City Attorney to the City of Winter
Sprinas and his law firm to act 01i our behalf.
lIotion was ..de by Councilman Booth that we ratify the Kayor's appoilltaent of Hr.
Th..s Fr..... as City Attorney. Seconded by OouDcilman Huater. Discussion. Vote
on the ..tioa: Councilaaa Bunter, aye; Counci1aan Outlaw, aye; Couacilman Booth,
aye. Counci~""an Bepoe1, no; aotion carried.
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aega1ar Session, March 4, 1974
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Motio. was _de by CouncU.an Booth to adjo... Secollded by Councilman Hater.
Motioa carried.
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aespectfu1ly sUbaitted,
111..., r ?tJ:J
Mary T. NOrton,
City Clerk