HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 02 25 City Council Regular Minutes
73-74 - 19
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FEBRUARY 25, 1974 .
The R...~rS..sion of th.City Council of theCity of Wiatu I S,rinaa, Florida
was ca11.d to orm hy Vic.....yor Troy Piland at 7s3() ,. a.' ... ,l.el.. of
a11..18... to the fla. waa led by Councilman Van E.poel.
"011 Calls
..,...~Roy HeC1ain, ahaent
yle.....,.. troy P1~~. ,res.t
Att.ruey Iclawad WOOlfolk, pres.nt
Irwin I-.t.r, ,r...nt
David ht law, ,rea.nt
John BOOtt,. pre..t
Ir.n. Van E.poel, ,r..ent
Kotlonwa. mad. by Ceuncl1_n Outlaw to approve the ainutea of F.bruary 11 a.
......d... S.c....d by Coaacil1lan lutu. Discua.ion. 'lot. on the _tions Oouc11_n
Hunter, aye; ~i1manOutlaw, aye; Council1lan Booth, aye; Counc11maa Van Bepoe1,
,ea; _tion carried.
"t~ ._a _d. by "uncil1lan Van E.poel to a,prov. the sinutes of February 18th.
S.~.d .,. .COUacibUn Outlaw. Disc.aion. 'lot. on. the _t.ions C....U...lIuntu,
ay.' .COt.alC1_n Outla., ay.; Council_n Booth, aye; CouncU..n Van E.,..l, y..;
18Ot1on catti.d.
Thr.e i..uraace b:l..ds were receiv.d and they were open.d by rinane. ~saion.r
av1d OUtlaw. ca.a-l'.tloblock's bid waa $6,023.00; PuryTerry 1118.a..b1.
_a,red_ ucl_ina f.l.. anest covua8.$6,332.00 an4total pr_l_ incl.4i.
falae ur.at cov.ra.. $6,551.00; Seminole Agency, Inc. bid waa $6,379.00 ·
.t1_ wa. ...de by CoUncilman Van E.po.l to acc.pt the low bid of CUa-&aoblock
.. ..aoclatea, Inc. SeC011Q4 by Councilman Outlaw. Disc".:l..on. 'lot. on the _tions
Couae:l..11IIUla a_tu, ay.; Counci1maa Outlaw, a,.; Counc11_a Booth, aye, Coaci1man
VDEetoel, y..; 8Otion carried.
Ik.Davis of the Wilco Group iatrocluc.d Mr. Willi_ :aaker, preaident, and a
cl18cu.sion followed. Copy of the l.tt.r he present.. is attach.d to the a1nutea.
1Iotion waa mad. by Councilman Van Eepo.l to instruct the Attorney to outline
_treeoura. the City and the R.aid.nta have in r.gard to obtainina the
od.aina1 pr_is.. S.cOlMl.d by Counc11man Booth. Discussion. 'lot. on the _t:l..on:
eo.cUlllan H.ter, ay.; Co_cil1lan Outlaw, ay.; Cosc:l..lman Booth, ay.; Councilman
Yanle,...l, yea; motion carried.
IIr'.Richard Bo.sch of Hyde Supply, Inc. was pr.aent to discus his requeat for
Kotion waa made by Council1lan Huntu that we instruct th. Attorn.y to draw up th.
a.ceasary paperwork fOJ: annexation request.d by Hr. Richard Boesch, Hy4. Supply,
Inc. pUsuant to the Kooney Bill. Seconded by Counci1ll8n Booth. Disc.aion. Vote
on the 1IIOtioas Coun4ilman Hunter, ay.; Counci1man Outlaw, ay.; Councilman Booth,
ay.. Councilman Van B.,.e1, no; motion carried.
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Rea. Session, Feb. 25, 1974
Page 2
Hot~ was made by Oouncibaan Booth .to all.ow the City Engineer to do the
eIIIt.-.ering and allow the City Oo~il to do the revieftDg and tlte City
Ena~er sulait his fincl1na8, to the Council. Seeondecl by Councibaan Van
le~l.: Discussion. Vote on the aotions Co_cilman Hunter, ayea Couacibaan
Qutll.." ayea Councibaan Booth, ayea Councilman Van lepoel, yesa motion carried.
Hotton was _de by Councilman Booth that would allow us to proceed but reC(Uire
that fiftal engmeeriDg on aay R-3 zOlling or subdivision which consists of five
or "~e _its he approved by the City_ineer.. _t,il s.. t1a6 a,s this propo.ed
or4....ce i. accepted by tlte City Council. Seconcled by COUncilman Hunter.
Bi...u8,sion. yote on the motiOn: Councilaaa Hunter, ayea Co_cilman Outlaw, ayea
Co_cUman Booth, aye; Counci1man Van lepoe1, yesa _tion carried.
The culvert on Wade Street was discussed but more infomation is needed.
Hot.So" was made by Councihlan Van lepoe1 that we allow all City .,loyees
d:ra-..:1.. m.ileage to be raised to $.15 perule. Seconclecl by Counci1manOutlaw.
DisC;~.ion. Vote on the _tions Councilman BUllter, aye; Oouncibaan Gut law, ayea
Co_-=ihlaa Booth, noa Councilman Van lepoe1, yesa motion carried.
Hoti" was made by Councilman Van Bepoe1 to have IIr. Pi1ancl ask for bids from.
1apcJJ'tdea1ers for one truck. for twO trucks and also a aood used truck.
Sec.,_ by Co-.cibaanBooth. Discu.sion. Vote on the motiout Counci1llan Bunter,
aya. e018'aCi1llan Outlaw, aye; CouncilUn Booth, ayea Councilman Van lepoel, yes;
aotioa carried.
lIoU.. was made by Councilman Bunter to accept the resignation of Hr. He1 Campbell,
wiuregrets, from. the Board of Adjustaent effective February 12, 1914. Seconded by
CoWC~lman Booth. DisCHSion. Vote OIl the _tion: Councilman B_ter, aye;
Cousaeilman Outlaw, aye; Councilman Booth, aye; Counci1llan Van lepoel, yes;
aotlOa carried.
Hoti_ was made by Councilman Booth totable It. 12, Sec. 4.11. Vote on the
mot1on:Counci1aan Hunter, aye.; Counci1aaa Outlaw, ayea Co_cilman BOoth, aye;
Co_il... Van lepoe1, yesa aotion carried.
Co...ilm.an Van lepoel requested spread upon the minutes the fact that Hr.
Th__s G. Fre_n is the attorney of record representing Hrs. Baker civil suit
Councilman Piland and Councilman Vaa lepoe1 met on Friclay to determine the
roael' to be _iatamed by the County, aad this infonation will be sent to tlte County.
Councilman Van lepoel read the letter from Chief Govoruhk regarding the closing
of lto.. Road.
CoUDCilman Van le,.e1 has a list of street light locations which is to be given
to Council for their review.
Couneilman Hunter will present4 a plan of what the citizens will do with their
clean-up project a1:ound the lake at the Recreation area on N. Ida~n Ave.
...... II ".....,. <
Reg. Session, Feb. 25, 1974
Page l'
Motlon was maele by Councilman BUIlt.. that. C...cU..n Outlaw becluipated as
the City's repreaentatiye at the County ec.u..sion Meeti... on Monday, lfarch 4,
to~press the City' a Yiewpoint on the C.,rehensive Lau Plaa1lUl& leaislation.
..,.cIecl by COUllci1.1laa Booth. Discussion. Vote on the aotion: Counci1.1lan ItUllter,
.,.., Co1mcl1.11an Outlaw, aye; Co~i1.1lan Booth, ay.; Councl1..n Van B.poel, yes;
UlOt:lon carried.
Kotlon was maele by Couaci1.1lan Van Bepo.l to aelopt r.solution No. 118 (regareliaa
S~.B.ll t.l.phone Co.). Seconc1.d by Councilman .Outlaw. 1)18cUS8ion. Vote
on .~e _tion: COUllcilman INat.r, aye; Counci1.1lan Outlaw, aye. Councilman Booth,
ay., Counci1.1lan Van lepoel, y.s. motion carri.el.
Mot~on was mael. by Councu...n Van Eepoel to instruct the Attorney to prepare
arllSolution ,roh1bit1na a IIOnopoly or aclualye francbiaefrOlll anertisiac
wltllin the juriseliction o. saiel monopoly orfrauchise anel paseil1l on the cost
ofauch. aely.rtisiac to the c1lStomers or con8-.r. in the area. ..conelecl by
C._cilman Booth. Discus.ion. Vote on the motion: COUnci1.1la1t. Bat.r, ay.;
c.ujacilman Outlaw, ay.; Counlilman Booth, aye; Counci1.1lan Van lepoel, yes;
..tlon: carrieel.
..t,,011 was ..el. by Councilman Outlaw to aeljourn. S.contleel by Councilman
aunter. Motion carri.d."'.......
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Mary T.. lJPS'to~ '"'~ f;:; .~.
City CtUk ~c '.... .,";: