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1972 05 01 Regular
"~~""-'-~,~ ...... F"!W'F'i.!'(~i't'lO.;~t;'....;,\ "~u",,""~..,,~JPiJl;!...",; T~F- ~r'"'''~'''':''' . ~ e e . ApIfU. fI, J912 . . HolUlJUlbLc. *1/04 8Jt.own 4Kd Coc.ute.U 06 Noltith 01llmu10 NoJLtlr. 01llmu1o,Fl.DJUda. Guttemuu Tilt. VUl4gt. P.l.4Ml.IIg lU1d Zoning B04lU1 wa4 CAUed .to 0.tdeJt. At , p.ltt OK ApJcJ.L 21*912 IAll.tJ& 6.Lvf. ....be..u p.u6fJ&t, CCMWt. Fox ~fJ&t,by CItIun. P4bneJL. I. Re.quut by Ak. LUK Ht.dJU.c.k., ILe.pItUe.ntat.iVf. 60IL Ak. AU4Il Pyl.e.. to UC!4vatf. l.4Itd tollClkf. 4 60114 (40) 'ClCM. .take., plf.DptAty .t.DC4Itul. hi tile. Noltth. OIChuldo R4II.Ch.u, St.4. .5" adJa.ee.n:t. to Sho4e. Road, TI&.l.6 p.t4Mcd ,\e.e1tcaUoll plUJjut to be. ~ hi tM.e.f. (3) f/CJVlII 4t&d tkf.Il twuwi OVeJt. U & cJ.ty. Th.U u- qu&6t MW tablul CUId Att. He.d1r.idL ~ adv..L6u1. to p.uafJ&t It.U .\e.quut br. tile. '0.... 06 4 ~ fAU..tIl ~pf.eL~ p.taJu 60IL tIt.U plUJpcUy. 2. AMCutioK cwt R..' Zoning ela4~.L6uatloll '\e.quut by Ak. UOWK s.u.veJt. '011. pItDpWty .t.DC4tfJJ. Lot 16, B.t.Dc.k V 06 V.R.M.U4h.t.U. SCLJLve.fI 0' Lf.vy GJuu1.t .\1.- c.o.tde4 hi plAt booll. " pdgf. 5, 0' SemlMLe. COCUIty,FtoJW:I4. Tile. BocvuL .It.I.4CMIIt.neU thAt CoW&eLt a.ppItDVf. aMU4tioK '4Ild R-3 zon.Utg c.l4u.L~- CAtLoK 60;\ ~ pIlDpfJtty. 3. UJr.. Roy V. UdcUc.Dtt'~ IL&quut 60,\ R.3 Zonblg Cl46.6.L6.lCAtloIl '0,\ hJ.J, pJI..opf./&ty, 1ocM.ad At Lot 55, Blk V, 06 tile. V.R.M.U4h.t.U. SUIW&y 06& Ltvy GIuuIt,plAt book I, pdQ e. 5, SfIIt.lMLe. Cou.nt.y, F 101tJ..d4, ... dtAl.e.d bfl & BoaN.l 44 IUI ltpe.c.i~ p.t.4K6 60.\ dc.velo,.e.nt weA.e. g.Lvu. TIte. BoaN.l'~ ~~ MW butJu.L4Ud to ~o a.dv..L6c. Iok. UcI.dl4Ott. by tetteA.. ........ 4. W.u..tvL S"..w.g~, UM.t2- Sep.t.ie TanIt.,UM.t 3-Sep.t.ie T~ 4Ild unU 4-WatuL S SewelL. Till. Bow UCOMnW .t:h4t Cowac..U applLOVf. tkue. pl.aA6 44 plLUfJIte.d. S. Tile. BOM.d beg4ll IOOJIJl 'Oil 4D11tb.l.M.ngOJuLi.lwaee. 4~, 51, tUId 56 .iJt,to Olll. c.DJnpUIwl- ~.LVc. OJuLi.lwaee. 44 wJ.U. bf. wouul. Oil 'CLII.tIleJt. At tILe. Kut me.eting. RU _~_____._._.._. _.::ifW~i~.E~~._._~.__._ \ ~ ~5P-~_______...__._..____ e e . 0 . · <::7Jt~ / ~ I 7 7.J- ~/.~~ /i-nv. <:::::L'. II .17. /J I. C;:Jj . A~ 1 ~ ~I ~~r~, ,I 0 a:v. . ~~~ v~ .~ ~--li ~~ ~ir'J~~ f/Jm~ ~~ ____~:;;=;'4.j.~1-~->'j~:~"~ --' -~"~.- . t~'~.~_"7"':'.."""-:<:~:.gs;,'f""-j-r;:"-".- . . .~. '~-1?:~~~~':'~f_>-:':;-'~;>~")"Yr'4-"!'~}~~~~:;e:~~_"r~;~~i.-1J:;, . Billa pre.ented tor Approval 5/1/72: BkY Sunoeo Service, Inc. (Fire D,pt.) Mixon Auto Parts (Plre Dept.) Harr7 J. Pi ttaan l"l..lngo Spring Water Co. Engel's (Pollee Dept.) (Reimbursed $75.00 tramCadet Program) Bill Morrl. tiongwood Auto SUpp17 (Pollee Dept.) H & V SUnoeo Servlee (Pol10. Dept.) Mixon Auto Part. (Pol1ce Dept.) Robert 'fi. Kramer Plorlda !'r.nd s..1nole Count,. Rabies Control SveeDe,.'. Otflce Suppl1e. Cas.-XDoblook & ...001ate.,Ine. Total B111. - General Fund Road & Brldge Fund: H & W SURoee S.rvloe,Ino. XenBed7 Tractor Co. !etal Bill. - R&S Pund ,.~ _ . _~p'i"-",;r_;'::-'j~A:-;.i.;j;,:~:'_-' ',;;;r,~~i$Y,?:'-1It)f.''!~\".,1?!!T;/:;)~ e 1$.71 11.80 33.60 IS.oo 100.10 18.00 11.13 251.31 6.10 50.00 11.00 67.00 16.18 248.'00 855.53 15.96 ~ 173.83 . I 3 (...'7 >" ~ o 7,of{ l?ft~ ~ ~~, ~