HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 04 03 Village Council Reorganizational MinutesRBORGANIZATIONAL MEETING
APRIL 3s 1972
The Reorganizational Meeting of the Village Couneil was called
to order by Mayor Brown at 9:17 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Brown, pro sent
Attorney Thomas Freeman, present
James Sasser, present
Victor Miller, present
Troy Piland, present
HerbertFox, presett
Charles Rowell, present
Vote for the Vice -Mayor:
Three votes were received for Councilman Rowell and two votes
for Councilman Piland.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox that Mr. Charles Rowell
serve as Vice -Mayor for the Village of North Orlando. Seconded
by Councilman Miller. Discussion. Motion carried.
Coaaaittee Appointmentst
The Village has doubled its size, income and expenses, and
officials responsibilities in the last twelve months. The
Councilmen appointed as Commissioners of the Departments are
charged for the responsibility of that Department operating
Commissioner Appointments:
Health & Recreation - James Sasser Asst. Troy Piland
Finance and Election - Victor Miller a Herbert Fox
Zoning and Industrial - Herbert Fox " Charles Rowell
Road and Bridge-dharles Rowell " James Sasser
Police and Fire - Troy Piland '! Victor Miller
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we do not accept the
recommendation of the Mayor for Commissioner Appointments.
Seconded by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Roll Call Vote on the
notion; Rowell, aye; Miller, no; Fox, aye; Sasser, no; Piland,
no; two ayes, three nos; motion failed.
A motion was made by Councilman Miller that the Commissioner
Appointments recommended by Mayor Brown to the Council be
appointed. Seconded by Councilman. Piland. Discussion. Roll
Call Vote on the motion; Howell, no; Miller, -yes; Fox, no;
gasser, yes; Piland, yes. Motion carried. The appointments
Reorgani$ational Meeting, Apri 1 3, 1972 Page 2
Administration Appointmentas
Attorney and Judge - Thomas G. Freedman
Police Chief - Walter Bachelor
Clerk & Treasurer - Mary H orbon
Building Inspector - dames Palmer
Engineer - Cal Conklin, Clark Dietz & Associates.
A motion was made by Councilman Miller to accept the Administration
Appointments of Mayor Brown. Seconded by Councilman Sasser.
Discussion. Motion carried.
Florida Land C anyto request for engineering approval of
Sections 3, 4,and 6 of the Terraces:
Cal Conklin am anted on the items he had reviewed and most
items have been resolved. A drainage easement was needed SamUst
east of the development in the area of the sewerage treatment
plant and on down Glee Creek. Mr. Conklin also mentioned that
the water plant was approaching its capacity and if we continue
to approve additional connections we are not going to be able
to meet the requirements of the fire flow. There should be
steps taken to provide additional capacity. Florida Land does
have plans to do that, and they should give some assurances
that by a certain time this plant will be available.
r -
The Lombardy ditch is an existing ditch that runs east and west.
Fla. Land is planning to widen and enlarge it to carry the water.
They have agreed to provide a maintenance strip, and if the ditch
is to remain the fence is needed. It is only a question of
whether it is to remain as an open ditch..
Mr. Reed siid there was no recorded easement, so they are drawing
up the necessary documents and will show them to our Attorney when
Well number three which is located in the Terrace area is com-
pleted and the capacity will be 1500 residential units, and should
be totally completed the latter part of duly, and in the Highlands
there will be a station with a capacity of 3,000 residential
units. Prior to any occupancy these plants will be completed.
Mr. Reed said hewould be glad to give the Council a letter of
reassurance to that effect.
A motion was made by Councilman Miller that the Zoning Board
does not recommend to the Council any piece of p roperty.that
has an open drainage ditch anywhere near it unless the
developers are willing to pipe it. fteonded by Councilman
Sasser. Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Piland to approve the engineer -
Ing plans on Sections 3, 4, 5 and b of the Terraces. Seconded
by Councilman Sasser. Discussion. Motion carried.
Reorganization al Meeting, April 3, 1972
e Page 3
Meadowlark - Final Approvals
It was back in January that Meadowlark Unit I came in for
approval. At that time they had a concept of the drainage
for the overall area. The Council at that time gave tentative
of Meadowlark Unit I pending the solution and firm engineering
the drainage problem.
Now they are proposing making a temporary swail through the
thirty acres, and at the time Mr. Jordan can develop the thirty
acres they will pipe the whole area to Sherry Avenue.
A notion was made by Councilman Fox to table Meadowlark until
the neat Workshop Session on April 10th. Seconded by Council-
man Rowell. Discussion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we appoint Howard
Allard to the Zoning Board to replace Frank Sutera. Seconded
by Councilman Miller. Discussion. Motion carried.
A notion was made by Councilman Piland that we appoint Ralph
Johnson to the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman
Fox. Discussion. Motion carried.
Mayor Brown said the Charter is on the Governor's Desk.
A motion was made by Councilman Miller to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Councilman Fox. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Norton., Clerk
/11 s Mayor
Granville �"