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Barbara Ann Christensen
226 Ellsworth
Altamonte Spring s, Fla. 32701
Octo be r 8, 197 1
Honorable Granville Brown, Mayor
Board of Councilmen
City of North Orlando
North Orlando, Florida
As a large property owner in North Orlando Ranches of Lots
4,5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19, abutting a small lake, and
representing all of the other property owners whose lots abut the
lake, we would like permission to clean out and deepen the lake,
to remove the grass, muck, weeds and sand to a reasonable depth
to maintain water throughout the year.
This will eliminate snakes, mosquitoes and other undesirable
alien creatures from this area, and increase the value of our
property, thus upgrading the area. Some years ago, a dragline
cleaned an outline of the lake, and threw the dirt back up on the
lots. This established a clear outline of the lake, and while
cleaning out this lake, we will stay within that established line.
Since this lake is still not named, I would like to suggest
naming the lake after the new proposed golf course in North
Orlando, Lake Sheoah, in honor of Florida Land Company, who
is doing so much in the area.
I would appreciate any other suggestions and help in this
Barbara Christensen
Encl. - map of area
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I re"ectf'lly ~e~le~t to be n1"1.ced on th8 'l~end"1. of the Octo~er 11,1971 ~eet;~~ of
t'l-te 'Jorth Or'. -J.~io;: ty'>nn~ 1 met: !If;'.
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October 11, 1971
Mayor and councilmen of North Orlando
Village Jiall
North Orlando, Fla. ;2707
We, citizens of the United states of America, residents of the
state of Florida, uounty of Seminole, village of North Orlando,
do hereby reaffirm our constitutional right to freedom of speech
It is regrettable that the citizens of a community cannot express
their opinion without having their freedom of expression challenged.
we shall not be intimedated and/or abused, and shall continue to
exercise this privilege!
yage 2 continued
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Page 3 continued
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He, the ~orth Orl '3.niO Con1l'1ni ty '\88001. '3.tion, intend to b'111d 3, co-nm-m; 1;.)
reore' t' on,l oenter to be ',eed by the ree'dent,. of ,ll 'ge", for . 00' ,1
g3,ther' ng"" '3.nd oomnni ty "ot.i vi ties.
The b', Hd' n, ,,'.ll be ~ v-onry con ctr'loted ".i th , fh t roof, ~'n e "d roof
overh-mg. The ovenll dineneione of the b",lding wi'l be 40 feet by ~O feet
with 2500 cq. ft. of floor co,oe, exclucive of the kitohen ,nd rectrooD
f,oilitiec. The ctruoture will be supported vertio,lly every 12 feet by
a.,red concerte oolu~n.. Con.t~otion will be in ,ooord.noe .ith the Southern
~li1ding Cole 1969 ~1dition.
. He recue:-t the per:nis8ion of the oOllnGi1 to constr'lot the Cou'll'mity
Center on the city':- 12 '3.ore reore'1tion'11 l'1nd.
tn t.rn the Co~.unity ~c.oc.,tlon 'gree to dedio.te the propoRed b,.lding
t. the 'Ii lb,e of !'lorth Orhnio. """ther, we ,gree to oon.tnot the .hell
'1nd roof within 1 ye'1r of the oO:lnoi1'c ~pprov'11 of the Fite loc"tion.
The COl1'll'lU;.ty \"f'OO ~tion ~lco re:,:\ueFt<' th'1t it be '3.110"ed to le'l,Ce,
opente .nd Hlnh'n the propoced b ,Eding .t ,n ,~o'mt to be ,greed upon
by the City '1n:l CO'llll'mity \ssOoi~tion.
October 4, 1971
Mayor Brown
Village Hall
1 N. Fairfax Ave.
North Orlando, Fla.
Dear Mayor Brown:
As spokesman for the group of .North Orlando residents
who sent you the recent letter which has caused so much
con troversy, may I re spect.fully reque st, that time be
allotted us on your next agenda.
May we also request that this time be allotted last on
the agenda, as many of our number are either going to
school or working late and would like to attend this
Thank you for your time and consideration.
, t.~r
141 N. Devon
North Orlando, Fla.
Oct. 11, 1971
Mayor Granville Brown
Village Hall
1 N. Fairfax Ave.
North Orlando~ Fla. 32707
Dear Mayor Brown:
As interested residents of North Orlando~ we would like to voice
our approval of your recent action. We concur that a Police
force the size of ours has no need for "Figure Head" officers.
In our daily association wi~h Patrolman Scott Kenneth, we have
found him to be a fine dedicated officer of the law. However,
we feel that he may serve us with as much authority in his present
capacity as patrolman, as he could as sergeant. His relatively
short employment period also affects our opinion.
It is our understanding that this matter is to be brought up again.
We would like the peoples view on this matter to be known. By
our signatures below we voice our disapproval of this promotion
at this time.
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Oci.obeJl. 1, 1971
. .
/fkn;ox and CLty. C oUJ1.Cilmen
CLty. ot NoJdh. UlC1.ando, FlolLida
Dealt SiM:
A-1 you all kww / l/JCL6 one ot the -1iJ;Jn.e1to ot the le1:.i.2.Jr. :to t11ayolt BlWWn in
~ :to Po.lU::.e Olf.i.cex S. Ke.nndh. pMmozwn :to the :ti.:tle ot S~.
/ -1hould 1.J..ke :to explain fTl1J ~ M :to ~ i.i.:f.J.e6 :to anyone in a
-1mall fXJ.lU::.e d.ep:vdmeni:..
FiMt, fTlO.IJ / -1tak., / -1iand back ot the roUCE IJ[PliRTI4:NT 100 % and will
gLve :ilwn fTl1J f-u.lieot coopeNdi..on ai:. an1Ji:i-m.e. / believe all ot ill2. fXJ.lU::.e
peMonnel aJfR.. doi.Ju; an ouhdandi.IUJ job {.olt the ci.1.y. and -1hould be com-
p.li.mRn:i.ed. And m.aIJ / ex:Wui mine.
/ am f.ami.1.J-a;t will the wo~ ot a MuJ.1.1 fXJ.lU::.e depa;ci:men:l h.aJI i..ru; been
af./i1i-a1:.ed will the Lo1UJ1>>ood 'PoLLee Dept. {.ox 16 tptd. D~ ilw-1e yeaJCLJ
-1eAVed M Radio DiApa:I:duvt, De6k Ci.eM., Cowd Ci.eM., ttJa:bwn, M-1iAian:.t
will juve.rU.-le6 and alAo Mad WOM.. While iluvr.e -1(]lJ) :i:/w;t d.epa;ci:men:l develope
00m one man :to nine emplolJee6. / woM.ed will the :ti.:tle ot Poli.a!. Woman
{.olt -1ix ~ bef.olte becorni..ruJ a -1eNJ-ean:t.
/ believe i.i.:f.J.e6 in a -1mall depcvri:meni:. aJfR.. not ~-1alUJ, !wweVeJl., ih..~
fTlO.IJ h.elp i.n.iii..a:ti..ve. To me ih..efJ -1hould come when peMonnel i..n.c.Ju!.Me6 and
ufXJn pltOvi..ru; 0ne6 decl.ic.a:tion :to fXJ.lU::.e WOM.. Thai:. iA fTl1J teeLi.ruJ M :to
i.i.:f.J.e6 and whfJ / -1igned :i:/w;t 1e:lieJr.. T Jr1.Mt ih..iA will explain :to all ot
'Iou <Jenil.2men fTl1J aHil.ude in Ite : To T i..i:1.eA.
We aJfR.. a <}ltOWi..ru; ci.1.y. and will be -1uf/-eJtiru; ~ majox pMbletM in the
comi..ru; mo~. Let u/., aLlwoM. :to<;efh.e.x,
S i.nc.eJu?1.Jj,