HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 09 27 Regular
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SEPTEMBER 27, 1971
The Regular Session ot the Village Council ot the Village of North Orlando,
Plorida was called to order by Hayor Brown at 7 :31 p.m. A Pledge ot
Allegianoe to the flag was led by Councilman Piland.
Roll Call:
Hayor Granville Brown, present
Vice-Hayor Charles Rowell, present
Attorney Thom.as Freeman, present
Troy Piland, present
Winton Hurt, present
Herbert Fox, present
Charles Kelley, present
Oouncilman Piland read the letter ot resignation of Humane Officer,
Bruce Dean.
A motion was made by Counoilman Piland to accept the resignation of
Bruce Dean effective September 26, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Hurt.
Discussion. Motion carries.
Mr. Harry Pittman, 40 H. Cortez Avenue was introduced to the Council. Mr.
Pittman was interested in becoming Humane Officer tor the Village.
A motion was made by Councilman Piland that we hire Mr. Pittman under the
"....--me conditions that we hired Mr. Dean: $1.50 per dog, $5.00 per rabid
gs and $.10 per mile for the use of his car, effective this date.
~econded by Councilman Kelley. Discussion. Motion carries.
There waa a discussion of the proposed charter and the end result was the
charter was adopted.
Garbage Collection:
A motion waa made by Councilman Kelley that the Mayor contact H & 11 Refuse
Service and set hours no earlier than 6:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. at night.
Seconded by Counoilman Piland. Discussion. Hotion carries.
Oouncilman Rowell read a letter he received from a resident and his answer
to that letter, both ot Which are attached.
Amotion was made b1 Councilman Kelley to adjourn the meeting. Seconded
'b7 Oouncilman Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
Respeotfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton, Olerk
September 21, 1971
Gou.ncilman Charles Rowell
5 Algiers
l~orth Orlando. Fla. 32701
:Dear Councilman Rowell&
It h,.lS come to my attention, by people who were present at the
Monday september 20, City council meeting, that you snowed extreme
displeasure towards the people who "dared" to show interest in
their Village affairs.
May I ass~re you that the people who signed the letter pertaining
to Fatroleman Kenneth's promotion, most de:fin'''~ely were l~orth
Orlando residents!
It is beyond my comprehension -that you, an elected official of the
people, have reacted in such a manner. We certaInly do not expect
you to jump, just beoause we have expressed our opinion on this
or any other matter. However, we do expect you to at least weigh
the opinion of the people who have put you in offioe to represent
If you have any further question, as to who ciroulated this letter,
you may feel free to eon tact me or ~lY other person who signed the
letter. fe all live in North orlando and are not hard to find.
In closing mt:l,y I remind you, THIS IS OUR CITY TOO!! r We intend to
stay intrested in Village affairs, after all eleotion time is not
that far off.
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141 N. Fairfax Ave.
Horth Orlando, :Fla. 32707
co: Mayor Granville Brown
Mrs. Mary Ami Campbell
september 27, 1971
MrS. Vicki C. Baker
141 N. Fairfax Avenue
North orlando, Flori.cla
Dear Mr8. Baker:
'!'his will acknoWledge and t.ha.n1t you for your letter of sep1:-.ber 21, 1971.
It is ~ a p1eUUft to know that such a relatively nwcaraer sud1 as
you, having 11". in NOrth orla*lo only .!.Dee on or aDout Much of this
year, and ODe who is DCJt even eligible to vote, haS such an intereSt in
Village affain.
However, I beUAwe it. would behoove you to at;t.eft:l councU meetingS, rather
t:ban to rely on hearSaY- to pr0cee4int;Ja. You 1It.a1:84 in your let:ter that
it had caDa to your attent.ion by people _0 were preeeDt. that. I showed
ttext;remeu 4ispleaSure t:otru:4 thOll8 who "aarea. shOIf ~ in Villaqe
Firat, I WOJ.14 like to aay that the tenor of your letter placeS me, at
least in yC7d% opinion.I of bein9 on trial. May I po1l* out to you that
hearsay evidence is DOt. a4viaab1e, thUlt heM can you be sure as to what
bappe..- if you were not in a~.
Yes, MrS. JJak.er, I am an elected official, elec::'ted by 'ffItJl fellow citiJle1\S,
and I would like 1:0 adcl that. of the 23 names which ai9ft8Cl tb8 letter of
septemhAr 17, 1971 to Mayor BrOWn, only 4 actually vot*l at. 'the last
election and 1:hat of those 23 .... 2 axe not even reatJ!ent8 of this
I have been a resi4eJlt since May of 1959 an! have been invo1ve4 in
calIIlUnity affain since lIhorUy after I racwecI t.o North orlando. I have
been a past pr:esicl4mt of the Civic AsSoCiation, an officer of the North
orlardo Pire DepU."tDl8Dt., haft been a CouDCilDan for over 6 years, ana. am
pr..ant.ly ....in9 'IIl'./ seccm4 teJ:m as Vice Mayor. I haW been illY01wd as
coach, ~ and prcmoter of Little r...eeque in North or1a!l40 for 'the
past 8 or 9 years. 'fherefore, I believe that. I am, pUbapt, more qualified
than at leUt thoee 19 aignatu%'eS of yfN% letter who 414 not vote as to
how best 1:'.0 ha.n4le village affairs. -
I, however # 40 not ~ 'the apparent furor that the recent. procee4iD98
relative to ....iJ19 a very. fina, highly quaUfie4 police officer, to the:
post of sergeant, a1:'. no iDcreaae in salary.
I feel that as long as this maD .is willin; to serve at vbat you must a,cJr"
is a non cal()8titive aa.laJ:y then it should matter little to aDyone, wbe1:her
he is called a qua:r4, a pat:rolman, a po1iceman, or a sergeant.
Yes MrS. Baker, all of you who siqned the letter live in North orlando
except. ~. 'l'b.1s ill your city and when you have lived here long' enouqh
to be eliqible to vote, you may exercise that pxivilege in vot.inc;J for,
or against me or any other pcu:son you. choose. In the meantiDle however,
I would solicit yo:rr help and cooperation in leavinc;J the reins of your
local q~nnant in the hands of those who were elected by those who
cared enou9h to vote.n
~~ ~~C/(__
councilman and Vice Mayor
Village of North orlando, Plorida
cc: His Honor Granville Brown, Mayor
Mrs. Mary Ann Call\pbell