HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 12 06 Village Council Regular MinutesREGULAR SESSION
_.DECEMBER 6, 1971
The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida was called to order by Mayor Brown at 7:32
p.m. A pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mr. Freeman.
Roll Call; Councilmen:
Mayor Granville Brown, present Troy Piland, present
Attorney Thanas Freeman, present W. R. Hart, present
Vic® Mayor Charles Rowell, present Herbert Fox, present
Charles Kelley, present
The Council Meeting was recessed and the Public Hearing was
opened to change the zoning of Al Schaeterts land from R-1 to
P.U.D. Mr. Freeman read the notice of public hearing that was
published in the Sanford Herald.
No one came to speak against this change in zoning.
Mayor Brown closed the public hearing 7:38 p.m., and reconvened
the Council Meeting.
rA motion was made by Councilman Kelley to change the zoning
classification on Al Schachter ' s 100 acre tract of land from
R-1 to P.U.D., in accordance with the plans submitted for the
area. Seconded by Councilman Rowell. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Councilman Fox to accept the minutes of
November 22, 1971. seconded by Councilman Kelley. Discussion.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to accept the minutes of
November 29, 1971 as written. Seconded by Councilman Fox.
Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Hurt to pay the bills. seconded
by Councilman Piland, Discussion. Motion carries.
Finance Report, Mr. Fox reporting;
Councilman Fox read the monthly finance report as follows. -
Balance, General Fund, October 31, 1971 $ 3,278.55
Deposits i
63 8
Checks Drams , 3 1.89
Balance, General Fund, November 30, 1971 $3$410-14
Page 2
Dec. 6, 1975 coat. -
Road & Bridge Fund, October 31, 1971
Balance 86
Checks Drawn 99.12
Balance Road & Bridgeand N562.05
Funds November 30,19?1 $ 1,?C'1:4t3
Certificates of Deposit:
One Certificate for the Building Fund 2011.94
One Certificate for the Building Fund 556.6o
One Certificate for the General Fund 2 000.00
Total Amount in Certificates of Deposit , O
Health & Recreation Report, Mr. Piland regortin_:
so recreation report as It will De taken up on the
agenda. There have been complaints about garbage pickups,
and Mr. Piland will check this out.
Road & Bride R ort Mr. Hurt re ortin :
r, Hurt TWjced Mr. Reed or Worlda Land Company for putting
clay on the roads. Most roads are in good condition, Mr.
Han sen,the maintenance man, is doing a good job.
�- A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that the Road & Bridge
Commissioner sake a surrey of the signs necessary in the Village
to order. Seconded by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we turn on eight
lights (every other one) from Village Limits to Highway 17f92.
Seconded by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
Zoning & Industrial Report, Mr. Kelley reporting:
Mr. Kelley diacuss®d^It mI an e a ac a recommendation from
the Zoning Board, recommending the Council accept the plans for
the lighting of Winter Springs bait II. As Mr, Goodman hopes
to attain a rustic atmosphere it was decided that seventeen
lights would be sufficient.
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley that we accept Winter
Springs plan utilizing 17 lights with locations as shown on the
plan submitted. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion.
Motion carries.
Mr. Kelley suggested that the city stamp be put on all plats
approved by the Council.
The second recommendation from the Board was that Calbert
Construction Company is in violation of Ordinance #50, page 14,
Section II, paragraph 2. Mr. Kelley stated because of the poor
drainage, poor workmanship he feels the Village should take
whatever legal means necessary to prevent Calbert Construction
Co. from selling any houses until they bring the buildings up
to a good standard.
Page 3
. Dec. 6, 1971 eort.o.
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley to take whatever means
necessary to get this problem corrected. Seconded by Councilman
Fox. Discussion. Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we interview Harry
Byers for a part-time building inspector on a fee basis or any-
one else who is qualified. Seconded by- Councilman Fox. Roll
Call vote: Councilman Rowell, aye; Councilman Kelley aye;
Councilman Fox, aye; Councilman Hurt, no; Councilman Filand,
no; motion carries.
Police & Fire Re ort Mr. Rowell r ortin :
Gourclimar Rowell read the monthly police and fire reports.
The Fire -Department requested permission to have a Christmas
parade on December 19s 1971•
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we authorize the
Fire Department to have a Christmas parade in the Village of
?forth Orlando and allow them to use three trucks. Seconded
by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries.
Ma ort s ReportReporty Mayor Brown reporting. -
Mayor .Brown said he roe in the Christmas Parade in Sanford and
it was very nice. Western Land has sent invitations for a dinner at
the House of Steak in Sanford, Tuesday, December 7th, and after-
wards they will make a presentation of Hacienda Village.
A letter has been received from Mr. Logan Browning, Fiscal agent;
he will be here the 8th and 9th of December.
A letter has been received from David Farr, County Planner,
listing all public hearings for the month, copies to be given to
all Councilmen.
Insurance specifications need updating, and this will be
discussed at our Workshop Meeting, December 13.
Mr. Piland made a presentation of the preliminary plans for the
Recreation Area which were drawn up by Schweitzer and Associates,
architects. Mr. Piland has worked with Nolan Reed of Florida
Lend Company and Mr. John Hall, of Florida Land Company, and this
is what Schweitzer & Associates have come up with. If this plan
is accepted they will come up with a finalized daawing. If we
get involved with federal fonds we will have to have an over-all
plan. Mr. Piland said he would like to get the existing facilities
such as the ball field, shuffleboard courts operational. All
Councilmen showed their approval, and finalized plans should be
coming shortly. Mr. Hall said Schweitzer & Associates have offered
their services to the Village and the Community Association, and
if anyone wanted to meet with them, he would make the arrangements.
Meadowlark Unit I, Clifford Jordan speaking:
Mr. Jordan discussed Meadowlark Unit I; 204 additional units are
to be built. They will be built over a period of one year, and
it will be a modern development in every respect. Mr. Jordan
said they intend to meet all the requirements of the subdivision
Page k.,
Dec. 1971, cant,:
regulations plus regulations as set by FEA. They have one of the
finest engineering companies in Central Florida, OtNeil & Associates;
the project has not been done on a cost basis, it is being done
on what should be done. We have asked the engineer to design an
overall northern wide drainage area.
Then Mr. Mike Alexatos discussed the drainage problem. He said
when Meadowlark Unit 1 was first discussed with the Zoning Board
it became apparent of the problem of what to do with the water.
They dontt believe any pipe will take care of that amount of
water. Bob Mullin of O'Neil A Associates presented a drawing
of their plans. Mr. Alexatos stated they would pipe all that is
required down stream of the project. An open canal, 40t wide,
is to be installed along Highway 419 to take care of this
drainage problem. This is to be discussed at our Workshop
Meeting of December 200 with Cal Conklin, Village Engineer, present.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox to adjourn. Seconded by
Councilman Hurt. Motion carries.
i i .
Respectfully submitted,
,va tg %'
Mary T. Norton, Clerk
December 6,1971
Honorable Mayor Brown and
Council of North Orlando
North Orlando, Florida
The Village Planning and Zoning Board meeting of December 2,1971
was called to order with all members present.
I.Winter Springs Unit II -Lighting
The Board recommends that the Council accept the plans for the
lighting of Winter Springs Unit 11 Lighting (22 lights and locations)
as submitted. 17
2.The Board calls to the attention of Council that Colbett Construction
Company, owner Albert Clark III, is in violation of Ordinance 50,
page 14, Section 11, pa raph 2.
Respeltiv;ly submi ed:
Bills Presented For Approval 11/6/71.:
Seminole County Rabies Control_ 67-50
Engel i s (Police Dept.)
Engel ' s (Police Dept.) 50.30
Police Chief Bachelor Rome Telephone Bill 26.34
Jack Prosser Ford (Police Dept.) 62.17
The Sanford Hemal d (Police Dept.) 7.92
Sentinel. Star (Police Dept.) 20.79
City of Casselberry (office) 40.00
Flamingo Springs Water Co. 8.70
Fairchild Prdduete Corp.(Poliee Dept.) 9.30
H & W Sunoco (Police Dept.) 185.33
H & W Sunoco (Fire Dept.) 18.29
Total Bills - General Fund 502.64
Road & Bridge Fund:
Mebane Oil Co. 8.67
H g W Sunoco (R&B) 3
Total. Bills - Road & Bridge Fund 44.66
Buil ditg
Mayor Clifford Jordar resigned. David G. Tilsor
16 220,500-
Police Chief Lyors resigned. Mairterarce Mar
16 216,700.
New police chief, Walter Bachelor, appointed.
21 307,200.
New Mayor, Granville Brown, sworn in. Charles
Re1_ley, Charles Rowell, Troy Piland and Herbert
Fox sworn in as Councilmen. Council will. hold
meetings on the 1st & 3rd Monday's of each
month. Councilmen to receive $25.00 a month for
expenses and Mayor $50.00. New franchise agree-
ment negotiated with Florida Power Corp. CALNO
Council initiated.
15 198,725•
Construction licensing agreement with Robert
Brown, Seminole Licensing Board. Property
re -zoned from R-U to Planned Urit Development.
554 acres including championship golf course.
13 196,700.
Jure 1.2th and lath was C1.ear-Up Week. $500
was appropriated to buy a new pump for the
fire truck.
10 134,950•
Vil-lage took over the fire trucks and equip-
ment. Radar set purchased for police car.
Permissior granted to use Casselberry jail..
Mr. Bill Goodmar approached the Village about
the possibility of being al)rexed into. the
1_8 286,700.
The utility tax was charged *'o a. strax'gn
8%. Utility buil.dArg purchased. Full-time
patrolman hired. Fogging machine purchased.
Pick-up truck and fire truck purchased.
Humane officer for the Village hired. Joined
the Seminole Advisory Council for the Aged and
the Seminole Development Board.
28 408,900.
New charter presented to the Orange -Seminole
Legislative Delegation.
29 459,900.
Franchise awarded to American Cablevision.
Al. Schachter's 100 acres annexed. Winter
Springs annexed - 3500 acres.
1-5 1-31+,55fl•
Fire truck donated from Martin -Marietta Corp.
Road right -of -wags annexed along SR 434 from
Hwy. 17-92 to SR419 & SR434• Mr. Logan
Browning, financial advisor, hired. 17 -._, 247,000.
Preliminary plans for the Recreation area
presented. Final plans for Meadowlark Unit I
presented. 204 homes 7 89,500.
205 2, 951 , 325.
.2 `�� 3e