HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 08 30 Village Council Regular Minutesr
AUGUST 30, 1971
The Regular Session of August 30, 1971, of the Village Council
of the Village of North Orlando, Florida was called to order by
Mayor Brown at 7:37 p.m. A pledge of allegiance to the flag
was led by Councilman Rowell.
Roll Call: Councilmen:
Mayor, Granville Brown, present Charles Kelley, present
Vice Mayor, Charles Rowell, present Herbert Fox, present
Attorney, Thomas Freeman, present W. R. Hurt, present
Troy Piland, present
As the first Monday in September is Labor Day and unless an
emergency arises, the next scheduled meeting will be September 13.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox that we approve the minutes
of August 16, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Piland that we accept the minutes
of August 23, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell that we pay the bills.
Seconded by Councilman
Piland. Discussion. Motion carries.
Finance Report, Mr. Fox reporting:
General Fund:
Balance, General Fund,
July 31, 1971 $ 3,757.87
3 816.77
2 574-64
Checks Drawn
1971 $
BAAan ee , General Fund,
August 30, , .
Road & Bridge Fund:
Balance, Road & Bridge
Fund, July 31,1971 $10205.72
Checks Drawn
Balance, Road & Bridge
Fund,Aug.30,1971 $ 951.90
Building Fund:
Certificate of Deposit
$2, 311.94
Health & Recreation Report, Mr. Piland reporting:
A complaint was received pertaining to a pick up of a dog by the
Humane Officer. After talking to the resident and Mr. Dean, in
my opinion Mr. Dean was carrying out his instructions in the
proper manner. I feel the problem is resolved.
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August 30,1971 cont.
Health reerea on report, continued:
Some guideline should be set up for Mr.
as well as ours. Mr. Dean should not go
unless there is a formal complaint. At
lines will be discussed further.
.Dean, for hih protection
on private property
our next meeting guide -
Florida Land Company has again promised to give us help improving the
Recreation Area.
Insecticide has been purchased for the fogger; so we should be able
to get started with that op -ration this month.
Road & Bridge Report, Mr. Hurt reporting:
The tractor has a flat tire. Hayes Road is in very bad condition.
We still need a base for the utility shed.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to buy a tire for the tractor,
not to exceed $120.00 for cost of tire and labor. Seconded by
Councilman Kelley. Discussion. Motion carries.
Zoning & Industrial Report, Mr. Kelley reporting:
Mr. William G. Hucks is requesting permission to park a trailer on
his property on Tradewinds Road while he builds his house. Before
permission can be granted, a letter is to be sent to him to find
out what water and sewer facilities he will have while living in
this trailer. The State Board of Health has very rigid rules and
regulations regarding this, and these rules and regulations must
be complied with.
A meeting is to be held. August 31 at 9 a.m. for those interested in
the proposed Seminole Development Board.
Police & Fire Report:
Mr. Allen Cronk, Fire Chief, reported that the new fire truck will be
here around the'end of October or beginning of November. The fire
truck is in very good condition. 300 feet of 2j" hose and good
ladders are on the truck.
Mr. Rowell, Police & Fire Commissioner, read a letter from Police
Chief Walter Bachelor, retiring Captain Allen Cronk and Patrolman
James Smith to honarary status, and appointing William L. Morris,
115 Diane Dr., Altamonte Springs as ar auxiliary policeman.
The radar set was received today. It will be about a week before
any summons are issued to give policemen time to check out the
radar set and familiarize themselves with it. Violators will be
warned that the set is now functioning and if they continue to
violate the law, they will be punished.
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Au st 30 1971 con t .
pollee an re eport continued:
The chicken barbecue given by the Police Department for the
benefit of the auxiliary police was very nice and the Police
Department hopes to give one again*
Mayor's Report, Mayor Brown reporting:
MayorBrownattended a luncheon given by the Riwani s Club in
Sanford, and it was very nice. Mayor Langford was the guest speaker.
Mayor Brown talked to Mr. Forrestal of Senator Plante's office last
Thursday pursuant to the charter change. Mr. Forrestal said he
would talk to the Senator and if there was any objection he would
let us know.
Mayor Brown suggested that the Councilmen and Mr. Freeman would
comprise the Charter Board. Mr. Rodney Layer, Administrative
Assistant of the County Board of Commissioners has offered his
Mr. William Holmes of Clark.. Dietz and Associates, Engineers,
has sent in a letter regarding the review of the preliminary
drainage, sewage and p water plans for approval with Mr. Reed of
Florida Land Company in the Planned Unit Development area, North
Orlando Highlands.
Mr. Freeman read the first reading of Ordinance #61, expressing
intent to annex.
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to accept Ordinance 61 on
the first reading. Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion
carries unani*ou sly. All five councilmen voted yes.
A motion was made by Councilman Kelley to put Ordinance #61 on the
agenda for the second reading. Seconded by Councilman Fox.
Discussion. Motion carries unanimously. All five Councilmen
voted yes.
Mr. Freeman read the second reading of Ordinance 61, by title only.
A motion was made by Councilman Hurt to accept Ordinance 61 on the
second reading, by title only. Seconded by Councilman Piland.
Discussion. Motion carries unanimously. All five Councilmen voted
A motion was made by Councilman Rowell to put Ordinance 61 on the
agenda for the third and final reading. Seconded by Councilman
Fox. Discussion. Motion carries unanimously. All five Councilmen
voted yes.
Mr. Freeman read the third reading of Ordinance 61, by title only.
A motion was made by Councilman Fox to accept Ordinance 61 on the
third and final reading, by title only. Seconded by Councilman
Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries unanimously. All fire
Councilmen voted yes.
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Auf2st 30 1971 cant.
MOZIOD was ma e y Councilman Kelley that
per year, and overtime will be paid at the
for all work over a 40-hour week, effective
Seconded by Councilman Piland. Discussion.
we pay the clerk $3,700.00
rate of $2.00 per hour
September 1, 1971.
Motion carries.
Cable Television was discussed and Mayor Brown passed out several
copies of the city of Maitland's invitation for bids, also from
Sanford and Kissimmee. It was -suggested that specs should be
drawn up and put up for bids stating exactly what we want, and
whoever comes in with a $1,000 check with their bid, will be the
one we will consider doing business with. This item was tabled
until September 13th in order for the Councilmen to study these
Mr. Tom Napier, Councilmen from Casselberry, discussed the Magic
Kingdom Club which is being offered to employees of Seminole County.
A list of city officials and employees is to be sent to Mr. Napier
and he will send us our cards.
Councilman Fox made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Kelley. Motion carries.
Respectfully submitted.,
Mary T. Norton, Clerk
,r Approved:
anv wn , Mayor